mirror of https://github.com/chylex/TweetDuck.git synced 2024-09-21 14:42:47 +02:00

998 lines
36 KiB

(function($, $TD, $TDX, TD){
// Variable: Current highlighted column jQuery & data objects.
var highlightedColumnEle, highlightedColumnObj;
// Variable: Currently highlighted tweet jQuery & data objects.
var highlightedTweetEle, highlightedTweetObj;
// Variable: Array of functions called after the website app is loaded.
var onAppReady = [];
// Variable: DOM object containing the main app element.
var app = $(document.body).children(".js-app");
// Constant: Column types mapped to their titles.
const columnTypes = {
"col_home": "Home",
"col_timeline" : "Home",
"col_mentions": "Mentions",
"col_me": "Mentions",
"col_inbox": "Messages",
"col_messages": "Messages",
"col_interactions": "Notifications",
"col_followers": "Followers",
"col_activity": "Activity",
"col_favorites": "Likes",
"col_usertweets": "User",
"col_search": "Search",
"col_list": "List",
"col_customtimeline": "Timeline",
"col_dataminr": "Dataminr",
"col_livevideo": "Live video",
"col_scheduled": "Scheduled"
// Function: Prepends code at the beginning of a function. If the prepended function returns true, execution of the original function is cancelled.
var prependToFunction = function(func, extension){
return function(){
return extension.apply(this, arguments) === true ? undefined : func.apply(this, arguments);
// Function: Appends code at the end of a function.
var appendToFunction = function(func, extension){
return function(){
let res = func.apply(this, arguments);
extension.apply(this, arguments);
return res;
// Function: Returns true if an object has a specified property, otherwise returns false without throwing an error.
var ensurePropertyExists = function(obj, ...chain){
for(let index = 0; index < chain.length; index++){
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(chain[index])){
$TD.crashDebug("Missing property "+chain[index]+" in chain [obj]."+chain.join("."));
return false;
obj = obj[chain[index]];
return true;
// Function: Retrieves a property of an element with a specified class.
var getClassStyleProperty = function(cls, property){
let column = document.createElement("div");
column.style.display = "none";
let value = window.getComputedStyle(column).getPropertyValue(property);
return value;
// Function: Event callback for a new tweet.
var onNewTweet = (function(){
let recentTweets = new Set();
let recentTweetTimer = null;
let startRecentTweetTimer = () => {
if (recentTweetTimer){
recentTweetTimer = window.setTimeout(() => {
recentTweetTimer = null;
}, 20000);
let checkRecentTweet = id => {
if (recentTweets.size > 50){
else if (recentTweets.has(id)){
return true;
return false;
let fixMedia = (html, media) => {
return html.find(".js-media a[data-media-entity-id='"+media.mediaId+"']").css("background-image", 'url("'+media.thumb()+'")').removeClass("is-zoomable");
return function(column, tweet){
if (checkRecentTweet(tweet.id)){
if (column.model.getHasNotification()){
let previews = $TDX.notificationMediaPreviews;
let html = $(tweet.render({
withFooter: false,
withTweetActions: false,
withMediaPreview: true,
isMediaPreviewOff: !previews,
isMediaPreviewSmall: previews,
isMediaPreviewLarge: false,
isMediaPreviewCompact: false,
isMediaPreviewInQuoted: previews,
thumbSizeClass: "media-size-medium"
html.css("border", "0");
html.find("footer").last().remove(); // apparently withTweetActions breaks for certain tweets, nice
html.find(".js-quote-detail").removeClass("is-actionable margin-b--8"); // prevent quoted tweets from changing the cursor and reduce bottom margin
if (previews){
for(let media of tweet.getMedia()){
fixMedia(html, media);
if (tweet.quotedTweet){
for(let media of tweet.quotedTweet.getMedia()){
fixMedia(html, media).addClass("media-size-medium");
else if (tweet instanceof TD.services.TwitterActionOnTweet){
html.find("a[href='#']").each(function(){ // remove <a> tags around links that don't lead anywhere (such as account names the tweet replied to)
this.outerHTML = this.innerHTML;
let type = tweet.getChirpType();
if (type === "follow"){
else if (type.includes("list_member")){
html.find(".activity-header").first().css("margin-top", "2px");
html.find(".avatar").first().css("margin-bottom", "0");
let source = tweet.getRelatedTweet();
let duration = source ? source.text.length+(source.quotedTweet ? source.quotedTweet.text.length : 0) : tweet.text.length;
let tweetUrl = source ? source.getChirpURL() : "";
let quoteUrl = source && source.quotedTweet ? source.quotedTweet.getChirpURL() : "";
$TD.onTweetPopup(columnTypes[column.getColumnType()] || "", html.html(), duration, tweetUrl, quoteUrl);
if (column.model.getHasSound()){
// Function: Retrieves the tags to be put into <head> for notification HTML code.
