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* Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag <freitag@owncloud.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#ifndef _THEME_H
#define _THEME_H
#include <QIcon>
#include <QObject>
#include "syncresult.h"
class QString;
class QObject;
class QPixmap;
class QColor;
class QPaintDevice;
class QPalette;
namespace OCC {
class SyncResult;
* @brief The Theme class
* @ingroup libsync
class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT Theme : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(bool branded READ isBranded CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QUrl stateOnlineImageSource READ stateOnlineImageSource CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QUrl stateOfflineImageSource READ stateOfflineImageSource CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QUrl statusOnlineImageSource READ statusOnlineImageSource CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QUrl statusDoNotDisturbImageSource READ statusDoNotDisturbImageSource CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QUrl statusAwayImageSource READ statusAwayImageSource CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QUrl statusInvisibleImageSource READ statusInvisibleImageSource CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QIcon folderDisabledIcon READ folderDisabledIcon CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QIcon folderOfflineIcon READ folderOfflineIcon CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QIcon applicationIcon READ applicationIcon CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QString version READ version CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QString conflictHelpUrl READ conflictHelpUrl CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QString overrideServerUrl READ overrideServerUrl)
Q_PROPERTY(bool forceOverrideServerUrl READ forceOverrideServerUrl)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor wizardHeaderTitleColor READ wizardHeaderTitleColor CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor wizardHeaderBackgroundColor READ wizardHeaderBackgroundColor CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QString updateCheckUrl READ updateCheckUrl CONSTANT)
enum CustomMediaType {
oCSetupTop, // ownCloud connect page
oCSetupResultTop // ownCloud connect result page
/* returns a singleton instance. */
static Theme *instance();
* @brief isBranded indicates if the current application is branded
* By default, it is considered branded if the APPLICATION_NAME is
* different from "Nextcloud".
* @return true if branded, false otherwise
virtual bool isBranded() const;
* @brief appNameGUI - Human readable application name.
* Use and redefine this if the human readable name contains spaces,
* special chars and such.
* By default, the name is derived from the APPLICATION_NAME
* cmake variable.
* @return QString with human readable app name.
virtual QString appNameGUI() const;
* @brief appName - Application name (short)
* Use and redefine this as an application name. Keep it straight as
* it is used for config files etc. If you need a more sophisticated
* name in the GUI, redefine appNameGUI.
* By default, the name is derived from the APPLICATION_SHORTNAME
* cmake variable, and should be the same. This method is only
* reimplementable for legacy reasons.
* Warning: Do not modify this value, as many things, e.g. settings
* depend on it! You most likely want to modify \ref appNameGUI().
* @return QString with app name.
virtual QString appName() const;
* @brief Returns full path to an online state icon
* @return QUrl full path to an icon
QUrl stateOnlineImageSource() const;
* @brief Returns full path to an offline state icon
* @return QUrl full path to an icon
QUrl stateOfflineImageSource() const;
* @brief Returns full path to an online user status icon
* @return QUrl full path to an icon
QUrl statusOnlineImageSource() const;
* @brief Returns full path to an do not disturb user status icon
* @return QUrl full path to an icon
QUrl statusDoNotDisturbImageSource() const;
* @brief Returns full path to an away user status icon
* @return QUrl full path to an icon
QUrl statusAwayImageSource() const;
* @brief Returns full path to an invisible user status icon
* @return QUrl full path to an icon
QUrl statusInvisibleImageSource() const;
* @brief configFileName
* @return the name of the config file.
virtual QString configFileName() const;
static QString hidpiFileName(const QString &fileName, QPaintDevice *dev = nullptr);
static QString hidpiFileName(const QString &iconName, const QColor &backgroundColor, QPaintDevice *dev = nullptr);
static bool isHidpi(QPaintDevice *dev = nullptr);
* get an sync state icon
virtual QIcon syncStateIcon(SyncResult::Status, bool sysTray = false) const;
virtual QIcon folderDisabledIcon() const;
virtual QIcon folderOfflineIcon(bool sysTray = false) const;
virtual QIcon applicationIcon() const;
virtual QString statusHeaderText(SyncResult::Status) const;
virtual QString version() const;
* Characteristics: bool if more than one sync folder is allowed
virtual bool singleSyncFolder() const;
* When true, client works with multiple accounts.
virtual bool multiAccount() const;
* URL to documentation.
* This is opened in the browser when the "Help" action is selected from the tray menu.
* If the function is overridden to return an empty string the action is removed from
* the menu.
* Defaults to Nextclouds client documentation website.
virtual QString helpUrl() const;
* The url to use for showing help on conflicts.
* If the function is overridden to return an empty string no help link will be shown.
