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synced 2025-02-17 23:46:03 +01:00
136 lines
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{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Permintaan gagal, koneksi jaringan tidak tersedia!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Permintaan tidak sah. Apakah Anda sudah masuk?",
"Request forbidden. Are you an administrator?" : "Permintaan ditolak. Apakah Anda seorang administrator?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Token telah kadaluarsa atau aplikasi tidak diaktifkan! Muat ulang halaman!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Kesalahan internal server! Mohon cek berkas data/nextcloud.log Anda untuk informasi lebih lanjut!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Permintaan gagal, Nextcloud sedang dalam mode pemeliharaan!",
"News feeds" : "Umpan berita",
"Unread articles" : "Artikel belum dibaca",
"News" : "Berita",
"News folders" : "Folder berita",
"News articles" : "Artikel berita",
"Shared with me" : "Dibagikan dengan saya",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "Sebuah pembaca umpan RSS/Atom",
"📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/)\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nCreate a [bug report](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nCreate a [feature request](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nReport a [feed issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)" : "📰 Aplikasi pembaca umpan RSS/Atom untuk Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Sinkronkan umpan Anda dengan beberapa [klien](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/clients/) seluler atau desktop\n- 🔄 Pembaruan otomatis umpan berita Anda\n- 🆓 Bebas dan sumber terbuka di bawah AGPLv3, tanpa iklan atau fungsi premium\n\n**System Cron saat ini diperlukan agar aplikasi ini berfungsi**\n\nPersyaratan dapat ditemukan [di sini](https://nextcloud.github.io/news/install/#dependencies)\n\nPerubahan tersedia [di sini](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)\n\nBuat [laporan kutu](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/new/choose)\n\nBuat [permintaan fitur](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)\n\nLaporkan [masalah umpan](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/discussions/new)",
"Last job execution ran {relativeTime}. Something seems wrong." : "Eksekusi tugas terakhir dijalankan {relativeTime}.\nAda sesuatu yang salah.",
"Last job ran {relativeTime}." : "Tugas terakhir dijalankan {relativeTime}.",
"Use system cron for updates" : "Gunakan cron sistem untuk pembaruan",
"Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "Nonaktifkan ini juga Anda menggunakan pembaru kustom.",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "Jumlah baca maksimum per feed",
"Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which will not be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "Mendefinisikan jumlah maksimum artikel yang dapat dibaca per umpan yang tidak akan dihapus oleh tugas pembersihan; jika artikel lama muncul kembali setelah dibaca, naikkan nilai ini; nilai negatif seperti -1 akan menonaktifkan fitur ini.",
"Delete unread articles automatically" : "Hapus artikel yang tidak dibaca secara otomatis",
"Enable this if you also want to delete unread articles." : "Aktifkan ini jika Anda juga ingin menghapus artikel yang tidak dibaca.",
"Maximum redirects" : "Pengalihan maksimum",
"How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Berapa arahan pembaca umpan harus mengikuti.",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Pengambil feed kehabisan waktu",
"Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "Jumlah maksimum untuk menunggu umpan RSS atau Atom untuk dimuat; jika membutuhkan waktu yang lama, pembaruan akan dibatalkan.",
"Explore Service URL" : "URL Layanan Jelajah",
"If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "Jika diberikan, URL layanan ini akan dikueri untuk menampilkan umpan dalam bagian umpan jelajah. Untuk membuat layanan jelajah bawaan sebagai cadangan, tinggalkan masukan ini kosong.",
"Update interval" : "Interval pembaruan",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Interval dalam detik di mana umpan akan diperbarui.",
"Successfully updated news configuration" : "Berhasil memperbarui konfigurasi berita",
"Unable to update news config" : "Tidak dapat memperbarui konfigurasi berita",
"Download" : "Unduh",
"Close" : "Tutup",
"Subscribe to" : "Berlangganan ke",
"No articles available" : "Tidak ada artikel yang tersedia",
"No unread articles available" : "Tidak ada artikel yang belum dibaca",
"Open website" : "Buka situs web",
"Star article" : "Bintangi artikel",
"Unstar article" : "Hapus bintang artikel",