var getNotificationHeadContents = function(){
let tags = [];
tags.push("<style type='text/css'>");
tags.push("body { background: "+getClassStyleProperty("column", "background-color")+" }"); // set background color
tags.push("a[data-full-url] { word-break: break-all }"); // break long urls
tags.push(".txt-base-smallest .badge-verified:before { height: 13px !important }"); // fix cut off badge icon
tags.push(".activity-header { align-items: center !important; margin-bottom: 4px }"); // tweak alignment of avatar and text in notifications
tags.push(".activity-header .tweet-timestamp { line-height: unset }"); // fix timestamp position in notifications
return tags.join("");
// Block: Hook into settings object to detect when the settings change.
TD.settings.setFontSize = appendToFunction(TD.settings.setFontSize, function(name){
TD.settings.setTheme = appendToFunction(TD.settings.setTheme, function(name){
document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-td-theme", name);
}, 0);
document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-td-theme", TD.settings.getTheme());
// Block: Enable popup notifications.
if (ensurePropertyExists(TD, "controller", "notifications")){
TD.controller.notifications.hasNotifications = function(){
return true;
TD.controller.notifications.isPermissionGranted = function(){
return true;
$.subscribe("/notifications/new", function(obj){
for(let index = obj.items.length-1; index >= 0; index--){
onNewTweet(obj.column, obj.items[index]);
// Block: Add TweetDuck buttons to the settings menu.
let menu = $(".js-dropdown-content").children("ul").first();
if (menu.length === 0)return;
menu.children(".drp-h-divider").last().before('<li class="is-selectable" data-std><a href="#" data-action="tweetduck">TweetDuck</a></li>');
let button = menu.children("[data-std]");
button.on("click", "a", function(){
}, function(){
}, 0);
// Block: Expand shortened links on hover or display tooltip.
var cutStart = function(str, search){
return str.startsWith(search) ? str.substr(search.length) : str;
var prevMouseX = -1, prevMouseY = -1;
var tooltipTimer, tooltipDisplayed;
$(document.body).delegate("a[data-full-url]", "mouseenter mouseleave mousemove", function(e){
var me = $(this);
if (e.type === "mouseenter"){
let text = me.text();
if (text.charCodeAt(text.length-1) !== 8230){ // horizontal ellipsis
if ($TDX.expandLinksOnHover){
tooltipTimer = window.setTimeout(function(){
let expanded = me.attr("data-full-url");
expanded = cutStart(expanded, "https://");
expanded = cutStart(expanded, "http://");
expanded = cutStart(expanded, "www.");
me.attr("td-prev-text", text);
}, 200);
tooltipTimer = window.setTimeout(function(){
$TD.displayTooltip(me.attr("data-full-url"), false);
tooltipDisplayed = true;
}, 400);
else if (e.type === "mouseleave"){
if ($TDX.expandLinksOnHover){
let prevText = me.attr("td-prev-text");
if (prevText){
if (tooltipDisplayed){
tooltipDisplayed = false;
$TD.displayTooltip(null, false);
else if (e.type === "mousemove"){
if (tooltipDisplayed && (prevMouseX !== e.clientX || prevMouseY !== e.clientY)){
$TD.displayTooltip(me.attr("data-full-url"), false);
prevMouseX = e.clientX;
prevMouseY = e.clientY;
// Block: Allow bypassing of t.co and include media previews in context menus.
