Fork 0

346 lines
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* Copyright (C) by Christian Kamm <mail@ckamm.de>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#pragma once
#include <QObject>
#include <QScopedPointer>
#include <QSharedPointer>
#include <memory>
#include "ocsynclib.h"
#include "result.h"
#include "syncfilestatus.h"
#include "pinstate.h"
using csync_file_stat_t = struct csync_file_stat_s;
namespace OCC {
class Account;
using AccountPtr = QSharedPointer<Account>;
class SyncJournalDb;
class VfsPrivate;
class SyncFileItem;
/** Collection of parameters for initializing a Vfs instance. */
struct OCSYNC_EXPORT VfsSetupParams
/** The full path to the folder on the local filesystem
* Always ends with /.
QString filesystemPath;
// Folder display name in Windows Explorer
QString displayName;
// Folder alias
QString alias;
/** The path to the synced folder on the account
* Always ends with /.
QString remotePath;
/// Account url, credentials etc for network calls
AccountPtr account;
/** Access to the sync folder's database.
* Note: The journal must live at least until the Vfs::stop() call.
SyncJournalDb *journal = nullptr;
/// Strings potentially passed on to the platform
QString providerName;
QString providerVersion;
/** when registering with the system we might use
* a different presentaton to identify the accounts
bool multipleAccountsRegistered = false;
/** Interface describing how to deal with virtual/placeholder files.
* There are different ways of representing files locally that will only
* be filled with data (hydrated) on demand. One such way would be suffixed
* files, others could be FUSE based or use Windows CfAPI.
* This interface intends to decouple the sync algorithm and Folder from
* the details of how a particular VFS solution works.
* An instance is usually created through a plugin via the createVfsFromPlugin()
* function.
class OCSYNC_EXPORT Vfs : public QObject
/** The kind of VFS in use (or no-VFS)
* Currently plugins and modes are one-to-one but that's not required.
enum Mode
enum class ConvertToPlaceholderResult {
static QString modeToString(Mode mode);
static Optional<Mode> modeFromString(const QString &str);
static Result<bool, QString> checkAvailability(const QString &path);
enum class AvailabilityError
// Availability can't be retrieved due to db error
// Availability not available since the item doesn't exist
using AvailabilityResult = Result<VfsItemAvailability, AvailabilityError>;
explicit Vfs(QObject* parent = nullptr);
~Vfs() override;
virtual Mode mode() const = 0;
/// For WithSuffix modes: the suffix (including the dot)
virtual QString fileSuffix() const = 0;
/// Access to the parameters the instance was start()ed with.
const VfsSetupParams &params() const { return _setupParams; }
/** Initializes interaction with the VFS provider.
* The plugin-specific work is done in startImpl().
void start(const VfsSetupParams &params);
/// Stop interaction with VFS provider. Like when the client application quits.
virtual void stop() = 0;
/// Deregister the folder with the sync provider, like when a folder is removed.
virtual void unregisterFolder() = 0;
/** Whether the socket api should show pin state options
* Some plugins might provide alternate shell integration, making the normal
* context menu actions redundant.
virtual bool socketApiPinStateActionsShown() const = 0;
/** Return true when download of a file's data is currently ongoing.
* See also the beginHydrating() and doneHydrating() signals.
virtual bool isHydrating() const = 0;
/** Update placeholder metadata during discovery.
* If the remote metadata changes, the local placeholder's metadata should possibly
* change as well.
virtual Q_REQUIRED_RESULT Result<void, QString> updateMetadata(const QString &filePath, time_t modtime, qint64 size, const QByteArray &fileId) = 0;
/// Create a new dehydrated placeholder. Called from PropagateDownload.
virtual Q_REQUIRED_RESULT Result<void, QString> createPlaceholder(const SyncFileItem &item) = 0;
/** Convert a hydrated placeholder to a dehydrated one. Called from PropagateDownlaod.
* This is different from delete+create because preserving some file metadata
* (like pin states) may be essential for some vfs plugins.
virtual Q_REQUIRED_RESULT Result<void, QString> dehydratePlaceholder(const SyncFileItem &item) = 0;
/** Discovery hook: even unchanged files may need UPDATE_METADATA.
* For instance cfapi vfs wants local hydrated non-placeholder files to
* become hydrated placeholder files.
virtual Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool needsMetadataUpdate(const SyncFileItem &item) = 0;
/** Convert a new file to a hydrated placeholder.
* Some VFS integrations expect that every file, including those that have all
* the remote data, are "placeholders". This function is called by PropagateDownload
* to convert newly downloaded, fully hydrated files into placeholders.
* Implementations must make sure that calling this function on a file that already
* is a placeholder is acceptable.
* replacesFile can optionally contain a filesystem path to a placeholder that this
* new placeholder shall supersede, for rename-replace actions with new downloads,
* for example.
virtual Q_REQUIRED_RESULT Result<Vfs::ConvertToPlaceholderResult, QString> convertToPlaceholder(
const QString &filename,
const SyncFileItem &item,
const QString &replacesFile = QString()) = 0;
/// Determine whether the file at the given absolute path is a dehydrated placeholder.
virtual Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isDehydratedPlaceholder(const QString &filePath) = 0;
/** Similar to isDehydratedPlaceholder() but used from sync discovery.
