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396 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag <freitag@owncloud.com>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "config.h"
#include "filesystembase.h"
#include "common/checksums.h"
#include "asserts.h"
#include <QLoggingCategory>
#include <qtconcurrentrun.h>
#include <QCryptographicHash>
#include <zlib.h>
/** \file checksums.cpp
* \brief Computing and validating file checksums
* Overview
* --------
* Checksums are used in two distinct ways during synchronization:
* - to guard uploads and downloads against data corruption
* (transmission checksum)
* - to quickly check whether the content of a file has changed
* to avoid redundant uploads (content checksum)
* In principle both are independent and different checksumming
* algorithms can be used. To avoid redundant computations, it can
* make sense to use the same checksum algorithm though.
* Transmission Checksums
* ----------------------
* The usage of transmission checksums is currently optional and needs
* to be explicitly enabled by adding 'transmissionChecksum=TYPE' to
* the '[General]' section of the config file.
* When enabled, the checksum will be calculated on upload and sent to
* the server in the OC-Checksum header with the format 'TYPE:CHECKSUM'.
* On download, the header with the same name is read and if the
* received data does not have the expected checksum, the download is
* rejected.
* Transmission checksums guard a specific sync action and are not stored
* in the database.
* Content Checksums
* -----------------
* Sometimes the metadata of a local file changes while the content stays
* unchanged. Content checksums allow the sync client to avoid uploading
* the same data again by comparing the file's actual checksum to the
* checksum stored in the database.
* Content checksums are not sent to the server.
* Checksum Algorithms
* -------------------
* - Adler32 (requires zlib)
* - MD5
* - SHA1
* - SHA256
* - SHA3-256 (requires Qt 5.9)
namespace OCC {
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcChecksums, "nextcloud.sync.checksums", QtInfoMsg)
#define BUFSIZE qint64(500 * 1024) // 500 KiB
static QByteArray calcCryptoHash(QIODevice *device, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm algo)
QByteArray arr;
QCryptographicHash crypto( algo );
if (crypto.addData(device)) {
arr = crypto.result().toHex();
return arr;
QByteArray calcMd5(QIODevice *device)
return calcCryptoHash(device, QCryptographicHash::Md5);
QByteArray calcSha1(QIODevice *device)
return calcCryptoHash(device, QCryptographicHash::Sha1);
QByteArray calcAdler32(QIODevice *device)
if (device->size() == 0)
return QByteArray();
QByteArray buf(BUFSIZE, Qt::Uninitialized);
unsigned int adler = adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
qint64 size = 0;
while (!device->atEnd()) {
size = device->read(buf.data(), BUFSIZE);
if (size > 0)
adler = adler32(adler, (const Bytef *)buf.data(), size);
return QByteArray::number(adler, 16);
QByteArray makeChecksumHeader(const QByteArray &checksumType, const QByteArray &checksum)
if (checksumType.isEmpty() || checksum.isEmpty())
return QByteArray();
QByteArray header = checksumType;
return header;
QByteArray findBestChecksum(const QByteArray &_checksums)
if (_checksums.isEmpty()) {
return {};
const auto checksums = QString::fromUtf8(_checksums);
int i = 0;
// The order of the searches here defines the preference ordering.
if (-1 != (i = checksums.indexOf(QLatin1String("SHA3-256:"), 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
|| -1 != (i = checksums.indexOf(QLatin1String("SHA256:"), 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
|| -1 != (i = checksums.indexOf(QLatin1String("SHA1:"), 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
|| -1 != (i = checksums.indexOf(QLatin1String("MD5:"), 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
|| -1 != (i = checksums.indexOf(QLatin1String("ADLER32:"), 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive))) {
// Now i is the start of the best checksum
// Grab it until the next space or end of xml or end of string.
int end = _checksums.indexOf(' ', i);
// workaround for https://github.com/owncloud/core/pull/38304
if (end == -1) {
end = _checksums.indexOf('<', i);
return _checksums.mid(i, end - i);
qCWarning(lcChecksums) << "Failed to parse" << _checksums;
return {};
bool parseChecksumHeader(const QByteArray &header, QByteArray *type, QByteArray *checksum)
if (header.isEmpty()) {
return true;
const auto idx = header.indexOf(':');
if (idx < 0) {
return false;
*type = header.left(idx);
*checksum = header.mid(idx + 1);
return true;
QByteArray parseChecksumHeaderType(const QByteArray &header)
const auto idx = header.indexOf(':');
if (idx < 0) {
return QByteArray();
return header.left(idx);
bool uploadChecksumEnabled()
static bool enabled = qEnvironmentVariableIsEmpty("OWNCLOUD_DISABLE_CHECKSUM_UPLOAD");
return enabled;
static bool checksumComputationEnabled()
static bool enabled = qEnvironmentVariableIsEmpty("OWNCLOUD_DISABLE_CHECKSUM_COMPUTATIONS");
return enabled;
ComputeChecksum::ComputeChecksum(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
ComputeChecksum::~ComputeChecksum() = default;
void ComputeChecksum::setChecksumType(const QByteArray &type)
_checksumType = type;
QByteArray ComputeChecksum::checksumType() const
return _checksumType;
void ComputeChecksum::start(const QString &filePath)
qCInfo(lcChecksums) << "Computing" << checksumType() << "checksum of" << filePath << "in a thread";
void ComputeChecksum::start(std::unique_ptr<QIODevice> device)
qCInfo(lcChecksums) << "Computing" << checksumType() << "checksum of device" << device.get() << "in a thread";
void ComputeChecksum::startImpl(std::unique_ptr<QIODevice> device)
connect(&_watcher, &QFutureWatcherBase::finished,
this, &ComputeChecksum::slotCalculationDone,
// We'd prefer to move the unique_ptr into the lambda, but that's
// awkward with the C++ standard we're on
auto sharedDevice = QSharedPointer<QIODevice>(device.release());
// Bug: The thread will keep running even if ComputeChecksum is deleted.
