Fork 0

1061 lines
41 KiB

* Copyright (C) by Duncan Mac-Vicar P. <duncan@kde.org>
* Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag <freitag@owncloud.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "syncengine.h"
#include "account.h"
#include "owncloudpropagator.h"
#include "common/syncjournaldb.h"
#include "common/syncjournalfilerecord.h"
#include "discoveryphase.h"
#include "creds/abstractcredentials.h"
#include "common/syncfilestatus.h"
#include "csync_exclude.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "deletejob.h"
#include "propagatedownload.h"
#include "common/asserts.h"
#include "configfile.h"
#include "discovery.h"
#include "common/vfs.h"
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
#include <windows.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <climits>
#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QSslSocket>
#include <QDir>
#include <QLoggingCategory>
#include <QMutexLocker>
#include <QThread>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QTime>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QSslCertificate>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QElapsedTimer>
#include <qtextcodec.h>
namespace OCC {
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcEngine, "nextcloud.sync.engine", QtInfoMsg)
bool SyncEngine::s_anySyncRunning = false;
/** When the client touches a file, block change notifications for this duration (ms)
* On Linux and Windows the file watcher can't distinguish a change that originates
* from the client (like a download during a sync operation) and an external change.
* To work around that, all files the client touches are recorded and file change
* notifications for these are blocked for some time. This value controls for how
* long.
* Reasons this delay can't be very small:
* - it takes time for the change notification to arrive and to be processed by the client
* - some time could pass between the client recording that a file will be touched
* and its filesystem operation finishing, triggering the notification
static const std::chrono::milliseconds s_touchedFilesMaxAgeMs(3 * 1000);
// doc in header
std::chrono::milliseconds SyncEngine::minimumFileAgeForUpload(2000);
SyncEngine::SyncEngine(AccountPtr account, const QString &localPath,
const QString &remotePath, OCC::SyncJournalDb *journal)
: _account(account)
, _needsUpdate(false)
, _syncRunning(false)
, _localPath(localPath)
, _remotePath(remotePath)
, _journal(journal)
, _progressInfo(new ProgressInfo)
, _hasNoneFiles(false)
, _hasRemoveFile(false)
, _uploadLimit(0)
, _downloadLimit(0)
, _anotherSyncNeeded(NoFollowUpSync)
// Everything in the SyncEngine expects a trailing slash for the localPath.
_excludedFiles.reset(new ExcludedFiles(localPath));
_syncFileStatusTracker.reset(new SyncFileStatusTracker(this));
_clearTouchedFilesTimer.setInterval(30 * 1000);
connect(&_clearTouchedFilesTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &SyncEngine::slotClearTouchedFiles);
connect(this, &SyncEngine::finished, [this](bool /* finished */) {
_journal->keyValueStoreSet("last_sync", QDateTime::currentSecsSinceEpoch());
* Check if the item is in the blacklist.
* If it should not be sync'ed because of the blacklist, update the item with the error instruction
* and proper error message, and return true.
* If the item is not in the blacklist, or the blacklist is stale, return false.
bool SyncEngine::checkErrorBlacklisting(SyncFileItem &item)
if (!_journal) {
qCCritical(lcEngine) << "Journal is undefined!";
return false;
SyncJournalErrorBlacklistRecord entry = _journal->errorBlacklistEntry(item._file);
item._hasBlacklistEntry = false;
if (!entry.isValid()) {
return false;
item._hasBlacklistEntry = true;
// If duration has expired, it's not blacklisted anymore
time_t now = Utility::qDateTimeToTime_t(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc());
if (now >= entry._lastTryTime + entry._ignoreDuration) {
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "blacklist entry for " << item._file << " has expired!";
return false;
// If the file has changed locally or on the server, the blacklist
// entry no longer applies
if (item._direction == SyncFileItem::Up) { // check the modtime
if (item._modtime == 0 || entry._lastTryModtime == 0) {
return false;
} else if (item._modtime != entry._lastTryModtime) {
qCInfo(lcEngine) << item._file << " is blacklisted, but has changed mtime!";
return false;
} else if (item._renameTarget != entry._renameTarget) {
qCInfo(lcEngine) << item._file << " is blacklisted, but rename target changed from" << entry._renameTarget;
return false;
} else if (item._direction == SyncFileItem::Down) {
// download, check the etag.
