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1 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
201b6e1f3a |
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
* text=auto eol=lf
@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity
and orientation.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming,
diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
community include:
* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
and learning from the experience
* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the
overall community
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or
advances of any kind
* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email
address, without their explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Enforcement Responsibilities
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
or harmful.
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation
decisions when appropriate.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address,
posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at
All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the
reporter of any incident.
## Enforcement Guidelines
Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining
the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
### 1. Correction
**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed
unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing
clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the
behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
### 2. Warning
**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series
of actions.
**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No
interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with
those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This
includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels
like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or
permanent ban.
### 3. Temporary Ban
**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including
sustained inappropriate behavior.
**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public
communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or
private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction
with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period.
Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
### 4. Permanent Ban
**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within
the community.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
version 2.0, available at
Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct
enforcement ladder](
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at
|||||| Translations are available at
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
## Contribute
NOTE: To view the PSI tree and explore the internal PSI structure of source code, you need to set up your IDE by following [this](
For the Rider IDE, please follow: [this](
For small changes, [Gitpod]( is recommended. [![Open in Gitpod](](
* `gradle test`
* `gradle runIde`
* `gradle buildPlugin`
## Support Us
You can support us by the following actions:
* Star this project
* Share this plugin with your friends
* Rate this plugin on [JetBrains plugin repository](
* Make pull requests
* Report bugs
* Tell us your ideas
* Become a sponsor by donating on [Open Collective](
* Become a sponsor by donating with AliPay or WeChatPay
* Don't want to use AliPay's mobile App? If you could read Chinese, please use [the official website]( to transfer your donation to my Alipay account( Otherwise, you can try [the English version of Alipay]( to transfer your donation.
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## Backers
Thank you to all our backers! ❤️ [[Become a backer](]
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
## Sponsors
Support this project by becoming a sponsor! 🌈 Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Become a sponsor](]
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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
open_collective: intellij-rainbow-brackets
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
title: ''
labels: bug?
assignees: ''
Your issue may already be reported!
Please search on the [issues]( and the [document]( before creating one.
## Please check
- [ ] I already support this project.
- [ ] If you are submitting a feature request, please do consider donating us on [Open Collective]( Or by AliPay/WeChatPay.
- [ ] This issue/feature request is not reported before.
## Your programming languages
## Expected Behavior
* If you're describing a bug, tell us what should happen
* If you're suggesting a change/improvement, tell us how it should work
## Current Behavior
* If describing a bug, tell us what happens instead of the expected behavior
* If suggesting a change/improvement, explain the difference from current behavior
## Possible Solution
Not obligatory, but suggest a fix/reason for the bug, or ideas how to implement the addition or change.
Or what have you tried to resolve this issue.
## Code snippet for reproduce (for bugs)
Please provide code snippet for reproduce bugs.
## Your Environment
* Plugin version:
* IDE & Operating System version, comment your env as below(go to "About IntelliJ IDEA" -> click the "copy" icon):
* NOTE: If you are going to report a bug but WITHOUT your env information, your issue might be closed directly.
IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-212.4746.92, built on July 27, 2021
Licensed to IntelliJ Rainbow Brackets / Zhang Zhihao
Subscription is active until February 3, 2022.
For non-commercial open source development only.
Runtime version: 11.0.11+9-b1504.13 x86_64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
macOS 11.4
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 4096M
Cores: 16
Registry: ide.tooltip.initialDelay=900, ide.balloon.shadow.size=0, scala.erase.compiler.process.jdk.once=false
Non-Bundled Plugins: (212.4746.57), (5.3.0), lermitage.intellij.extra.icons (, org.nik.presentation-assistant (1.0.9), kotest-plugin-intellij (1.1.36-IC-2021.1), Pythonid (212.4746.96), org.intellij.scala (2021.2.15), izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets (6.19), com.intellij.bigdatatools (212.4037.55)
Kotlin: 212-1.5.10-release-IJ4746.92
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project
title: ''
labels: feature request
assignees: ''
**Please [support us]( before creating a feature request, thanks for your support 😁**
## Please check
- [ ] I already support this project.
- [ ] If you are submitting a feature request, please do consider donating us on [Open Collective]( Or by AliPay/WeChatPay.
- [ ] This issue/feature request is not reported before.
## Your programming languages
## Expected Behavior
* tell us how it will works
## Current Behavior
* explain the difference from current behavior
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
collective: intellij-rainbow-brackets
- tiers: "*"
labels: ["backer"]
message: "Hey <author> , thanks for supporting us on Open Collective :heart::heart::heart: We'll give a special attention to this issue!"
invitation: |
Hey <author> :wave:,
Thank you for opening an issue/feature request. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Also, check out our <link> and consider backing us - every little helps!
PS.: We offer `priority` support for all backers. Don't forget to
add `priority` label when you start backing us :smile:
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
name: Build
- '2020.3'
name: Test
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Setup Java 11 environment for the next steps
- name: Setup Java
uses: actions/setup-java@v2
distribution: 'adopt'
java-version: 11
# Check out current repository
- name: Fetch Sources
uses: actions/checkout@v2.3.4
# Cache Gradle dependencies
- name: Setup Gradle Dependencies Cache
uses: actions/cache@v2.1.6
path: ~/.gradle/caches
key: ${{ runner.os }}-gradle-caches-${{ hashFiles('**/*.gradle', '**/*.gradle.kts') }}
# Cache Gradle Wrapper
- name: Setup Gradle Wrapper Cache
uses: actions/cache@v2.1.6
path: ~/.gradle/wrapper
key: ${{ runner.os }}-gradle-wrapper-${{ hashFiles('**/gradle/wrapper/') }}
# Run detekt, ktlint and tests
- name: Run Linters and Test
run: ./gradlew check
# Run verifyPlugin Gradle task
- name: Verify Plugin
run: ./gradlew verifyPlugin
# Set environment variables
- name: Export Properties
id: properties
shell: bash
run: |
PROPERTIES="$(./gradlew properties --console=plain -q)"
IDE_VERSIONS="$(echo "$PROPERTIES" | grep "^pluginVerifierIdeVersions:" | base64)"
VERSION="$(echo "$PROPERTIES" | grep "^version:" | cut -f2- -d ' ')"
echo "::set-output name=ideVersions::$IDE_VERSIONS"
echo "::set-output name=pluginVerifierHomeDir::~/.pluginVerifier"
echo "::set-output name=artifact::$ARTIFACT"
# Cache Plugin Verifier IDEs
- name: Setup Plugin Verifier IDEs Cache
uses: actions/cache@v2.1.6
path: ${{ }}/ides
key: ${{ runner.os }}-plugin-verifier-${{ }}
# Run IntelliJ Plugin Verifier action using GitHub Action
- name: Verify Plugin
run: ./gradlew runPluginVerifier -Pplugin.verifier.home.dir=${{ }}
- name: Upload artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2.2.3
name: UnZipMe
path: ./build/distributions/${{ }}
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
name: "Label and close wontfix issues"
types: [opened]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: Naturalclar/issue-action@v2.0.2
title-or-body: "both"
parameters: '[ {"keywords": ["RainbowHighlightVisitor.kt:35", "RainbowHighlightVisitor.kt:68", "RainbowHighlightVisitor.analyze"], "labels": ["invalid"]} ]'
github-token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
needs: [Label]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/stale@v3.0.14
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
days-before-stale: 0
days-before-close: 0
stale-issue-message: "This auto generated issue has been automatically marked as wontfix because nothing it's wrong here. If you think there are something really wrong, please reply this issue. Thanks for your cooperation."
stale-issue-label: "wontfix"
only-labels: "invalid"
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
# GitHub Actions Workflow created for handling the release process based on the draft release prepared
# with the Build workflow. Running the publishPlugin task requires the PUBLISH_TOKEN secret provided.
name: Release
types: [prereleased, released]
# Prepare and publish the plugin to the Marketplace repository
name: Publish Plugin
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Setup Java 11 environment for the next steps
- name: Setup Java
uses: actions/setup-java@v2
distribution: "adopt"
java-version: 11
# Check out current repository
- name: Fetch Sources
uses: actions/checkout@v2.3.4
ref: ${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}
# Cache Gradle dependencies
- name: Setup Gradle Dependencies Cache
uses: actions/cache@v2.1.6
path: ~/.gradle/caches
key: ${{ runner.os }}-gradle-caches-${{ hashFiles('**/*.gradle', '**/*.gradle.kts') }}
# Cache Gradle Wrapper
- name: Setup Gradle Wrapper Cache
uses: actions/cache@v2.1.6
path: ~/.gradle/wrapper
key: ${{ runner.os }}-gradle-wrapper-${{ hashFiles('**/gradle/wrapper/') }}
# Publish the plugin to the Marketplace
- name: Publish Plugin
token: ${{ secrets.PUBLISH_TOKEN }}
run: ./gradlew publishPlugin
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
name: 'Stale handler'
- cron: '0 0 * * *'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/stale@main
id: stale
stale-issue-message: 'This issue is stale because it has been open 30 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 5 days'
days-before-stale: 30
days-before-close: 5
only-labels: 'PR welcome'
- name: Print outputs
run: echo ${{ join(steps.stale.outputs.*, ',') }}
@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
FROM gitpod/workspace-full
USER gitpod
RUN brew install kotlin
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
file: .gitpod.Dockerfile
- init: gradle compileKotlin
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- name: Automatic merge on approval
- "#approved-reviews-by>=1"
- status-success=Test
method: merge
- name: automatically merge dependabot's PRs
- author~=^dependabot(|-preview)\[bot\]$
- status-success=Test
method: merge
@ -1,742 +0,0 @@
## Change log
<li>Fix <a href="">#2529: [paid][C#] fix:
compatibility issues with Rider 2022.3.</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#2533: [paid][C#] fix:
colours incorrect when using "Cycle count on all brackets".</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#2354: [paid][C#] fix:
colours incorrect when using "Cycle count on all brackets".</a></li>
<li>Fix many compatibility issues with IntelliJ platform 2022.3.</li>
<br />
<li>Bump dependencies.</li>
<br />
<li><a href="">#2484 Add configurable threshold
for number of lines for big files.</a></li>
<br />
<li><a href="">#2478 Scope highlighting not
working with Hiberbee Theme(and other themes).</a></li>
<br />
<li><a href="">#2465 Improved performance of
<br />
<li><a href="">#2408 Support Code With Me
client(Doesn't even need to be installed on the client side)</a></li>
<br />
<li>Handle exceptions in `RainbowHighlightVisitor.analyze()`</a></li>
<li>Cleanup 201.* stuff</a></li>
<li>Mirror changes from</a></li>
<li>Using textMatches instead of text to avoid expensive traverses the whole PSI tree & format code</a></li>
<li>Add support for rainbowify Python keywords</li>
<li>Compatible with DataSpell</li>
<br />
<li>Handle exceptions in `RainbowHighlightVisitor.analyze()`</a></li>
<li>Cleanup 201.* stuff</a></li>
<li>Mirror changes from</a></li>
<li>Using textMatches instead of text to avoid expensive traverses the whole PSI tree & format code</a></li>
<li>Add support for rainbowify Python keywords</li>
<li>Compatible with DataSpell</li>
<br />
<li>Fix <a href="">#2280: [SQL] the END keyword
is improperly detected as closing a BEGIN scope when the END actually closes a CASE.</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#1993: Change the default
color schema in light theme.</a></li>
<li>Nashorn Engine removed, compatible with JDK15+, tested with OpenJDK 17-ea+24 on MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) &
IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 Build #IU-212.4638.7</li>
<li>Compatible with HUAWEI DevEco Studio</li>
<br />
<li>Fix <a href="">#2037: Wrong coloring in
generic `<` after comparison operator `<`.</a>
<li>Error report removed.</li>
<br />
<li>Feature <a href="">#1068: @keeganwitt Add
language exclusions to settings (closes #1046) (#1068) </a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#1067: Don't rainbowify big
files notification annoying</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#1057: Wrong coloring in
lambda expressions with braces</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#497: Add `<` & `>` support
for C# </a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#191: C# Razor Pages
(.cshtml) Support </a></li>
<li>Deprecated API usage removed.</li>
<br />
<li>Feature <a href="">#458: Color Parentheses
In Go Template</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#988: (@Grandmother) minor:
fix mispell in notification message</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#973: File text mismatch</a>
<li>Fix <a href="">#497: C# in Rider - only
squiggly brackets are rainbowified </a></li>
<br />
<li>Feature <a href="">#897: Initial support for
Pug/Jade Language</a></li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#830: New option "Do NOT
rainbowify template string"</a></li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#784: Disable rainbowify
on big files(>1000 lines for now)</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#851: Rainbowify tag name
doesn't works in JSX</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#875: cannot create
configurable component</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#799 #817: Wrong element
created by ASTFactory</a></li>
<br />
<li>Make as a non-dynamic plugin, so it now requires restart.</li>
<br />
<li>Fix <a href="">#516: Add option to raibowify
tag name of XML/HTML(disabled by default)</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#279: Hide update
notification on any click & Disable update notification support</a></li>
<li>Feature: Rainbowify XML/HTML tag name.</li>
<li>Feature: Upgrade to kotlin 1.4.10.</li>
<br />
<li>Fix <a href="">#279: Hide update
notification on any click & Disable update notification support</a></li>
<li>Feature: Rainbowify XML/HTML tag name.</li>
<li>Feature: Upgrade to kotlin 1.4.10.</li>
<br />
<li>Fix <a href="">#481: rainbow-brackets does
not support bash shell properly(for BashSupport Pro and Shell Script)</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#485: Incorrect coloriziong
after lambda in C#</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#242: Colorization is applied
only to left parenthesis in for loop(C#) </a></li>
<li>Feature: C# support switch to new implementation.</li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#476: Cannot create class
<br />
<li>Fix <a href="">#480: Plugin Incompatibility:
Android Studio 4.2 Alpha 8</a></li>
<br />
<li>Fix <a href="">#445: No working on Android
Studio canary 4.2</a></li>
<li>Some bug fixs and code refactorings</li>
<br />
<li>Fix NPE</li>
<br />
<li>Fix <a href="">#436: Duplicated indent
guides in 2020.2 EAP</a></li>
<br />
<li>Fix <a href="">#410:
<li>Fix <a href="">#429:
<li>Feature <a href="">#427: Colorizing angle
brackets for Typescript generics</a></li>
<li>Some refactoring!</li>
<br />
<li>Fix <a href="">#420: Exceptions in random
color generator</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#423: Don't rainbow php and
echo tag</a></li>
<li>Fix anonymous feedback</li>
<li>Some refactoring!</li>
<br />
<li>Feature <a href="">#417: Disable Rainbow
Indents in Zen mode</a></li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#227: Coloring for angle
bracket for C++ code</a></li>
<li>Fix some exceptions and refactoring!</li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#214: New color generator
to generate your color schema</a></li>
<br />
<li>Fix <a href="">#410:
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when number of colors to less than 5</a></li>
<br />
<li>First release of 2020.1 and Java 11!</li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#235: support SQL begin
end colorization</a></li>
<li>Notification improved</li>
<li>Error report improved</li>
<li>Deprecated API usage removed</li>
<li>Initial support for <a
<br />
<li>First release of 2020.1 and Java 11!</li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#235: support SQL begin
end colorization</a></li>
<li>Notification improved</li>
<li>Error report improved</li>
<li>Deprecated API usage removed</li>
<li>Initial support for <a
<br />
<li>Final release of 2017.2 and Java 8! start from the next release, we will build against with 2020.1 and Java 11
<br />
<li>Compatible with Material Theme UI Plugin</li>
<li>Fix typo</li>
<br />
<li>Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException</li>
<br />
<li>Feature #391: Support cycle color on all bracket types(new option `Cycle count on all bracket types`)</li>
<li>Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException</li>
<br />
<li>#187 Feature: Ability to increase the number of colours in the IDE</li>
<li>#247 Feature: Add a button to apply the color code to all kind of brackets</li>
<li>#374 Feature: Add support for IntelliJ-Haskell</li>
<li>Fix #54: Disable rainbow for mxml files</li>
<li>Fix typo</li>
<br />
<li>Rollback indent guides</li>
<br />
<li>Compatible color schema with the latest version of material-theme-jetbrains</li>
<li>Fix some errors</li>
<br />
<li>Improve error report</li>
<li>Fix some errors with Nginx plugin</li>
<br />
<li>Improve rainbow indent guide lines</li>
<br />
<li>Improve error report.</li>
<br />
<li>Fix #259 Runtime error in rainbow indent guide lines.</li>
<br />
<li>Fix #252 Runtime error in rainbow indent guide lines.</li>
<li>Fix #254 Nginx support is been disabled from now on.</li>
<li>Re-enable anonymous feedback</li>
<br />
<li>#164 #251 New feature: Rainbow indent guide lines(experimental), Thanks !</li>
<br />
<li>Fix #243 #180, allow users custom matched brace by setting `overrideMatchedBraceAttributes = false`</li>
<br />
<li>#65 [Scope Highlighting] now the effects will not been removed after shortcut released, users could press the
key `ESC` to do this. There also have an option `Press any key to remove the highlighting effects`</li>
<li>Refactoring & Remove dead code</li>
<br />
<li>#233 Option to not rainbowify brackets of the first level</li>
<li>#234 Color is displayed with wrong order in C# code</li>
<br />
<li>Fix notification.</li>
<br />
<li>Add notification for custom your own rainbow colors.</li>
<br />
<li>More color options for squiggly brackets before cycle(#215).</li>
<li>NullPointerException in while analyse code(#216).</li>
<br />
<li>Add shiny new icon.</li>
<br />
<li>Fix support for kotlin scheme attribute "KOTLIN_FUNCTION_LITERAL_BRACES_AND_ARROW".</li>
<br />
<li>Remove deprecated API usages.</li>
<li>Added Dart to the supported languages list(#205).</li>
<br />
<li>Fix macro support of Clang(#198)</li>
<li>Remove red-variation colors from default configuration(#192)</li>
<br />
<li>Intellij-rainbow-brackets now support C# language(#6)!</li>
<br />
<li>Now you could disable rainbow brackets for specific languages, see more info <a
<br />
<li>New color settings page!!! Thanks this PR(#179) from</li>
<li>See the new settings page in Settings/Preferences > Editor > Color Scheme > Rainbow Brackets.</li>
<br />
<li>Fix wrong background color on a light theme of "MATCHED_BRACE_ATTRIBUTES"(#155).</li>
<br />
<li>Rainbow Kotlin lambda expression arrow(#142).</li>
<li>Experimental feature: Highlight Kotlin label(#143).</li>
<li>Improve configs & docs.</li>
<li>Cleanup temp code & deprecated code.</li>
<li>Remove anonymous feedback.</li>
<br />
<li>Improve anonymous feedback</li>
<br />
<li>Override kotlin plugin setting `KOTLIN_FUNCTION_LITERAL_BRACES_AND_ARROW` to empty so that we could
rainbowify multiple level lambda expressions.
<br />
<li>Fix #67: Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key version</li>
<li>Improve anonymous feedback</li>
<br />
<li>Feature #52 Flat out all text other than brackets on key (Alt + Button3) press. (via pull request#63)
<li>Feature #61 Change Highlight Current Scope Keymap to Ctrl + Button3 (Windows & Linux) or Meta+ Button3
(Mac) (via pull request#63)
<li>Add anonymous feedback support</li>
<br />
<li>Fix #60 :Exception in v5.7</li>
<li>Experimental feature: Highlight current scope when Ctrl(Windows & Linux)/Meta(Mac) key pressed (feature
#37 / pull request#59)
<br />
<li>Experimental feature: Highlight current scope when Ctrl(Windows & Linux)/Meta(Mac) key pressed (feature
#37 / pull request#59)
<br />
<li>Performance improvement</li>
<br />
<li>Fix #53 The closing brackets or keywords are not highlighted (Ruby & PHP)</li>
<br />
<li>Fix #53 The closing brackets or keywords are not highlighted (Ruby & PHP)</li>
<br />
<li>Improve angle bracket support for Groovy</li>
<br />
<li>#48 Performance improvement</li>
<li>#49 Fix images size</li>
<br />
<li>#39 Enable rainbow html in js</li>
<br />
<li>Finally, intellij-rainbow-brackets released version 5.0 with all RC features & bug fix</li>
<li><b>Thanks for, which helps move this plugin from `Annotator` to
<li>Check more info at <a href="">here</a>
<li>From 5.x series we didn't need specific implementations like java/scala/kotlin specific implementations
in 3.x series anymore!
