Fork 0

255 lines
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package org.acejump
import com.anyascii.AnyAscii
import com.intellij.diff.util.DiffUtil.getLineCount
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.*
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList
import org.acejump.config.AceConfig
import java.awt.Point
import kotlin.math.*
* This annotation is a marker which means that the annotated function is
* used in external plugins.
annotation class ExternalUsage
* Returns an immutable version of the currently edited document.
val Editor.immutableText get() = EditorsCache.getText(this)
object EditorsCache {
private var stale = true
fun invalidate() {
stale = true
private val editorTexts = mutableMapOf<Editor, CharSequence>()
fun getText(editor: Editor) =
if (stale || editor !in editorTexts)
.let { if (AceConfig.mapToASCII) it.mapToASCII() else it }
.also { editorTexts[editor] = it; stale = false }
else editorTexts[editor]!!
fun CharSequence.mapToASCII() =
map { AnyAscii.transliterate("$it").first() }.joinToString("")
* Returns true if [this] contains [otherText] at the specified offset.
fun CharSequence.matchesAt(selfOffset: Int, otherText: String, ignoreCase: Boolean) =
regionMatches(selfOffset, otherText, 0, otherText.length, ignoreCase)
* Calculates the length of a common prefix in [this] starting
* at index [selfOffset], and [otherText] starting at index 0.
fun CharSequence.countMatchingCharacters(selfOffset: Int, otherText: String): Int {
var i = 0
var o = selfOffset + i
while (i < otherText.length && o < this.length && otherText[i].equals(this[o], ignoreCase = true)) {
return i
* Determines which characters form a "word" for the purposes of functions below.
val Char.isWordPart
get() = this.isJavaIdentifierPart()
* Finds index of the first character in a word.
inline fun CharSequence.wordStart(
pos: Int, isPartOfWord: (Char) -> Boolean = Char::isWordPart
): Int {
var start = pos
while (start > 0 && isPartOfWord(this[start - 1])) --start
return start
* Finds index of the last character in a word.
inline fun CharSequence.wordEnd(
pos: Int, isPartOfWord: (Char) -> Boolean = Char::isWordPart
): Int {
var end = pos
while (end < length - 1 && isPartOfWord(this[end + 1])) ++end
return end
* Finds index of the first word character following a sequence of non-word
* characters following the end of a word.
inline fun CharSequence.wordEndPlus(
pos: Int, isPartOfWord: (Char) -> Boolean = Char::isWordPart
): Int {
var end = this.wordEnd(pos, isPartOfWord)
while (end < length - 1 && !isPartOfWord(this[end + 1])) ++end
if (end < length - 1 && isPartOfWord(this[end + 1])) ++end
return end
fun MutableMap<Editor, IntArrayList>.clone(): MutableMap<Editor, IntArrayList> {
val clone = HashMap<Editor, IntArrayList>(size)
for ((editor, offsets) in this) {
clone[editor] = offsets.clone()
return clone
fun Editor.offsetCenter(first: Int, second: Int): LogicalPosition {
val firstIndexLine = offsetToLogicalPosition(first).line
val lastIndexLine = offsetToLogicalPosition(second).line
val center = (firstIndexLine + lastIndexLine) / 2
return offsetToLogicalPosition(getLineStartOffset(center))
// Borrowed from Editor.calculateVisibleRange() but only available after 232.6095.10
fun Editor.getView(): IntRange {
val rect = scrollingModel.visibleArea
val startPosition = xyToLogicalPosition(Point(rect.x, rect.y))
val visibleStart = logicalPositionToOffset(startPosition)
val endPosition = xyToLogicalPosition(Point(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height))
val visibleEnd = logicalPositionToOffset(LogicalPosition(endPosition.line + 1, 0))
return visibleStart..visibleEnd
* Returns the offset of the start of the requested line.
* @param line The logical line to get the start offset for.
* @return 0 if line is &lt 0, file size of line is bigger than file, else the
* start offset for the line
fun Editor.getLineStartOffset(line: Int) =
when {
line < 0 -> 0
line >= getLineCount(document) -> getFileSize()
else -> document.getLineStartOffset(line)
* Returns the offset of the end of the requested line.
* @param line The logical line to get the end offset for
* @param allowEnd True include newline
* @return 0 if line is &lt 0, file size of line is bigger than file, else the
* end offset for the line
fun Editor.getLineEndOffset(line: Int, allowEnd: Boolean = true) =
when {
line < 0 -> 0
line >= getLineCount(document) -> getFileSize(allowEnd)
else -> document.getLineEndOffset(line) - if (allowEnd) 0 else 1
* Gets the number of lines than can be displayed on the screen at one time.
* This is rounded down to the nearest whole line if there is a partial line
* visible at the bottom of the screen.
* @return The number of screen lines
fun Editor.getScreenHeight() =
(scrollingModel.visibleArea.y + scrollingModel.visibleArea.height -
getVisualLineAtTopOfScreen() * lineHeight) / lineHeight
* This is a set of helper methods for working with editors.
* All line and column values are zero based.
fun Editor.getVisualLineAtTopOfScreen() =
(scrollingModel.verticalScrollOffset + lineHeight - 1) / lineHeight
* Gets the actual number of characters in the file
* @param countNewLines True include newline
* @return The file's character count
fun Editor.getFileSize(countNewLines: Boolean = false): Int {
val len = document.textLength
val doc = document.charsSequence
return if (countNewLines || len == 0 || doc[len - 1] != '\n') len else len - 1
* Ensures that the supplied logical line is within the range 0 (incl) and the
* number of logical lines in the file (excl).
* @param line The logical line number to normalize
* @return The normalized logical line number
fun Editor.normalizeLine(line: Int) = max(0, min(line, getLineCount(document) - 1))
* Converts a visual line number to a logical line number.
* @param line The visual line number to convert
* @return The logical line number
fun Editor.visualLineToLogicalLine(line: Int) =
VisualPosition(line.coerceAtLeast(0), 0)).line)
* Ensures that the supplied offset for the given logical line is within the
* range for the line. If allowEnd is true, the range will allow for the offset
* to be one past the last character on the line.
* @param line The logical line number
* @param offset The offset to normalize
* @param allowEnd true if the offset can be one past the last character on the
* line, false if not
* @return The normalized column number
fun Editor.normalizeOffset(line: Int, offset: Int, allowEnd: Boolean = true) =
if (getFileSize(allowEnd) == 0) 0 else
max(min(offset, getLineEndOffset(line, allowEnd)), getLineStartOffset(line))