* Defaults to helpUrl() + "conflicts.html", which is a page in ownCloud's client
* documentation website. If helpUrl() is empty, this function will also return the
* empty string.
virtual QString conflictHelpUrl() const;
* Setting a value here will pre-define the server url.
* The respective UI controls will be disabled only if forceOverrideServerUrl() is true
virtual QString overrideServerUrl() const;
* Enforce a pre-defined server url.
* When true, the respective UI controls will be disabled
virtual bool forceOverrideServerUrl() const;
* This is only usefull when previous version had a different overrideServerUrl
* with a different auth type in that case You should then specify "http" or "shibboleth".
* Normaly this should be left empty.
virtual QString forceConfigAuthType() const;
* The default folder name without path on the server at setup time.
virtual QString defaultServerFolder() const;
* The default folder name without path on the client side at setup time.
virtual QString defaultClientFolder() const;
* Override to encforce a particular locale, i.e. "de" or "pt_BR"
virtual QString enforcedLocale() const { return QString(); }
/** colored, white or black */
QString systrayIconFlavor(bool mono) const;
* Override to use a string or a custom image name.
* The default implementation will try to look up
* :/client/theme/<type>.png
virtual QVariant customMedia(CustomMediaType type);
/** @return color for the setup wizard */
virtual QColor wizardHeaderTitleColor() const;
/** @return color for the setup wizard. */
virtual QColor wizardHeaderBackgroundColor() const;
virtual QPixmap wizardApplicationLogo() const;
/** @return logo for the setup wizard. */
virtual QPixmap wizardHeaderLogo() const;
* The default implementation creates a
* background based on
* \ref wizardHeaderTitleColor().
* @return banner for the setup wizard.
virtual QPixmap wizardHeaderBanner() const;
* The SHA sum of the released git commit
QString gitSHA1() const;
* About dialog contents
virtual QString about() const;
* Legal notice dialog version detail contents
virtual QString aboutDetails() const;
* Define if the systray icons should be using mono design
void setSystrayUseMonoIcons(bool mono);
* Retrieve wether to use mono icons for systray
bool systrayUseMonoIcons() const;
* Check if mono icons are available
bool monoIconsAvailable() const;
* @brief Where to check for new Updates.
virtual QString updateCheckUrl() const;
* When true, the setup wizard will show the selective sync dialog by default and default
* to nothing selected
virtual bool wizardSelectiveSyncDefaultNothing() const;
* Default option for the newBigFolderSizeLimit.
* Size in MB of the maximum size of folder before we ask the confirmation.
* Set -1 to never ask confirmation. 0 to ask confirmation for every folder.
virtual qint64 newBigFolderSizeLimit() const;
* Hide the checkbox that says "Ask for confirmation before synchronizing folders larger than X MB"
* in the account wizard
virtual bool wizardHideFolderSizeLimitCheckbox() const;
* Hide the checkbox that says "Ask for confirmation before synchronizing external storages"
* in the account wizard
virtual bool wizardHideExternalStorageConfirmationCheckbox() const;
* @brief Sharing options
* Allow link sharing and or user/group sharing
virtual bool linkSharing() const;
virtual bool userGroupSharing() const;
* If this returns true, the user cannot configure the proxy in the network settings.
* The proxy settings will be disabled in the configuration dialog.
* Default returns false.
virtual bool forceSystemNetworkProxy() const;
* @brief How to handle the userID
* @value UserIDUserName Wizard asks for user name as ID
* @value UserIDEmail Wizard asks for an email as ID
* @value UserIDCustom Specify string in \ref customUserID
enum UserIDType { UserIDUserName = 0,
UserIDCustom };
/** @brief What to display as the userID (e.g. in the wizards)
* @return UserIDType::UserIDUserName, unless reimplemented
virtual UserIDType userIDType() const;
* @brief Allows to customize the type of user ID (e.g. user name, email)
* @note This string cannot be translated, but is still useful for
* referencing brand name IDs (e.g. "ACME ID", when using ACME.)
* @return An empty string, unless reimplemented
virtual QString customUserID() const;
* @brief Demo string to be displayed when no text has been
* entered for the user id (e.g. mylogin@company.com)
* @return An empty string, unless reimplemented
virtual QString userIDHint() const;
* @brief Postfix that will be enforced in a URL. e.g.
* ".myhosting.com".
* @return An empty string, unless reimplemented
virtual QString wizardUrlPostfix() const;
* @brief String that will be shown as long as no text has been entered by the user.
* @return An empty string, unless reimplemented
virtual QString wizardUrlHint() const;
* @brief the server folder that should be queried for the quota information
* This can be configured to show the quota infromation for a different
* folder than the root. This is the folder on which the client will do
* PROPFIND calls to get "quota-available-bytes" and "quota-used-bytes"
* Defaults: "/"
virtual QString quotaBaseFolder() const;
* The OAuth client_id, secret pair.
