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synced 2025-02-24 05:46:03 +01:00
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No commits in common. "5979579042007e973f51f2093962068e100b9b61" and "01c38df82af60b4197daefed1a5e063b741ff43d" have entirely different histories.
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ plugins {
group = "org.acejump"
version = "chylex-22"
version = "chylex-21"
repositories {
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ class AceConfigurable : Configurable {
override fun isModified() =
panel.allowedChars != settings.allowedChars ||
panel.prefixChars != settings.prefixChars ||
panel.keyboardLayout != settings.layout ||
panel.minQueryLengthInt != settings.minQueryLength ||
panel.editorFadeOpacityPercent != settings.editorFadeOpacity ||
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ class AceConfigurable : Configurable {
override fun apply() {
settings.allowedChars = panel.allowedChars
settings.prefixChars = panel.prefixChars
settings.layout = panel.keyboardLayout
settings.minQueryLength = panel.minQueryLengthInt ?: settings.minQueryLength
settings.editorFadeOpacity = panel.editorFadeOpacityPercent
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import java.awt.Color
data class AceSettings(
var layout: KeyLayout = QWERTY,
var allowedChars: String = layout.allChars,
var prefixChars: String = ";",
var minQueryLength: Int = 1,
var editorFadeOpacity: Int = 70,
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
internal class AceSettingsPanel {
private val tagAllowedCharsField = JBTextField()
private val tagPrefixCharsField = JBTextField()
private val keyboardLayoutCombo = ComboBox<KeyLayout>()
private val keyboardLayoutArea = JBTextArea().apply { isEditable = false }
private val minQueryLengthField = JBTextField()
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ internal class AceSettingsPanel {
init {
tagAllowedCharsField.apply { font = Font("monospaced", font.style, font.size) }
tagPrefixCharsField.apply { font = Font("monospaced", font.style, font.size) }
keyboardLayoutArea.apply { font = Font("monospaced", font.style, font.size) }
keyboardLayoutCombo.setupEnumItems { keyChars = it.rows.joinToString("\n") }
@ -51,6 +53,7 @@ internal class AceSettingsPanel {
internal val rootPanel: JPanel = panel {
group("Characters and Layout") {
row("Allowed characters in tags:") { cell(tagAllowedCharsField).columns(COLUMNS_LARGE) }
row("Allowed prefix characters in tags:") { cell(tagPrefixCharsField).columns(COLUMNS_MEDIUM) }
row("Keyboard layout:") { cell(keyboardLayoutCombo).columns(COLUMNS_SHORT) }
row("Keyboard design:") { cell(keyboardLayoutArea).columns(COLUMNS_SHORT) }
@ -78,6 +81,7 @@ internal class AceSettingsPanel {
// Property-to-property delegation: https://stackoverflow.com/q/45074596/1772342
internal var allowedChars by tagAllowedCharsField
internal var prefixChars by tagPrefixCharsField
internal var keyboardLayout by keyboardLayoutCombo
internal var keyChars by keyboardLayoutArea
internal var minQueryLength by minQueryLengthField
@ -97,6 +101,7 @@ internal class AceSettingsPanel {
fun reset(settings: AceSettings) {
allowedChars = settings.allowedChars
prefixChars = settings.prefixChars
keyboardLayout = settings.layout
minQueryLength = settings.minQueryLength.toString()
editorFadeOpacityPercent = settings.editorFadeOpacity
@ -5,18 +5,13 @@ package org.acejump.input
* ergonomically difficult they are to press.