auto type = checksumType();
_watcher.setFuture(QtConcurrent::run([sharedDevice, type]() {
if (!sharedDevice->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
if (auto file = qobject_cast<QFile *>(sharedDevice.data())) {
qCWarning(lcChecksums) << "Could not open file" << file->fileName()
<< "for reading to compute a checksum" << file->errorString();
} else {
qCWarning(lcChecksums) << "Could not open device" << sharedDevice.data()
<< "for reading to compute a checksum" << sharedDevice->errorString();
return QByteArray();
auto result = ComputeChecksum::computeNow(sharedDevice.data(), type);
return result;
QByteArray ComputeChecksum::computeNowOnFile(const QString &filePath, const QByteArray &checksumType)
QFile file(filePath);
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
qCWarning(lcChecksums) << "Could not open file" << filePath << "for reading and computing checksum" << file.errorString();
return QByteArray();
return computeNow(&file, checksumType);
QByteArray ComputeChecksum::computeNow(QIODevice *device, const QByteArray &checksumType)
if (!checksumComputationEnabled()) {
qCWarning(lcChecksums) << "Checksum computation disabled by environment variable";
return QByteArray();
if (checksumType == checkSumMD5C) {
return calcMd5(device);
} else if (checksumType == checkSumSHA1C) {
return calcSha1(device);
} else if (checksumType == checkSumSHA2C) {
return calcCryptoHash(device, QCryptographicHash::Sha256);
else if (checksumType == checkSumSHA3C) {
return calcCryptoHash(device, QCryptographicHash::Sha3_256);
else if (checksumType == checkSumAdlerC) {
return calcAdler32(device);
// for an unknown checksum or no checksum, we're done right now
if (!checksumType.isEmpty()) {
qCWarning(lcChecksums) << "Unknown checksum type:" << checksumType;
return QByteArray();
void ComputeChecksum::slotCalculationDone()
QByteArray checksum = _watcher.future().result();
if (!checksum.isNull()) {
emit done(_checksumType, checksum);
} else {
emit done(QByteArray(), QByteArray());
ValidateChecksumHeader::ValidateChecksumHeader(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
ComputeChecksum *ValidateChecksumHeader::prepareStart(const QByteArray &checksumHeader)
// If the incoming header is empty no validation can happen. Just continue.
if (checksumHeader.isEmpty()) {
emit validated(QByteArray(), QByteArray());
return nullptr;
if (!parseChecksumHeader(checksumHeader, &_expectedChecksumType, &_expectedChecksum)) {
qCWarning(lcChecksums) << "Checksum header malformed:" << checksumHeader;
emit validationFailed(tr("The checksum header is malformed."));
return nullptr;
auto calculator = new ComputeChecksum(this);
connect(calculator, &ComputeChecksum::done,
this, &ValidateChecksumHeader::slotChecksumCalculated);
return calculator;
void ValidateChecksumHeader::start(const QString &filePath, const QByteArray &checksumHeader)
if (auto calculator = prepareStart(checksumHeader))
void ValidateChecksumHeader::start(std::unique_ptr<QIODevice> device, const QByteArray &checksumHeader)
if (auto calculator = prepareStart(checksumHeader))
void ValidateChecksumHeader::slotChecksumCalculated(const QByteArray &checksumType,
const QByteArray &checksum)
if (checksumType != _expectedChecksumType) {
emit validationFailed(tr("The checksum header contained an unknown checksum type \"%1\"").arg(QString::fromLatin1(_expectedChecksumType)));
if (checksum != _expectedChecksum) {
emit validationFailed(tr(R"(The downloaded file does not match the checksum, it will be resumed. "%1" != "%2")").arg(QString::fromUtf8(_expectedChecksum), QString::fromUtf8(checksum)));
emit validated(checksumType, checksum);
CSyncChecksumHook::CSyncChecksumHook() = default;
QByteArray CSyncChecksumHook::hook(const QByteArray &path, const QByteArray &otherChecksumHeader, void * /*this_obj*/)
QByteArray type = parseChecksumHeaderType(QByteArray(otherChecksumHeader));
if (type.isEmpty())
return nullptr;
qCInfo(lcChecksums) << "Computing" << type << "checksum of" << path << "in the csync hook";
QByteArray checksum = ComputeChecksum::computeNowOnFile(QString::fromUtf8(path), type);
if (checksum.isNull()) {
qCWarning(lcChecksums) << "Failed to compute checksum" << type << "for" << path;
return nullptr;
return makeChecksumHeader(type, checksum);