<br />
<li>#13 Add test for dart support & add `DartAngleBracketProvider` for support dart angle brackets</li>
<li>#18 where to customize brackets color? See the config guide in <a
<li>Add test for #39</li>
<li>#38 Add support for JSX (React)</li>
<li>Fix #27 Settings no longer works</li>
<li>#30 Adjust color: remove red, purple from color palettes, add some material design color to color
<li>#32 Add version info in setting page</li>
<li>#31 Fix 'Enablement of round brackets enables all but angle brackets'</li>
<li>#10 #2 Add setting to disable rainbow-ify brackets without content</li>
<li>Show update notification after plugin updated</li>
<li>Add a lot of tests</li>
<li>Convert all java code to kotlin</li>
<br />
<li>And with much more features not documented in release notes.</li>
<li>NOTE: this version are build against with IU-2017.2.7, but verified by IC-2017.2</li>
<br />
<li>#10 #2 Add setting to disable rainbow-ify brackets without content</li>
<li>Show update notification after plugin updated</li>
<li>Add a lot of tests</li>
<li>Convert all java code to kotlin</li>
<li>NOTE: this version are build against with IU-2017.2.7, but verified by IC-2017.2</li>
<br />
<li>#32 Add version info in setting page</li>
<li>#31 Fix 'Enablement of round brackets enables all but angle brackets(#31)'</li>
<br />
<li>#30 Adjust color: remove red, purple from color palettes, add some material design color to color
<br />
<li>Fix #27 Settings no longer works</li>
<br />
<li>This is the first RC releases on 5.x series!</li>
<li><b>Thanks for, which helps move this plugin from `Annotator` to
<li>Check more info at</li>
<li>This RC release has fantastic compatibility with previous release(3.x series).</li>
<li>From 5.x series we didn't need specific implementations like java/scala/kotlin specific implementations
in 3.x series anymore!
<li>And with much more features not documented in release notes.</li>
<br />
<li>Add a specific implementation for PHP language</li>
<br />
<li>Version 3.0 has been released, with all RC features & bug fix</li>
<li>Fix #23 Inconsistent colors</li>
<li>Fix #21 Wrong bracket colorization based on spaces</li>
<li>Fix #19 Kotlin expression inside string bug</li>
<li>Fix #12 Symbol less ">" is considered as a bracket even without leading "<"< /li>
<li>Fix #11 Same level brackets should have same color</li>
<li>And much more!</li>
<li>Add specific implement for java/kotlin/scala/javascript</li>
<li>Add example to help people add specific implementation for specific language!</li>
<li>Check out on github</li>
<br />
<li>Adjust colors for default light theme. Thanks to</li>
<br />
<li>Add specific implement for java/kotlin/scala</li>
<li>So now in java/kotlin/scala same level brackets should have same color.</li>
<li>Fix: #19:Kotlin expression inside string bug</li>
<br />
<li>Remove option for enable/disable rainbow for HTML/XML</li>
<br />
<li>Add new setting page to control what/how to colorify:</li>
<li>1. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow</li>
<li>2. Add option to Enable rainbow for any unsupported languages</li>
<li>3. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow for HTML/XML</li>
<li>4. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow for round brackets</li>
<li>5. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow for squiggly brackets</li>
<li>6. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow for square brackets</li>
<li>7. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow for angle brackets</li>
<br />
<li>Add support for salesforce apex language, thanks for</li>
<br />
<li>Fix Rust support, thanks for</li>
<br />
<li>Add support for SQL</li>
<br />
<li>Add support for HTML/XML</li>
<br />
<li>Add support for C#</li>
<br />
<li>New identifiable colors</li>
<br />
<li>Rainbowify brackets faster!</li>
<br />
<li>Support IntelliJ IDEA based IDEs version 14 and above</li>
<br />
<li>Initial release</li>
@ -1,297 +1,3 @@
# Colored Brackets
<div align="center">
This is a fork of the [🌈Rainbow Brackets]( plugin by [izhangzhihao](, based on version 6.26.
<a href="">
<img src="./src/main/resources/META-INF/pluginIcon.svg" width="320" height="320" alt="logo"/>
<h1 align="center">Intellij rainbow brackets</h1>
<p align="center">🌈Rainbow Brackets for IntelliJ based IDEs/Android Studio/HUAWEI DevEco Studio.</p>
<p align="center">
<!-- <a href=""><img alt="Build Status" src="" /></a> -->
<!-- <a href=""><img src=""></a> -->
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
- [Change log](
- [Compatibility](#compatibility)
- [Supported languages](#supported-languages)
- [Author's choice](#authors-choice)
- [Sponsored By CodeStream](#sponsored-by-codestream)
- [Install](#install)
- [Screenshots](#screenshots)
- [Customize colors](#customize-colors)
- [Use color generator](#use-color-generator)
- [Config file path](#config-file-path)
- [HTML code in js](#html-code-in-js)
- [Kotlin function literal braces and arrow](#kotlin-function-literal-braces-and-arrow)
- [Disable rainbow brackets for specific languages](#disable-rainbow-brackets-for-specific-languages)
- [Contribute](#contribute)
- [Support Us](#support-us)
- [Backers](#backers)
- [Sponsors](#sponsors)
- [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)
## Compatibility
IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, WebStorm, PyCharm, RubyMine, AppCode, CLion, Gogland, DataGrip, Rider, MPS, Android Studio, HUAWEI DevEco Studio, DataSpell, Code With Me
## Supported languages
Java, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, Python, Haskell, Agda, Rust, JavaScript, TypeScript, Erlang, Go, Groovy, Ruby, Elixir, ObjectiveC, PHP, HTML, XML, SQL, Apex language, C#, Dart, Pug/Jade, Bash, Vue.js, C# Razor Pages, GLSL(the OpenGL Shading Language), Go Template, C++, C...
## Author's choice
Rainbow Brackets + One Dark Theme + Nyan Progress Bar + [Fira Code]( (Font)
## Sponsored By [CodeStream](
Eliminate context switching and costly distractions. Create and merge PRs and perform code reviews from inside your IDE while using jump-to-definition, your keybindings, and other IDE favorites. [Learn more](!
Development powered by [JetBrains](
Whichever technologies you use, there's a JetBrains tool to match.
## Install
<a href="">
<img src="" width="300"/>
Or you could install it inside your IDE:
For Windows & Linux - <kbd>File</kbd> > <kbd>Settings</kbd> > <kbd>Plugins</kbd> > <kbd>Marketplace</kbd> > <kbd>Search for "Rainbow Brackets"</kbd> > <kbd>Install Plugin</kbd> > <kbd>Restart IntelliJ IDEA</kbd>
For Mac - <kbd>IntelliJ IDEA</kbd> > <kbd>Preferences</kbd> > <kbd>Plugins</kbd> > <kbd>Marketplace</kbd> > <kbd>Search for "Rainbow Brackets"</kbd> > <kbd>Install Plugin</kbd> > <kbd>Restart IntelliJ IDEA</kbd>
### Install snapshot build
You can download the latest snapshot build from [here](, just click the latest build and click the 'Artifacts' tab.(You need logged in via github) After the snapshot build downloaded, unzip it(via `unzip`), and install the zip file([]()) by `Install Plugin from Disk...`.
## Screenshots
* Java
* Scala
* Clojure
* Kotlin
* Scope highlighting
**The highlight effects will not remove after release the shortcuts, but press `ESC` key can do this. You could also config `Press any key to remove the highlighting effect` in setting page.**
<kbd>Ctrl + Button3</kbd>(Windows & Linux) or <kbd>Meta+ Button3</kbd>(Mac):
NOTE: <kbd>Button3</kbd> means "Secondary Click (click or tap with two fingers)" on Mac os, "Right click" for Windows or Linux.
<kbd>Alt + Button3</kbd>:
NOTE: <kbd>Button3</kbd> means "Secondary Click (click or tap with two fingers)" on Mac os, "Right click" for Windows or Linux.
* Rainbow indent guide lines
* looking forward to your screenshots(PR welcome!)
## Customize colors
<kbd>Settings/Preferences</kbd> > <kbd>Editor</kbd> > <kbd>Color Scheme</kbd> > <kbd>Rainbow Brackets</kbd>:
![Customize colors](./screenshots/customize-colors.png)
## Use color generator
If you didn't like the build-in colors, or want some new color but don't want to try out and pick colors. Please use color generator.
<kbd>Settings/Preferences</kbd> > <kbd>Other Settings</kbd> > <kbd>Rainbow Brackets</kbd> > <kbd>Use color generator</kbd>
If you turn on this option, we will auto generate some colors for you.
### Advanced options of color generator
If you need more control, you can decide the options of color generator by edit [the config file](#config-file-path),
The value of the option `customColorGeneratorOption` is a json object, available options are:
```hue``` – Controls the hue of the generated color. You can pass a string representing a color name: ```red```, ```orange```, ```yellow```, ```green```, ```blue```, ```purple```, ```pink``` and ```monochrome``` are currently supported. If you pass a hexidecimal color string such as ```#00FFFF```, color generator will extract its hue value and use that to generate colors.
```luminosity``` – Controls the luminosity of the generated color. You can specify a string containing ```bright```, ```light``` or ```dark```.
Please make sure the value of the option `customColorGeneratorOption` is escaped in xml format,
you can use [this tool]( to do this. Please don't forget to restart your IDE after change the config file.
<component name="RainbowSettings">
<option name="useColorGenerator" value="true" />
<option name="customColorGeneratorOption" value="{"luminosity": "light","hue": "blue"}"/>
### Want to config the number of colors?
<kbd>Settings/Preferences</kbd> > <kbd>Other Settings</kbd> > <kbd>Rainbow Brackets</kbd> > `Number of colors`: 5 or more
And you can use the color generator and config you number of colors at the same time.
NOTE: For default and darcula color scheme(`Editor -> Color Scheme -> Rainbow Brackets -> Scheme`) the color number is 10, for the other scheme the number is 5, if your number is bigger than the number, you can config them in the config file.
If the color is not exist, we will use color generator to generator it for you.
Please follow [the official guide](
* `Export a color scheme as XML`
* Edit the xml file, put `ROUND_BRACKETS_RAINBOW_COLOR5` to `ROUND_BRACKETS_RAINBOW_COLOR100` to match your number just like [the default color scheme](./src/main/resources/colorSchemes/rainbow-color-default-darcula.xml).
* `Import a color scheme`
## Config file path
If you want to customize the advanced configuration, you could edit the config file then restart your IDE.
Config file path in `APP_CONFIG/rainbow_brackets.xml`.
In MAC OS env maybe like `~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea2020.2/options/rainbow_brackets.xml`.
If you are using the ToolBox, then it will be like `~/Library/ApplicationSupport/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2020.2/options/rainbow_brackets.xml`
In Linux env maybe like `~/.IntelliJIdea/config/options/rainbow_brackets.xml`.
In Windows env maybe like `C:\Users\izhangzhihao\.IntelliJIdea2020.2\config\options\rainbow_brackets.xml`.
## HTML code in js
To enable rainbow brackets for HTML inside js code like this:
var html = '<div><div><div>Hello</div></div></div>';
This plugin will automatically override color scheme property "HTML_CODE" [cause our rainbow color been covered by intellij built-in functionality](
You still could set `<option name="rainbowifyHTMLInsideJS" value="false" />` in config file to disable.
## Kotlin function literal braces and arrow
To enable rainbow brackets for multiple level lambda Kotlin code like this:
event.throwable?.let { throwable ->
IdeErrorsDialog.findPluginId(throwable)?.let { pluginId ->
PluginManager.getPlugin(pluginId)?.let { ideaPluginDescriptor ->
if (!ideaPluginDescriptor.isBundled) {
bean.pluginName =
bean.pluginVersion = ideaPluginDescriptor.version
This plugin will automatically override color scheme property "KOTLIN_FUNCTION_LITERAL_BRACES_AND_ARROW" cause our rainbow color is being covered by kotlin plugin built-in functionality.
You still could set `<option name="rainbowifyKotlinFunctionLiteralBracesAndArrow" value="false" />` in config file to disable.
## Disable rainbow brackets for specific languages
<kbd>Settings/Preferences</kbd> > <kbd>Other Settings</kbd> > <kbd>Rainbow Brackets</kbd> > `Do NOT rainbowify these languages (name or extension, comma separated)`:
NOTE: You can use **name** of language or **extension** of file name(The names should be **lowercase**).
## Contribute
NOTE: To view the PSI tree and explore the internal PSI structure of source code, you need to set up your IDE by following [this](
For the Rider IDE, please follow: [this](
* `gradle test`
* `gradle runIde`
* `gradle buildPlugin`
## Support Us
You can support us by the following actions:
* Star this project
* Share this plugin with your friends
* Rate this plugin on [JetBrains plugin repository](
* Make pull requests
* Report bugs
* Tell us your ideas
* Become a sponsor by donating on [Open Collective](
* Become a sponsor by donating with AliPay or WeChatPay
* Don't want to use AliPay's mobile App? If you could read Chinese, please use [the official website]( to transfer your donation to my Alipay account( Otherwise, you can try [the English version of Alipay]( to transfer your donation.
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<th width="33%">AliPay</th>
<th width="33%">WeChatPay</th>
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## Backers
Thank you to all our backers! ❤️ [[Become a backer](]
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## Sponsors
Support this project by becoming a sponsor! 🌈 Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Become a sponsor](]
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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
## Acknowledgements
Intellij-rainbow-brackets is heavily inspired by [Rainbow Brackets for Visual Studio Code](
@ -1,103 +1,70 @@
import org.jetbrains.intellij.tasks.RunPluginVerifierTask.FailureLevel.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile
val name: String by project
val ideaVersion: String by project
val kotlinVersion: String by project
val javaVersion: String by project
val kotlinLanguageVersion: String by project
val kotlinTargetVersion: String by project
val pluginVerifierIdeVersions: String by project
val publishChannels: String by project
plugins {
plugins {
id("org.jetbrains.intellij") version "1.9.0"
kotlin("jvm") version "1.9.21"
id("com.adarshr.test-logger") version "3.2.0"
id("org.jetbrains.intellij") version "1.17.4"
id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm") version "1.7.20"
group = "com.chylex.intellij.coloredbrackets"
version = "0.0.1"
repositories {
repositories {
maven(url = "")
maven(url = "")
maven(url = "")
maven(url = "")
intellij {
intellij {
//localPath = '/Users/izhangzhihao/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/IDEA-U/ch-0/201.6668.121/IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1'
//localPath = '/Users/izhangzhihao/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/CLion/ch-0/201.6668.126/'
// Built-in
// Downloaded
"Dart:233.11799.172", //
"Pythonid:233.11799.300", //
"com.jetbrains.php:233.11799.300", //
"", //
"org.intellij.scala:2023.3.19", //
"org.jetbrains.plugins.go-template:233.11799.172", //
"org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby:233.11799.300", //
tasks {
kotlin {
runIde {
systemProperties[""] = false
jvmArgs = listOf(
publishPlugin {
channels.set(publishChannels.split(",").map { it.trim() }.toList())
runPluginVerifier {
ideVersions.set(pluginVerifierIdeVersions.split(",").map { it.trim() }.toList())
testlogger {
theme = com.adarshr.gradle.testlogger.theme.ThemeType.MOCHA
dependencies {
dependencies {
//implementation("org.eclipse.mylyn.github:org.eclipse.egit.github.core:") {
// exclude("gson")
testImplementation("io.kotest:kotest-assertions-core:5.8.0") {
exclude(group = "org.jetbrains.kotlin")
java {
tasks.patchPluginXml {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
tasks.test {
tasks.withType<KotlinCompile> {
tasks.withType<KotlinCompile> {
kotlinOptions.languageVersion = kotlinLanguageVersion
kotlinOptions.freeCompilerArgs = listOf(
kotlinOptions.apiVersion = kotlinTargetVersion
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = javaVersion
kotlinOptions.freeCompilerArgs = listOf("-Xskip-runtime-version-check", "-Xjsr305=strict")
@ -1,12 +1 @@
name="Rainbow Brackets"
pluginVerifierIdeVersions=WS-2020.3, IIC-2021.1, IIU-2021.2
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Copyright 2015 the original author or authors.
# Copyright © 2015-2021 the original authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ -17,67 +17,99 @@
## Gradle start up script for UN*X
# Gradle start up script for POSIX generated by Gradle.
# Important for running:
# (1) You need a POSIX-compliant shell to run this script. If your /bin/sh is
# noncompliant, but you have some other compliant shell such as ksh or
# bash, then to run this script, type that shell name before the whole
# command line, like:
# ksh Gradle
# Busybox and similar reduced shells will NOT work, because this script
# requires all of these POSIX shell features:
# * functions;
# * expansions «$var», «${var}», «${var:-default}», «${var+SET}»,
# «${var#prefix}», «${var%suffix}», and «$( cmd )»;
# * compound commands having a testable exit status, especially «case»;
# * various built-in commands including «command», «set», and «ulimit».
# Important for patching:
# (2) This script targets any POSIX shell, so it avoids extensions provided
# by Bash, Ksh, etc; in particular arrays are avoided.
# The "traditional" practice of packing multiple parameters into a
# space-separated string is a well documented source of bugs and security
# problems, so this is (mostly) avoided, by progressively accumulating
# options in "$@", and eventually passing that to Java.
# Where the inherited environment variables (DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS, JAVA_OPTS,
# and GRADLE_OPTS) rely on word-splitting, this is performed explicitly;
# see the in-line comments for details.
# There are tweaks for specific operating systems such as AIX, CygWin,
# Darwin, MinGW, and NonStop.
# (3) This script is generated from the Groovy template
# within the Gradle project.
# You can find Gradle at
# Attempt to set APP_HOME
# Attempt to set APP_HOME
# Resolve links: $0 may be a link
# Resolve links: $0 may be a link
# Need this for relative symlinks.
while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do
# Need this for daisy-chained symlinks.
ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"`
link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'`
APP_HOME=${app_path%"${app_path##*/}"} # leaves a trailing /; empty if no leading path
if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then
[ -h "$app_path" ]
ls=$( ls -ld "$app_path" )
PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`"/$link"
link=${ls#*' -> '}
case $link in #(
/*) app_path=$link ;; #(
*) app_path=$APP_HOME$link ;;
cd "`dirname \"$PRG\"`/" >/dev/null
APP_HOME="`pwd -P`"
cd "$SAVED" >/dev/null
# This is normally unused
APP_BASE_NAME=`basename "$0"`
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
# Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and GRADLE_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.
# Discard cd standard output in case $CDPATH is set (
DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS='"-Xmx64m" "-Xms64m"'
APP_HOME=$( cd "${APP_HOME:-./}" > /dev/null && pwd -P ) || exit
# Use the maximum available, or set MAX_FD != -1 to use that value.
# Use the maximum available, or set MAX_FD != -1 to use that value.
warn () {
warn () {
echo "$*"
echo "$*"
} >&2
die () {
die () {
echo "$*"
echo "$*"
exit 1
exit 1
} >&2
# OS specific support (must be 'true' or 'false').
# OS specific support (must be 'true' or 'false').
case "`uname`" in
case "$( uname )" in #(
CYGWIN* ) cygwin=true ;; #(
Darwin* ) darwin=true ;; #(
MSYS* | MINGW* ) msys=true ;; #(
Darwin* )
NONSTOP* ) nonstop=true ;;
@ -87,9 +119,9 @@ CLASSPATH=$APP_HOME/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
if [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then
if [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then
if [ -x "$JAVA_HOME/jre/sh/java" ] ; then
if [ -x "$JAVA_HOME/jre/sh/java" ] ; then
# IBM's JDK on AIX uses strange locations for the executables
# IBM's JDK on AIX uses strange locations for the executables
if [ ! -x "$JAVACMD" ] ; then
if [ ! -x "$JAVACMD" ] ; then
die "ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: $JAVA_HOME
die "ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: $JAVA_HOME
@ -98,88 +130,120 @@ Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
location of your Java installation."
location of your Java installation."
which java >/dev/null 2>&1 || die "ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH.
if ! command -v java >/dev/null 2>&1
die "ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH.
Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
location of your Java installation."
location of your Java installation."
