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package org.acejump.boundaries
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntOpenHashMap
import java.awt.Point
* Optionally caches slow operations of (1) retrieving the currently
* visible editor area, and (2) converting between editor offsets and
* pixel coordinates.
* To avoid unnecessary overhead, there is no automatic detection of when
* the editor, its contents, or its visible area has changed, so the cache
* must only be used for a single rendered frame of a single [Editor].
sealed class EditorOffsetCache {
* Returns the top left and bottom right points of the visible area rectangle.
abstract fun visibleArea(editor: Editor): Pair<Point, Point>
* Returns the editor offset at the provided pixel coordinate.
abstract fun xyToOffset(editor: Editor, pos: Point): Int
* Returns the top left pixel coordinate of the character at the provided editor offset.
abstract fun offsetToXY(editor: Editor, offset: Int): Point
companion object { fun new(): EditorOffsetCache = Cache() }
private class Cache: EditorOffsetCache() {
private var visibleArea: Pair<Point, Point>? = null
private val pointToOffset = Object2IntOpenHashMap<Point>().apply { defaultReturnValue(-1) }
private val offsetToPoint = Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Point>()
override fun visibleArea(editor: Editor): Pair<Point, Point> =
visibleArea ?: Uncached.visibleArea(editor).also { visibleArea = it }
override fun xyToOffset(editor: Editor, pos: Point): Int =
pointToOffset.getInt(pos).let { offset ->
if (offset != -1) offset
else Uncached.xyToOffset(editor, pos)
.also { pointToOffset.put(pos, it) }
override fun offsetToXY(editor: Editor, offset: Int) =
offsetToPoint.get(offset) ?: Uncached.offsetToXY(editor, offset)
.also { offsetToPoint.put(offset, it) }
object Uncached: EditorOffsetCache() {
override fun visibleArea(editor: Editor): Pair<Point, Point> =
editor.scrollingModel.visibleArea.let { visibleRect ->
visibleRect.location, visibleRect.location.apply {
translate(visibleRect.width, visibleRect.height)
override fun xyToOffset(editor: Editor, pos: Point): Int =
override fun offsetToXY(editor: Editor, offset: Int): Point =
editor.offsetToXY(offset, true, false)