if (item._etag.isEmpty() || entry._lastTryEtag.isEmpty()) {
qCInfo(lcEngine) << item._file << "one ETag is empty, no blacklisting";
return false;
} else if (item._etag != entry._lastTryEtag) {
qCInfo(lcEngine) << item._file << " is blacklisted, but has changed etag!";
return false;
qint64 waitSeconds = entry._lastTryTime + entry._ignoreDuration - now;
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Item is on blacklist: " << entry._file
<< "retries:" << entry._retryCount
<< "for another" << waitSeconds << "s";
// We need to indicate that we skip this file due to blacklisting
// for reporting and for making sure we don't update the blacklist
// entry yet.
// Classification is this _instruction and _status
item._instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE;
item._status = SyncFileItem::BlacklistedError;
auto waitSecondsStr = Utility::durationToDescriptiveString1(1000 * waitSeconds);
item._errorString = tr("%1 (skipped due to earlier error, trying again in %2)").arg(entry._errorString, waitSecondsStr);
if (entry._errorCategory == SyncJournalErrorBlacklistRecord::InsufficientRemoteStorage) {
return true;
static bool isFileTransferInstruction(SyncInstructions instruction)
return instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT
|| instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW
|| instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC
void SyncEngine::deleteStaleDownloadInfos(const SyncFileItemVector &syncItems)
// Find all downloadinfo paths that we want to preserve.
QSet<QString> download_file_paths;
foreach (const SyncFileItemPtr &it, syncItems) {
if (it->_direction == SyncFileItem::Down
&& it->_type == ItemTypeFile
&& isFileTransferInstruction(it->_instruction)) {
// Delete from journal and from filesystem.
const QVector<SyncJournalDb::DownloadInfo> deleted_infos =
foreach (const SyncJournalDb::DownloadInfo &deleted_info, deleted_infos) {
const QString tmppath = _propagator->fullLocalPath(deleted_info._tmpfile);
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Deleting stale temporary file: " << tmppath;
void SyncEngine::deleteStaleUploadInfos(const SyncFileItemVector &syncItems)
// Find all blacklisted paths that we want to preserve.
QSet<QString> upload_file_paths;
foreach (const SyncFileItemPtr &it, syncItems) {
if (it->_direction == SyncFileItem::Up
&& it->_type == ItemTypeFile
&& isFileTransferInstruction(it->_instruction)) {
// Delete from journal.
auto ids = _journal->deleteStaleUploadInfos(upload_file_paths);
// Delete the stales chunk on the server.
if (account()->capabilities().chunkingNg()) {
foreach (uint transferId, ids) {
if (!transferId)
continue; // Was not a chunked upload
QUrl url = Utility::concatUrlPath(account()->url(), QLatin1String("remote.php/dav/uploads/") + account()->davUser() + QLatin1Char('/') + QString::number(transferId));
(new DeleteJob(account(), url, this))->start();
void SyncEngine::deleteStaleErrorBlacklistEntries(const SyncFileItemVector &syncItems)
// Find all blacklisted paths that we want to preserve.
QSet<QString> blacklist_file_paths;
foreach (const SyncFileItemPtr &it, syncItems) {
if (it->_hasBlacklistEntry)
// Delete from journal.
#if (QT_VERSION < 0x050600)
template <typename T>
constexpr typename std::add_const<T>::type &qAsConst(T &t) noexcept { return t; }
void SyncEngine::conflictRecordMaintenance()
// Remove stale conflict entries from the database
// by checking which files still exist and removing the
// missing ones.
const auto conflictRecordPaths = _journal->conflictRecordPaths();
for (const auto &path : conflictRecordPaths) {
auto fsPath = _propagator->fullLocalPath(QString::fromUtf8(path));
if (!QFileInfo(fsPath).exists()) {
// Did the sync see any conflict files that don't yet have records?