# Increase the maximum file descriptors if we can.
# Increase the maximum file descriptors if we can.
if [ "$cygwin" = "false" -a "$darwin" = "false" -a "$nonstop" = "false" ] ; then
if ! "$cygwin" && ! "$darwin" && ! "$nonstop" ; then
MAX_FD_LIMIT=`ulimit -H -n`
case $MAX_FD in #(
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
if [ "$MAX_FD" = "maximum" -o "$MAX_FD" = "max" ] ; then
# In POSIX sh, ulimit -H is undefined. That's why the result is checked to see if it worked.
# shellcheck disable=SC2039,SC3045
MAX_FD=$( ulimit -H -n ) ||
ulimit -n $MAX_FD
warn "Could not query maximum file descriptor limit"
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
warn "Could not set maximum file descriptor limit: $MAX_FD"
case $MAX_FD in #(
'' | soft) :;; #(
warn "Could not query maximum file descriptor limit: $MAX_FD_LIMIT"
# In POSIX sh, ulimit -n is undefined. That's why the result is checked to see if it worked.
# shellcheck disable=SC2039,SC3045
ulimit -n "$MAX_FD" ||
warn "Could not set maximum file descriptor limit to $MAX_FD"
# For Darwin, add options to specify how the application appears in the dock
if $darwin; then
GRADLE_OPTS="$GRADLE_OPTS \"-Xdock:name=$APP_NAME\" \"-Xdock:icon=$APP_HOME/media/gradle.icns\""
# For Cygwin or MSYS, switch paths to Windows format before running java
if [ "$cygwin" = "true" -o "$msys" = "true" ] ; then
APP_HOME=`cygpath --path --mixed "$APP_HOME"`
CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --mixed "$CLASSPATH"`
JAVACMD=`cygpath --unix "$JAVACMD"`
# We build the pattern for arguments to be converted via cygpath
ROOTDIRSRAW=`find -L / -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d 2>/dev/null`
for dir in $ROOTDIRSRAW ; do
# Add a user-defined pattern to the cygpath arguments
if [ "$GRADLE_CYGPATTERN" != "" ] ; then
# Now convert the arguments - kludge to limit ourselves to /bin/sh
for arg in "$@" ; do
CHECK=`echo "$arg"|egrep -c "$OURCYGPATTERN" -`
CHECK2=`echo "$arg"|egrep -c "^-"` ### Determine if an option
if [ $CHECK -ne 0 ] && [ $CHECK2 -eq 0 ] ; then ### Added a condition
eval `echo args$i`=`cygpath --path --ignore --mixed "$arg"`
eval `echo args$i`="\"$arg\""
i=`expr $i + 1`
case $i in
0) set -- ;;
1) set -- "$args0" ;;
2) set -- "$args0" "$args1" ;;
3) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" ;;
4) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" ;;
5) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" ;;
6) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" ;;
7) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" "$args6" ;;
8) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" "$args6" "$args7" ;;
9) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" "$args6" "$args7" "$args8" ;;
# Escape application args
# Collect all arguments for the java command, stacking in reverse order:
save () {
# * args from the command line
for i do printf %s\\n "$i" | sed "s/'/'\\\\''/g;1s/^/'/;\$s/\$/' \\\\/" ; done
# * the main class name
echo " "
# * -classpath
# * -D...appname settings
APP_ARGS=`save "$@"`
# * --module-path (only if needed)
# * DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS, JAVA_OPTS, and GRADLE_OPTS environment variables.
# Collect all arguments for the java command, following the shell quoting and substitution rules
# For Cygwin or MSYS, switch paths to Windows format before running java
eval set -- $DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS $JAVA_OPTS $GRADLE_OPTS "\"-Dorg.gradle.appname=$APP_BASE_NAME\"" -classpath "\"$CLASSPATH\"" org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain "$APP_ARGS"
if "$cygwin" || "$msys" ; then
APP_HOME=$( cygpath --path --mixed "$APP_HOME" )
CLASSPATH=$( cygpath --path --mixed "$CLASSPATH" )
JAVACMD=$( cygpath --unix "$JAVACMD" )
# Now convert the arguments - kludge to limit ourselves to /bin/sh
for arg do
case $arg in #(
-*) false ;; # don't mess with options #(
/?*) t=${arg#/} t=/${t%%/*} # looks like a POSIX filepath
[ -e "$t" ] ;; #(
*) false ;;
arg=$( cygpath --path --ignore --mixed "$arg" )
# Roll the args list around exactly as many times as the number of
# args, so each arg winds up back in the position where it started, but
# possibly modified.
# NB: a `for` loop captures its iteration list before it begins, so
# changing the positional parameters here affects neither the number of
# iterations, nor the values presented in `arg`.
shift # remove old arg
set -- "$@" "$arg" # push replacement arg
# Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and GRADLE_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.
DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS='"-Xmx64m" "-Xms64m"'
# Collect all arguments for the java command:
# * DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS, JAVA_OPTS, JAVA_OPTS, and optsEnvironmentVar are not allowed to contain shell fragments,
# and any embedded shellness will be escaped.
# * For example: A user cannot expect ${Hostname} to be expanded, as it is an environment variable and will be
# treated as '${Hostname}' itself on the command line.
set -- \
"-Dorg.gradle.appname=$APP_BASE_NAME" \
-classpath "$CLASSPATH" \
org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain \
# Stop when "xargs" is not available.
if ! command -v xargs >/dev/null 2>&1
die "xargs is not available"
# Use "xargs" to parse quoted args.
# With -n1 it outputs one arg per line, with the quotes and backslashes removed.
# In Bash we could simply go:
# readarray ARGS < <( xargs -n1 <<<"$var" ) &&
# set -- "${ARGS[@]}" "$@"
# but POSIX shell has neither arrays nor command substitution, so instead we
# post-process each arg (as a line of input to sed) to backslash-escape any
# character that might be a shell metacharacter, then use eval to reverse
# that process (while maintaining the separation between arguments), and wrap
# the whole thing up as a single "set" statement.
# This will of course break if any of these variables contains a newline or
# an unmatched quote.
eval "set -- $(
xargs -n1 |
sed ' s~[^-[:alnum:]+,./:=@_]~\\&~g; ' |
tr '\n' ' '
)" '"$@"'
exec "$JAVACMD" "$@"
exec "$JAVACMD" "$@"
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
@rem limitations under the License.
@rem limitations under the License.
@if "%DEBUG%" == "" @echo off
@if "%DEBUG%"=="" @echo off
@rem ##########################################################################
@rem ##########################################################################
@rem Gradle startup script for Windows
@rem Gradle startup script for Windows
@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" setlocal
if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" setlocal
set DIRNAME=%~dp0
set DIRNAME=%~dp0
if "%DIRNAME%" == "" set DIRNAME=.
if "%DIRNAME%"=="" set DIRNAME=.
@rem This is normally unused
set APP_BASE_NAME=%~n0
set APP_BASE_NAME=%~n0
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ if defined JAVA_HOME goto findJavaFromJavaHome
set JAVA_EXE=java.exe
set JAVA_EXE=java.exe
%JAVA_EXE% -version >NUL 2>&1
%JAVA_EXE% -version >NUL 2>&1
if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" goto execute
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 goto execute
echo ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH.
echo ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH.
@ -75,13 +76,15 @@ set CLASSPATH=%APP_HOME%\gradle\wrapper\gradle-wrapper.jar
@rem End local scope for the variables with windows NT shell
@rem End local scope for the variables with windows NT shell
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto mainEnd
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 goto mainEnd
rem Set variable GRADLE_EXIT_CONSOLE if you need the _script_ return code instead of
rem Set variable GRADLE_EXIT_CONSOLE if you need the _script_ return code instead of
rem the _cmd.exe /c_ return code!
rem the _cmd.exe /c_ return code!
if not "" == "%GRADLE_EXIT_CONSOLE%" exit 1
exit /b 1
if %EXIT_CODE% equ 0 set EXIT_CODE=1
if not ""=="%GRADLE_EXIT_CONSOLE%" exit %EXIT_CODE%
exit /b %EXIT_CODE%
if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" endlocal
if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" endlocal
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 34 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 22 KiB |
@ -1 +0,0 @@
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 4.4 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 39 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 123 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 60 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 43 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 64 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 29 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 102 KiB |
@ -1,6 +1 @@
pluginManagement {
| = "ColoredBrackets"
repositories {
maven(url = "")
@ -3,75 +3,84 @@ package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.provider.BracePairProvider
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.provider.BracePairProvider
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.memoize
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.memoize
import com.intellij.codeInsight.highlighting.BraceMatchingUtil
import com.intellij.codeInsight.highlighting.BraceMatchingUtil
import com.intellij.lang.*
import com.intellij.lang.BracePair
import com.intellij.lang.CompositeLanguage
import com.intellij.lang.Language
import com.intellij.lang.LanguageBraceMatching
import com.intellij.lang.LanguageExtension
import com.intellij.lang.PairedBraceMatcher
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType
object BracePairs {
object BracePairs {
private val providers = LanguageExtension<BracePairProvider>("izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.bracePairProvider")
private val providers = LanguageExtension<BracePairProvider>("com.chylex.coloredbrackets.bracePairProvider")
private val bracePairs =
private val bracePairs =
.map { language ->
.map { language ->
if (language is CompositeLanguage) {
if (language is CompositeLanguage) {
return@map language.displayName to null
return@map language.displayName to null
val pairs =
val pairs =
LanguageBraceMatching.INSTANCE.forLanguage(language)?.pairs.let {
LanguageBraceMatching.INSTANCE.forLanguage(language)?.pairs.let {
if (it == null || it.isEmpty()) {
if (it.isNullOrEmpty()) {
?.let { fileType -> BraceMatchingUtil.getBraceMatcher(fileType, language) as? PairedBraceMatcher }
?.let { fileType -> BraceMatchingUtil.getBraceMatcher(fileType, language) as? PairedBraceMatcher }
} else {
else {
val pairsList = providers.forLanguage(language)?.pairs()?.let {
val pairsList = providers.forLanguage(language)?.pairs()?.let {
if (pairs != null && pairs.isNotEmpty()) {
if (!pairs.isNullOrEmpty()) {
it.toMutableSet().apply { addAll(pairs) }
it.toMutableSet().apply { addAll(pairs) }
} else {
else {
} ?: pairs?.toList()
} ?: pairs?.toList()
val braceMap: MutableMap<String, MutableList<BracePair>> = mutableMapOf()
val braceMap: MutableMap<String, MutableList<BracePair>> = mutableMapOf()
val blackSet = providers.forLanguage(language)?.blackList()?.map { it.toString() }?.toSet()
val blackSet = providers.forLanguage(language)?.blackList()?.map { it.toString() }?.toSet()
?.filter {
?.filter {
if (blackSet != null) {
if (blackSet != null) {
} else {
else {
?.map { listOf(Pair(it.leftBraceType.toString(), it), Pair(it.rightBraceType.toString(), it)) }
?.map { listOf(Pair(it.leftBraceType.toString(), it), Pair(it.rightBraceType.toString(), it)) }
?.forEach { it ->
val bracePairs = braceMap[it.first]
?.forEach {
if (bracePairs == null) {
val bracePairs = braceMap[it.first]
braceMap[it.first] = mutableListOf(it.second)
if (bracePairs == null) {
} else {
braceMap[it.first] = mutableListOf(it.second)
else {
language.displayName to braceMap
language.displayName to braceMap
fun getBracePairs(language: Language): MutableMap<String, MutableList<BracePair>>? = bracePairs[language.displayName]
fun getBracePairs(language: Language): MutableMap<String, MutableList<BracePair>>? = bracePairs[language.displayName]
private fun getBraceTypeSetOf(language: Language): Set<IElementType> = getBracePairs(language)?.values?.flatten()?.map { it -> listOf(it.leftBraceType, it.rightBraceType) }?.flatten()?.toSet() ?: emptySet()
private fun getBraceTypeSetOf(language: Language): Set<IElementType> = getBracePairs(language)?.values?.flatten()?.map { listOf(it.leftBraceType, it.rightBraceType) }?.flatten()?.toSet() ?: emptySet()
val braceTypeSet: (Language) -> Set<IElementType> = { language: Language -> getBraceTypeSetOf(language) }.memoize()
val braceTypeSet: (Language) -> Set<IElementType> = { language: Language -> getBraceTypeSetOf(language) }.memoize()
inline val Language.bracePairs: MutableMap<String, MutableList<BracePair>>?
inline val Language.bracePairs: MutableMap<String, MutableList<BracePair>>?
get() = BracePairs.getBracePairs(this)
get() = BracePairs.getBracePairs(this)
inline val Language.braceTypeSet: Set<IElementType>
inline val Language.braceTypeSet: Set<IElementType>
get() = BracePairs.braceTypeSet(this)
get() = BracePairs.braceTypeSet(this)
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets
import com.intellij.notification.*
import com.intellij.notification.impl.NotificationsManagerImpl
import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project
import com.intellij.openapi.ui.popup.Balloon
import com.intellij.openapi.wm.WindowManager
import com.intellij.ui.BalloonLayoutData
import com.intellij.ui.awt.RelativePoint
import java.awt.Point
class ApplicationServicePlaceholder : Disposable {
override fun dispose() = Unit
companion object {
val INSTANCE: ApplicationServicePlaceholder = ApplicationManager.getApplication().getService(
fun createNotification(title: String, content: String, type: NotificationType,
listener: NotificationListener): Notification {
return NotificationGroupManager.getInstance().getNotificationGroup("Rainbow Brackets Notification Group")
.createNotification(title, content, type).setListener(listener)
fun showFullNotification(project: Project, notification: Notification) {
val frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getIdeFrame(project)
if (frame == null) {
val bounds = frame.component.bounds
val target = RelativePoint(frame.component, Point(bounds.x + bounds.width, 20))
try {
val balloon = NotificationsManagerImpl.createBalloon(frame,
true, // showCallout
true, // hideOnClickOutside
||||||, Balloon.Position.atLeft)
} catch (e: Exception) {
@ -19,199 +19,207 @@ import org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language
import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly
import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.Font
import java.awt.Font
import java.util.UUID
object RainbowHighlighter {
object RainbowHighlighter {
val DEFAULT_KOTLIN_LABEL_COLOR = JBColor(0x4a86e8, 0x467cda)
val DEFAULT_KOTLIN_LABEL_COLOR = JBColor(0x4a86e8, 0x467cda)
const val NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS = "Round Brackets"
const val NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS = "Round Brackets"
const val NAME_SQUARE_BRACKETS = "Square Brackets"
const val NAME_SQUARE_BRACKETS = "Square Brackets"
const val NAME_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS = "Squiggly Brackets"
const val NAME_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS = "Squiggly Brackets"
const val NAME_ANGLE_BRACKETS = "Angle Brackets"
const val NAME_ANGLE_BRACKETS = "Angle Brackets"
private val roundBrackets: CharArray = charArrayOf('(', ')')
private val roundBrackets: CharArray = charArrayOf('(', ')')
private val squareBrackets: CharArray = charArrayOf('[', ']')
private val squareBrackets: CharArray = charArrayOf('[', ']')
private val squigglyBrackets: CharArray = charArrayOf('{', '}')
private val squigglyBrackets: CharArray = charArrayOf('{', '}')
private val angleBrackets: CharArray = charArrayOf('<', '>')
private val angleBrackets: CharArray = charArrayOf('<', '>')
private val settings = RainbowSettings.instance
private val settings = RainbowSettings.instance
private val roundBracketsRainbowColorKeys: Array<TextAttributesKey> =
private val roundBracketsRainbowColorKeys: Array<TextAttributesKey> =
createRainbowAttributesKeys(KEY_ROUND_BRACKETS, settings.numberOfColors)
createRainbowAttributesKeys(KEY_ROUND_BRACKETS, settings.numberOfColors)
private val squareBracketsRainbowColorKeys: Array<TextAttributesKey> =
private val squareBracketsRainbowColorKeys: Array<TextAttributesKey> =
createRainbowAttributesKeys(KEY_SQUARE_BRACKETS, settings.numberOfColors)
createRainbowAttributesKeys(KEY_SQUARE_BRACKETS, settings.numberOfColors)
private val squigglyBracketsRainbowColorKeys: Array<TextAttributesKey> =
private val squigglyBracketsRainbowColorKeys: Array<TextAttributesKey> =
createRainbowAttributesKeys(KEY_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS, settings.numberOfColors)
createRainbowAttributesKeys(KEY_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS, settings.numberOfColors)
private val angleBracketsRainbowColorKeys: Array<TextAttributesKey> =
private val angleBracketsRainbowColorKeys: Array<TextAttributesKey> =
createRainbowAttributesKeys(KEY_ANGLE_BRACKETS, settings.numberOfColors)
createRainbowAttributesKeys(KEY_ANGLE_BRACKETS, settings.numberOfColors)
private val rainbowElement: HighlightInfoType = HighlightInfoType
private val rainbowElement: HighlightInfoType = HighlightInfoType
.HighlightInfoTypeImpl(HighlightSeverity.INFORMATION, DefaultLanguageHighlighterColors.CONSTANT)
.HighlightInfoTypeImpl(HighlightSeverity.INFORMATION, DefaultLanguageHighlighterColors.CONSTANT)
private val PsiElement.isRoundBracket get() = roundBrackets.any { textContains(it) }
private val PsiElement.isRoundBracket get() = roundBrackets.any { textContains(it) }
private val PsiElement.isSquareBracket get() = squareBrackets.any { textContains(it) }
private val PsiElement.isSquareBracket get() = squareBrackets.any { textContains(it) }
private val PsiElement.isSquigglyBracket get() = squigglyBrackets.any { textContains(it) }
private val PsiElement.isSquigglyBracket get() = squigglyBrackets.any { textContains(it) }
private val PsiElement.isAngleBracket get() = angleBrackets.any { textContains(it) }
private val PsiElement.isAngleBracket get() = angleBrackets.any { textContains(it) }
private fun createRainbowAttributesKeys(keyName: String, size: Int): Array<TextAttributesKey> {
private fun createRainbowAttributesKeys(keyName: String, size: Int): Array<TextAttributesKey> {
return generateSequence(0) { it + 1 }
return generateSequence(0) { it + 1 }
.map { TextAttributesKey.createTextAttributesKey("$keyName$it") }
.map { TextAttributesKey.createTextAttributesKey("$keyName$it") }
fun getRainbowAttributesKeys(rainbowName: String): Array<TextAttributesKey> {
fun getRainbowAttributesKeys(rainbowName: String): Array<TextAttributesKey> {
return when (rainbowName) {
return when (rainbowName) {
NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS -> roundBracketsRainbowColorKeys
NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS -> roundBracketsRainbowColorKeys
NAME_SQUARE_BRACKETS -> squareBracketsRainbowColorKeys
NAME_SQUARE_BRACKETS -> squareBracketsRainbowColorKeys
NAME_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS -> squigglyBracketsRainbowColorKeys
NAME_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS -> squigglyBracketsRainbowColorKeys
NAME_ANGLE_BRACKETS -> angleBracketsRainbowColorKeys
NAME_ANGLE_BRACKETS -> angleBracketsRainbowColorKeys
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rainbow name: $rainbowName")
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rainbow name: $rainbowName")
// FIXME: Meta properties(SchemeMetaInfo) should be used.
// FIXME: Meta properties(SchemeMetaInfo) should be used.
fun isRainbowEnabled(rainbowName: String): Boolean {
fun isRainbowEnabled(rainbowName: String): Boolean {
return when (rainbowName) {
return when (rainbowName) {
NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS -> settings.isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets
NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS -> settings.isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets
NAME_SQUARE_BRACKETS -> settings.isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets
NAME_SQUARE_BRACKETS -> settings.isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets
NAME_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS -> settings.isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets
NAME_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS -> settings.isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets
NAME_ANGLE_BRACKETS -> settings.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets
NAME_ANGLE_BRACKETS -> settings.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rainbow name: $rainbowName")
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rainbow name: $rainbowName")
// FIXME: Meta properties(SchemeMetaInfo) should be used.