$(document.body).delegate("a", "contextmenu", function(){
$TD.setLastRightClickedLink($(this).attr("data-full-url") || "");
$(document.body).delegate("a.js-media-image-link", "contextmenu", function(){
let me = $(this)[0];
if (me.firstElementChild){
$TD.setLastRightClickedImage(me.style.backgroundImage.replace(/url\(['"]?(.*?)['"]?\)/, "$1"));
// Block: Hook into the notification sound effect.
let soundEle = document.getElementById("update-sound");
soundEle.play = prependToFunction(soundEle.play, function(){
return $TDX.muteNotifications || $TDX.hasCustomNotificationSound;
// Block: Update highlighted column and tweet for context menu and other functionality.
var lastTweet = "";
var updateHighlightedColumn = function(ele){
highlightedColumnEle = ele;
highlightedColumnObj = ele ? TD.controller.columnManager.get(ele.attr("data-column")) : null;
return !!highlightedColumnObj;
var updateHighlightedTweet = function(ele, obj, link, embeddedLink, author, imageList){
highlightedTweetEle = ele;
highlightedTweetObj = obj;
if (lastTweet !== link){
$TD.setLastHighlightedTweet(link, embeddedLink, author, imageList);
lastTweet = link;
app.delegate("section.js-column", "mouseenter mouseleave", function(e){
if (e.type === "mouseenter"){
if (!highlightedColumnObj){
else if (e.type === "mouseleave"){
app.delegate("article.js-stream-item", "mouseenter mouseleave", function(e){
if (e.type === "mouseenter"){
let me = $(this);
if (!me[0].hasAttribute("data-account-key") || (!highlightedColumnObj && !updateHighlightedColumn(me.closest("section.js-column")))){
let tweet = highlightedColumnObj.findChirp(me.attr("data-tweet-id")) || highlightedColumnObj.findChirp(me.attr("data-key"));
if (tweet){
if (tweet.chirpType === TD.services.ChirpBase.TWEET){
let link = tweet.getChirpURL();
let embedded = tweet.quotedTweet ? tweet.quotedTweet.getChirpURL() : "";
let username = tweet.getMainUser().screenName;
let images = tweet.hasImage() ? tweet.getMedia().filter(item => !item.isAnimatedGif).map(item => item.entity.media_url_https+":small").join(";") : "";
// TODO maybe handle embedded images too?
updateHighlightedTweet(me, tweet, link || "", embedded || "", username, images);
updateHighlightedTweet(me, tweet, "", "", "", "");
else if (e.type === "mouseleave"){
updateHighlightedTweet(null, null, "", "", "", "");
// Block: Screenshot tweet to clipboard.
var selectedTweet;
var setImportantProperty = function(obj, property, value){
if (obj.length === 1){
obj[0].style.setProperty(property, value, "important");
app.delegate("article.js-stream-item", "contextmenu", function(){
selectedTweet = $(this);
window.TDGF_triggerScreenshot = function(){
if (selectedTweet){
let tweetWidth = Math.floor(selectedTweet.width());
let parent = selectedTweet.parent();
let isDetail = parent.hasClass("js-tweet-detail");
let isReply = !isDetail && (parent.hasClass("js-replies-to") || parent.hasClass("js-replies-before"));
selectedTweet = selectedTweet.clone();
selectedTweet.children().first().addClass($(document.documentElement).attr("class")).css("padding-bottom", "0");
setImportantProperty(selectedTweet.find(".js-tweet-text"), "margin-bottom", "8px");
setImportantProperty(selectedTweet.find(".js-quote-detail"), "margin-bottom", "10px");
setImportantProperty(selectedTweet.find(".js-poll-link").next(), "margin-bottom", "8px");
if (isDetail){
if (selectedTweet.find("[class*='media-grid-']").length > 0){
setImportantProperty(selectedTweet.find(".js-tweet-media"), "margin-bottom", "10px");
setImportantProperty(selectedTweet.find(".js-tweet-media"), "margin-bottom", "6px");
setImportantProperty(selectedTweet.find(".js-media-preview-container"), "margin-bottom", "4px");
selectedTweet.find("footer").last().prevUntil(":not(.txt-mute.txt-small)").addBack().remove(); // footer, date, location
setImportantProperty(selectedTweet.find(".js-media-preview-container"), "margin-bottom", "10px");
if (isReply){
let testTweet = selectedTweet.clone().css({
position: "absolute",
left: "-999px",
width: tweetWidth+"px"
let realHeight = Math.floor(testTweet.height());
$TD.screenshotTweet(selectedTweet.html(), tweetWidth, realHeight);
// Block: Paste images when tweeting.
