mirror of https://github.com/chylex/Lightning-Tracker.git synced 2024-09-19 10:42:48 +02:00

198 lines
7.6 KiB

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
const asInt = function(value){
const int = parseInt(value, 10);
return isNaN(int) ? null : int;
const wholeLineToggles = {
"heading-1": "#",
"heading-2": "##",
"heading-3": "###",
"task-unchecked": "[ ]",
"task-checked": "[x]",
const wholeLineTogglesOrdered = Object.entries(wholeLineToggles).sort((a, b) => b[1].length - a[1].length);
* @param {HTMLTextAreaElement} editor
const getActiveWholeLineToggle = function(editor){
const text = editor.value;
const lineStart = text.lastIndexOf("\n", editor.selectionStart - 1) + 1;
for(const entry of wholeLineTogglesOrdered){
const prefix = entry[1];
if (text.substr(lineStart, prefix.length) === prefix){
return entry[0];
return null;
* @param {string} text
* @param {number} start
* @param {number} end
* @returns Positions of first non-newline characters on each line at least partially included in the range, in the order from last line to first line.
const findLineStarts = function(text, start, end){
start = Math.max(0, start);
end = Math.max(0, end);
const starts = [];
let pos = end;
while(pos >= start){
const match = text.lastIndexOf("\n", pos);
starts.push(match + 1);
pos = match - 1;
return starts;
* @param {HTMLTextAreaElement} editor
* @param {string} action
const applyWholeLineToggle = function(editor, action){
let text = editor.value;
let restoreCaretStart = editor.selectionStart;
let restoreCaretEnd = editor.selectionEnd;
let allMatchedLineActions = true;
let removedAtLeastOneAction = false;
const lineStarts = findLineStarts(text, editor.selectionStart - 1, editor.selectionEnd - 1);
const firstLineStart = lineStarts[lineStarts.length - 1];
for(const lineStart of lineStarts){
for(const entry of wholeLineTogglesOrdered){
const prefix = entry[1];
if (text.substr(lineStart, prefix.length) === prefix){
let cutEnd = lineStart + prefix.length;
while(cutEnd < text.length && text[cutEnd] === " "){
if (lineStart === firstLineStart){
if (restoreCaretStart < cutEnd){
restoreCaretStart = lineStart;
restoreCaretStart -= cutEnd - lineStart;
if (restoreCaretEnd < cutEnd){
restoreCaretEnd = lineStart;
restoreCaretEnd -= cutEnd - lineStart;
text = text.substring(0, lineStart) + text.substring(cutEnd);
if (entry[0] !== action){
allMatchedLineActions = false;
removedAtLeastOneAction = true;
if (!removedAtLeastOneAction || !allMatchedLineActions){
const insert = wholeLineToggles[action] + " ";
for(const lineStart of findLineStarts(text, restoreCaretStart - 1, restoreCaretEnd - 1)){
text = text.substring(0, lineStart) + insert + text.substring(lineStart);
restoreCaretStart += insert.length;
restoreCaretEnd += insert.length * lineStarts.length;
editor.value = text;
editor.setSelectionRange(restoreCaretStart, restoreCaretEnd, "none");
for(/** @type HTMLTextAreaElement */ const editor of document.querySelectorAll("textarea[data-markdown-editor]")){
const updateHeight = function(){
if (editor.hasAttribute("data-height") && editor.getAttribute("data-height") !== editor.style.height){
return; // in some browsers, double-clicking the resize dragger resets the height which allows automatic resizing again
const prevWindowScroll = window.scrollY;
editor.style.height = "0px";
const style = window.getComputedStyle(editor);
const padding = asInt(style.getPropertyValue("padding-top")) + asInt(style.getPropertyValue("padding-bottom"));
const lineHeight = asInt(style.getPropertyValue("line-height")) || (1.2 * asInt(style.getPropertyValue("font-size")));
const lineCount = Math.ceil((editor.scrollHeight - padding) / lineHeight);
editor.style.height = Math.ceil(1 + padding + Math.max(7, Math.min(30, lineCount)) * lineHeight) + "px";
editor.style.minHeight = Math.ceil(padding + lineHeight) + "px";
editor.setAttribute("data-height", editor.style.height);
window.scroll({ left: window.scrollX, top: prevWindowScroll });
const controls = editor.previousElementSibling;
if (controls && controls.hasAttribute("data-markdown-editor-controls")){
const buttons = controls.querySelectorAll("button");
const updateButtons = function(){
const currentWholeLineToggle = getActiveWholeLineToggle(editor);
for(/** @type HTMLButtonElement */ const button of buttons){
if (button.getAttribute("data-editor-action-type")){
button.classList.toggle("active", currentWholeLineToggle === button.getAttribute("data-editor-action-value"));
button.classList.toggle("active", false);
const updateButtonsDelayed = function(){
setTimeout(updateButtons, 0);
for(/** @type HTMLButtonElement */ const button of buttons){
const actionType = button.getAttribute("data-editor-action-type");
const actionValue = button.getAttribute("data-editor-action-value");
button.addEventListener("click", function(){
if (actionType === "wholeline-toggle"){
applyWholeLineToggle(editor, actionValue);
editor.addEventListener("input", updateButtons);
editor.addEventListener("keydown", updateButtonsDelayed);
editor.addEventListener("mousedown", updateButtonsDelayed);
editor.addEventListener("mouseup", updateButtons);
editor.addEventListener("input", updateHeight);