// FIXME: Meta properties(SchemeMetaInfo) should be used.
fun setRainbowEnabled(rainbowName: String, enabled: Boolean) {
fun setRainbowEnabled(rainbowName: String, enabled: Boolean) {
when (rainbowName) {
when (rainbowName) {
NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS -> settings.isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets = enabled
NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS -> settings.isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets = enabled
NAME_SQUARE_BRACKETS -> settings.isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets = enabled
NAME_SQUARE_BRACKETS -> settings.isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets = enabled
NAME_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS -> settings.isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets = enabled
NAME_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS -> settings.isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets = enabled
NAME_ANGLE_BRACKETS -> settings.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets = enabled
NAME_ANGLE_BRACKETS -> settings.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets = enabled
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rainbow name: $rainbowName")
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rainbow name: $rainbowName")
fun isDarkEditor() = EditorColorsManager.getInstance().isDarkEditor
private fun isDarkEditor() = EditorColorsManager.getInstance().isDarkEditor
fun getRainbowColorByLevel(colorsScheme: TextAttributesScheme, rainbowName: String, level: Int): TextAttributesKey {
fun getRainbowColorByLevel(colorsScheme: TextAttributesScheme, rainbowName: String, level: Int): TextAttributesKey {
val ind = level % settings.numberOfColors
val ind = level % settings.numberOfColors
if (settings.useColorGenerator) {
if (settings.useColorGenerator) {
return memGetRainbowColorByLevel(isDarkEditor(), rainbowName, ind)
return memGetRainbowColorByLevel(isDarkEditor(), rainbowName, ind)
val key = getRainbowAttributesKeys(rainbowName).getOrNull(ind)
val key = getRainbowAttributesKeys(rainbowName).getOrNull(ind)
return try {
return try {
val result = colorsScheme.getAttributes(key)
val result = colorsScheme.getAttributes(key)
if (key == null || result == null || result.foregroundColor == null) {
if (key == null || result == null || result.foregroundColor == null) {
memGetRainbowColorByLevel(isDarkEditor(), rainbowName, ind)
memGetRainbowColorByLevel(isDarkEditor(), rainbowName, ind)
} else {
else {
} catch (e: Exception) {
memGetRainbowColorByLevel(isDarkEditor(), rainbowName, ind)
} catch (e: Exception) {
memGetRainbowColorByLevel(isDarkEditor(), rainbowName, ind)
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") // we use parameter as cache key
private fun generateColor(isDark: Boolean, rainbowName: String, level: Int): TextAttributesKey {
private fun generateColor(isDark: Boolean, rainbowName: String, level: Int): TextAttributesKey {
if (!settings.customColorGeneratorOption.isNullOrBlank()) {
if (!settings.customColorGeneratorOption.isNullOrBlank()) {
return genByOption(settings.customColorGeneratorOption!!, rainbowName, level)
return genByOption(settings.customColorGeneratorOption!!, rainbowName, level)
if (isDark) {
if (isDark) {
@Language("JSON") val darkOption = """{"luminosity": "light"}"""
@Language("JSON") val darkOption = """{"luminosity": "light"}"""
return genByOption(darkOption, rainbowName, level)
return genByOption(darkOption, rainbowName, level)
@Language("JSON") val lightOption = """{"luminosity": "dark"}"""
@Language("JSON") val lightOption = """{"luminosity": "dark"}"""
return genByOption(lightOption, rainbowName, level)
return genByOption(lightOption, rainbowName, level)
private fun genByOption(option: String, rainbowName: String, level: Int) =
private fun genByOption(option: String, rainbowName: String, level: Int) =
TextAttributes(randomColor(option), null, null, null, 0))
TextAttributes(randomColor(option), null, null, null, 0)
val memGetRainbowColorByLevel = { isDark: Boolean, rainbowName: String, level: Int -> generateColor(isDark, rainbowName, level) }.memoize()
val memGetRainbowColorByLevel = { isDark: Boolean, rainbowName: String, level: Int -> generateColor(isDark, rainbowName, level) }.memoize()
fun getBrackets(): CharArray = roundBrackets + squareBrackets + squigglyBrackets + angleBrackets
fun getBrackets(): CharArray = roundBrackets + squareBrackets + squigglyBrackets + angleBrackets
fun getRainbowColor(rainbowName: String, level: Int): Color? {
fun getRainbowColor(rainbowName: String, level: Int): Color? {
return getRainbowColorByLevel(EditorColorsManager.getInstance().globalScheme, rainbowName, level).defaultAttributes.foregroundColor
return getRainbowColorByLevel(EditorColorsManager.getInstance().globalScheme, rainbowName, level).defaultAttributes.foregroundColor
private fun getTextAttributes(colorsScheme: TextAttributesScheme,
private fun getTextAttributes(
element: PsiElement,
colorsScheme: TextAttributesScheme,
level: Int): TextAttributesKey? {
element: PsiElement,
if (!settings.isRainbowEnabled) {
level: Int,
return null
): TextAttributesKey? {
if (!settings.isRainbowEnabled) {
return null
val rainbowName = when {
val rainbowName = when {
settings.applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets -> NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS
settings.applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets -> NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS
element.isRoundBracket -> if (settings.isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets) NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS else null
element.isRoundBracket -> if (settings.isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets) NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS else null
element.isSquareBracket -> if (settings.isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets) NAME_SQUARE_BRACKETS else null
element.isSquareBracket -> if (settings.isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets) NAME_SQUARE_BRACKETS else null
element.isSquigglyBracket -> if (settings.isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets) NAME_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS else null
element.isSquigglyBracket -> if (settings.isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets) NAME_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS else null
element.isAngleBracket -> if (settings.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets) NAME_ANGLE_BRACKETS else null
element.isAngleBracket -> if (settings.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets) NAME_ANGLE_BRACKETS else null
} ?: return null
} ?: return null
return getRainbowColorByLevel(colorsScheme, rainbowName, level)
return getRainbowColorByLevel(colorsScheme, rainbowName, level)
fun getHighlightInfo(colorsScheme: TextAttributesScheme, element: PsiElement, level: Int)
fun getHighlightInfo(colorsScheme: TextAttributesScheme, element: PsiElement, level: Int)
: HighlightInfo? = getTextAttributes(colorsScheme, element, level)
: HighlightInfo? = getTextAttributes(colorsScheme, element, level)
?.let { attr ->
?.let { attr ->
private val KEY_HTML_CODE: TextAttributesKey by lazy { TextAttributesKey.createTextAttributesKey("HTML_CODE") }
private val KEY_HTML_CODE: TextAttributesKey by lazy { TextAttributesKey.createTextAttributesKey("HTML_CODE") }
private val KEY_KOTLIN_LABEL: TextAttributesKey by lazy { TextAttributesKey.createTextAttributesKey("KOTLIN_LABEL") }
private val KEY_KOTLIN_LABEL: TextAttributesKey by lazy { TextAttributesKey.createTextAttributesKey("KOTLIN_LABEL") }
private val KEY_MATCHED_BRACE_ATTRIBUTES: TextAttributesKey by lazy {
private val KEY_MATCHED_BRACE_ATTRIBUTES: TextAttributesKey by lazy {
private val KOTLIN_FUNCTION_LITERAL_BRACES_AND_ARROW: TextAttributesKey by lazy {
private val KOTLIN_FUNCTION_LITERAL_BRACES_AND_ARROW: TextAttributesKey by lazy {
fun fixHighlighting(scheme: EditorColorsScheme = EditorColorsManager.getInstance().globalScheme) {
fun fixHighlighting(scheme: EditorColorsScheme = EditorColorsManager.getInstance().globalScheme) {
// html code
// html code
scheme.setInherited(KEY_HTML_CODE, !settings.isRainbowifyHTMLInsideJS)
scheme.setInherited(KEY_HTML_CODE, !settings.isRainbowifyHTMLInsideJS)
// kotlin label
// kotlin label
val kotlinLabelColor = DEFAULT_KOTLIN_LABEL_COLOR.takeUnless { settings.isRainbowifyKotlinLabel }
val kotlinLabelColor = DEFAULT_KOTLIN_LABEL_COLOR.takeUnless { settings.isRainbowifyKotlinLabel }
val kotlinLabel = TextAttributes(kotlinLabelColor, null, null, EffectType.BOXED, Font.PLAIN)
val kotlinLabel = TextAttributes(kotlinLabelColor, null, null, EffectType.BOXED, Font.PLAIN)
scheme.setAttributes(KEY_KOTLIN_LABEL, kotlinLabel)
scheme.setAttributes(KEY_KOTLIN_LABEL, kotlinLabel)
// matched brace
// matched brace
if (settings.isOverrideMatchedBraceAttributes) {
if (settings.isOverrideMatchedBraceAttributes) {
val matchedBraceAttributes = TextAttributes(null, JBColor(0x99ccbb, 0x3b514d), null, EffectType.BOXED, Font.BOLD)
val matchedBraceAttributes = TextAttributes(null, JBColor(0x99ccbb, 0x3b514d), null, EffectType.BOXED, Font.BOLD)
scheme.setAttributes(KEY_MATCHED_BRACE_ATTRIBUTES, matchedBraceAttributes)
scheme.setAttributes(KEY_MATCHED_BRACE_ATTRIBUTES, matchedBraceAttributes)
if (settings.isRainbowifyKotlinFunctionLiteralBracesAndArrow) {
if (settings.isRainbowifyKotlinFunctionLiteralBracesAndArrow) {
TextAttributes(null, null, null, EffectType.BOXED, Font.BOLD))
} else {
TextAttributes(null, null, null, EffectType.BOXED, Font.BOLD)
//TODO: default foregroundColor ???
TextAttributes(JBColor(0x89ddff, 0x89ddff), null, null, EffectType.BOXED, Font.BOLD))
else {
//TODO: default foregroundColor ???
TextAttributes(JBColor(0x89ddff, 0x89ddff), null, null, EffectType.BOXED, Font.BOLD)
private fun EditorColorsScheme.setInherited(key: TextAttributesKey, inherited: Boolean) {
private fun EditorColorsScheme.setInherited(key: TextAttributesKey, inherited: Boolean) {
setAttributes(key, if (inherited) AbstractColorsScheme.INHERITED_ATTRS_MARKER else TextAttributes())
setAttributes(key, if (inherited) AbstractColorsScheme.INHERITED_ATTRS_MARKER else TextAttributes())
@ -6,35 +6,35 @@ import java.awt.Color
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
data class RainbowInfo(var level: Int, var color: Color) {
data class RainbowInfo(var level: Int, var color: Color) {
private var _startElement: WeakReference<PsiElement>? = null
private var _startElement: WeakReference<PsiElement>? = null
private var _endElement: WeakReference<PsiElement>? = null
private var _endElement: WeakReference<PsiElement>? = null
var startElement: PsiElement?
var startElement: PsiElement?
get() = _startElement?.get()
get() = _startElement?.get()
set(value) {
set(value) {
_startElement = value?.let { WeakReference(it) }
_startElement = value?.let { WeakReference(it) }
val startOffset get() = startElement?.textRange?.startOffset ?: -1
val startOffset get() = startElement?.textRange?.startOffset ?: -1
var endElement: PsiElement?
var endElement: PsiElement?
get() = _endElement?.get()
get() = _endElement?.get()
set(value) {
set(value) {
_endElement = value?.let { WeakReference(it) }
_endElement = value?.let { WeakReference(it) }
val endOffset get() = endElement?.textRange?.endOffset ?: -1
val endOffset get() = endElement?.textRange?.endOffset ?: -1
fun containsOffset(offset: Int): Boolean {
fun containsOffset(offset: Int): Boolean {
val startElement = startElement ?: return false
val startElement = startElement ?: return false
val endElement = endElement ?: return false
val endElement = endElement ?: return false
val startOffset = startElement.textRange.startOffset
val startOffset = startElement.textRange.startOffset
val endOffset = endElement.textRange.endOffset
val endOffset = endElement.textRange.endOffset
return offset in startOffset..endOffset
return offset in startOffset..endOffset
companion object {
companion object {
val RAINBOW_INFO_KEY: Key<RainbowInfo> = Key.create("RAINBOW_INFO")
val RAINBOW_INFO_KEY: Key<RainbowInfo> = Key.create("RAINBOW_INFO")
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings.RainbowSettings
import com.intellij.ide.plugins.IdeaPluginDescriptor
import com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManagerCore
import com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManagerCore.isPluginInstalled
import com.intellij.ide.startup.StartupActionScriptManager
import com.intellij.ide.startup.StartupActionScriptManager.DeleteCommand
import com.intellij.notification.NotificationListener.UrlOpeningListener
import com.intellij.notification.NotificationType
import com.intellij.openapi.extensions.PluginId
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project
import com.intellij.openapi.startup.StartupActivity
class RainbowUpdateNotifyActivity : StartupActivity {
override fun runActivity(project: Project) {
val settings = RainbowSettings.instance
if (getPlugin()?.version != settings.version) {
settings.version = getPlugin()!!.version
if (settings.showNotificationOnUpdate) {
private fun removeIfInstalled() {
val pluginId = PluginId.getId("com.github.jadepeng.rainbowfart")
val isInstalled = isPluginInstalled(pluginId)
if (isInstalled) {
val pluginDescriptor = PluginManagerCore.getPlugin(pluginId)
if (pluginDescriptor != null) {
companion object {
const val pluginId = "izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets"
private val updateContent: String by lazy {
🌈Thank you for downloading <b><a href="">Rainbow Brackets</a></b>!<br>
🎉Sponsored by <a href="">CodeStream</a>.<br>
👍If you find this plugin helpful, <b><a href="">please support us!</a>.</b><br>
<b><a href="">Donate</a></b> by <b><a href="">OpenCollective</a></b> Or AliPay/WeChatPay to <b><a href="">become a sponsor</a>!.</b><br>
📝Check out <b><a href="">the document</a></b> for all features of this plugin.<br>
🐛If you run into any problem, <b><a href="">feel free to raise an issue</a>.</b><br>
🆕See <b><a href="${changelog()}">changelog</a></b> for more details about this update.<br>
👉Want to customize your own color scheme of Rainbow Brackets? Edit it under
<b>Settings > Editor > Color Scheme > Rainbow Brackets</b><br>
👉Tired of the bundled colors? Try out the new color generator!
<b>Settings > Other Settings > Rainbow Brackets > Use color generator</b><br>
👉Other additional features under
<b>Settings > Other Settings > Rainbow Brackets</b><br/>
Enjoy your colorful code🌈.
private fun changelog(): String {
val plugin = getPlugin()
return if (plugin == null) {
} else {
fun getPlugin(): IdeaPluginDescriptor? = PluginManagerCore.getPlugin(PluginId.getId(pluginId))
private fun updateMsg(): String {
val plugin = getPlugin()
return if (plugin == null) {
"Rainbow Brackets installed."
} else {
"Rainbow Brackets updated to ${plugin.version}"
private fun showUpdate(project: Project) {
val notification = createNotification(
showFullNotification(project, notification)
@ -17,77 +17,77 @@ import com.intellij.ui.EditorNotifications
import com.intellij.ui.HyperlinkLabel
import com.intellij.ui.HyperlinkLabel
class RainbowifyBanner : EditorNotifications.Provider<EditorNotificationPanel>() {
class RainbowifyBanner : EditorNotifications.Provider<EditorNotificationPanel>() {
override fun getKey(): Key<EditorNotificationPanel> = KEY
override fun getKey(): Key<EditorNotificationPanel> = KEY
override fun createNotificationPanel(file: VirtualFile, fileEditor: FileEditor, project: Project): EditorNotificationPanel? {
override fun createNotificationPanel(file: VirtualFile, fileEditor: FileEditor, project: Project): EditorNotificationPanel? {
if (!RainbowSettings.instance.isRainbowEnabled) {
if (!RainbowSettings.instance.isRainbowEnabled) {
if (RainbowSettings.instance.suppressDisabledCheck) return null
if (RainbowSettings.instance.suppressDisabledCheck) return null
return EditorNotificationPanel().apply {
return EditorNotificationPanel().apply {
text("Rainbow Brackets is now disabled")
text("Colored Brackets is now disabled")
createComponentActionLabel("got it, don't show again") {
createComponentActionLabel("got it, don't show again") {
RainbowSettings.instance.suppressDisabledCheck = true
RainbowSettings.instance.suppressDisabledCheck = true
createComponentActionLabel("enable Rainbow Brackets") {
createComponentActionLabel("enable Colored Brackets") {
RainbowSettings.instance.isRainbowEnabled = true
RainbowSettings.instance.isRainbowEnabled = true
val psiFile = file.toPsiFile(project)
val psiFile = file.toPsiFile(project)
if (psiFile != null && !checkForBigFile(psiFile)) {
if (psiFile != null && !checkForBigFile(psiFile)) {
if (RainbowSettings.instance.suppressBigFileCheck) return null
if (RainbowSettings.instance.suppressBigFileCheck) return null
return EditorNotificationPanel().apply {
return EditorNotificationPanel().apply {
text("Rainbowify is disabled for files > " + RainbowSettings.instance.bigFilesLinesThreshold + " lines")
text("Rainbowify is disabled for files > " + RainbowSettings.instance.bigFilesLinesThreshold + " lines")
createComponentActionLabel("got it, don't show again") {
createComponentActionLabel("got it, don't show again") {
RainbowSettings.instance.suppressBigFileCheck = true
RainbowSettings.instance.suppressBigFileCheck = true
createComponentActionLabel("open settings") {
createComponentActionLabel("open settings") {
ShowSettingsUtilImpl.showSettingsDialog(project, RainbowConfigurable.ID, "")
ShowSettingsUtilImpl.showSettingsDialog(project, RainbowConfigurable.ID, "")
if (
if (
RainbowSettings.instance.languageBlacklist.contains( ||
RainbowSettings.instance.languageBlacklist.contains( ||
) {
) {
if (RainbowSettings.instance.suppressBlackListCheck) return null
if (RainbowSettings.instance.suppressBlackListCheck) return null
return EditorNotificationPanel().apply {
return EditorNotificationPanel().apply {
text("Rainbowify is disabled because the language/file extension is in the black list")
text("Rainbowify is disabled because the language/file extension is in the black list")
createComponentActionLabel("got it, don't show again") {
createComponentActionLabel("got it, don't show again") {
RainbowSettings.instance.suppressBlackListCheck = true
RainbowSettings.instance.suppressBlackListCheck = true
createComponentActionLabel("open setting") {
createComponentActionLabel("open setting") {
ShowSettingsUtilImpl.showSettingsDialog(project, RainbowConfigurable.ID, "")
ShowSettingsUtilImpl.showSettingsDialog(project, RainbowConfigurable.ID, "")
return null
return null
companion object {
companion object {
private val KEY = Key.create<EditorNotificationPanel>("RainbowifyBanner")
private val KEY = Key.create<EditorNotificationPanel>("RainbowifyBanner")
fun EditorNotificationPanel.createComponentActionLabel(labelText: String, callback: (HyperlinkLabel) -> Unit) {
fun EditorNotificationPanel.createComponentActionLabel(labelText: String, callback: (HyperlinkLabel) -> Unit) {
val label: Ref<HyperlinkLabel> = Ref.create()
val label: Ref<HyperlinkLabel> = Ref.create()
label.set(createActionLabel(labelText) {
label.set(createActionLabel(labelText) {
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import java.awt.Color
val mapper: ObjectMapper by lazy { jacksonObjectMapper() }
val mapper: ObjectMapper by lazy { jacksonObjectMapper() }
fun randomColor(options: String): Color {
fun randomColor(options: String): Color {
val ops: Map<String, String> = mapper.readValue(options)
val ops: Map<String, String> = mapper.readValue(options)
return com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.color.randomColor(
return com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.color.randomColor(
fromString(ops.getOrDefault("hue", "random")),
fromString(ops.getOrDefault("hue", "random")),
Luminosity.valueOf(ops.getOrDefault("luminosity", "random"))
Luminosity.valueOf(ops.getOrDefault("luminosity", "random"))
@ -20,77 +20,81 @@ import java.awt.event.KeyEvent
abstract class AbstractScopeHighlightingAction : AnAction() {
abstract class AbstractScopeHighlightingAction : AnAction() {
final override fun update(e: AnActionEvent) {
final override fun update(e: AnActionEvent) {
e.presentation.isEnabledAndVisible = e.editor.let { it != null && it !is TextComponentEditor }
e.presentation.isEnabledAndVisible = e.editor.let { it != null && it !is TextComponentEditor }
final override fun actionPerformed(e: AnActionEvent) {
final override fun actionPerformed(e: AnActionEvent) {
val editor = e.editor ?: return
val editor = e.editor ?: return
val project = editor.project ?: return
val project = editor.project ?: return
val psiFile = project.let { PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(it).getPsiFile(editor.document) } ?: return
val psiFile = project.let { PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(it).getPsiFile(editor.document) } ?: return
val offset = editor.caretModel.offset
val offset = editor.caretModel.offset
val rainbowInfo = psiFile.findRainbowInfoAt(offset) ?: return
val rainbowInfo = psiFile.findRainbowInfoAt(offset) ?: return
val highlightManager = HighlightManager.getInstance(project)
val highlightManager = HighlightManager.getInstance(project)
val highlighters = editor.addHighlighter(highlightManager, rainbowInfo)
val highlighters = editor.addHighlighter(highlightManager, rainbowInfo)
if (highlighters.isNotEmpty()) {
if (highlighters.isNotEmpty()) {
editor.highlightingDisposer = HighlightingDisposer(editor) {
editor.highlightingDisposer = HighlightingDisposer(editor) {
editor.highlightingDisposer = null
editor.highlightingDisposer = null
highlighters.forEach { highlightManager.removeSegmentHighlighter(editor, it) }
highlighters.forEach { highlightManager.removeSegmentHighlighter(editor, it) }
protected abstract fun Editor.addHighlighter(highlightManager: HighlightManager,
protected abstract fun Editor.addHighlighter(
rainbowInfo: RainbowInfo): Collection<RangeHighlighter>
highlightManager: HighlightManager,
rainbowInfo: RainbowInfo,
): Collection<RangeHighlighter>
private class HighlightingDisposer(private val editor: Editor,
private class HighlightingDisposer(
private val disposeAction: () -> Unit) : KeyAdapter(), FocusListener {
private val editor: Editor,
private val disposeAction: () -> Unit,
) : KeyAdapter(), FocusListener {
init {
init {
editor.contentComponent.let {
editor.contentComponent.let {
fun dispose() {
fun dispose() {
editor.contentComponent.let {
editor.contentComponent.let {
override fun focusGained(e: FocusEvent) = Unit
override fun focusGained(e: FocusEvent) = Unit
override fun focusLost(e: FocusEvent) = Unit
override fun focusLost(e: FocusEvent) = Unit
override fun keyReleased(e: KeyEvent) = Unit
override fun keyReleased(e: KeyEvent) = Unit
companion object {
companion object {
private val HIGHLIGHTING_DISPOSER_KEY: Key<HighlightingDisposer> = Key.create("HIGHLIGHTING_DISPOSER_KEY")
private val HIGHLIGHTING_DISPOSER_KEY: Key<HighlightingDisposer> = Key.create("HIGHLIGHTING_DISPOSER_KEY")
private var Editor.highlightingDisposer: HighlightingDisposer?