@Suppress("unused", "SpellCheckingInspection")
enum class KeyLayout(
internal val rows: Array<String>,
priority: String,
private val characterSides: Pair<Set<Char>, Set<Char>> = Pair(emptySet(), emptySet()),
internal val characterRemapping: Map<Char, Char> = emptyMap(),
) {
enum class KeyLayout(internal val rows: Array<String>, priority: String, internal val characterRemapping: Map<Char, Char> = emptyMap()) {
COLEMK(arrayOf("1234567890", "qwfpgjluy", "arstdhneio", "zxcvbkm"), priority = "tndhseriaovkcmbxzgjplfuwyq5849673210"),
WORKMN(arrayOf("1234567890", "qdrwbjfup", "ashtgyneoi", "zxmcvkl"), priority = "tnhegysoaiclvkmxzwfrubjdpq5849673210"),
DVORAK(arrayOf("1234567890", "pyfgcrl", "aoeuidhtns", "qjkxbmwvz"), priority = "uhetidonasxkbjmqwvzgfycprl5849673210"),
QWERTY(arrayOf("1234567890", "qwertyuiop", "asdfghjkl", "zxcvbnm"), priority = "fjghdkslavncmbxzrutyeiwoqp5849673210", characterSides = sides(listOf("123456", "qwert", "asdfg", "zxcvb"), listOf("7890", "yuiop", "hjkl", "nm"))),
QWERTZ(arrayOf("1234567890", "qwertzuiop", "asdfghjkl", "yxcvbnm"), priority = "fjghdkslavncmbxyrutzeiwoqp5849673210", characterSides = sides(listOf("123456", "qwert", "asdfg", "yxcvb"), listOf("7890", "zuiop", "hjkl", "nm"))),
QWERTZ_CZ(arrayOf("1234567890", "qwertzuiop", "asdfghjkl", "yxcvbnm"), priority = "fjghdkslavncmbxyrutzeiwoqp5849673210", characterSides = sides(listOf("123456", "qwert", "asdfg", "yxcvb"), listOf("7890", "zuiop", "hjkl", "nm")), characterRemapping = mapOf(
QWERTY(arrayOf("1234567890", "qwertyuiop", "asdfghjkl", "zxcvbnm"), priority = "fjghdkslavncmbxzrutyeiwoqp5849673210"),
QWERTZ(arrayOf("1234567890", "qwertzuiop", "asdfghjkl", "yxcvbnm"), priority = "fjghdkslavncmbxyrutzeiwoqp5849673210"),
QWERTZ_CZ(arrayOf("1234567890", "qwertzuiop", "asdfghjkl", "yxcvbnm"), priority = "fjghdkslavncmbxyrutzeiwoqp5849673210", characterRemapping = mapOf(
'+' to '1',
'ě' to '2',
'š' to '3',
@ -33,20 +28,9 @@ enum class KeyLayout(
NORMAN(arrayOf("1234567890", "qwdfkjurl", "asetgynioh", "zxcvbpm"), priority = "tneigysoahbvpcmxzjkufrdlwq5849673210");
internal val allChars = rows.joinToString("").toCharArray().apply(CharArray::sort).joinToString("")
private val allPriorities = priority.mapIndexed { index, char -> char to index }.toMap()
internal val allPriorities = priority.mapIndexed { index, char -> char to index }.toMap()
fun priority(char: Char): Int {
return allPriorities[char] ?: allChars.length
fun areOnSameSide(c1: Char, c2: Char): Boolean {
return (c1 in characterSides.first && c2 in characterSides.first) || (c1 in characterSides.second && c2 in characterSides.second)
internal inline fun priority(crossinline tagToChar: (String) -> Char): (String) -> Int {
return { allPriorities.getOrDefault(tagToChar(it), Int.MAX_VALUE) }
private fun sides(left: List<String>, right: List<String>): Pair<Set<Char>, Set<Char>> {
return Pair(
left.flatMapTo(mutableSetOf()) { it.toCharArray().toSet() },
right.flatMapTo(mutableSetOf()) { it.toCharArray().toSet() }
@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
package org.acejump.input
import org.acejump.config.AceSettings
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
* Stores data specific to the selected keyboard layout. We want to assign tags with easily reachable keys first, and ideally have tags
* with repeated keys (ex. FF, JJ) or adjacent keys (ex. GH, UJ).
internal object KeyLayoutCache {
lateinit var allowedTagsSorted: List<String>
* Returns all possible two key tags, pre-sorted according to [tagOrder].
lateinit var allPossibleTagsLowercase: List<String>
private set
* Called before any lazily initialized properties are used, to ensure that they are initialized even if the settings are missing.
fun ensureInitialized(settings: AceSettings) {
if (!::allowedTagsSorted.isInitialized) {
if (!::allPossibleTagsLowercase.isInitialized) {
@ -25,38 +26,22 @@ internal object KeyLayoutCache {
* Re-initializes cached data according to updated settings.