* This function shall set stat->type if appropriate.
* It may rely on stat->path and stat_data (platform specific data).
* Returning true means that type was fully determined.
virtual Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool statTypeVirtualFile(csync_file_stat_t *stat, void *stat_data) = 0;
/** Sets the pin state for the item at a path.
* The pin state is set on the item and for all items below it.
* Usually this would forward to setting the pin state flag in the db table,
* but some vfs plugins will store the pin state in file attributes instead.
* folderPath is relative to the sync folder. Can be "" for root folder.
virtual Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool setPinState(const QString &folderPath, PinState state) = 0;
/** Returns the pin state of an item at a path.
* Usually backed by the db's effectivePinState() function but some vfs
* plugins will override it to retrieve the state from elsewhere.
* folderPath is relative to the sync folder. Can be "" for root folder.
* Returns none on retrieval error.
virtual Q_REQUIRED_RESULT Optional<PinState> pinState(const QString &folderPath) = 0;
/** Returns availability status of an item at a path.
* The availability is a condensed user-facing version of PinState. See
* VfsItemAvailability for details.
* folderPath is relative to the sync folder. Can be "" for root folder.
virtual Q_REQUIRED_RESULT AvailabilityResult availability(const QString &folderPath) = 0;
public slots:
/** Update in-sync state based on SyncFileStatusTracker signal.
* For some vfs plugins the icons aren't based on SocketAPI but rather on data shared
* via the vfs plugin. The connection to SyncFileStatusTracker allows both to be based
* on the same data.
virtual void fileStatusChanged(const QString &systemFileName, SyncFileStatus fileStatus) = 0;
/// Emitted when a user-initiated hydration starts
void beginHydrating();
/// Emitted when the hydration ends
void doneHydrating();
/** Setup the plugin for the folder.
* For example, the VFS provider might monitor files to be able to start a file
* hydration (download of a file's remote contents) when the user wants to open
* it.
* Usually some registration needs to be done with the backend. This function
* should take care of it if necessary.
virtual void startImpl(const VfsSetupParams &params) = 0;
// Db-backed pin state handling. Derived classes may use it to implement pin states.
bool setPinStateInDb(const QString &folderPath, PinState state);
Optional<PinState> pinStateInDb(const QString &folderPath);
AvailabilityResult availabilityInDb(const QString &folderPath);
// the parameters passed to start()
VfsSetupParams _setupParams;
/// Implementation of Vfs for Vfs::Off mode - does nothing
class OCSYNC_EXPORT VfsOff : public Vfs
VfsOff(QObject* parent = nullptr);
~VfsOff() override;
Mode mode() const override { return Vfs::Off; }
QString fileSuffix() const override { return QString(); }
void stop() override {}
void unregisterFolder() override {}
bool socketApiPinStateActionsShown() const override { return false; }
bool isHydrating() const override { return false; }
Result<void, QString> updateMetadata(const QString &, time_t, qint64, const QByteArray &) override { return {}; }
Result<void, QString> createPlaceholder(const SyncFileItem &) override { return {}; }
Result<void, QString> dehydratePlaceholder(const SyncFileItem &) override { return {}; }
Result<ConvertToPlaceholderResult, QString> convertToPlaceholder(const QString &, const SyncFileItem &, const QString &) override { return ConvertToPlaceholderResult::Ok; }
bool needsMetadataUpdate(const SyncFileItem &) override { return false; }
bool isDehydratedPlaceholder(const QString &) override { return false; }
bool statTypeVirtualFile(csync_file_stat_t *, void *) override { return false; }
bool setPinState(const QString &, PinState) override { return true; }
Optional<PinState> pinState(const QString &) override { return PinState::AlwaysLocal; }
AvailabilityResult availability(const QString &) override { return VfsItemAvailability::AlwaysLocal; }
public slots:
void fileStatusChanged(const QString &, SyncFileStatus) override {}
void startImpl(const VfsSetupParams &) override {}
/// Check whether the plugin for the mode is available.
OCSYNC_EXPORT bool isVfsPluginAvailable(Vfs::Mode mode);
/// Return the best available VFS mode.
OCSYNC_EXPORT Vfs::Mode bestAvailableVfsMode();
/// Create a VFS instance for the mode, returns nullptr on failure.
OCSYNC_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<Vfs> createVfsFromPlugin(Vfs::Mode mode);
} // namespace OCC
#define OCC_DEFINE_VFS_FACTORY(name, Type) \
static_assert (std::is_base_of<OCC::Vfs, Type>::value, "Please define VFS factories only for OCC::Vfs subclasses"); \
namespace { \
void initPlugin() \
{ \
OCC::Vfs::registerPlugin(QStringLiteral(name), []() -> OCC::Vfs * { return new (Type); }); \
} \