"Keep article unread" : "Tandai artikel belum dibaca",
"Remove keep article unread" : "Hapus tanda artikel belum dibaca",
"Share" : "Bagikan",
"Share with users" : "Bagikan dengan pengguna",
"Username" : "Nama pengguna",
"No users found" : "Tidak ada pengguna yang ditemukan",
"Error while searching for users" : "Terjadi kesalahan mencari pengguna",
"Share on social media" : "Bagikan di media sosial",
"I wanted you to see this article" : "Saya ingin Anda untuk melihat artikel ini",
"Check out this article" : "Lihat artikel ini",
"by" : "oleh",
"from" : "dari",
"shared by" : "dibagikan oleh",
"Play audio" : "Putar audio",
"Download audio" : "Unduh audio",
"Download video" : "Unduh video",
"Keyboard shortcut" : "Pintasan keyboard",
"Description" : "Keterangan",
"right" : "kanan",
"Jump to next article" : "Lompat ke artikel berikutnya",
"left" : "kiri",
"Jump to previous article" : "Lompat ke artikel sebelumnya",
"Toggle star article" : "Tombol alih bintangi artikel",
"Star article and jump to next one" : "Bintangi artikel dan lompat ke berikutnya",
"Toggle keep current article unread" : "Tombol alih tandai artikel saat ini belum dibaca",
"Open article in new tab" : "Buka artikel di tab baru",
"Toggle expand article in compact view" : "Tombol alih perluas tulisan dalam tampilan kompak",
"Refresh" : "Segarkan",
"Load next feed" : "Muat feed berikutnya",
"Load previous feed" : "Muat feed sebelumnya",
"Load previous folder" : "Muat folder sebelumnya",
"Load next folder" : "Muat folder berikutnya",
"Scroll to active navigation entry" : "Gulir ke entri navigasi aktif",
"Mark current article's feed/folder read" : "Tandai feed/folder artikel saat ini telah dibaca",
"Ajax or webcron mode detected! Your feeds will not be updated!" : "Mode AJAX atau Webcron dideteksi! Umpan Anda tidak akan diperbarui! ",
"How to set up the operating system cron" : "Bagaimana cara menyetel cron sistem operasi",
"Install and set up a faster parallel updater that uses the News app's update API" : "Pasang dan atur pembaruan paralel yang lebih cepat yang menggunakan API pembaruan aplikasi Berita",
"Subscribe" : "Berlangganan",
"Web address" : "Alamat web",
"Feed exists already!" : "Feed sudah ada!",
"Folder" : "Folder",
"No folder" : "Tidak ada folder",
"New folder" : "Folder baru",
"Folder name" : "Nama folder",
"Go back" : "Kembali",
"Folder exists already!" : "Folder sudah ada!",
"Credentials" : "Kredensial",
"HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "Kredensial HTTP Basic Auth harus disimpan tidak terenkripsi! Semua dengan akses ke server atau database akan bisa mengaksesnya!",
"Password" : "Kata Sandi",
"Auto discover Feed" : "Jelajahi umpan otomatis",
"New Folder" : "Folder Baru",
"Create" : "Buat",
"Explore" : "Jelajah",
"Update failed more than 50 times" : "Pembaruan gagal lebih dari 50 kali",
"Deleted feed" : "Feed yang dihapus",
"Undo delete feed" : "Batalkan hapus feed",
"Rename" : "Ubah nama",
"Menu" : "Menu",
"Mark read" : "Tandai sebagai dibaca",
"Unpin from top" : "Lepaskan pin dari atas",
"Pin to top" : "Sematkan ke atas",
"Newest first" : "Terbaru",
"Oldest first" : "Paling lama",
"Default order" : "Urutan bawaan",
"Enable full text" : "Aktifkan teks lengkap",
"Disable full text" : "Nonaktifkan teks lengkap",
"Unread updated" : "Tidak dibaca diperbarui",
"Ignore updated" : "Abaikan diperbarui",
"Open feed URL" : "Buka URL umpan",
"Delete" : "Hapus",
"Dismiss" : "Buang",
"Collapse" : "Tutup",
"Deleted folder" : "Folder yang dihapus",
"Undo delete folder" : "Batalkan hapus folder",
"Starred" : "Dibintangi",
"All articles" : "Semua artikel",
"Settings" : "Pengaturan",
"Disable mark read through scrolling" : "Menonaktifkan tandai baca melalui pengguliran",
"Compact view" : "Tampilan kompak",
"Expand articles on key navigation" : "Perluas artikel di tombol navigasi",
"Show all articles" : "Tampilkan semua artikel",
"Reverse ordering (oldest on top)" : "Pengurutan terbalik (yang lama diatas)",
"Subscriptions (OPML)" : "Berlangganan (OPML)",
"Import" : "Impor",
"Export" : "Ekspor",
"Error when importing: File does not contain valid OPML" : "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengimpor: Berkas tidak berisi OPML yang valid",
"Error when importing: OPML is does neither contain feeds nor folders" : "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengimpor: OPML tidak berisi feed ataupun folder",
"Unread/Starred Articles" : "Artikel dibintangi/belum dibaca",
"Error when importing: file does not contain valid JSON" : "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengimor: berkas tidak berisi JSON yang sah",
"Help" : "Bantuan",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Pintasan keyboard",
"Documentation" : "Dokumentasi",
"Report a bug" : "Laporkan kerusakan"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} |