fun reset(settings: AceSettings) {
val allowedChars = processCharList(settings.allowedChars).ifEmpty { processCharList(settings.layout.allChars) }
val allowedTags = mutableSetOf<String>()
val allSuffixChars = processCharList(settings.allowedChars).ifEmpty { processCharList(settings.layout.allChars).toList() }
val allPrefixChars = processCharList(settings.prefixChars).filterNot(allSuffixChars::contains).plus("")
for (c1 in allowedChars) {
val tagOrder = compareBy(
{ if (it.length == 1) Int.MIN_VALUE else allPrefixChars.indexOf(it.first().toString()) },
for (c2 in allowedChars) {
if (c1 != c2) {
allPossibleTagsLowercase = allSuffixChars
.flatMap { suffix -> allPrefixChars.map { prefix -> "$prefix$suffix" } }
allowedTagsSorted = allowedTags.sortedBy { rankPriority(settings.layout, it) }
private fun processCharList(charList: String): List<Char> {
return charList.toCharArray().map(Char::lowercaseChar).distinct()
private fun rankPriority(layout: KeyLayout, tag: String): Int {
val c1 = tag.first()
val p1 = (1.0 + layout.priority(c1)).pow(3)
if (tag.length == 1) {
return p1.roundToInt()
val c2 = tag.last()
val p2 = (1.0 + layout.priority(c2)).pow(3)
val multiplier = if (layout.areOnSameSide(c1, c2)) 2 else 1
return (((p1 * 50) + p2 + 1000) * multiplier).roundToInt()
private fun processCharList(charList: String): Set<String> {
return charList.toCharArray().map(Char::lowercase).toSet()
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class Tagger(private val editors: List<Editor>, results: Map<Editor, IntList>) {
.flatMap { (editor, sites) -> sites.map { site -> Tag(editor, site) } }
.sortedWith(siteOrder(editors, caches))
tagMap = generateTags(tagSites).zip(tagSites).toMap()
tagMap = KeyLayoutCache.allPossibleTagsLowercase.zip(tagSites).toMap()
internal fun type(char: Char): TaggingResult {
@ -61,40 +61,6 @@ class Tagger(private val editors: List<Editor>, results: Map<Editor, IntList>) {
private companion object {
private fun generateTags(tagSites: List<Tag>): List<String> {
val tags = mutableListOf<String>()
val containedSingleCharTags = mutableSetOf<Char>()
val blockedSingleCharTags = mutableSetOf<Char>()
for (tag in KeyLayoutCache.allowedTagsSorted) {
val firstChar = tag.first()
if (tag.length == 1) {
if (firstChar in blockedSingleCharTags) {
else {
if (containedSingleCharTags.remove(firstChar)) {
if (tags.size >= tagSites.size) {
return tags
return tags
private fun sortResults(results: Map<Editor, IntList>, caches: Map<Editor, EditorOffsetCache>) {
for ((editor, offsets) in results) {
val cache = caches.getValue(editor)
@ -12,13 +12,10 @@ import java.awt.Rectangle
* Describes a 1 or 2 character shortcut that points to a specific character in the editor.
internal class TagMarker(
private val firstChar: String,
private val secondChar: String,
private val tag: CharArray,
val offset: Int
) {
private constructor(tag: String, offset: Int) : this(tag.first().toString(), tag.drop(1), offset)
private val length = firstChar.length + secondChar.length
private val length = tag.size
companion object {
@ -31,7 +28,7 @@ internal class TagMarker(
* character ([typedTag]) matches the first [tag] character, only the second [tag] character is displayed.
fun create(tag: String, offset: Int, typedTag: String): TagMarker {
return TagMarker(tag.drop(typedTag.length), offset)
return TagMarker(tag.drop(typedTag.length).toCharArray(), offset)
@ -68,11 +65,11 @@ internal class TagMarker(
g.font = font.tagFont
g.color = font.foregroundColor1
g.drawString(firstChar, x, y)
g.drawChars(tag, 0, 1, x, y)
if (secondChar.isNotEmpty()) {
if (tag.size > 1) {
g.color = font.foregroundColor2
g.drawString(secondChar, x + font.tagCharWidth, y)
g.drawChars(tag, 1, length - 1, x + font.tagCharWidth, y)
Reference in New Issue
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