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package org.acejump.session
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DataContext
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ScrollType
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.actionSystem.TypedActionHandler
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.colors.EditorColors.CARET_COLOR
import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList
import org.acejump.*
import org.acejump.action.TagScroller
import org.acejump.action.TagJumper
import org.acejump.action.TagVisitor
import org.acejump.boundaries.Boundaries
import org.acejump.boundaries.EditorOffsetCache
import org.acejump.boundaries.StandardBoundaries.VISIBLE_ON_SCREEN
import org.acejump.boundaries.StandardBoundaries.WHOLE_FILE
import org.acejump.config.AceConfig
import org.acejump.input.EditorKeyListener
import org.acejump.input.JumpMode
import org.acejump.input.JumpModeTracker
import org.acejump.input.KeyLayoutCache
import org.acejump.search.Pattern
import org.acejump.search.SearchProcessor
import org.acejump.search.Tagger
import org.acejump.search.TaggingResult
import org.acejump.view.TagCanvas
import org.acejump.view.TextHighlighter
import java.util.*
* Manages an AceJump session for one or more [Editor]s.
class Session(private val mainEditor: Editor, private val jumpEditors: List<Editor>) {
private val listeners: MutableList<AceJumpListener> =
private var boundaries: Boundaries = defaultBoundaries
private companion object {
private val defaultBoundaries
get() = if (AceConfig.searchWholeFile) WHOLE_FILE else VISIBLE_ON_SCREEN
private val originalSettings = EditorSettings.setup(mainEditor)
private val jumpModeTracker = JumpModeTracker()
private var jumpMode = JumpMode.DISABLED
set(value) {
field = value
if (value === JumpMode.DISABLED) {
} else {
searchProcessor?.let { textHighlighter.render(it.results, it.query, jumpMode) }
mainEditor.colorsScheme.setColor(CARET_COLOR, value.caretColor)
private var searchProcessor: SearchProcessor? = null
private var tagger = Tagger(jumpEditors)
private val tagJumper
get() = TagJumper(jumpMode, searchProcessor)
private val tagVisitor
get() = searchProcessor?.let { TagVisitor(mainEditor, it, tagJumper) }
private val tagScroller
get() = searchProcessor?.let { TagScroller(mainEditor, it) }
private val textHighlighter = TextHighlighter()
private val tagCanvases = jumpEditors.associateWith(::TagCanvas)
val tags
get() = tagger.tags
init {
EditorKeyListener.attach(mainEditor, object: TypedActionHandler {
override fun execute(editor: Editor, charTyped: Char, context: DataContext) {
var processor = searchProcessor
val hadTags = tagger.hasTags
if (processor == null) {
processor = SearchProcessor.fromChar(
jumpEditors, charTyped, boundaries
).also { searchProcessor = it }
} else if (!processor.type(charTyped, tagger)) {
processor, markImmediately = hadTags,
shiftMode = charTyped.isUpperCase()
* Updates text highlights and tag markers according to the current
* search state. Dispatches jumps if the search query matches a tag.
* If all tags are outside view, scrolls to the closest one.