// If so, add them now.
// This happens when the conflicts table is new or when conflict files
// are downlaoded but the server doesn't send conflict headers.
for (const auto &path : qAsConst(_seenConflictFiles)) {
auto bapath = path.toUtf8();
if (!conflictRecordPaths.contains(bapath)) {
ConflictRecord record;
record.path = bapath;
auto basePath = Utility::conflictFileBaseNameFromPattern(bapath);
record.initialBasePath = basePath;
// Determine fileid of target file
SyncJournalFileRecord baseRecord;
if (_journal->getFileRecord(basePath, &baseRecord) && baseRecord.isValid()) {
record.baseFileId = baseRecord._fileId;
void OCC::SyncEngine::slotItemDiscovered(const OCC::SyncFileItemPtr &item)
if (Utility::isConflictFile(item->_file))
if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_UPDATE_METADATA && !item->isDirectory()) {
// For directories, metadata-only updates will be done after all their files are propagated.
// Update the database now already: New remote fileid or Etag or RemotePerm
// Or for files that were detected as "resolved conflict".
// Or a local inode/mtime change
// In case of "resolved conflict": there should have been a conflict because they
// both were new, or both had their local mtime or remote etag modified, but the
// size and mtime is the same on the server. This typically happens when the
// database is removed. Nothing will be done for those files, but we still need
// to update the database.
// This metadata update *could* be a propagation job of its own, but since it's
// quick to do and we don't want to create a potentially large number of
// mini-jobs later on, we just update metadata right now.
if (item->_direction == SyncFileItem::Down) {
QString filePath = _localPath + item->_file;
// If the 'W' remote permission changed, update the local filesystem
SyncJournalFileRecord prev;
if (_journal->getFileRecord(item->_file, &prev)
&& prev.isValid()
&& prev._remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanWrite) != item->_remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanWrite)) {
const bool isReadOnly = !item->_remotePerm.isNull() && !item->_remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanWrite);
FileSystem::setFileReadOnlyWeak(filePath, isReadOnly);
auto rec = item->toSyncJournalFileRecordWithInode(filePath);
if (rec._checksumHeader.isEmpty())
rec._checksumHeader = prev._checksumHeader;
rec._serverHasIgnoredFiles |= prev._serverHasIgnoredFiles;
// Ensure it's a placeholder file on disk
if (item->_type == ItemTypeFile) {
const auto result = _syncOptions._vfs->convertToPlaceholder(filePath, *item);
if (!result) {
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR;
item->_errorString = tr("Could not update file: %1").arg(result.error());
// Update on-disk virtual file metadata
if (item->_type == ItemTypeVirtualFile) {
auto r = _syncOptions._vfs->updateMetadata(filePath, item->_modtime, item->_size, item->_fileId);
if (!r) {
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR;
item->_errorString = tr("Could not update virtual file metadata: %1").arg(r.error());
// Updating the db happens on success
// This might have changed the shared flag, so we must notify SyncFileStatusTracker for example
emit itemCompleted(item);
} else {
// Update only outdated data from the disk.
_journal->updateLocalMetadata(item->_file, item->_modtime, item->_size, item->_inode);
_hasNoneFiles = true;
} else if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE) {
_hasNoneFiles = true;
if (_account->capabilities().uploadConflictFiles() && Utility::isConflictFile(item->_file)) {
// For uploaded conflict files, files with no action performed on them should
// be displayed: but we mustn't overwrite the instruction if something happens
// to the file!
item->_errorString = tr("Unresolved conflict.");
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE;
item->_status = SyncFileItem::Conflict;
} else if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE && !item->_isSelectiveSync) {
_hasRemoveFile = true;
} else if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_RENAME) {
_hasNoneFiles = true; // If a file (or every file) has been renamed, it means not al files where deleted
} else if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_TYPE_CHANGE
|| item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC) {
if (item->_direction == SyncFileItem::Up) {
// An upload of an existing file means that the file was left unchanged on the server
// This counts as a NONE for detecting if all the files on the server were changed
_hasNoneFiles = true;
// check for blacklisting of this item.