var uploader = $._data(document, "events")["uiComposeAddImageClick"][0].handler.context;
app.delegate(".js-compose-text,.js-reply-tweetbox", "paste", function(e){
for(let item of e.originalEvent.clipboardData.items){
if (item.type.startsWith("image/")){
if (!$(this).closest(".rpl").find(".js-reply-popout").click().length){ // popout direct messages
if ($(".js-add-image-button").is(".is-disabled")){ // tweetdeck does not check upload count properly
uploader.addFilesToUpload([ item.getAsFile() ]);
$(".js-compose-text", ".js-docked-compose").focus();
// Block: Support for extra mouse buttons.
var tryClickSelector = function(selector, parent){
return $(selector, parent).click().length;
var tryCloseModal1 = function(){
let modal = $("#open-modal");
return modal.is(":visible") && tryClickSelector("a.mdl-dismiss", modal);
var tryCloseModal2 = function(){
let modal = $(".js-modals-container");
return modal.length && tryClickSelector("a.mdl-dismiss", modal);
var tryCloseHighlightedColumn = function(){
if (highlightedColumnEle){
let column = highlightedColumnEle.closest(".js-column");
return (column.is(".is-shifted-2") && tryClickSelector(".js-tweet-social-proof-back", column)) || (column.is(".is-shifted-1") && tryClickSelector(".js-column-back", column));
window.TDGF_onMouseClickExtra = function(button){
if (button === 1){ // back button
tryClickSelector(".is-shifted-2 .js-tweet-social-proof-back", ".js-modal-panel") ||
tryClickSelector(".is-shifted-1 .js-column-back", ".js-modal-panel") ||
tryCloseModal1() ||
tryCloseModal2() ||
tryClickSelector(".js-inline-compose-close") ||
tryCloseHighlightedColumn() ||
tryClickSelector(".js-app-content.is-open .js-drawer-close:visible") ||
tryClickSelector(".is-shifted-2 .js-tweet-social-proof-back, .is-shifted-2 .js-dm-participants-back") ||
$(".is-shifted-1 .js-column-back").click();
else if (button === 2){ // forward button
if (highlightedTweetEle){
// Block: Fix scheduled tweets not showing up sometimes.
$(document).on("dataTweetSent", function(e, data){
if (data.response.state && data.response.state === "scheduled"){
let column = Object.values(TD.controller.columnManager.getAll()).find(column => column.model.state.type === "scheduled");
if (column){
}, 1000);
// Block: Hold Shift to restore cleared column.
var holdingShift = false;
var updateShiftState = (pressed) => {
if (pressed != holdingShift){
holdingShift = pressed;
$("button[data-action='clear']").children("span").text(holdingShift ? "Restore" : "Clear");
var resetActiveFocus = () => {
if (e.shiftKey && (document.activeElement === null || !("value" in document.activeElement))){
if (!e.shiftKey){
if (!ensurePropertyExists(TD, "vo", "Column", "prototype", "clear")){
TD.vo.Column.prototype.clear = prependToFunction(TD.vo.Column.prototype.clear, function(){
window.setTimeout(resetActiveFocus, 0); // unfocuses the Clear button, otherwise it steals keyboard input
if (holdingShift){
return true;
// Block: Swap shift key functionality for selecting accounts, and refocus the textbox afterwards.
var onAccountClick = function(e){
if ($TDX.switchAccountSelectors){
e.shiftKey = !e.shiftKey;
$(".js-compose-text", ".js-docked-compose").focus();
$(".js-drawer[data-drawer='compose']").delegate(".js-account-list > .js-account-item", "click", onAccountClick);
if (!ensurePropertyExists(TD, "components", "AccountSelector", "prototype", "refreshPostingAccounts")){
TD.components.AccountSelector.prototype.refreshPostingAccounts = appendToFunction(TD.components.AccountSelector.prototype.refreshPostingAccounts, function(){
if (!this.$node.attr("td-account-selector-hook")){
this.$node.attr("td-account-selector-hook", "1");
this.$node.delegate(".js-account-item", "click", onAccountClick);
// Block: Make middle click on tweet reply icon open the compose drawer.
app.delegate(".js-reply-action", "mousedown", function(e){
if (e.which === 2){
if ($("[data-drawer='compose']").hasClass("is-hidden")){
$(document).trigger("uiDrawerShowDrawer", {
drawer: "compose",
withAnimation: true
window.setTimeout(() => $(this).trigger("click"), 1);
// Block: Work around clipboard HTML formatting.