private fun updateSearch(
processor: SearchProcessor,
markImmediately: Boolean,
shiftMode: Boolean = false
) {
val query = processor.query
val results = processor.results
textHighlighter.render(results, query, jumpMode)
if (!markImmediately &&
query.rawText.let {
it.length < AceConfig.minQueryLength &&
) {
when (val result = tagger.markOrJump(query, results.clone())) {
is TaggingResult.Jump -> {
tagJumper.jump(result.tag, shiftMode, isCrossEditor = mainEditor !== result.tag.editor)
is TaggingResult.Mark -> {
val markers = result.markers
for ((editor, canvas) in tagCanvases) {
if (jumpEditors.all { editor ->
val cache = EditorOffsetCache.new()
markers[editor].let { it == null || it.none { marker ->
VISIBLE_ON_SCREEN.isOffsetInside(editor, marker.offsetL, cache) ||
VISIBLE_ON_SCREEN.isOffsetInside(editor, marker.offsetR, cache) } }
}) {
fun markResults(resultsToMark: SortedSet<Int>) {
val jumpEditor = jumpEditors.singleOrNull() ?: return
markResults(mapOf(jumpEditor to resultsToMark))
fun markResults(resultsToMark: Map<Editor, Collection<Int>>) {
tagger = Tagger(jumpEditors)
tagCanvases.values.forEach { it.setMarkers(emptyList()) }
val processor = SearchProcessor.fromRegex(jumpEditors, "", defaultBoundaries)
.apply {
for ((editor, offsets) in resultsToMark) {
if (editor in jumpEditors) {
results[editor] = IntArrayList(offsets)
updateSearch(processor, markImmediately = true)
* Starts a regular expression search. If a search was already active,
* it will be reset alongside its tags and highlights.
fun startRegexSearch(pattern: String, boundaries: Boundaries) {
tagger = Tagger(jumpEditors)
tagCanvases.values.forEach { it.setMarkers(emptyList()) }
val processor = SearchProcessor.fromRegex(
jumpEditors, pattern,
).also { searchProcessor = it }
updateSearch(processor, markImmediately = true)
* Starts a regular expression search. If a search was already active,
* it will be reset alongside its tags and highlights.
fun startRegexSearch(pattern: Pattern, boundaries: Boundaries) =
startRegexSearch(pattern.regex, boundaries)
* See [JumpModeTracker.cycle].
fun cycleNextJumpMode() {
jumpMode = jumpModeTracker.cycle(forward = true)
* See [JumpModeTracker.cycle].
fun cyclePreviousJumpMode() {
jumpMode = jumpModeTracker.cycle(forward = false)
* See [JumpModeTracker.toggle]
fun toggleJumpMode(newMode: JumpMode) {
jumpMode = jumpModeTracker.toggle(newMode)
fun toggleJumpMode(newMode: JumpMode, boundaries: Boundaries) {
this.boundaries = this.boundaries.intersection(boundaries)
jumpMode = jumpModeTracker.toggle(newMode)
* See [TagVisitor.visitPrevious]. If there are no tags, nothing happens.
fun visitPreviousTag() =
if (tagVisitor?.visitPrevious() == true) end() else Unit
* See [TagVisitor.visitNext]. If there are no tags, nothing happens.
fun visitNextTag() =
if (tagVisitor?.visitNext() == true) end() else Unit
* See [TagVisitor.visitPrevious]. If there are no tags, nothing happens.
fun scrollToNextScreenful() = tagScroller?.scroll(true)
* See [TagVisitor.visitNext]. If there are no tags, nothing happens.
fun scrollToPreviousScreenful() = tagScroller?.scroll(false)
* Ends this session.
fun end(taggingResult: TaggingResult? = null) =
SessionManager.end(mainEditor, taggingResult)
* Clears any currently active search, tags, and highlights.
* Does not reset [JumpMode].
fun restart() {
tagger = Tagger(jumpEditors)
searchProcessor = null
* Should only be used from [SessionManager] to dispose a
* successfully ended session.
internal fun dispose(taggingResult: TaggingResult?) {
tagger = Tagger(jumpEditors)
val jumpResult = taggingResult as? TaggingResult.Jump
val mark = jumpResult?.mark
val query = jumpResult?.query
listeners.forEach { it.finished(mark, query) }
if (!mainEditor.isDisposed) {
mainEditor.colorsScheme.setColor(CARET_COLOR, JumpMode.DISABLED.caretColor)
val focusedEditor = jumpResult?.tag?.editor ?: mainEditor
if (!focusedEditor.isDisposed) {
fun addAceJumpListener(listener: AceJumpListener) {
listeners += listener
fun removeAceJumpListener(listener: AceJumpListener) {
listeners -= listener