// if the item is on blacklist, the instruction was set to ERROR
_needsUpdate = true;
// Insert sorted
auto it = std::lower_bound( _syncItems.begin(), _syncItems.end(), item ); // the _syncItems is sorted
_syncItems.insert( it, item );
if (item->isDirectory()) {
slotFolderDiscovered(item->_etag.isEmpty(), item->_file);
void SyncEngine::startSync()
if (_journal->exists()) {
QVector<SyncJournalDb::PollInfo> pollInfos = _journal->getPollInfos();
if (!pollInfos.isEmpty()) {
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Finish Poll jobs before starting a sync";
auto *job = new CleanupPollsJob(pollInfos, _account,
_journal, _localPath, _syncOptions._vfs, this);
connect(job, &CleanupPollsJob::finished, this, &SyncEngine::startSync);
connect(job, &CleanupPollsJob::aborted, this, &SyncEngine::slotCleanPollsJobAborted);
if (s_anySyncRunning || _syncRunning) {
s_anySyncRunning = true;
_syncRunning = true;
_anotherSyncNeeded = NoFollowUpSync;
_hasNoneFiles = false;
_hasRemoveFile = false;
if (!QDir(_localPath).exists()) {
_anotherSyncNeeded = DelayedFollowUp;
// No _tr, it should only occur in non-mirall
syncError("Unable to find local sync folder.");
// Check free size on disk first.
const qint64 minFree = criticalFreeSpaceLimit();
const qint64 freeBytes = Utility::freeDiskSpace(_localPath);
if (freeBytes >= 0) {
if (freeBytes < minFree) {
qCWarning(lcEngine()) << "Too little space available at" << _localPath << ". Have"
<< freeBytes << "bytes and require at least" << minFree << "bytes";
_anotherSyncNeeded = DelayedFollowUp;
syncError(tr("Only %1 are available, need at least %2 to start",
"Placeholders are postfixed with file sizes using Utility::octetsToString()")
} else {
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "There are" << freeBytes << "bytes available at" << _localPath;
} else {
qCWarning(lcEngine) << "Could not determine free space available at" << _localPath;
_needsUpdate = false;
if (!_journal->exists()) {
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "New sync (no sync journal exists)";
} else {
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Sync with existing sync journal";
QString verStr("Using Qt ");
verStr.append(" SSL library ").append(QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionString().toUtf8().data());
verStr.append(" on ").append(Utility::platformName());
qCInfo(lcEngine) << verStr;
// This creates the DB if it does not exist yet.
if (!_journal->open()) {
qCWarning(lcEngine) << "No way to create a sync journal!";
syncError(tr("Unable to open or create the local sync database. Make sure you have write access in the sync folder."));
// database creation error!
// Functionality like selective sync might have set up etag storage
// filtering via schedulePathForRemoteDiscovery(). This *is* the next sync, so
// undo the filter to allow this sync to retrieve and store the correct etags.