$(document).on("copy", function(e){
window.setTimeout($TD.fixClipboard, 0);
// Block: Inject custom CSS and layout into the page.
let styleOfficial = document.createElement("style");
let addRule = (rule) => {
styleOfficial.sheet.insertRule(rule, 0);
addRule("a[data-full-url] { word-break: break-all; }"); // break long urls
addRule(".keyboard-shortcut-list { vertical-align: top; }"); // fix keyboard navigation alignment
addRule(".account-inline .username { vertical-align: 10%; }"); // move usernames a bit higher
addRule(".character-count-compose { width: 40px !important; }"); // fix strangely wide character count element
addRule(".column-nav-link .attribution { position: absolute; }"); // fix cut off account names
addRule(".txt-base-smallest .sprite-verified-mini { width: 13px !important; height: 13px !important; background-position: -223px -99px !important; }"); // fix cut off badge icon when zoomed in
addRule(".btn, .mdl, .mdl-content, .app-search-fake, .app-search-input, .popover, .lst-modal, .media-item { border-radius: 1px !important; }"); // square-ify buttons, inputs, dialogs, menus, media previews
addRule(".dropdown-menu, .list-item-last, .quoted-tweet { border-radius: 0 !important; }"); // square-ify dropdowns, quoted tweets, and account selectors
addRule(".prf-header { border-radius: 0; }"); // fix user account header border
addRule(".accs li, .accs img { border-radius: 0 !important; }"); // square-ify retweet account selector
addRule(".accs-header { padding-left: 0 !important; }"); // fix retweet account selector heading
addRule(".scroll-styled-v::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb, .scroll-styled-h::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb, .antiscroll-scrollbar { border-radius: 0; }"); // square-ify scroll bars
addRule(".antiscroll-scrollbar-vertical { margin-top: 0; }"); // square-ify scroll bars
addRule(".antiscroll-scrollbar-horizontal { margin-left: 0; }"); // square-ify scroll bars
addRule(".scroll-styled-v:not(.antiscroll-inner)::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 8px; }"); // square-ify scroll bars
addRule(".scroll-styled-h:not(.antiscroll-inner)::-webkit-scrollbar { height: 8px; }"); // square-ify scroll bars
addRule(".app-columns-container::-webkit-scrollbar { height: 9px !important; }"); // square-ify scroll bars
addRule(".is-condensed .app-header-inner { padding-top: 10px !important; }"); // add extra padding to menu buttons when condensed
addRule(".is-condensed .btn-compose { padding: 8px !important; }"); // fix compose button icon when condensed
addRule(".app-header:not(.is-condensed) .nav-user-info { padding: 0 5px; }"); // add padding to user info
addRule(".app-title { display: none; }"); // hide TweetDeck logo
addRule(".nav-user-info { bottom: 10px !important; }"); // move user info
addRule(".app-navigator { bottom: 50px !important; }"); // move navigation
addRule(".column-navigator-overflow { bottom: 192px !important; }"); // move column list
addRule(".app-navigator .tooltip { display: none !important; }"); // hide broken tooltips in the menu
addRule(".column .column-header { height: 49px !important; }"); // fix one pixel space below column header
addRule(".column:not(.is-options-open) .column-header { border-bottom: none; }"); // fix one pixel space below column header
addRule(".is-options-open .column-type-icon { bottom: 27px; }"); // fix one pixel space below column header
addRule(".activity-header { align-items: center !important; margin-bottom: 4px; }"); // tweak alignment of avatar and text in notifications
addRule(".activity-header .tweet-timestamp { line-height: unset; }"); // fix timestamp position in notifications
addRule("html[data-td-theme='light'] .stream-item:not(:hover) .js-user-actions-menu { color: #000; border-color: #000; opacity: 0.25; }"); // make follow notification button nicer
addRule("html[data-td-theme='dark'] .stream-item:not(:hover) .js-user-actions-menu { color: #fff; border-color: #fff; opacity: 0.25; }"); // make follow notification button nicer
addRule(".app-columns-container::-webkit-scrollbar-track { border-left: 0; }"); // remove weird border in the column container scrollbar
addRule(".app-columns-container { bottom: 0 !important; }"); // move column container scrollbar to bottom to fit updated style
addRule(".js-column-header .column-header-link { padding: 0; }"); // fix column header tooltip hover box
addRule(".js-column-header .column-header-link .icon { padding: 9px 4px; width: calc(1em + 8px); height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; }"); // fix column header tooltip hover box
addRule(".is-video a:not([href*='youtu']), .is-gif .js-media-gif-container { cursor: alias; }"); // change cursor on unsupported videos
addRule(".is-video a:not([href*='youtu']) .icon-bg-dot, .is-gif .icon-bg-dot { color: #bd3d37; }"); // change play icon color on unsupported videos
window.TDGF_reinjectCustomCSS = function(styles){
if (styles && styles.length){
$(document.head).append("<style type='text/css' id='tweetduck-custom-css'>"+styles+"</style>");
// Block: Let's make retweets lowercase again.