private var Editor.highlightingDisposer: HighlightingDisposer?
set(value) {
set(value) {
private val AnActionEvent.editor: Editor? get() = CommonDataKeys.EDITOR.getData(dataContext)
private val AnActionEvent.editor: Editor? get() = CommonDataKeys.EDITOR.getData(dataContext)
private fun PsiElement.getRainbowInfo(offset: Int): RainbowInfo? {
private fun PsiElement.getRainbowInfo(offset: Int): RainbowInfo? {
return RainbowInfo.RAINBOW_INFO_KEY[this]?.takeIf { it.containsOffset(offset) }
return RainbowInfo.RAINBOW_INFO_KEY[this]?.takeIf { it.containsOffset(offset) }
private fun PsiFile.findRainbowInfoAt(offset: Int): RainbowInfo? {
private fun PsiFile.findRainbowInfoAt(offset: Int): RainbowInfo? {
var element = findElementAt(offset)
var element = findElementAt(offset)
while (element != null) {
while (element != null) {
element.getRainbowInfo(offset)?.let { return it }
element.getRainbowInfo(offset)?.let { return it }
element = element.parent
element = element.parent
return null
return null
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.action
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.RainbowInfo
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.RainbowInfo
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings.RainbowSettings
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings.RainbowSettings
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.alphaBlend
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.alphaBlend
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.create
import com.intellij.codeInsight.highlighting.HighlightManager
import com.intellij.codeInsight.highlighting.HighlightManager
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.colors.EditorColorsManager
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.colors.EditorColorsManager
@ -11,26 +10,30 @@ import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.EffectType
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.RangeHighlighter
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.RangeHighlighter
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.TextAttributes
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.TextAttributes
import java.awt.Font
import java.awt.Font
import java.util.*
import java.util.LinkedList
class ScopeHighlightingAction : AbstractScopeHighlightingAction() {
class ScopeHighlightingAction : AbstractScopeHighlightingAction() {
override fun Editor.addHighlighter(highlightManager: HighlightManager,
override fun Editor.addHighlighter(
rainbowInfo: RainbowInfo): Collection<RangeHighlighter> {
highlightManager: HighlightManager,
val defaultBackground = EditorColorsManager.getInstance().globalScheme.defaultBackground
rainbowInfo: RainbowInfo,
val background = rainbowInfo.color.alphaBlend(defaultBackground, 0.2f)
): Collection<RangeHighlighter> {
val attributes = TextAttributes(null, background, rainbowInfo.color, EffectType.BOXED, Font.PLAIN)
val defaultBackground = EditorColorsManager.getInstance().globalScheme.defaultBackground
val highlighters = LinkedList<RangeHighlighter>()
val background = rainbowInfo.color.alphaBlend(defaultBackground, 0.2f)
val attributes = TextAttributes(null, background, rainbowInfo.color, EffectType.BOXED, Font.PLAIN)
val highlighters = LinkedList<RangeHighlighter>()
attributes, //create("ScopeHighlightingAction", attributes),
false, //hideByTextChange
RainbowSettings.instance.pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects, //hideByAnyKey
attributes, //create("ScopeHighlightingAction", attributes),
false, //hideByTextChange
RainbowSettings.instance.pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects, //hideByAnyKey
return highlighters
return highlighters
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.action
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.RainbowInfo
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.RainbowInfo
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings.RainbowSettings
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings.RainbowSettings
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.alphaBlend
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.alphaBlend
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.create
import com.intellij.codeInsight.highlighting.HighlightManager
import com.intellij.codeInsight.highlighting.HighlightManager
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.colors.EditorColorsManager
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.colors.EditorColorsManager
@ -12,42 +11,48 @@ import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.RangeHighlighter
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.TextAttributes
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.TextAttributes
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.Font
import java.awt.Font
import java.util.*
import java.util.LinkedList
class ScopeOutsideHighlightingRestrainAction : AbstractScopeHighlightingAction() {
class ScopeOutsideHighlightingRestrainAction : AbstractScopeHighlightingAction() {
override fun Editor.addHighlighter(highlightManager: HighlightManager,
override fun Editor.addHighlighter(
rainbowInfo: RainbowInfo): Collection<RangeHighlighter> {
highlightManager: HighlightManager,
val defaultBackground = EditorColorsManager.getInstance().globalScheme.defaultBackground
rainbowInfo: RainbowInfo,
val background = Color.GRAY.alphaBlend(defaultBackground, 0.05f)
): Collection<RangeHighlighter> {
val foreground = Color.GRAY.alphaBlend(defaultBackground, 0.55f)
val defaultBackground = EditorColorsManager.getInstance().globalScheme.defaultBackground
val attributes = TextAttributes(foreground, background, background, EffectType.BOXED, Font.PLAIN)
val background = Color.GRAY.alphaBlend(defaultBackground, 0.05f)
val highlighters = LinkedList<RangeHighlighter>()
val foreground = Color.GRAY.alphaBlend(defaultBackground, 0.55f)
val attributes = TextAttributes(foreground, background, background, EffectType.BOXED, Font.PLAIN)
val highlighters = LinkedList<RangeHighlighter>()
val startOffset = rainbowInfo.startOffset
val startOffset = rainbowInfo.startOffset
if (startOffset > 0) {
if (startOffset > 0) {
attributes, //create("ScopeOutsideHighlightingRestrainAction", attributes),
false, //hideByTextChange
attributes, //create("ScopeOutsideHighlightingRestrainAction", attributes),
RainbowSettings.instance.pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects, //hideByAnyKey
false, //hideByTextChange
RainbowSettings.instance.pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects, //hideByAnyKey
val endOffset = rainbowInfo.endOffset
val endOffset = rainbowInfo.endOffset
val lastOffset = document.textLength
val lastOffset = document.textLength
if (endOffset < lastOffset) {
if (endOffset < lastOffset) {
attributes, //create("ScopeOutsideHighlightingRestrainAction", attributes),
false, //hideByTextChange
attributes, //create("ScopeOutsideHighlightingRestrainAction", attributes),
RainbowSettings.instance.pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects, //hideByAnyKey
false, //hideByTextChange
RainbowSettings.instance.pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects, //hideByAnyKey
return highlighters
return highlighters
@ -12,67 +12,87 @@ import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.LeafPsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.LeafPsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtBlockExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtCallExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtClass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtClassBody
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFunction
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFunctionLiteral
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtLabelReferenceExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtLabeledExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtLambdaExpression
import java.awt.Font
import java.awt.Font
class KotlinLabelAnnotator : Annotator {
class KotlinLabelAnnotator : Annotator {
override fun annotate(element: PsiElement, holder: AnnotationHolder) {
override fun annotate(element: PsiElement, holder: AnnotationHolder) {
if (!RainbowSettings.instance.isRainbowifyKotlinLabel) {
if (!RainbowSettings.instance.isRainbowifyKotlinLabel) {
val target: PsiElement
val target: PsiElement
var refElement: PsiElement?
var refElement: PsiElement?
when (element) {
when (element) {
is KtLabelReferenceExpression -> {
is KtLabelReferenceExpression -> {
if ((element.lastChild as? LeafPsiElement)?.elementType == KtTokens.AT) {
if ((element.lastChild as? LeafPsiElement)?.elementType == KtTokens.AT) {
target = element
target = element
refElement = try {
refElement = try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
refElement = when (refElement) {
refElement = when (refElement) {
is KtBlockExpression,
is KtBlockExpression,
is KtFunctionLiteral -> refElement
is KtFunctionLiteral,
is KtFunction -> refElement.lastChild.takeIf { it is KtBlockExpression }
-> refElement
is KtClass -> refElement.lastChild.takeIf { it is KtClassBody }
is KtCallExpression,
is KtLambdaExpression -> PsiTreeUtil.findChildOfType(refElement,
else -> null
is KtLabeledExpression -> {
target = element.firstChild.firstChild.takeIf { it is KtLabelReferenceExpression } ?: return
refElement = element.lastChild.let {
when (it) {
is KtBlockExpression,
is KtFunctionLiteral -> it
is KtCallExpression,
is KtLambdaExpression -> PsiTreeUtil.findChildOfType(it,
else -> null
} ?: return
else -> return
is KtFunction -> refElement.lastChild.takeIf { it is KtBlockExpression }
.let { RainbowInfo.RAINBOW_INFO_KEY[it]?.color ?: RainbowHighlighter.DEFAULT_KOTLIN_LABEL_COLOR }
is KtClass -> refElement.lastChild.takeIf { it is KtClassBody }
.let {
is KtCallExpression,
is KtLambdaExpression,
-> PsiTreeUtil.findChildOfType(refElement,
else -> null
TextAttributes(it, null, null, EffectType.BOXED, Font.PLAIN)
is KtLabeledExpression -> {
target = element.firstChild.firstChild.takeIf { it is KtLabelReferenceExpression } ?: return
refElement = element.lastChild.let {
when (it) {
is KtBlockExpression,
is KtFunctionLiteral,
-> it
is KtCallExpression,
is KtLambdaExpression,
-> PsiTreeUtil.findChildOfType(it,
else -> null
} ?: return
else -> return
.let { RainbowInfo.RAINBOW_INFO_KEY[it]?.color ?: RainbowHighlighter.DEFAULT_KOTLIN_LABEL_COLOR }
.let {
TextAttributes(it, null, null, EffectType.BOXED, Font.PLAIN)
@ -13,19 +13,19 @@ import java.awt.Font
class KotlinLambdaExpressionArrowAnnotator : Annotator {
class KotlinLambdaExpressionArrowAnnotator : Annotator {
override fun annotate(element: PsiElement, holder: AnnotationHolder) {
override fun annotate(element: PsiElement, holder: AnnotationHolder) {
if ((element as? LeafPsiElement)?.elementType == KtTokens.ARROW) {
if ((element as? LeafPsiElement)?.elementType == KtTokens.ARROW) {
RainbowInfo.RAINBOW_INFO_KEY[element.parent]?.color?.let {
RainbowInfo.RAINBOW_INFO_KEY[element.parent]?.color?.let {
TextAttributes(it, null, null, EffectType.BOXED, Font.PLAIN)
TextAttributes(it, null, null, EffectType.BOXED, Font.PLAIN)
@ -17,99 +17,106 @@ import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.LeafPsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.LeafPsiElement
class RainbowAnnotator : Annotator {
class RainbowAnnotator : Annotator {
override fun annotate(element: PsiElement, holder: AnnotationHolder) {
override fun annotate(element: PsiElement, holder: AnnotationHolder) {
if (settings.isRainbowEnabled && element is LeafPsiElement) {
if (settings.isRainbowEnabled && element is LeafPsiElement) {
if (!settings.applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets) {
if (!settings.applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets) {
if (settings.isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets) annotateUtil(element, holder, "(", ")", NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS)
if (settings.isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets) annotateUtil(element, holder, "(", ")", NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS)
if (settings.isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets) annotateUtil(element, holder, "[", "]", NAME_SQUARE_BRACKETS)
if (settings.isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets) annotateUtil(element, holder, "[", "]", NAME_SQUARE_BRACKETS)
if (settings.isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets) annotateUtil(element, holder, "{", "}", NAME_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS)
if (settings.isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets) annotateUtil(element, holder, "{", "}", NAME_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS)
if (settings.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets) annotateUtil(element, holder, "<", ">", NAME_ANGLE_BRACKETS)
if (settings.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets) annotateUtil(element, holder, "<", ">", NAME_ANGLE_BRACKETS)
} else {
if (settings.isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets) annotateUtil(element, holder, "(", ")", NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS)
else {
if (settings.isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets) annotateUtil(element, holder, "[", "]", NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS)
if (settings.isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets) annotateUtil(element, holder, "(", ")", NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS)
if (settings.isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets) annotateUtil(element, holder, "{", "}", NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS)
if (settings.isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets) annotateUtil(element, holder, "[", "]", NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS)
if (settings.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets) annotateUtil(element, holder, "<", ">", NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS)
if (settings.isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets) annotateUtil(element, holder, "{", "}", NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS)
if (settings.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets) annotateUtil(element, holder, "<", ">", NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS)
object RainbowUtils {
object RainbowUtils {
private val leftBracketsSet = setOf("(", "[", "{", "<")
private val leftBracketsSet = setOf("(", "[", "{", "<")
private val rightBracketsSet = setOf(")", "]", "}", ">")
private val rightBracketsSet = setOf(")", "]", "}", ">")
val settings = RainbowSettings.instance
val settings = RainbowSettings.instance
private tailrec fun iterateChildren(
private tailrec fun iterateChildren(
LEFT: String,
LEFT: String,
RIGHT: String,
RIGHT: String,
currentNode: PsiElement,
currentNode: PsiElement,
currentLevel: Int,
currentLevel: Int,
currentChild: PsiElement
currentChild: PsiElement,
): Int {
): Int {
val calculatedLevel = if (currentChild is LeafPsiElement) {
val calculatedLevel = if (currentChild is LeafPsiElement) {
//Using `currentChild.elementType.toString()` if we didn't want add more dependencies.
//Using `currentChild.elementType.toString()` if we didn't want add more dependencies.
if (!settings.cycleCountOnAllBrackets) {
if (!settings.cycleCountOnAllBrackets) {
when (currentChild.text) {
when (currentChild.text) {
LEFT -> currentLevel + 1
LEFT -> currentLevel + 1
RIGHT -> currentLevel - 1
RIGHT -> currentLevel - 1
else -> currentLevel
else -> currentLevel
} else {
when {
else {
leftBracketsSet.contains(currentChild.text) -> currentLevel + 1
when {
rightBracketsSet.contains(currentChild.text) -> currentLevel - 1
leftBracketsSet.contains(currentChild.text) -> currentLevel + 1
else -> currentLevel
rightBracketsSet.contains(currentChild.text) -> currentLevel - 1
else -> currentLevel
} else currentLevel
else currentLevel
return if ((currentChild != currentNode) && (currentChild != currentNode.parent.lastChild))
return if ((currentChild != currentNode) && (currentChild != currentNode.parent.lastChild))
iterateChildren(LEFT, RIGHT, currentNode, calculatedLevel, currentChild.nextSibling)
iterateChildren(LEFT, RIGHT, currentNode, calculatedLevel, currentChild.nextSibling)
private tailrec fun iterateParents(
private tailrec fun iterateParents(
LEFT: String,
LEFT: String,
RIGHT: String,
RIGHT: String,
currentNode: PsiElement,
currentNode: PsiElement,
currentLevel: Int
currentLevel: Int,
): Int = if (currentNode.parent !is PsiFile) {
): Int = if (currentNode.parent !is PsiFile) {
val calculatedLevel = iterateChildren(LEFT, RIGHT, currentNode, currentLevel, currentNode.parent.firstChild)
val calculatedLevel = iterateChildren(LEFT, RIGHT, currentNode, currentLevel, currentNode.parent.firstChild)
iterateParents(LEFT, RIGHT, currentNode.parent, calculatedLevel)
iterateParents(LEFT, RIGHT, currentNode.parent, calculatedLevel)
} else currentLevel
else currentLevel
private fun getBracketLevel(element: LeafPsiElement, LEFT: String, RIGHT: String): Int {
private fun getBracketLevel(element: LeafPsiElement, LEFT: String, RIGHT: String): Int {
//Using `element.elementType.toString()` if we didn't want add more dependencies.
//Using `element.elementType.toString()` if we didn't want add more dependencies.
val startLevel = if (element.text == RIGHT) 0 else -1
val startLevel = if (element.text == RIGHT) 0 else -1
return iterateParents(LEFT, RIGHT, element, startLevel)
return iterateParents(LEFT, RIGHT, element, startLevel)
fun annotateUtil(element: LeafPsiElement, holder: AnnotationHolder,
fun annotateUtil(
LEFT: String, RIGHT: String, rainbowName: String) {
element: LeafPsiElement, holder: AnnotationHolder,
//Using `element.elementType.toString()` if we didn't want add more dependencies.
LEFT: String, RIGHT: String, rainbowName: String,
val level = when (element.text) {
) {
LEFT, RIGHT -> getBracketLevel(element, LEFT, RIGHT)
//Using `element.elementType.toString()` if we didn't want add more dependencies.