* Note that client that change these value cannot connect to un-branded owncloud servers.
virtual QString oauthClientId() const;
virtual QString oauthClientSecret() const;
* @brief What should be output for the --version command line switch.
* By default, it's a combination of appName(), version(), the GIT SHA1 and some
* important dependency versions.
virtual QString versionSwitchOutput() const;
* @brief Request suitable QIcon resource depending on the background colour of the parent widget.
* This should be replaced (TODO) by a real theming implementation for the client UI
* (actually 2019/09/13 only systray theming).
virtual QIcon uiThemeIcon(const QString &iconName, bool uiHasDarkBg) const;
* @brief Perform a calculation to check if a colour is dark or light and accounts for different sensitivity of the human eye.
* @return True if the specified colour is dark.
* 2019/12/08: Moved here from SettingsDialog.
static bool isDarkColor(const QColor &color);
* @brief Return the colour to be used for HTML links (e.g. used in QLabel), based on the current app palette or given colour (Dark-/Light-Mode switching).
* @return Background-aware colour for HTML links, based on the current app palette or given colour.
* 2019/12/08: Implemented for the Dark Mode on macOS, because the app palette can not account for that (Qt 5.12.5).
static QColor getBackgroundAwareLinkColor(const QColor &backgroundColor);
* @brief Return the colour to be used for HTML links (e.g. used in QLabel), based on the current app palette (Dark-/Light-Mode switching).
* @return Background-aware colour for HTML links, based on the current app palette.
* 2019/12/08: Implemented for the Dark Mode on macOS, because the app palette can not account for that (Qt 5.12.5).
static QColor getBackgroundAwareLinkColor();
* @brief Appends a CSS-style colour value to all HTML link tags in a given string, based on the current app palette or given colour (Dark-/Light-Mode switching).
* 2019/12/08: Implemented for the Dark Mode on macOS, because the app palette can not account for that (Qt 5.12.5).
* This way we also avoid having certain strings re-translated on Transifex.
static void replaceLinkColorStringBackgroundAware(QString &linkString, const QColor &backgroundColor);
* @brief Appends a CSS-style colour value to all HTML link tags in a given string, based on the current app palette (Dark-/Light-Mode switching).
* 2019/12/08: Implemented for the Dark Mode on macOS, because the app palette can not account for that (Qt 5.12.5).
* This way we also avoid having certain strings re-translated on Transifex.
static void replaceLinkColorStringBackgroundAware(QString &linkString);
* @brief Appends a CSS-style colour value to all HTML link tags in a given string, as specified by newColor.
* 2019/12/19: Implemented for the Dark Mode on macOS, because the app palette can not account for that (Qt 5.12.5).
* This way we also avoid having certain strings re-translated on Transifex.
static void replaceLinkColorString(QString &linkString, const QColor &newColor);
* @brief Creates a colour-aware icon based on the specified palette's base colour.
* @return QIcon, colour-aware (inverted on dark backgrounds).
* 2019/12/09: Moved here from SettingsDialog.
static QIcon createColorAwareIcon(const QString &name, const QPalette &palette);
* @brief Creates a colour-aware icon based on the app palette's base colour (Dark-/Light-Mode switching).
* @return QIcon, colour-aware (inverted on dark backgrounds).
* 2019/12/09: Moved here from SettingsDialog.
static QIcon createColorAwareIcon(const QString &name);
* @brief Creates a colour-aware pixmap based on the specified palette's base colour.
* @return QPixmap, colour-aware (inverted on dark backgrounds).
* 2019/12/09: Adapted from createColorAwareIcon.
static QPixmap createColorAwarePixmap(const QString &name, const QPalette &palette);
* @brief Creates a colour-aware pixmap based on the app palette's base colour (Dark-/Light-Mode switching).
* @return QPixmap, colour-aware (inverted on dark backgrounds).
* 2019/12/09: Adapted from createColorAwareIcon.
static QPixmap createColorAwarePixmap(const QString &name);
* @brief Whether to show the option to create folders using "virtual files".
* By default, the options are not shown unless experimental options are
* manually enabled in the configuration file.
virtual bool showVirtualFilesOption() const;
QIcon themeIcon(const QString &name, bool sysTray = false) const;
* @brief Generates image path in the resources
* @param name Name of the image file
* @param size Size in the power of two (16, 32, 64, etc.)
* @param sysTray Whether the image requested is for Systray or not
* @return QString image path in the resources
QString themeImagePath(const QString &name, int size = -1, bool sysTray = false) const;
void systrayUseMonoIconsChanged(bool);
Theme(Theme const &);
Theme &operator=(Theme const &);
static Theme *_instance;
bool _mono = false;
mutable QHash<QString, QIcon> _iconCache;
#endif // _THEME_H