TD.mustaches["status/tweet_single.mustache"] = TD.mustaches["status/tweet_single.mustache"].replace("{{_i}} Retweeted{{/i}}", "{{_i}} retweeted{{/i}}");
if (ensurePropertyExists(TD, "services", "TwitterActionRetweet", "prototype", "generateText")){
TD.services.TwitterActionRetweet.prototype.generateText = appendToFunction(TD.services.TwitterActionRetweet.prototype.generateText, function(){
this.text = this.text.replace(" Retweeted", " retweeted");
this.htmlText = this.htmlText.replace(" Retweeted", " retweeted");
if (ensurePropertyExists(TD, "services", "TwitterActionRetweetedInteraction", "prototype", "generateText")){
TD.services.TwitterActionRetweetedInteraction.prototype.generateText = appendToFunction(TD.services.TwitterActionRetweetedInteraction.prototype.generateText, function(){
this.htmlText = this.htmlText.replace(" Retweeted", " retweeted").replace(" Retweet", " retweet");
// Block: Setup unsupported video element hook.
var cancelModal = false;
if (!ensurePropertyExists(TD, "components", "MediaGallery", "prototype", "_loadTweet") ||
!ensurePropertyExists(TD, "components", "BaseModal", "prototype", "setAndShowContainer") ||
!ensurePropertyExists(TD, "ui", "Column", "prototype", "playGifIfNotManuallyPaused"))return;
TD.components.MediaGallery.prototype._loadTweet = appendToFunction(TD.components.MediaGallery.prototype._loadTweet, function(){
let media = this.chirp.getMedia().find(media => media.mediaId === this.clickedMediaEntityId);
if (media && media.isVideo && media.service !== "youtube"){
cancelModal = true;
TD.components.BaseModal.prototype.setAndShowContainer = prependToFunction(TD.components.BaseModal.prototype.setAndShowContainer, function(){
if (cancelModal){
cancelModal = false;
return true;
TD.ui.Column.prototype.playGifIfNotManuallyPaused = function(){};
TD.mustaches["status/media_thumb.mustache"] = TD.mustaches["status/media_thumb.mustache"].replace("is-gif", "is-gif is-paused");
app.delegate(".js-gif-play", "click", function(e){
let parent = $(e.target).closest(".js-tweet").first();
let link = (parent.hasClass("tweet-detail") ? parent.find("a[rel='url']") : parent.find("time").first().children("a")).first();
// Block: Fix youtu.be previews not showing up for https links.
if (ensurePropertyExists(TD, "services", "TwitterMedia")){
let media = TD.services.TwitterMedia;
if (!ensurePropertyExists(media, "YOUTUBE_TINY_RE") ||
!ensurePropertyExists(media, "YOUTUBE_LONG_RE") ||
!ensurePropertyExists(media, "YOUTUBE_RE") ||
!ensurePropertyExists(media, "SERVICES", "youtube"))return;
media.YOUTUBE_TINY_RE = new RegExp(media.YOUTUBE_TINY_RE.source.replace("http:", "https?:"));
media.YOUTUBE_RE = new RegExp(media.YOUTUBE_LONG_RE.source+"|"+media.YOUTUBE_TINY_RE.source);
media.SERVICES["youtube"] = media.YOUTUBE_RE;
// Block: Fix DM reply input box not getting focused after opening a conversation.