_lastLocalDiscoveryStyle = _localDiscoveryStyle;
if (_syncOptions._vfs->mode() == Vfs::WithSuffix && _syncOptions._vfs->fileSuffix().isEmpty()) {
syncError(tr("Using virtual files with suffix, but suffix is not set"));
bool ok = false;
auto selectiveSyncBlackList = _journal->getSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncBlackList, &ok);
if (ok) {
bool usingSelectiveSync = (!selectiveSyncBlackList.isEmpty());
qCInfo(lcEngine) << (usingSelectiveSync ? "Using Selective Sync" : "NOT Using Selective Sync");
} else {
qCWarning(lcEngine) << "Could not retrieve selective sync list from DB";
syncError(tr("Unable to read the blacklist from the local database"));
_progressInfo->_status = ProgressInfo::Starting;
emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "#### Discovery start ####################################################";
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Server" << account()->serverVersion()
<< (account()->isHttp2Supported() ? "Using HTTP/2" : "");
_progressInfo->_status = ProgressInfo::Discovery;
emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
_discoveryPhase.reset(new DiscoveryPhase);
_discoveryPhase->_account = _account;
_discoveryPhase->_excludes = _excludedFiles.data();
_discoveryPhase->_statedb = _journal;
_discoveryPhase->_localDir = _localPath;
if (!_discoveryPhase->_localDir.endsWith('/'))
_discoveryPhase->_remoteFolder = _remotePath;
if (!_discoveryPhase->_remoteFolder.endsWith('/'))
_discoveryPhase->_syncOptions = _syncOptions;
_discoveryPhase->_shouldDiscoverLocaly = [this](const QString &s) { return shouldDiscoverLocally(s); };
_discoveryPhase->setSelectiveSyncWhiteList(_journal->getSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncWhiteList, &ok));
if (!ok) {
qCWarning(lcEngine) << "Unable to read selective sync list, aborting.";
syncError(tr("Unable to read from the sync journal."));
// Check for invalid character in old server version
QString invalidFilenamePattern = _account->capabilities().invalidFilenameRegex();
if (invalidFilenamePattern.isNull()
&& _account->serverVersionInt() < Account::makeServerVersion(8, 1, 0)) {
// Server versions older than 8.1 don't support some characters in filenames.
// If the capability is not set, default to a pattern that avoids uploading
// files with names that contain these.
// It's important to respect the capability also for older servers -- the
// version check doesn't make sense for custom servers.
invalidFilenamePattern = R"([\\:?*"<>|])";
if (!invalidFilenamePattern.isEmpty())
_discoveryPhase->_invalidFilenameRx = QRegExp(invalidFilenamePattern);
_discoveryPhase->_serverBlacklistedFiles = _account->capabilities().blacklistedFiles();
_discoveryPhase->_ignoreHiddenFiles = ignoreHiddenFiles();
connect(_discoveryPhase.data(), &DiscoveryPhase::itemDiscovered, this, &SyncEngine::slotItemDiscovered);
connect(_discoveryPhase.data(), &DiscoveryPhase::newBigFolder, this, &SyncEngine::newBigFolder);
connect(_discoveryPhase.data(), &DiscoveryPhase::fatalError, this, [this](const QString &errorString) {
connect(_discoveryPhase.data(), &DiscoveryPhase::finished, this, &SyncEngine::slotDiscoveryFinished);
connect(_discoveryPhase.data(), &DiscoveryPhase::silentlyExcluded,
_syncFileStatusTracker.data(), &SyncFileStatusTracker::slotAddSilentlyExcluded);
auto discoveryJob = new ProcessDirectoryJob(
_discoveryPhase.data(), PinState::AlwaysLocal, _journal->keyValueStoreGetInt("last_sync", 0), _discoveryPhase.data());
connect(discoveryJob, &ProcessDirectoryJob::etag, this, &SyncEngine::slotRootEtagReceived);
connect(_discoveryPhase.data(), &DiscoveryPhase::addErrorToGui, this, &SyncEngine::addErrorToGui);
void SyncEngine::slotFolderDiscovered(bool local, const QString &folder)
// Don't wanna overload the UI
if (!_lastUpdateProgressCallbackCall.isValid() || _lastUpdateProgressCallbackCall.elapsed() >= 200) {
_lastUpdateProgressCallbackCall.start(); // first call or enough elapsed time
} else {
if (local) {
_progressInfo->_currentDiscoveredLocalFolder = folder;
} else {
_progressInfo->_currentDiscoveredRemoteFolder = folder;
emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
void SyncEngine::slotRootEtagReceived(const QString &e, const QDateTime &time)
if (_remoteRootEtag.isEmpty()) {
qCDebug(lcEngine) << "Root etag:" << e;
_remoteRootEtag = e;
emit rootEtag(_remoteRootEtag, time);
void SyncEngine::slotNewItem(const SyncFileItemPtr &item)
void SyncEngine::slotDiscoveryFinished()
if (!_discoveryPhase) {
// There was an error that was already taken care of
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "#### Discovery end #################################################### " << _stopWatch.addLapTime(QLatin1String("Discovery Finished")) << "ms";