else -> -1
val level = when (element.text) {
LEFT, RIGHT -> getBracketLevel(element, LEFT, RIGHT)
val scheme = EditorColorsManager.getInstance().globalScheme
else -> -1
if (RainbowSettings.instance.isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel) {
if (level >= 1) {
val scheme = EditorColorsManager.getInstance().globalScheme
if (RainbowSettings.instance.isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel) {
if (level >= 1) {
.textAttributes(getRainbowColorByLevel(scheme, rainbowName, level))
.textAttributes(getRainbowColorByLevel(scheme, rainbowName, level))
} else {
if (level >= 0) {
else {
.textAttributes(getRainbowColorByLevel(scheme, rainbowName, level))
if (level >= 0) {
.textAttributes(getRainbowColorByLevel(scheme, rainbowName, level))
@ -3,106 +3,106 @@ package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.color
import kotlin.math.floor
import kotlin.math.floor
enum class Color(val hueRange: Pair<Int, Int>, val lowerBounds: List<Pair<Int, Int>>) {
enum class Color(val hueRange: Pair<Int, Int>, val lowerBounds: List<Pair<Int, Int>>) {
Pair(-1, -1),
Pair(-1, -1),
listOf(Pair(0, 0), Pair(100, 0))
listOf(Pair(0, 0), Pair(100, 0))
Pair(-26, 18),
Pair(-26, 18),
Pair(20, 100),
Pair(20, 100),
Pair(30, 92),
Pair(30, 92),
Pair(40, 89),
Pair(40, 89),
Pair(50, 85),
Pair(50, 85),
Pair(60, 78),
Pair(60, 78),
Pair(70, 70),
Pair(70, 70),
Pair(80, 60),
Pair(80, 60),
Pair(90, 55),
Pair(90, 55),
Pair(100, 50)
Pair(100, 50)
Pair(18, 46),
Pair(18, 46),
listOf(Pair(20, 100), Pair(30, 93), Pair(40, 88), Pair(50, 86), Pair(60, 85), Pair(70, 70), Pair(100, 70))
listOf(Pair(20, 100), Pair(30, 93), Pair(40, 88), Pair(50, 86), Pair(60, 85), Pair(70, 70), Pair(100, 70))
Pair(46, 62),
Pair(46, 62),
Pair(25, 100),
Pair(25, 100),
Pair(40, 94),
Pair(40, 94),
Pair(50, 89),
Pair(50, 89),
Pair(60, 86),
Pair(60, 86),
Pair(70, 84),
Pair(70, 84),
Pair(80, 82),
Pair(80, 82),
Pair(90, 80),
Pair(90, 80),
Pair(100, 75)
Pair(100, 75)
Pair(62, 178),
Pair(62, 178),
Pair(30, 100),
Pair(30, 100),
Pair(40, 90),
Pair(40, 90),
Pair(50, 85),
Pair(50, 85),
Pair(60, 81),
Pair(60, 81),
Pair(70, 74),
Pair(70, 74),
Pair(80, 64),
Pair(80, 64),
Pair(90, 50),
Pair(90, 50),
Pair(100, 40)
Pair(100, 40)
Pair(178, 257),
Pair(178, 257),
Pair(20, 100),
Pair(20, 100),
Pair(30, 86),
Pair(30, 86),
Pair(40, 80),
Pair(40, 80),
Pair(50, 74),
Pair(50, 74),
Pair(60, 60),
Pair(60, 60),
Pair(70, 52),
Pair(70, 52),
Pair(80, 44),
Pair(80, 44),
Pair(90, 39),
Pair(90, 39),
Pair(100, 35)
Pair(100, 35)
Pair(257, 282),
Pair(257, 282),
Pair(20, 100),
Pair(20, 100),
Pair(30, 87),
Pair(30, 87),
Pair(40, 79),
Pair(40, 79),
Pair(50, 70),
Pair(50, 70),
Pair(60, 65),
Pair(60, 65),
Pair(70, 59),
Pair(70, 59),
Pair(80, 52),
Pair(80, 52),
Pair(90, 45),
Pair(90, 45),
Pair(100, 42)
Pair(100, 42)
Pair(282, 334),
Pair(282, 334),
listOf(Pair(20, 100), Pair(30, 90), Pair(40, 86), Pair(60, 84), Pair(80, 80), Pair(90, 75), Pair(100, 73))
listOf(Pair(20, 100), Pair(30, 90), Pair(40, 86), Pair(60, 84), Pair(80, 80), Pair(90, 75), Pair(100, 73))
fun Color.saturationRange(): Pair<Int, Int> {
fun Color.saturationRange(): Pair<Int, Int> {
return Pair(lowerBounds.first().first, lowerBounds.last().first)
return Pair(lowerBounds.first().first, lowerBounds.last().first)
fun Color.brightnessRange(saturation: Int): Pair<Int, Int> {
fun Color.brightnessRange(saturation: Int): Pair<Int, Int> {
for (i in 0 until lowerBounds.size - 1) {
for (i in 0 until lowerBounds.size - 1) {
val s1 = lowerBounds[i].first.toFloat()
val s1 = lowerBounds[i].first.toFloat()
val v1 = lowerBounds[i].second.toFloat()
val v1 = lowerBounds[i].second.toFloat()
val s2 = lowerBounds[i + 1].first.toFloat()
val s2 = lowerBounds[i + 1].first.toFloat()
val v2 = lowerBounds[i + 1].second.toFloat()
val v2 = lowerBounds[i + 1].second.toFloat()
if (saturation.toFloat() in s1..s2) {
if (saturation.toFloat() in s1..s2) {
val m = (v2 - v1) / (s2 - s1)
val m = (v2 - v1) / (s2 - s1)
val b = v1 - m * s1
val b = v1 - m * s1
val minBrightness = m * saturation + b
val minBrightness = m * saturation + b
return Pair(floor(minBrightness).toInt(), 100)
return Pair(floor(minBrightness).toInt(), 100)
return Pair(0, 100)
return Pair(0, 100)
@ -7,17 +7,17 @@ data class NumberHue(val value: Int) : Hue()
data class ColorHue(val color: Color) : Hue()
data class ColorHue(val color: Color) : Hue()
fun Hue.getHueRange(): Pair<Int, Int> {
fun Hue.getHueRange(): Pair<Int, Int> {
return when (this) {
return when (this) {
is ColorHue -> color.hueRange
is ColorHue -> color.hueRange
is NumberHue -> if (value in 1..359) Pair(value, value) else Pair(0, 360)
is NumberHue -> if (value in 1..359) Pair(value, value) else Pair(0, 360)
RandomHue -> Pair(0, 360)
RandomHue -> Pair(0, 360)
fun fromString(str: String): Hue {
fun fromString(str: String): Hue {
return when {
return when {
str == "random" -> RandomHue
str == "random" -> RandomHue
str.startsWith("#") -> NumberHue(Integer.parseInt(str.replaceFirst("#", ""), 16))
str.startsWith("#") -> NumberHue(Integer.parseInt(str.replaceFirst("#", ""), 16))
else -> ColorHue(Color.valueOf(str))
else -> ColorHue(Color.valueOf(str))
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.color
package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.color
enum class Luminosity {
enum class Luminosity {
@ -8,111 +8,116 @@ import kotlin.random.Random
* Generate a single random color with specified (or random) hue and luminosity.
* Generate a single random color with specified (or random) hue and luminosity.
fun randomColor(
fun randomColor(
hue: Hue = RandomHue,
hue: Hue = RandomHue,
luminosity: Luminosity = Luminosity.random,
luminosity: Luminosity = Luminosity.random,
): java.awt.Color {
): java.awt.Color {
// First we pick a hue (H)
// First we pick a hue (H)
val hueValue = pickHue(hue)
val hueValue = pickHue(hue)
// Then use H to determine saturation (S)
// Then use H to determine saturation (S)
val saturation = pickSaturation(hueValue, hue, luminosity)
val saturation = pickSaturation(hueValue, hue, luminosity)
// Then use S and H to determine brightness (B)
// Then use S and H to determine brightness (B)
val brightness = pickBrightness(hueValue, hue, saturation, luminosity)
val brightness = pickBrightness(hueValue, hue, saturation, luminosity)
return toColor(hueValue, saturation, brightness)
return toColor(hueValue, saturation, brightness)
private fun pickHue(hue: Hue): Int {
private fun pickHue(hue: Hue): Int {
val hueRange = hue.getHueRange()
val hueRange = hue.getHueRange()
var hueValue = randomWithin(hueRange)
var hueValue = randomWithin(hueRange)
// Instead of storing red as two separate ranges,
// Instead of storing red as two separate ranges,
// we group them, using negative numbers
// we group them, using negative numbers
if (hueValue < 0) {
if (hueValue < 0) {
hueValue += 360
hueValue += 360
return hueValue
return hueValue
private fun pickSaturation(hueValue: Int, hue: Hue, luminosity: Luminosity): Int {
private fun pickSaturation(hueValue: Int, hue: Hue, luminosity: Luminosity): Int {
if (hue == ColorHue(Color.monochrome)) {
if (hue == ColorHue(Color.monochrome)) {
return 0
return 0
val color: Color = matchColor(hueValue, hue)
val color: Color = matchColor(hueValue, hue)
val sMin = color.saturationRange().first
val sMin = color.saturationRange().first
val sMax = color.saturationRange().second
val sMax = color.saturationRange().second
return when (luminosity) {
return when (luminosity) {
Luminosity.random -> randomWithin(Pair(0, 100))
Luminosity.random -> randomWithin(Pair(0, 100))
Luminosity.bright -> randomWithin(Pair(55, sMax))
Luminosity.bright -> randomWithin(Pair(55, sMax))
Luminosity.light -> randomWithin(Pair(sMin, 55))
Luminosity.light -> randomWithin(Pair(sMin, 55))
Luminosity.dark -> randomWithin(Pair(sMax - 10, sMax))
Luminosity.dark -> randomWithin(Pair(sMax - 10, sMax))
private fun pickBrightness(hueValue: Int, hue: Hue, saturation: Int, luminosity: Luminosity): Int {
private fun pickBrightness(hueValue: Int, hue: Hue, saturation: Int, luminosity: Luminosity): Int {
val color: Color = matchColor(hueValue, hue)
val color: Color = matchColor(hueValue, hue)
val bMin = color.brightnessRange(saturation).first
val bMin = color.brightnessRange(saturation).first
val bMax = color.brightnessRange(saturation).second
val bMax = color.brightnessRange(saturation).second
return when (luminosity) {
return when (luminosity) {
Luminosity.random -> randomWithin(Pair(50, 100)) // I set this to 50 arbitrarily, they look more attractive
Luminosity.random -> randomWithin(Pair(50, 100)) // I set this to 50 arbitrarily, they look more attractive
Luminosity.bright -> randomWithin(Pair(bMin, bMax))
Luminosity.bright -> randomWithin(Pair(bMin, bMax))
Luminosity.light -> randomWithin(Pair((bMax + bMin) / 2, bMax))
Luminosity.light -> randomWithin(Pair((bMax + bMin) / 2, bMax))
Luminosity.dark -> randomWithin(Pair(bMin, bMin + 20))
Luminosity.dark -> randomWithin(Pair(bMin, bMin + 20))
private fun toColor(hueValue: Int, saturation: Int, brightness: Int): java.awt.Color {
private fun toColor(hueValue: Int, saturation: Int, brightness: Int): java.awt.Color {
val rgb = HSVtoRGB(hueValue, saturation, brightness)
val rgb = HSVtoRGB(hueValue, saturation, brightness)
return java.awt.Color(rgb.first, rgb.second, rgb.third)
return java.awt.Color(rgb.first, rgb.second, rgb.third)
private fun HSVtoRGB(hueValue: Int, saturation: Int, brightness: Int): Triple<Int, Int, Int> {
private fun HSVtoRGB(hueValue: Int, saturation: Int, brightness: Int): Triple<Int, Int, Int> {
// This doesn't work for the values of 0 and 360
// This doesn't work for the values of 0 and 360
// Here's the hacky fix
// Here's the hacky fix
// Rebase the h,s,v values
// Rebase the h,s,v values
val h: Float = hueValue.coerceIn(1, 359) / 360f
val h: Float = hueValue.coerceIn(1, 359) / 360f
val s = saturation / 100f
val s = saturation / 100f
val v = brightness / 100f
val v = brightness / 100f
val hI = floor(h * 6f).toInt()
val hI = floor(h * 6f).toInt()
val f = h * 6f - hI
val f = h * 6f - hI
val p = v * (1f - s)
val p = v * (1f - s)
val q = v * (1f - f * s)
val q = v * (1f - f * s)
val t = v * (1f - (1f - f) * s)
val t = v * (1f - (1f - f) * s)
var r = 256f
var r = 256f
var g = 256f
var g = 256f
var b = 256f
var b = 256f
when (hI) {
when (hI) {
0 -> {
0 -> {
r = v; g = t; b = p
r = v; g = t; b = p
1 -> {
r = q; g = v; b = p
2 -> {
r = p; g = v; b = t
3 -> {
r = p; g = q; b = v
4 -> {
r = t; g = p; b = v
5 -> {
r = v; g = p; b = q
return Triple(floor(r * 255f).toInt(), floor(g * 255f).toInt(), floor(b * 255f).toInt())
1 -> {
r = q; g = v; b = p
2 -> {
r = p; g = v; b = t
3 -> {
r = p; g = q; b = v
4 -> {
r = t; g = p; b = v
5 -> {
r = v; g = p; b = q
return Triple(floor(r * 255f).toInt(), floor(g * 255f).toInt(), floor(b * 255f).toInt())
@ -122,32 +127,32 @@ private fun HSVtoRGB(hueValue: Int, saturation: Int, brightness: Int): Triple<In
* For some reason if a matching hue is not found, just return Monochrome.
* For some reason if a matching hue is not found, just return Monochrome.
private fun matchColor(hueValue: Int, hue: Hue): Color {
private fun matchColor(hueValue: Int, hue: Hue): Color {
return when (hue) {
return when (hue) {
is ColorHue -> hue.color
is ColorHue -> hue.color
else -> {
else -> {
// Maps red colors to make picking hue easier
// Maps red colors to make picking hue easier
var hueVal = hueValue
var hueVal = hueValue
if (hueVal in 334..360) {
if (hueVal in 334..360) {
hueVal -= 360
hueVal -= 360
for (color in Color.values()) {
for (color in Color.values()) {
if (hueVal in color.hueRange.first..color.hueRange.second) {
if (hueVal in color.hueRange.first..color.hueRange.second) {
return color
return color
// Returning Monochrome if we can't find a value, but this should never happen
// Returning Monochrome if we can't find a value, but this should never happen
return Color.monochrome
return Color.monochrome
private fun randomWithin(range: Pair<Int, Int>): Int {
private fun randomWithin(range: Pair<Int, Int>): Int {
// Generate random evenly distinct number from:
// Generate random evenly distinct number from:
val goldenRatio = 0.618033988749895
val goldenRatio = 0.618033988749895
var r = Random.nextDouble()
var r = Random.nextDouble()
r += goldenRatio
r += goldenRatio
r %= 1
r %= 1
return floor(range.first + r * (range.second + 1 - range.first)).toInt()
return floor(range.first + r * (range.second + 1 - range.first)).toInt()
@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.indents
package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.indents
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.RainbowInfo
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.RainbowInfo
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.*
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.alphaBlend
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.endOffset
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.findNextSibling
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.findPrevSibling
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.lineNumber
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.startOffset
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.SoftWrap
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.SoftWrap
@ -23,236 +28,242 @@ import com.intellij.ui.paint.LinePainter2D
import com.intellij.util.text.CharArrayUtil
import com.intellij.util.text.CharArrayUtil
import java.awt.Graphics
import java.awt.Graphics
import java.awt.Graphics2D
import java.awt.Graphics2D
import kotlin.math.max
/** From [com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl.IndentGuideRenderer]
/** From [com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl.IndentGuideRenderer]
* Commit history :
* Commit history :
* */
* */
class RainbowIndentGuideRenderer: CustomHighlighterRenderer {
class RainbowIndentGuideRenderer : CustomHighlighterRenderer {
override fun paint(editor: Editor, highlighter: RangeHighlighter, g: Graphics) {
override fun paint(editor: Editor, highlighter: RangeHighlighter, g: Graphics) {
if (editor !is EditorEx) return
if (editor !is EditorEx) return
val rainbowInfo = getRainbowInfo(editor, highlighter) ?: return
val rainbowInfo = getRainbowInfo(editor, highlighter) ?: return
val startOffset = highlighter.startOffset
val startOffset = highlighter.startOffset
val doc = highlighter.document
val doc = highlighter.document
if (startOffset >= doc.textLength) return
if (startOffset >= doc.textLength) return
val endOffset = highlighter.endOffset
val endOffset = highlighter.endOffset
var off: Int
var off: Int
var startLine = doc.getLineNumber(startOffset)
var startLine = doc.getLineNumber(startOffset)
val chars = doc.charsSequence
val chars = doc.charsSequence
do {
do {
val start = doc.getLineStartOffset(startLine)
val start = doc.getLineStartOffset(startLine)
val end = doc.getLineEndOffset(startLine)
val end = doc.getLineEndOffset(startLine)
off = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(chars, start, end, " \t")
off = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(chars, start, end, " \t")
} while (startLine > 1 && off < doc.textLength && chars[off] == '\n')
} while (startLine > 1 && off < doc.textLength && chars[off] == '\n')
val startPosition = editor.offsetToVisualPosition(off)
val startPosition = editor.offsetToVisualPosition(off)
val indentColumn = startPosition.column
val indentColumn = startPosition.column
if (indentColumn <= 0) return
if (indentColumn <= 0) return
val foldingModel = editor.foldingModel
val foldingModel = editor.foldingModel
if (foldingModel.isOffsetCollapsed(off)) return
if (foldingModel.isOffsetCollapsed(off)) return
val headerRegion = foldingModel.getCollapsedRegionAtOffset(doc.getLineEndOffset(doc.getLineNumber(off)))
val headerRegion = foldingModel.getCollapsedRegionAtOffset(doc.getLineEndOffset(doc.getLineNumber(off)))
val tailRegion = foldingModel.getCollapsedRegionAtOffset(doc.getLineStartOffset(doc.getLineNumber(endOffset)))
val tailRegion = foldingModel.getCollapsedRegionAtOffset(doc.getLineStartOffset(doc.getLineNumber(endOffset)))
if (tailRegion != null && tailRegion === headerRegion) return
if (tailRegion != null && tailRegion === headerRegion) return
val guide = editor.indentsModel.caretIndentGuide
val guide = editor.indentsModel.caretIndentGuide
val selected = if (guide != null) {
val selected = if (guide != null) {
val caretModel = editor.caretModel
val caretModel = editor.caretModel
val caretOffset = caretModel.offset
val caretOffset = caretModel.offset
caretOffset in off until endOffset && caretModel.logicalPosition.column == indentColumn
caretOffset in off until endOffset && caretModel.logicalPosition.column == indentColumn
} else false
else false
val lineHeight = editor.getLineHeight()
val lineHeight = editor.getLineHeight()
val start = editor.visualPositionToXY(startPosition)
val start = editor.visualPositionToXY(startPosition)
start.y += lineHeight
start.y += lineHeight
val endPosition = editor.offsetToVisualPosition(endOffset)
val endPosition = editor.offsetToVisualPosition(endOffset)
val end = editor.visualPositionToXY(endPosition)
val end = editor.visualPositionToXY(endPosition)
var maxY = end.y
var maxY = end.y
if (endPosition.line == editor.offsetToVisualPosition(doc.textLength).line) {
if (endPosition.line == editor.offsetToVisualPosition(doc.textLength).line) {
maxY += lineHeight
maxY += lineHeight
val clip = g.clipBounds
val clip = g.clipBounds
if (clip != null) {
if (clip != null) {
if (clip.y >= maxY || clip.y + clip.height <= start.y) {
if (clip.y >= maxY || clip.y + clip.height <= start.y) {
maxY = StrictMath.min(maxY, clip.y + clip.height)
maxY = StrictMath.min(maxY, clip.y + clip.height)
if (start.y >= maxY) return
if (start.y >= maxY) return
val targetX = Math.max(0, start.x + EditorPainter.getIndentGuideShift(editor)).toDouble()
val targetX = max(0, start.x + EditorPainter.getIndentGuideShift(editor)).toDouble()
g.color = if (selected) {
g.color = if (selected) {
} else {
val defaultBackground = editor.colorsScheme.defaultBackground
else {
rainbowInfo.color.alphaBlend(defaultBackground, 0.2f)
val defaultBackground = editor.colorsScheme.defaultBackground
rainbowInfo.color.alphaBlend(defaultBackground, 0.2f)
// There is a possible case that indent line intersects soft wrap-introduced text. Example:
// There is a possible case that indent line intersects soft wrap-introduced text. Example:
// this is a long line <soft-wrap>
// this is a long line <soft-wrap>
// that| is soft-wrapped
// that| is soft-wrapped
// |
// |
// | <- vertical indent
// | <- vertical indent
// Also it's possible that no additional intersections are added because of soft wrap:
// Also it's possible that no additional intersections are added because of soft wrap:
// this is a long line <soft-wrap>
// this is a long line <soft-wrap>
// | that is soft-wrapped
// | that is soft-wrapped
// |
// |
// | <- vertical indent
// | <- vertical indent
// We want to use the following approach then:
// We want to use the following approach then:
// 1. Show only active indent if it crosses soft wrap-introduced text;
// 1. Show only active indent if it crosses soft wrap-introduced text;
// 2. Show indent as is if it doesn't intersect with soft wrap-introduced text;
// 2. Show indent as is if it doesn't intersect with soft wrap-introduced text;
val softWraps = editor.softWrapModel.registeredSoftWraps
val softWraps = editor.softWrapModel.registeredSoftWraps
if (selected || softWraps.isEmpty()) {
if (selected || softWraps.isEmpty()) {
LinePainter2D.paint(g as Graphics2D, targetX, start.y.toDouble(), targetX, maxY - 1.toDouble())
LinePainter2D.paint(g as Graphics2D, targetX, start.y.toDouble(), targetX, maxY - 1.toDouble())
} else {
var startY = start.y
else {
var startVisualLine = startPosition.line + 1
var startY = start.y
if (clip != null && startY < clip.y) {
var startVisualLine = startPosition.line + 1
