mirror of https://github.com/chylex/Brotli-Builder.git synced 2024-10-22 08:42:48 +02:00

325 lines
12 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using BrotliLib.Collections.Huffman;
using BrotliLib.Markers.Serialization;
using BrotliLib.Markers.Serialization.Reader;
using BrotliLib.Numbers;
using BrotliLib.Serialization.Writer;
using LengthNode = BrotliLib.Collections.Huffman.HuffmanNode<byte>;
namespace BrotliLib.Brotli.Components.Header{
public sealed class HuffmanTreeLengthCode : IComparable<HuffmanTreeLengthCode>{
public const byte MaxLength = 15;
public const byte Repeat = 16;
public const byte Skip = 17;
public const byte InitialRepeatedCode = 8;
public const byte RepeatCodeExtraBits = 2;
public const byte SkipCodeExtraBits = 3;
/// <summary>
/// Order of the complex length codes as they appear in the bit stream.
/// </summary>
private static readonly byte[] Order = {
1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, Skip, 6, Repeat, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
/// <summary>
/// List of all complex length codes ordered by their integer value.
/// </summary>
private static readonly HuffmanTreeLengthCode[] Codes = Enumerable.Range(0, Order.Length).Select(code => new HuffmanTreeLengthCode(code)).ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Huffman tree used to encode lengths of the complex length codes.
/// </summary>
private static readonly LengthNode LengthTree = new LengthNode.Path(
new LengthNode.Path( // x0
new LengthNode.Leaf(0), // 00
new LengthNode.Leaf(3) // 01
new LengthNode.Path( // x1
new LengthNode.Leaf(4), // 01
new LengthNode.Path( // x11
new LengthNode.Leaf(2), // 011
new LengthNode.Path( // x111
new LengthNode.Leaf(1), // 0111
new LengthNode.Leaf(5) // 1111
private static readonly Dictionary<byte, BitPath> LengthLookup = LengthTree.GenerateValueMapOptimized();
public const byte LengthMaxDepth = 5;
private const int LengthBitSpace = 1 << LengthMaxDepth;
public struct Run{
public const int MinSpecialCodeLength = 3;
public byte Symbol { get; }
public int Length { get; }
public Run(byte symbol, int length){
this.Symbol = symbol;
this.Length = length;
/// <summary>
/// Does not use RLE for this run.
/// </summary>
public int Reject() => 0;
/// <summary>
/// Uses RLE for this run.
/// </summary>
public int Accept() => Length;
/// <summary>
/// Splits the run into two parts.
/// The first part is <see cref="Length"/><c>-</c><paramref name="newRunLength"/> long and encoded without RLE.
/// The second part is <paramref name="newRunLength"/> long and encoded with RLE, if possible.
/// </summary>
public int Split(int newRunLength){
if (newRunLength < 1){
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(newRunLength));
return newRunLength; // if newRunLength > Length, will crash in RunDecider.Resolve
/// <summary>
/// Decides substitution of runs representable by the <see cref="Repeat"/> and <see cref="Skip"/> codes.
/// </summary>
public sealed class RunDecider{
/// <summary>
/// Alphabet size of the encoded Huffman tree.
/// </summary>
public AlphabetSize AlphabetSize { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Amount of symbols whose lengths will actually be encoded. Does not include unused symbols that appear after the last used symbol.
/// </summary>
public int TrimmedSymbolCount { get; }
private readonly List<byte> symbolLengths;
public RunDecider(List<byte> symbolLengths, AlphabetSize alphabetSize){
this.symbolLengths = symbolLengths;
this.AlphabetSize = alphabetSize;
this.TrimmedSymbolCount = symbolLengths.Count;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the symbol bit length at the specified <paramref name="index"/>.
/// </summary>
public byte GetSymbolLength(int index){
return symbolLengths[index];
/// <summary>
/// Applies a resolution function over all runs in the data.