// Sanity check
if (!_journal->open()) {
qCWarning(lcEngine) << "Bailing out, DB failure";
syncError(tr("Cannot open the sync journal"));
} else {
// Commits a possibly existing (should not though) transaction and starts a new one for the propagate phase
_journal->commitIfNeededAndStartNewTransaction("Post discovery");
_progressInfo->_status = ProgressInfo::Reconcile;
emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
// qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Permissions of the root folder: " << _csync_ctx->remote.root_perms.toString();
auto finish = [this]{
auto databaseFingerprint = _journal->dataFingerprint();
// If databaseFingerprint is empty, this means that there was no information in the database
// (for example, upgrading from a previous version, or first sync, or server not supporting fingerprint)
if (!databaseFingerprint.isEmpty() && _discoveryPhase
&& _discoveryPhase->_dataFingerprint != databaseFingerprint) {
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "data fingerprint changed, assume restore from backup" << databaseFingerprint << _discoveryPhase->_dataFingerprint;
if (_discoveryPhase->_anotherSyncNeeded && _anotherSyncNeeded == NoFollowUpSync) {
_anotherSyncNeeded = ImmediateFollowUp;
Q_ASSERT(std::is_sorted(_syncItems.begin(), _syncItems.end()));
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "#### Reconcile (aboutToPropagate) #################################################### " << _stopWatch.addLapTime(QStringLiteral("Reconcile (aboutToPropagate)")) << "ms";
// To announce the beginning of the sync
emit aboutToPropagate(_syncItems);
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "#### Reconcile (aboutToPropagate OK) #################################################### "<< _stopWatch.addLapTime(QStringLiteral("Reconcile (aboutToPropagate OK)")) << "ms";
// it's important to do this before ProgressInfo::start(), to announce start of new sync
_progressInfo->_status = ProgressInfo::Propagation;
emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
// post update phase script: allow to tweak stuff by a custom script in debug mode.
if (!qEnvironmentVariableIsEmpty("OWNCLOUD_POST_UPDATE_SCRIPT")) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
const QString script = qEnvironmentVariable("OWNCLOUD_POST_UPDATE_SCRIPT");
qCDebug(lcEngine) << "Post Update Script: " << script;
qCWarning(lcEngine) << "**** Attention: POST_UPDATE_SCRIPT installed, but not executed because compiled with NDEBUG";
// do a database commit
_journal->commit(QStringLiteral("post treewalk"));
_propagator = QSharedPointer<OwncloudPropagator>(
new OwncloudPropagator(_account, _localPath, _remotePath, _journal));
connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::itemCompleted,
this, &SyncEngine::slotItemCompleted);
connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::progress,
this, &SyncEngine::slotProgress);
connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::finished, this, &SyncEngine::slotPropagationFinished, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::seenLockedFile, this, &SyncEngine::seenLockedFile);
connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::touchedFile, this, &SyncEngine::slotAddTouchedFile);
connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::insufficientLocalStorage, this, &SyncEngine::slotInsufficientLocalStorage);
connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::insufficientRemoteStorage, this, &SyncEngine::slotInsufficientRemoteStorage);
connect(_propagator.data(), &OwncloudPropagator::newItem, this, &SyncEngine::slotNewItem);
// apply the network limits to the propagator
setNetworkLimits(_uploadLimit, _downloadLimit);
_journal->commit(QStringLiteral("post stale entry removal"));
// Emit the started signal only after the propagator has been set up.
if (_needsUpdate)
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "#### Post-Reconcile end #################################################### " << _stopWatch.addLapTime(QStringLiteral("Post-Reconcile Finished")) << "ms";
if (!_hasNoneFiles && _hasRemoveFile) {
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "All the files are going to be changed, asking the user";
int side = 0; // > 0 means more deleted on the server. < 0 means more deleted on the client
foreach (const auto &it, _syncItems) {
if (it->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE) {
side += it->_direction == SyncFileItem::Down ? 1 : -1;
QPointer<QObject> guard = new QObject();
QPointer<QObject> self = this;
auto callback = [this, self, finish, guard](bool cancel) -> void {
// use a guard to ensure its only called once...