startY = clip.y
if (clip != null && startY < clip.y) {
startVisualLine = editor.yToVisualLine(clip.y)
startY = clip.y
startVisualLine = editor.yToVisualLine(clip.y)
val it = VisualLinesIterator(editor as EditorImpl, startVisualLine)
while (!it.atEnd()) {
val it = VisualLinesIterator(editor as EditorImpl, startVisualLine)
val currY: Int = it.y
while (!it.atEnd()) {
if (currY >= startY) {
val currY: Int = it.y
if (currY >= maxY) break
if (currY >= startY) {
if (it.startsWithSoftWrap()) {
if (currY >= maxY) break
val softWrap: SoftWrap = softWraps[it.startOrPrevWrapIndex]
if (it.startsWithSoftWrap()) {
if (softWrap.indentInColumns < indentColumn) {
val softWrap: SoftWrap = softWraps[it.startOrPrevWrapIndex]
if (startY < currY) {
if (softWrap.indentInColumns < indentColumn) {
LinePainter2D.paint((g as Graphics2D), targetX, startY.toDouble(), targetX, currY - 1.toDouble())
if (startY < currY) {
LinePainter2D.paint((g as Graphics2D), targetX, startY.toDouble(), targetX, currY - 1.toDouble())
startY = currY + lineHeight
startY = currY + lineHeight
if (startY < maxY) {
LinePainter2D.paint((g as Graphics2D), targetX, startY.toDouble(), targetX, maxY - 1.toDouble())
if (startY < maxY) {
LinePainter2D.paint((g as Graphics2D), targetX, startY.toDouble(), targetX, maxY - 1.toDouble())
companion object {
companion object {
private val XML_TAG_PARENT_CONDITION = Condition<PsiElement> { it is XmlTag }
private val XML_TAG_PARENT_CONDITION = Condition<PsiElement> { it is XmlTag }
private val XML_END_TAG_START_CONDITION: (PsiElement) -> Boolean = { element ->
private val XML_END_TAG_START_CONDITION: (PsiElement) -> Boolean = { element ->
element is XmlToken && element.tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_END_TAG_START
element is XmlToken && element.tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_END_TAG_START
private val XML_TAG_END_CONDITION: (PsiElement) -> Boolean = { element ->
private val XML_TAG_END_CONDITION: (PsiElement) -> Boolean = { element ->
element is XmlToken && element.tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_TAG_END
element is XmlToken && element.tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_TAG_END
private fun getRainbowInfo(editor: EditorEx, highlighter: RangeHighlighter): RainbowInfo? {
private fun getRainbowInfo(editor: EditorEx, highlighter: RangeHighlighter): RainbowInfo? {
val virtualFile = editor.virtualFile?.takeIf { it.isValid } ?: return null
val virtualFile = editor.virtualFile?.takeIf { it.isValid } ?: return null
val document = editor.document
val document = editor.document
val project = editor.project ?: return null
val project = editor.project ?: return null
val psiFile = PsiManager.getInstance(project).findFile(virtualFile) ?: return null
val psiFile = PsiManager.getInstance(project).findFile(virtualFile) ?: return null
var element = try {
var element = try {
psiFile.findElementAt(highlighter.endOffset)?.parent ?: return null
psiFile.findElementAt(highlighter.endOffset)?.parent ?: return null
} catch (e: Throwable) {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
return null
return null
var rainbowInfo = RainbowInfo.RAINBOW_INFO_KEY[element]
var rainbowInfo = RainbowInfo.RAINBOW_INFO_KEY[element]
if (rainbowInfo == null && psiFile is XmlFile && element !is XmlTag) {
if (rainbowInfo == null && psiFile is XmlFile && element !is XmlTag) {
element = PsiTreeUtil.findFirstParent(element, true, XML_TAG_PARENT_CONDITION) ?: return null
element = PsiTreeUtil.findFirstParent(element, true, XML_TAG_PARENT_CONDITION) ?: return null
rainbowInfo = RainbowInfo.RAINBOW_INFO_KEY[element] ?: return null
rainbowInfo = RainbowInfo.RAINBOW_INFO_KEY[element] ?: return null
if (!element.isValid || !checkBoundary(document, element, highlighter)) {
if (!element.isValid || !checkBoundary(document, element, highlighter)) {
return null
return null
return rainbowInfo
return rainbowInfo
* introduced from
* introduced from
private fun checkBoundary(document: Document, element: PsiElement, highlighter: RangeHighlighter): Boolean {
private fun checkBoundary(document: Document, element: PsiElement, highlighter: RangeHighlighter): Boolean {
val elementStartLine = document.lineNumber(element.startOffset) ?: return false
val elementStartLine = document.lineNumber(element.startOffset) ?: return false
val highlighterStartLine = document.lineNumber(highlighter.startOffset) ?: return false
val highlighterStartLine = document.lineNumber(highlighter.startOffset) ?: return false
var xmlStartTagEndLine: Int? = null
var xmlStartTagEndLine: Int? = null
var xmlEndTagStartLine: Int? = null
var xmlEndTagStartLine: Int? = null
val isValidStartBoundary = if (element is XmlTag) {
val isValidStartBoundary = if (element is XmlTag) {
* <tag // [*] element & highlighter start line
* <tag // [*] element & highlighter start line
* | <- vertical indent
* | <- vertical indent
* > // [*] highlighter start/end line, start tag end line
* > // [*] highlighter start/end line, start tag end line
* | <- vertical indent
* | <- vertical indent
* </tag // [*] highlighter start/end line, end tag start line
* </tag // [*] highlighter start/end line, end tag start line
* | <- vertical indent
* | <- vertical indent
* > // [ ] element/highlighter end line
* > // [ ] element/highlighter end line
xmlStartTagEndLine = element.getStartTagEndLineNumber(document)
xmlStartTagEndLine = element.getStartTagEndLineNumber(document)
xmlEndTagStartLine = element.getEndTagStartLineNumber(document)
xmlEndTagStartLine = element.getEndTagStartLineNumber(document)
highlighterStartLine == elementStartLine ||
highlighterStartLine == elementStartLine ||
highlighterStartLine == xmlStartTagEndLine ||
highlighterStartLine == xmlStartTagEndLine ||
highlighterStartLine == xmlEndTagStartLine
highlighterStartLine == xmlEndTagStartLine
} else {
else {
* Element start line > Highlighter start line:
* function foo(arg1, // highlighter start line
* Element start line > Highlighter start line:
* | arg2) { // element start line
* function foo(arg1, // highlighter start line
* | <- vertical indent
* | arg2) { // element start line
* } // element & highlighter end line
* | <- vertical indent
* } // element & highlighter end line
elementStartLine >= highlighterStartLine
elementStartLine >= highlighterStartLine
if (!isValidStartBoundary) {
return false
if (!isValidStartBoundary) {
return false
val elementEndLine = document.lineNumber(element.endOffset) ?: return false
val elementEndLine = document.lineNumber(element.endOffset) ?: return false
val highlighterEndLine = document.lineNumber(highlighter.endOffset) ?: return false
val highlighterEndLine = document.lineNumber(highlighter.endOffset) ?: return false
val isValidEndBoundary = if (element is XmlTag) {
val isValidEndBoundary = if (element is XmlTag) {
* <tag // [ ] element & highlighter start line
* <tag // [ ] element & highlighter start line
* | <- vertical indent
* | <- vertical indent
* > // [*] highlighter start/end line, start tag end line
* > // [*] highlighter start/end line, start tag end line
* | <- vertical indent
* | <- vertical indent
* </tag // [*] highlighter start/end line, end tag start line
* </tag // [*] highlighter start/end line, end tag start line
* | <- vertical indent
* | <- vertical indent
* > // [*] element/highlighter end line
* > // [*] element/highlighter end line
highlighterEndLine == elementEndLine ||
highlighterEndLine == elementEndLine ||
highlighterEndLine == xmlStartTagEndLine ||
highlighterEndLine == xmlStartTagEndLine ||
highlighterEndLine == xmlEndTagStartLine
highlighterEndLine == xmlEndTagStartLine
} else {
else {
* Element end line != Highlighter end line:
* function foo() { // element & highlighter start line
* Element end line != Highlighter end line:
* | <- vertical indent
* function foo() { // element & highlighter start line
* var bar = "bar"; // highlighter end line
* | <- vertical indent
* } // element end line
* var bar = "bar"; // highlighter end line
* } // element end line
elementEndLine == highlighterEndLine
elementEndLine == highlighterEndLine
if (!isValidEndBoundary) {
return false
if (!isValidEndBoundary) {
return false
return true
return true
private fun XmlTag.getStartTagEndLineNumber(document: Document): Int? =
private fun XmlTag.getStartTagEndLineNumber(document: Document): Int? =
firstChild?.findNextSibling(XML_TAG_END_CONDITION)?.let { document.lineNumber(it.startOffset) }
firstChild?.findNextSibling(XML_TAG_END_CONDITION)?.let { document.lineNumber(it.startOffset) }
private fun XmlTag.getEndTagStartLineNumber(document: Document): Int? =
private fun XmlTag.getEndTagStartLineNumber(document: Document): Int? =
lastChild?.findPrevSibling(XML_END_TAG_START_CONDITION)?.let { document.lineNumber(it.startOffset) }
lastChild?.findPrevSibling(XML_END_TAG_START_CONDITION)?.let { document.lineNumber(it.startOffset) }
@ -28,338 +28,343 @@ import com.intellij.util.containers.IntStack
import com.intellij.util.text.CharArrayUtil
import com.intellij.util.text.CharArrayUtil
import java.lang.StrictMath.abs
import java.lang.StrictMath.abs
import java.lang.StrictMath.min
import java.lang.StrictMath.min
import java.util.*
import java.util.Collections
/** From [com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl.IndentsPass]
/** From [com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl.IndentsPass]
* Commit history:
* Commit history:
* mirror changes start from `Make it possible to ignore indent guides more granularly and do so for C#`
* mirror changes start from `Make it possible to ignore indent guides more granularly and do so for C#`
* */
* */
class RainbowIndentsPass internal constructor(
class RainbowIndentsPass internal constructor(
project: Project,
project: Project,
editor: Editor,
editor: Editor,
private val myFile: PsiFile
private val myFile: PsiFile,
) : TextEditorHighlightingPass(project, editor.document, false), DumbAware {
) : TextEditorHighlightingPass(project, editor.document, false), DumbAware {
private val myEditor: EditorEx = editor as EditorEx
private val myEditor: EditorEx = editor as EditorEx
private var myRanges = emptyList<TextRange>()
private var myRanges = emptyList<TextRange>()
private var myDescriptors = emptyList<IndentGuideDescriptor>()
private var myDescriptors = emptyList<IndentGuideDescriptor>()
override fun doCollectInformation(progress: ProgressIndicator) {
override fun doCollectInformation(progress: ProgressIndicator) {
val stamp = myEditor.getUserData(LAST_TIME_INDENTS_BUILT)
val stamp = myEditor.getUserData(LAST_TIME_INDENTS_BUILT)
if (stamp != null && stamp.toLong() == nowStamp()) return
if (stamp != null && stamp.toLong() == nowStamp()) return
myDescriptors = buildDescriptors()
myDescriptors = buildDescriptors()
val ranges = ArrayList<TextRange>()
val ranges = ArrayList<TextRange>()
for (descriptor in myDescriptors) {
for (descriptor in myDescriptors) {
val endOffset = if (descriptor.endLine < document.lineCount) {
val endOffset = if (descriptor.endLine < document.lineCount) {
} else {
else {
ranges.add(TextRange(document.getLineStartOffset(descriptor.startLine), endOffset))
ranges.add(TextRange(document.getLineStartOffset(descriptor.startLine), endOffset))
Collections.sort(ranges, Segment.BY_START_OFFSET_THEN_END_OFFSET)
Collections.sort(ranges, Segment.BY_START_OFFSET_THEN_END_OFFSET)
myRanges = ranges
myRanges = ranges
private fun nowStamp(): Long = if (isRainbowIndentGuidesShown(this.myProject)) document.modificationStamp xor (EditorUtil.getTabSize(myEditor).toLong() shl 24) else -1
private fun nowStamp(): Long = if (isRainbowIndentGuidesShown(this.myProject)) document.modificationStamp xor (EditorUtil.getTabSize(myEditor).toLong() shl 24) else -1
override fun doApplyInformationToEditor() {
override fun doApplyInformationToEditor() {
val stamp = myEditor.getUserData(LAST_TIME_INDENTS_BUILT)
val stamp = myEditor.getUserData(LAST_TIME_INDENTS_BUILT)
val nowStamp = nowStamp()
val nowStamp = nowStamp()
if (stamp == nowStamp) return
if (stamp == nowStamp) return
myEditor.putUserData(LAST_TIME_INDENTS_BUILT, nowStamp)
myEditor.putUserData(LAST_TIME_INDENTS_BUILT, nowStamp)
val oldHighlighters = myEditor.getUserData(INDENT_HIGHLIGHTERS_IN_EDITOR_KEY)
val oldHighlighters = myEditor.getUserData(INDENT_HIGHLIGHTERS_IN_EDITOR_KEY)
if (nowStamp == -1L) {
if (nowStamp == -1L) {
if (oldHighlighters != null) {
if (oldHighlighters != null) {
for (oldHighlighter in oldHighlighters) {
for (oldHighlighter in oldHighlighters) {
val newHighlighters = ArrayList<RangeHighlighter>()
val newHighlighters = ArrayList<RangeHighlighter>()
val mm = myEditor.markupModel
val mm = myEditor.markupModel
var curRange = 0
var curRange = 0
if (oldHighlighters != null) {
if (oldHighlighters != null) {
// after document change some range highlighters could have become invalid, or the order could have been broken
// after document change some range highlighters could have become invalid, or the order could have been broken
oldHighlighters.sortWith(Comparator.comparing { h: RangeHighlighter -> !h.isValid }
oldHighlighters.sortWith(Comparator.comparing { h: RangeHighlighter -> !h.isValid }
var curHighlight = 0
var curHighlight = 0
while (curRange < myRanges.size && curHighlight < oldHighlighters.size) {
while (curRange < myRanges.size && curHighlight < oldHighlighters.size) {
val range = myRanges[curRange]
val range = myRanges[curRange]
val highlighter = oldHighlighters[curHighlight]
val highlighter = oldHighlighters[curHighlight]
if (!highlighter.isValid) break
if (!highlighter.isValid) break
val cmp = compare(range, highlighter)
val cmp = compare(range, highlighter)
when {
when {
cmp < 0 -> {
cmp < 0 -> {
newHighlighters.add(createHighlighter(mm, range))
newHighlighters.add(createHighlighter(mm, range))
cmp > 0 -> {
else -> {
while (curHighlight < oldHighlighters.size) {
cmp > 0 -> {
val highlighter = oldHighlighters[curHighlight]
if (!highlighter.isValid) break
val startRangeIndex = curRange
else -> {
DocumentUtil.executeInBulk(document, myRanges.size > 10000) {
for (i in startRangeIndex until myRanges.size) {
newHighlighters.add(createHighlighter(mm, myRanges[i]))
myEditor.putUserData(INDENT_HIGHLIGHTERS_IN_EDITOR_KEY, newHighlighters)
while (curHighlight < oldHighlighters.size) {
val highlighter = oldHighlighters[curHighlight]
if (!highlighter.isValid) break
private fun buildDescriptors(): List<IndentGuideDescriptor> {
val startRangeIndex = curRange
if (!isRainbowIndentGuidesShown(this.myProject)) return emptyList()
DocumentUtil.executeInBulk(document, myRanges.size > 10000) {
for (i in startRangeIndex until myRanges.size) {
newHighlighters.add(createHighlighter(mm, myRanges[i]))
val calculator = IndentsCalculator()
myEditor.putUserData(INDENT_HIGHLIGHTERS_IN_EDITOR_KEY, newHighlighters)
val lineIndents = calculator.lineIndents
val lines = IntStack()
private fun buildDescriptors(): List<IndentGuideDescriptor> {
val indents = IntStack()
if (!isRainbowIndentGuidesShown(this.myProject)) return emptyList()
val calculator = IndentsCalculator()
val descriptors = ArrayList<IndentGuideDescriptor>()
val lineIndents = calculator.lineIndents
for (line in 1 until lineIndents.size) {
val curIndent = abs(lineIndents[line])
while (!indents.empty() && curIndent <= indents.peek()) {
val lines = IntStack()
val indents = IntStack()
val level = indents.pop()
val startLine = lines.pop()
if (level > 0) {
for (i in startLine until line) {
if (level != abs(lineIndents[i])) {
descriptors.add(createDescriptor(level, startLine, line, lineIndents))
val prevLine = line - 1
val prevIndent = abs(lineIndents[prevLine])
val descriptors = ArrayList<IndentGuideDescriptor>()
for (line in 1 until lineIndents.size) {
val curIndent = abs(lineIndents[line])
if (curIndent - prevIndent > 1) {
while (!indents.empty() && curIndent <= indents.peek()) {
val level = indents.pop()
val startLine = lines.pop()
if (level > 0) {
for (i in startLine until line) {
if (level != abs(lineIndents[i])) {
descriptors.add(createDescriptor(level, startLine, line, lineIndents))
while (!indents.empty()) {
val prevLine = line - 1
val prevIndent = abs(lineIndents[prevLine])
val level = indents.pop()
val startLine = lines.pop()
if (level > 0) {
descriptors.add(createDescriptor(level, startLine, document.lineCount, lineIndents))
return descriptors
private fun createDescriptor(
if (curIndent - prevIndent > 1) {
level: Int,
startLine: Int,
endLine: Int,
lineIndents: IntArray
): IndentGuideDescriptor {
var sLine = startLine
while (sLine > 0 && lineIndents[sLine] < 0) sLine--
// int codeConstructStartLine = findCodeConstructStartLine(startLine);
return IndentGuideDescriptor(level, sLine, endLine)
while (!indents.empty()) {
private fun findCodeConstructStart(startLine: Int): Int? {
val document = myEditor.document
val level = indents.pop()
val text = document.immutableCharSequence
val startLine = lines.pop()
val lineStartOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(startLine)
if (level > 0) {
val firstNonWsOffset = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(text, lineStartOffset, " \t")
descriptors.add(createDescriptor(level, startLine, document.lineCount, lineIndents))
val type = PsiUtilBase.getPsiFileAtOffset(myFile, firstNonWsOffset).fileType
val language = PsiUtilCore.getLanguageAtOffset(myFile, firstNonWsOffset)
val braceMatcher = BraceMatchingUtil.getBraceMatcher(type, language)
return descriptors
val iterator = myEditor.highlighter.createIterator(firstNonWsOffset)
return if (braceMatcher.isLBraceToken(iterator, text, type)) {
braceMatcher.getCodeConstructStart(myFile, firstNonWsOffset)
private fun createDescriptor(
} else null
level: Int,
startLine: Int,
endLine: Int,
lineIndents: IntArray,
): IndentGuideDescriptor {
var sLine = startLine
while (sLine > 0 && lineIndents[sLine] < 0) sLine--
// int codeConstructStartLine = findCodeConstructStartLine(startLine);
return IndentGuideDescriptor(level, sLine, endLine)
private fun findCodeConstructStart(startLine: Int): Int? {
val document = myEditor.document
val text = document.immutableCharSequence
val lineStartOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(startLine)
val firstNonWsOffset = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(text, lineStartOffset, " \t")
val type = PsiUtilBase.getPsiFileAtOffset(myFile, firstNonWsOffset).fileType
val language = PsiUtilCore.getLanguageAtOffset(myFile, firstNonWsOffset)
val braceMatcher = BraceMatchingUtil.getBraceMatcher(type, language)
val iterator = myEditor.highlighter.createIterator(firstNonWsOffset)
return if (braceMatcher.isLBraceToken(iterator, text, type)) {
braceMatcher.getCodeConstructStart(myFile, firstNonWsOffset)
} else null
private fun findCodeConstructStartLine(startLine: Int): Int {
private fun findCodeConstructStartLine(startLine: Int): Int {
val codeConstructStart = findCodeConstructStart(startLine)
val codeConstructStart = findCodeConstructStart(startLine)
return if (codeConstructStart != null) myEditor.document.getLineNumber(codeConstructStart) else startLine
return if (codeConstructStart != null) myEditor.document.getLineNumber(codeConstructStart) else startLine
private inner class IndentsCalculator() {
private inner class IndentsCalculator {
val myComments: MutableMap<Language, TokenSet> = HashMap()
val myComments: MutableMap<Language, TokenSet> = HashMap()
val lineIndents: IntArray // negative value means the line is empty (or contains a comment) and indent
val lineIndents = IntArray(document.lineCount) // negative value means the line is empty (or contains a comment) and indent
// (denoted by absolute value) was deduced from enclosing non-empty lines
// (denoted by absolute value) was deduced from enclosing non-empty lines
val myChars: CharSequence
val myChars: CharSequence
init {
init {
lineIndents = IntArray(document.lineCount)
myChars = document.charsSequence
myChars = document.charsSequence
* Calculates line indents for the [target document][.myDocument].