/// </summary>
public RunResolution Resolve(Func<Run, int> resolver){
var resolution = new RunResolution.Builder(symbolLengths);
for(int entryIndex = 0, lastRepeatStartIndex = 1, lastRepeatedCode = InitialRepeatedCode; entryIndex < resolution.CodeCount + 1; entryIndex++){
int nextCode = entryIndex < resolution.CodeCount ? resolution.GetCodeAt(entryIndex) : -1;
if (nextCode != lastRepeatedCode){
if (lastRepeatedCode == 0 || lastRepeatedCode == resolution.FindLastNonRepetitionNonZeroCode(lastRepeatStartIndex - 2)){
int runLength = entryIndex - lastRepeatStartIndex;
if (runLength >= Run.MinSpecialCodeLength){
int retained = resolver(new Run((byte)lastRepeatedCode, runLength));
if (retained > runLength){
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot request encoding a run longer than originally asked for (" + retained + " > " + runLength + ").");
if (retained >= Run.MinSpecialCodeLength){
int runStartIndex = lastRepeatStartIndex + runLength - retained;
entryIndex = lastRepeatedCode == 0 ? resolution.EncodeRepetition(runStartIndex, Skip, retained, 1 << SkipCodeExtraBits)
: resolution.EncodeRepetition(runStartIndex, Repeat, retained, 1 << RepeatCodeExtraBits);
lastRepeatedCode = nextCode;
lastRepeatStartIndex = entryIndex + 1;
return resolution.Build();
public sealed class RunResolution{
private readonly List<byte> codes;
private readonly Queue<byte> extra;
public RunResolution(List<byte> codes, Queue<byte> extra){
this.codes = codes;
this.extra = extra;
public (List<byte>, Queue<byte>) GenerateCodesAndExtraBits(){
return (new List<byte>(codes), new Queue<byte>(extra));
public sealed class Builder{
public int CodeCount => codes!.Count;
private List<byte>? codes;
private Queue<byte>? extra;
public Builder(List<byte> symbolLengths){
this.codes = new List<byte>(symbolLengths);
this.extra = new Queue<byte>();
public int GetCodeAt(int index){
return codes![index];
public byte FindLastNonRepetitionNonZeroCode(int startIndex){
for(int index = startIndex; index >= 0; index--){
byte bits = codes![index];
if (bits != 0 && bits != Skip && bits != Repeat){
return bits;
return 0;
private int DetermineExtraBits(int length, int multiplier){
var newExtra = new Stack<byte>();
int remaining = length - Run.MinSpecialCodeLength;
remaining = Math.DivRem(remaining, multiplier, out int remainder);
}while(--remaining >= 0);
foreach(byte entry in newExtra){
return newExtra.Count;
public int EncodeRepetition(int index, byte code, int length, int multiplier){
int repetitions = DetermineExtraBits(length, multiplier);
codes!.RemoveRange(index, length);
codes!.InsertRange(index, Enumerable.Repeat(code, repetitions));
return index + repetitions;
public RunResolution Build(){
if (codes == null || extra == null){
throw new InvalidOperationException("The builder has already been built.");
var built = new RunResolution(codes, extra);
codes = null;
extra = null;
return built;
// Data
public byte Code { get; }
private HuffmanTreeLengthCode(int code){
this.Code = (byte)code;
public int CompareTo(HuffmanTreeLengthCode other){
return Code.CompareTo(other.Code);
// Object
public override bool Equals(object obj){
return obj is HuffmanTreeLengthCode code &&
Code == code.Code;
public override int GetHashCode(){
return HashCode.Combine(Code);
public override string ToString(){
return Code switch{
Repeat => "Repeat",
Skip => "Skip",
_ => "Length = " + Code
// Serialization
internal static HuffmanNode<HuffmanTreeLengthCode> Read(IMarkedBitReader reader, int skippedAmount) => reader.MarkTitle("Bit Lengths", () => {
byte[] bitCounts = new byte[Codes.Length];
for(int index = skippedAmount, bitSpaceRemaining = LengthBitSpace; bitSpaceRemaining > 0 && index < Order.Length; index++){
byte bitCount = reader.ReadValue(LengthTree, "bit length for code " + Order[index]);
if (bitCount != 0){
bitCounts[Order[index]] = bitCount;
bitSpaceRemaining -= LengthBitSpace >> bitCount;
var lengthEntries = Codes.Zip(bitCounts, HuffmanGenerator<HuffmanTreeLengthCode>.MakeEntry).ToArray();
var filteredLengthEntries = lengthEntries.Where(entry => entry.Bits > 0).ToArray();
return HuffmanGenerator<HuffmanTreeLengthCode>.FromBitCountsCanonical(filteredLengthEntries.Length == 0 ? lengthEntries : filteredLengthEntries);
internal static void Write(IBitWriter writer, IReadOnlyDictionary<byte, BitPath> lengthMap){
int skippedAmount;
if (!lengthMap.ContainsKey(Order[0]) && !lengthMap.ContainsKey(Order[1])){
skippedAmount = lengthMap.ContainsKey(Order[2]) ? 2 : 3;
skippedAmount = 0;
writer.WriteChunk(2, skippedAmount);
if (lengthMap.Count == 1){
// if lengthMap has only 1 element, its path length is zero, which would omit the element completely
// instead, a length of 3 is chosen because its path is encoded using only 2 bits
lengthMap = new Dictionary<byte, BitPath>{
{ lengthMap.Keys.First(), new BitPath(0, 3) }
for(int index = skippedAmount, bitSpaceRemaining = LengthBitSpace; bitSpaceRemaining > 0 && index < Order.Length; index++){
byte code = Order[index];
byte length = lengthMap.TryGetValue(code, out BitPath path) ? path.Length : (byte)0;
if (length > 0){
bitSpaceRemaining -= LengthBitSpace >> length;