// qpointer to self to ensure we still exist
if (!guard || !self) {
if (cancel) {
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "User aborted sync";
} else {
emit aboutToRemoveAllFiles(side >= 0 ? SyncFileItem::Down : SyncFileItem::Up, callback);
void SyncEngine::slotCleanPollsJobAborted(const QString &error)
void SyncEngine::setNetworkLimits(int upload, int download)
_uploadLimit = upload;
_downloadLimit = download;
if (!_propagator)
_propagator->_uploadLimit = upload;
_propagator->_downloadLimit = download;
if (upload != 0 || download != 0) {
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Network Limits (down/up) " << upload << download;
void SyncEngine::slotItemCompleted(const SyncFileItemPtr &item)
emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
emit itemCompleted(item);
void SyncEngine::slotPropagationFinished(bool success)
if (_propagator->_anotherSyncNeeded && _anotherSyncNeeded == NoFollowUpSync) {
_anotherSyncNeeded = ImmediateFollowUp;
if (success && _discoveryPhase) {
_journal->commit("All Finished.", false);
// Send final progress information even if no
// files needed propagation, but clear the lastCompletedItem
// so we don't count this twice (like Recent Files)
_progressInfo->_lastCompletedItem = SyncFileItem();
_progressInfo->_status = ProgressInfo::Done;
emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
void SyncEngine::finalize(bool success)
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Sync run took " << _stopWatch.addLapTime(QLatin1String("Sync Finished")) << "ms";
if (_discoveryPhase) {
s_anySyncRunning = false;
_syncRunning = false;
emit finished(success);
// Delete the propagator only after emitting the signal.
_localDiscoveryStyle = LocalDiscoveryStyle::FilesystemOnly;
void SyncEngine::slotProgress(const SyncFileItem &item, qint64 current)
_progressInfo->setProgressItem(item, current);
emit transmissionProgress(*_progressInfo);
void SyncEngine::restoreOldFiles(SyncFileItemVector &syncItems)
/* When the server is trying to send us lots of file in the past, this means that a backup
was restored in the server. In that case, we should not simply overwrite the newer file
on the file system with the older file from the backup on the server. Instead, we will
upload the client file. But we still downloaded the old file in a conflict file just in case
for (const auto &syncItem : qAsConst(syncItems)) {
if (syncItem->_direction != SyncFileItem::Down)
switch (syncItem->_instruction) {
qCWarning(lcEngine) << "restoreOldFiles: RESTORING" << syncItem->_file;
syncItem->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT;
qCWarning(lcEngine) << "restoreOldFiles: RESTORING" << syncItem->_file;
syncItem->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW;
syncItem->_direction = SyncFileItem::Up;
// Ideally we should try to revert the rename or remove, but this would be dangerous
// without re-doing the reconcile phase. So just let it happen.
void SyncEngine::slotAddTouchedFile(const QString &fn)
QElapsedTimer now;
QString file = QDir::cleanPath(fn);
// Iterate from the oldest and remove anything older than 15 seconds.
while (true) {
auto first = _touchedFiles.begin();
if (first == _touchedFiles.end())
// Compare to our new QElapsedTimer instead of using elapsed().
// This avoids querying the current time from the OS for every loop.
auto elapsed = std::chrono::milliseconds(now.msecsSinceReference() - first.key().msecsSinceReference());
if (elapsed <= s_touchedFilesMaxAgeMs) {
// We found the first path younger than the maximum age, keep the rest.
// This should be the largest QElapsedTimer yet, use constEnd() as hint.
_touchedFiles.insert(_touchedFiles.constEnd(), now, file);
void SyncEngine::slotClearTouchedFiles()
bool SyncEngine::wasFileTouched(const QString &fn) const
// Start from the end (most recent) and look for our path. Check the time just in case.
auto begin = _touchedFiles.constBegin();
for (auto it = _touchedFiles.constEnd(); it != begin; --it) {
if ((it-1).value() == fn)
return std::chrono::milliseconds((it-1).key().elapsed()) <= s_touchedFilesMaxAgeMs;
return false;
AccountPtr SyncEngine::account() const
return _account;
void SyncEngine::setLocalDiscoveryOptions(LocalDiscoveryStyle style, std::set<QString> paths)
_localDiscoveryStyle = style;
_localDiscoveryPaths = std::move(paths);
// Normalize to make sure that no path is a contained in another.