if (ensurePropertyExists(TD, "components", "ConversationDetailView", "prototype", "showChirp")){
TD.components.ConversationDetailView.prototype.showChirp = appendToFunction(TD.components.ConversationDetailView.prototype.showChirp, function(){
}, 100);
// Block: Fix DM notifications not showing if the conversation is open.
if (ensurePropertyExists(TD, "services", "TwitterConversation", "prototype", "getUnreadChirps")){
var prevFunc = TD.services.TwitterConversation.prototype.getUnreadChirps;
TD.services.TwitterConversation.prototype.getUnreadChirps = function(e){
return (e && e.sortIndex && !e.id && !this.notificationsDisabled)
? this.messages.filter(t => t.chirpType === TD.services.ChirpBase.MESSAGE && !t.isOwnChirp() && !t.read && !t.belongsBelow(e)) // changed from belongsAbove
: prevFunc.apply(this, arguments);
// Block: Custom reload function with memory cleanup.
window.TDGF_reload = function(){
let session = TD.storage.feedController.getAll()
.filter(feed => !!feed.getTopSortIndex())
.reduce((obj, feed) => (obj[feed.privateState.key] = feed.getTopSortIndex(), obj), {});
$TD.setSessionData("gc", JSON.stringify(session)).then(() => {
window.gc && window.gc();
window.TDGF_tryRunCleanup = function(){
// all textareas are empty
if ($("textarea").is(function(){
return $(this).val().length > 0;
return false;
// no modals are visible
if ($("#open-modal").is(":visible") || !$(".js-modals-container").is(":empty")){
return false;
// all columns are in a default state
if ($("section.js-column").is(".is-shifted-1,.is-shifted-2")){
return false;
// all columns are scrolled to top
if ($(".js-column-scroller").is(function(){
return $(this).scrollTop() > 0;
return false;
// cleanup
return true;
if (window.TD_SESSION && window.TD_SESSION.gc){
var state;
state = JSON.parse(window.TD_SESSION.gc);
$TD.crashDebug("Invalid session gc data: "+window.TD_SESSION.gc);
state = {};
var showMissedNotifications = function(){
let tweets = [];
let columns = {};
let tmp = new TD.services.ChirpBase;
for(let column of Object.values(TD.controller.columnManager.getAll())){
for(let feed of column.getFeeds()){
if (feed.privateState.key in state){
tmp.sortIndex = state[feed.privateState.key];
for(let tweet of [].concat.apply([], column.updateArray.map(function(chirp){
return chirp.getUnreadChirps(tmp);
columns[tweet.id] = column;
for(let tweet of tweets){
onNewTweet(columns[tweet.id], tweet);
$(document).one("dataColumnsLoaded", function(){
let columns = Object.values(TD.controller.columnManager.getAll());
let remaining = columns.length;
for(let column of columns){
column.ui.getChirpContainer().one("dataColumnFeedUpdated", () => {
if (--remaining === 0){
setTimeout(showMissedNotifications, 1);
// Block: Disable TweetDeck metrics.
if (ensurePropertyExists(TD, "metrics")){
TD.metrics.inflate = function(){};
TD.metrics.inflateMetricTriple = function(){};
TD.metrics.log = function(){};
TD.metrics.makeKey = function(){};
TD.metrics.send = function(){};
let data = $._data(window);
delete data.events["metric"];
delete data.events["metricsFlush"];
// Block: Register the TD.ready event, finish initialization, and load plugins.
$(document).one("TD.ready", function(){
onAppReady.forEach(func => func());
onAppReady = null;
delete window.TD_SESSION;
if (window.TD_PLUGINS){
// Block: Skip the initial pre-login page.
if (ensurePropertyExists(TD, "controller", "init", "showLogin")){
TD.controller.init.showLogin = function(){
location.href = "https://twitter.com/login?hide_message=true&redirect_after_login=https%3A%2F%2Ftweetdeck.twitter.com%2F%3Fvia_twitter_login%3Dtrue";
})($, $TD, $TDX, TD);