// Note: for simplicity, this code consider anything less than '/' as a path separator, so for
// example, this will remove "foo.bar" if "foo" is in the list. This will mean we might have
// some false positive, but that's Ok.
// This invariant is used in SyncEngine::shouldDiscoverLocally
QString prev;
auto it = _localDiscoveryPaths.begin();
while(it != _localDiscoveryPaths.end()) {
if (!prev.isNull() && it->startsWith(prev) && (prev.endsWith('/') || *it == prev || it->at(prev.size()) <= '/')) {
it = _localDiscoveryPaths.erase(it);
} else {
prev = *it;
bool SyncEngine::shouldDiscoverLocally(const QString &path) const
if (_localDiscoveryStyle == LocalDiscoveryStyle::FilesystemOnly)
return true;
// The intention is that if "A/X" is in _localDiscoveryPaths:
// - parent folders like "/", "A" will be discovered (to make sure the discovery reaches the
// point where something new happened)
// - the folder itself "A/X" will be discovered
// - subfolders like "A/X/Y" will be discovered (so data inside a new or renamed folder will be
// discovered in full)
// Check out TestLocalDiscovery::testLocalDiscoveryDecision()
auto it = _localDiscoveryPaths.lower_bound(path);
if (it == _localDiscoveryPaths.end() || !it->startsWith(path)) {
// Maybe a subfolder of something in the list?
if (it != _localDiscoveryPaths.begin() && path.startsWith(*(--it))) {
return it->endsWith('/') || (path.size() > it->size() && path.at(it->size()) <= '/');
return false;
// maybe an exact match or an empty path?
if (it->size() == path.size() || path.isEmpty())
return true;
// Maybe a parent folder of something in the list?
// check for a prefix + / match
forever {
if (it->size() > path.size() && it->at(path.size()) == '/')
return true;
if (it == _localDiscoveryPaths.end() || !it->startsWith(path))
return false;
return false;
void SyncEngine::wipeVirtualFiles(const QString &localPath, SyncJournalDb &journal, Vfs &vfs)
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Wiping virtual files inside" << localPath;
journal.getFilesBelowPath(QByteArray(), [&](const SyncJournalFileRecord &rec) {
if (rec._type != ItemTypeVirtualFile && rec._type != ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload)
qCDebug(lcEngine) << "Removing db record for" << rec.path();
// If the local file is a dehydrated placeholder, wipe it too.
// Otherwise leave it to allow the next sync to have a new-new conflict.
QString localFile = localPath + rec._path;
if (QFile::exists(localFile) && vfs.isDehydratedPlaceholder(localFile)) {
qCDebug(lcEngine) << "Removing local dehydrated placeholder" << rec.path();
// Postcondition: No ItemTypeVirtualFile / ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload left in the db.
// But hydrated placeholders may still be around.
void SyncEngine::abort()
if (_propagator)
qCInfo(lcEngine) << "Aborting sync";
if (_propagator) {
// If we're already in the propagation phase, aborting that is sufficient
} else if (_discoveryPhase) {
// Delete the discovery and all child jobs after ensuring
// it can't finish and start the propagator
disconnect(_discoveryPhase.data(), nullptr, this, nullptr);
void SyncEngine::slotSummaryError(const QString &message)
if (_uniqueErrors.contains(message))
emit syncError(message, ErrorCategory::Normal);
void SyncEngine::slotInsufficientLocalStorage()
tr("Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space "
"below %1 were skipped.")
void SyncEngine::slotInsufficientRemoteStorage()
auto msg = tr("There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads.");
if (_uniqueErrors.contains(msg))
emit syncError(msg, ErrorCategory::InsufficientRemoteStorage);
} // namespace OCC