* Calculates line indents for the [target document][.myDocument].
fun calculate() {
fun calculate() {
val fileType = myFile.fileType
val fileType = myFile.fileType
val tabSize = EditorUtil.getTabSize(myEditor)
val tabSize = EditorUtil.getTabSize(myEditor)
for (line in lineIndents.indices) {
for (line in lineIndents.indices) {
val lineStart = document.getLineStartOffset(line)
val lineStart = document.getLineStartOffset(line)
val lineEnd = document.getLineEndOffset(line)
val lineEnd = document.getLineEndOffset(line)
var offset = lineStart
var offset = lineStart
var column = 0
var column = 0
outer@ while (offset < lineEnd) {
outer@ while (offset < lineEnd) {
when (myChars[offset]) {
when (myChars[offset]) {
' ' -> column++
' ' -> column++
'\t' -> column = (column / tabSize + 1) * tabSize
'\t' -> column = (column / tabSize + 1) * tabSize
else -> break@outer
else -> break@outer
// treating commented lines in the same way as empty lines
// treating commented lines in the same way as empty lines
// Blank line marker
// Blank line marker
lineIndents[line] = if (offset == lineEnd || isComment(offset)) -1 else column
lineIndents[line] = if (offset == lineEnd || isComment(offset)) -1 else column
var topIndent = 0
var topIndent = 0
var line = 0
var line = 0
while (line < lineIndents.size) {
while (line < lineIndents.size) {
if (lineIndents[line] >= 0) {
if (lineIndents[line] >= 0) {
topIndent = lineIndents[line]
topIndent = lineIndents[line]
} else {
val startLine = line
else {
while (line < lineIndents.size && lineIndents[line] < 0) {
val startLine = line
while (line < lineIndents.size && lineIndents[line] < 0) {
val bottomIndent = if (line < lineIndents.size) lineIndents[line] else topIndent
val bottomIndent = if (line < lineIndents.size) lineIndents[line] else topIndent
var indent = min(topIndent, bottomIndent)
var indent = min(topIndent, bottomIndent)
if (bottomIndent < topIndent) {
if (bottomIndent < topIndent) {
val lineStart = document.getLineStartOffset(line)
val lineStart = document.getLineStartOffset(line)
val lineEnd = document.getLineEndOffset(line)
val lineEnd = document.getLineEndOffset(line)
val nonWhitespaceOffset = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(myChars, lineStart, lineEnd, " \t")
val nonWhitespaceOffset = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(myChars, lineStart, lineEnd, " \t")
val iterator = myEditor.highlighter.createIterator(nonWhitespaceOffset)
val iterator = myEditor.highlighter.createIterator(nonWhitespaceOffset)
val tokenType = iterator.tokenType
val tokenType = iterator.tokenType
if (BraceMatchingUtil.isRBraceToken(iterator, myChars, fileType) ||
if (BraceMatchingUtil.isRBraceToken(iterator, myChars, fileType) ||
tokenType != null &&
tokenType != null &&
CodeBlockSupportHandler.findMarkersRanges(myFile, tokenType.language, nonWhitespaceOffset).isNotEmpty()) {
CodeBlockSupportHandler.findMarkersRanges(myFile, tokenType.language, nonWhitespaceOffset).isNotEmpty()
indent = topIndent
) {
indent = topIndent
for (blankLine in startLine until line) {
for (blankLine in startLine until line) {
assert(lineIndents[blankLine] == -1)
assert(lineIndents[blankLine] == -1)
lineIndents[blankLine] = -min(topIndent, indent)
lineIndents[blankLine] = -min(topIndent, indent)
line-- // will be incremented back at the end of the loop;
line-- // will be incremented back at the end of the loop;
private fun isComment(offset: Int): Boolean {
private fun isComment(offset: Int): Boolean {
val it = myEditor.highlighter.createIterator(offset)
val it = myEditor.highlighter.createIterator(offset)
val tokenType = try {
val tokenType = try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
return false
return false
val language = tokenType.language
val language = tokenType.language
var comments: TokenSet? = myComments[language]
var comments: TokenSet? = myComments[language]
if (comments == null) {
if (comments == null) {
val definition = LanguageParserDefinitions.INSTANCE.forLanguage(language)
val definition = LanguageParserDefinitions.INSTANCE.forLanguage(language)
if (definition != null) {
if (definition != null) {
comments = definition.commentTokens
comments = definition.commentTokens
if (comments == null) {
if (comments == null) {
return false
return false
} else {
myComments[language] = comments
else {
myComments[language] = comments
return comments.contains(tokenType)
return comments.contains(tokenType)
companion object {
companion object {
private val INDENT_HIGHLIGHTERS_IN_EDITOR_KEY = Key.create<MutableList<RangeHighlighter>>("_INDENT_HIGHLIGHTERS_IN_EDITOR_KEY_")
private val INDENT_HIGHLIGHTERS_IN_EDITOR_KEY = Key.create<MutableList<RangeHighlighter>>("_INDENT_HIGHLIGHTERS_IN_EDITOR_KEY_")
private val RENDERER = RainbowIndentGuideRenderer()
private val RENDERER = RainbowIndentGuideRenderer()
private fun isRainbowIndentGuidesShown(project: Project): Boolean {
private fun isRainbowIndentGuidesShown(project: Project): Boolean {
if (RainbowSettings.instance.disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode && isZenModeEnabled(project)) {
if (RainbowSettings.instance.disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode && isZenModeEnabled(project)) {
return false
return false
return RainbowSettings.instance.isRainbowEnabled && RainbowSettings.instance.isShowRainbowIndentGuides
return RainbowSettings.instance.isRainbowEnabled && RainbowSettings.instance.isShowRainbowIndentGuides
private fun isZenModeEnabled(project: Project) =
private fun isZenModeEnabled(project: Project) =
private fun createHighlighter(mm: MarkupModel, range: TextRange): RangeHighlighter {
private fun createHighlighter(mm: MarkupModel, range: TextRange): RangeHighlighter {
return mm.addRangeHighlighter(
return mm.addRangeHighlighter(
).apply {
).apply {
customRenderer = RENDERER
customRenderer = RENDERER
private fun compare(r: TextRange, h: RangeHighlighter): Int {
private fun compare(r: TextRange, h: RangeHighlighter): Int {
val answer = r.startOffset - h.startOffset
val answer = r.startOffset - h.startOffset
return if (answer != 0) answer else r.endOffset - h.endOffset
return if (answer != 0) answer else r.endOffset - h.endOffset
@ -1,24 +1,28 @@
package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.indents
package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.indents
import com.intellij.codeHighlighting.*
import com.intellij.codeHighlighting.Pass
import com.intellij.codeHighlighting.TextEditorHighlightingPass
import com.intellij.codeHighlighting.TextEditorHighlightingPassFactory
import com.intellij.codeHighlighting.TextEditorHighlightingPassFactoryRegistrar
import com.intellij.codeHighlighting.TextEditorHighlightingPassRegistrar
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
class RainbowIndentsPassFactory :
class RainbowIndentsPassFactory :
TextEditorHighlightingPassFactoryRegistrar, TextEditorHighlightingPassFactory {
TextEditorHighlightingPassFactoryRegistrar, TextEditorHighlightingPassFactory {
override fun createHighlightingPass(file: PsiFile, editor: Editor): TextEditorHighlightingPass {
override fun createHighlightingPass(file: PsiFile, editor: Editor): TextEditorHighlightingPass {
return RainbowIndentsPass(file.project, editor, file)
return RainbowIndentsPass(file.project, editor, file)
override fun registerHighlightingPassFactory(registrar: TextEditorHighlightingPassRegistrar, project: Project) {
override fun registerHighlightingPassFactory(registrar: TextEditorHighlightingPassRegistrar, project: Project) {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import com.intellij.openapi.editor.colors.EditorColorsScheme
class RainbowColorsSchemeListener : EditorColorsListener {
class RainbowColorsSchemeListener : EditorColorsListener {
override fun globalSchemeChange(scheme: EditorColorsScheme?) {
override fun globalSchemeChange(scheme: EditorColorsScheme?) {
scheme?.let { RainbowHighlighter.fixHighlighting(it) }
scheme?.let { RainbowHighlighter.fixHighlighting(it) }
@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ import com.intellij.lang.BracePair
* [BracePairProvider.blackList] for the PSI elements should NOT be a pair, so we won't rainbow-ify them.
* [BracePairProvider.blackList] for the PSI elements should NOT be a pair, so we won't rainbow-ify them.
interface BracePairProvider {
interface BracePairProvider {
fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = emptyList()
fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = emptyList()
fun blackList(): List<BracePair> = emptyList()
fun blackList(): List<BracePair> = emptyList()
@ -1,21 +1,18 @@
package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.provider
package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.provider
import com.intellij.lang.BracePair
import com.intellij.lang.BracePair
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.GT
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.GT
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.LBRACE
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.LBRACE
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.LBRACKET
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.LBRACKET
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.LPARENTH
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.LT
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.LT
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.RBRACE
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.RBRACE
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.RBRACKET
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.RBRACKET
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.RPARENTH
class CSharpBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
class CSharpBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
override fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = listOf(
override fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = listOf(
//BracePair(LPARENTH, RPARENTH, false),
//BracePair(LPARENTH, RPARENTH, false),
BracePair(LBRACE, RBRACE, false),
BracePair(LBRACE, RBRACE, false),
BracePair(LBRACKET, RBRACKET, false),
BracePair(LBRACKET, RBRACKET, false),
BracePair(LT, GT, false),
BracePair(LT, GT, false),
@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.DartTokenTypes.GT
import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.DartTokenTypes.LT
import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.DartTokenTypes.LT
class DartBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
class DartBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
override fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = listOf(BracePair(LT, GT, false))
override fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = listOf(BracePair(LT, GT, false))
@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.provider
package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.provider
import com.goide.template.GoTemplateTypes.*
import com.goide.template.GoTemplateTypes.LDOUBLE_BRACE
import com.goide.template.GoTemplateTypes.LPAREN
import com.goide.template.GoTemplateTypes.RDOUBLE_BRACE
import com.goide.template.GoTemplateTypes.RPAREN
import com.intellij.lang.BracePair
import com.intellij.lang.BracePair
class GoTemplateProvider : BracePairProvider {
class GoTemplateProvider : BracePairProvider {
override fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = listOf(
override fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = listOf(
BracePair(LPAREN, RPAREN, true)
BracePair(LPAREN, RPAREN, true)
@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.lexer.GroovyTokenTypes.mGT
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.lexer.GroovyTokenTypes.mLT
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.lexer.GroovyTokenTypes.mLT
class GroovyBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
class GroovyBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
override fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = listOf(BracePair(mLT, mGT, false))
override fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = listOf(BracePair(mLT, mGT, false))
@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens.LT
class KotlinBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
class KotlinBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
override fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = listOf(BracePair(LT, GT, false))
override fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = listOf(BracePair(LT, GT, false))
@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ import com.intellij.lang.BracePair
import com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.parser.OCTokenTypes
import com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.parser.OCTokenTypes
class OCBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
class OCBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
override fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = listOf(BracePair(OCTokenTypes.LT, OCTokenTypes.GT, false))
override fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = listOf(BracePair(OCTokenTypes.LT, OCTokenTypes.GT, false))
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import com.jetbrains.php.lang.lexer.PhpTokenTypes
class PHPBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
class PHPBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
override fun blackList(): List<BracePair> = listOf(
override fun blackList(): List<BracePair> = listOf(
BracePair(PhpTokenTypes.PHP_OPENING_TAG, PhpTokenTypes.PHP_CLOSING_TAG, false),
BracePair(PhpTokenTypes.PHP_OPENING_TAG, PhpTokenTypes.PHP_CLOSING_TAG, false),
BracePair(PhpTokenTypes.PHP_ECHO_OPENING_TAG, PhpTokenTypes.PHP_CLOSING_TAG, false)
BracePair(PhpTokenTypes.PHP_ECHO_OPENING_TAG, PhpTokenTypes.PHP_CLOSING_TAG, false)
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ import com.intellij.lang.BracePair
class SHBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
class SHBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
override fun blackList(): List<BracePair> = listOf(
override fun blackList(): List<BracePair> = listOf(
BracePair(ShTypes.DO, ShTypes.DONE, true),
BracePair(ShTypes.DO, ShTypes.DONE, true),
BracePair(ShTypes.IF, ShTypes.FI, true),
BracePair(ShTypes.IF, ShTypes.FI, true),
BracePair(ShTypes.CASE, ShTypes.ESAC, true)
BracePair(ShTypes.CASE, ShTypes.ESAC, true)
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import com.intellij.sql.psi.SqlTokens.SQL_BEGIN
import com.intellij.sql.psi.SqlTokens.SQL_END
import com.intellij.sql.psi.SqlTokens.SQL_END
class SqlBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
class SqlBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
override fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = listOf(
override fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = listOf(
BracePair(SQL_BEGIN, SQL_END, false),
BracePair(SQL_BEGIN, SQL_END, false),
BracePair(SQL_CASE, SQL_END, false),
BracePair(SQL_CASE, SQL_END, false),
@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ import com.intellij.lang.javascript.JSTokenTypes.GT
import com.intellij.lang.javascript.JSTokenTypes.LT
import com.intellij.lang.javascript.JSTokenTypes.LT
class TSBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
class TSBracePairProvider : BracePairProvider {
override fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = listOf(BracePair(LT, GT, false))
override fun pairs(): List<BracePair> = listOf(BracePair(LT, GT, false))
@ -2,7 +2,12 @@ package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.RainbowHighlighter
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.RainbowHighlighter
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings.form.RainbowOptionsPanel
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings.form.RainbowOptionsPanel
import com.intellij.application.options.colors.*
import com.intellij.application.options.colors.ColorAndFontOptions
import com.intellij.application.options.colors.ColorAndFontPanelFactory
import com.intellij.application.options.colors.ColorAndFontSettingsListener
import com.intellij.application.options.colors.NewColorAndFontPanel
import com.intellij.application.options.colors.PreviewPanel
import com.intellij.application.options.colors.SchemesPanel
import com.intellij.openapi.options.colors.AttributesDescriptor
import com.intellij.openapi.options.colors.AttributesDescriptor
import com.intellij.openapi.options.colors.ColorAndFontDescriptorsProvider
import com.intellij.openapi.options.colors.ColorAndFontDescriptorsProvider
import com.intellij.openapi.options.colors.ColorDescriptor
import com.intellij.openapi.options.colors.ColorDescriptor
@ -12,44 +17,44 @@ import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.DisplayPrioritySortable
class RainbowColorsPageFactory : ColorAndFontPanelFactory, ColorAndFontDescriptorsProvider, DisplayPrioritySortable {
class RainbowColorsPageFactory : ColorAndFontPanelFactory, ColorAndFontDescriptorsProvider, DisplayPrioritySortable {
override fun getDisplayName(): String = RAINBOW_BRACKETS_GROUP
override fun getDisplayName(): String = RAINBOW_BRACKETS_GROUP
override fun getPanelDisplayName(): String = RAINBOW_BRACKETS_GROUP
override fun getPanelDisplayName(): String = RAINBOW_BRACKETS_GROUP
override fun getPriority(): DisplayPriority = DisplayPriority.COMMON_SETTINGS
override fun getPriority(): DisplayPriority = DisplayPriority.COMMON_SETTINGS
override fun createPanel(options: ColorAndFontOptions): NewColorAndFontPanel {
override fun createPanel(options: ColorAndFontOptions): NewColorAndFontPanel {
val emptyPreview = PreviewPanel.Empty()
val emptyPreview = PreviewPanel.Empty()
val schemesPanel = SchemesPanel(options)
val schemesPanel = SchemesPanel(options)
val optionsPanel = RainbowOptionsPanel(options, schemesPanel, RAINBOW_BRACKETS_GROUP)
val optionsPanel = RainbowOptionsPanel(options, schemesPanel, RAINBOW_BRACKETS_GROUP)
schemesPanel.addListener(object : ColorAndFontSettingsListener.Abstract() {
schemesPanel.addListener(object : ColorAndFontSettingsListener.Abstract() {
override fun schemeChanged(source: Any) {
override fun schemeChanged(source: Any) {
return NewColorAndFontPanel(schemesPanel, optionsPanel, emptyPreview, RAINBOW_BRACKETS_GROUP, null, null)
return NewColorAndFontPanel(schemesPanel, optionsPanel, emptyPreview, RAINBOW_BRACKETS_GROUP, null, null)
override fun getAttributeDescriptors(): Array<AttributesDescriptor> = ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTORS
override fun getAttributeDescriptors(): Array<AttributesDescriptor> = ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTORS
override fun getColorDescriptors(): Array<ColorDescriptor> = emptyArray()
override fun getColorDescriptors(): Array<ColorDescriptor> = emptyArray()
companion object {
companion object {
private const val RAINBOW_BRACKETS_GROUP = "Rainbow Brackets"
private const val RAINBOW_BRACKETS_GROUP = "Colored Brackets"
private val ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTORS: Array<AttributesDescriptor> by lazy {
private val ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTORS: Array<AttributesDescriptor> by lazy {
createDescriptors(RainbowHighlighter.NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS) +
createDescriptors(RainbowHighlighter.NAME_ROUND_BRACKETS) +
createDescriptors(RainbowHighlighter.NAME_SQUARE_BRACKETS) +
createDescriptors(RainbowHighlighter.NAME_SQUARE_BRACKETS) +
createDescriptors(RainbowHighlighter.NAME_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS) +
createDescriptors(RainbowHighlighter.NAME_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS) +
private fun createDescriptors(name: String): Array<AttributesDescriptor> {
private fun createDescriptors(name: String): Array<AttributesDescriptor> {
return RainbowHighlighter.getRainbowAttributesKeys(name)
return RainbowHighlighter.getRainbowAttributesKeys(name)
.map { key -> AttributesDescriptor("$name:$key", key) }
.map { key -> AttributesDescriptor("$name:$key", key) }
@ -7,60 +7,60 @@ import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nls
import javax.swing.JComponent
import javax.swing.JComponent
class RainbowConfigurable : SearchableConfigurable {
class RainbowConfigurable : SearchableConfigurable {
private var settingsForm: RainbowSettingsForm? = null
private var settingsForm: RainbowSettingsForm? = null
override fun createComponent(): JComponent? {
override fun createComponent(): JComponent? {
settingsForm = settingsForm ?: RainbowSettingsForm()
settingsForm = settingsForm ?: RainbowSettingsForm()
return settingsForm?.component()
return settingsForm?.component()
override fun isModified(): Boolean {
override fun isModified(): Boolean {
return settingsForm?.isModified ?: return false
return settingsForm?.isModified ?: return false
override fun apply() {
override fun apply() {
val settings = RainbowSettings.instance
val settings = RainbowSettings.instance
settings.isRainbowEnabled = settingsForm?.isRainbowEnabled() ?: true
settings.isRainbowEnabled = settingsForm?.isRainbowEnabled() ?: true
settings.isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets = settingsForm?.isRainbowRoundBracketsEnabled() ?: true
settings.isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets = settingsForm?.isRainbowRoundBracketsEnabled() ?: true
settings.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets = settingsForm?.isRainbowAngleBracketsEnabled() ?: true
settings.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets = settingsForm?.isRainbowAngleBracketsEnabled() ?: true
settings.isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets = settingsForm?.isRainbowSquigglyBracketsEnabled() ?: true
settings.isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets = settingsForm?.isRainbowSquigglyBracketsEnabled() ?: true
settings.isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets = settingsForm?.isRainbowSquareBracketsEnabled() ?: true
settings.isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets = settingsForm?.isRainbowSquareBracketsEnabled() ?: true
settings.isShowRainbowIndentGuides = settingsForm?.isShowRainbowIndentGuides() ?: false
settings.isShowRainbowIndentGuides = settingsForm?.isShowRainbowIndentGuides() ?: false
settings.isDoNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent = settingsForm?.isDoNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent()
settings.isDoNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent = settingsForm?.isDoNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent()
?: false
?: false
settings.isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel = settingsForm?.isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel() ?: false
settings.isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel = settingsForm?.isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel() ?: false
settings.pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects = settingsForm?.pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects()
settings.pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects = settingsForm?.pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects()
?: false
?: false
settings.applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets = settingsForm?.applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets()
settings.applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets = settingsForm?.applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets()
?: false
?: false
settings.cycleCountOnAllBrackets = settingsForm?.cycleCountOnAllBrackets()
settings.cycleCountOnAllBrackets = settingsForm?.cycleCountOnAllBrackets()
?: false
?: false
settings.numberOfColors = settingsForm?.numberOfColors() ?: 5
settings.numberOfColors = settingsForm?.numberOfColors() ?: 5
settings.languageBlacklist = settingsForm?.languageBlacklist() ?: emptySet()
settings.languageBlacklist = settingsForm?.languageBlacklist() ?: emptySet()
settings.disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode = settingsForm?.disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode() ?: true
settings.disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode = settingsForm?.disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode() ?: true
settings.useColorGenerator = settingsForm?.useColorGenerator() ?: false
settings.useColorGenerator = settingsForm?.useColorGenerator() ?: false
settings.rainbowifyTagNameInXML = settingsForm?.rainbowifyTagNameInXML() ?: false
settings.rainbowifyTagNameInXML = settingsForm?.rainbowifyTagNameInXML() ?: false
settings.doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString = settingsForm?.doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString() ?: false
settings.doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString = settingsForm?.doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString() ?: false
settings.doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles = settingsForm?.doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles() ?: true
settings.doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles = settingsForm?.doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles() ?: true
settings.bigFilesLinesThreshold = settingsForm?.bigFilesLinesThreshold() ?: 1000
settings.bigFilesLinesThreshold = settingsForm?.bigFilesLinesThreshold() ?: 1000
settings.rainbowifyPythonKeywords = settingsForm?.rainbowifyPythonKeywords() ?: false
settings.rainbowifyPythonKeywords = settingsForm?.rainbowifyPythonKeywords() ?: false
override fun reset() {
override fun reset() {
override fun disposeUIResources() {
override fun disposeUIResources() {
settingsForm = null
settingsForm = null
override fun getDisplayName() = "Rainbow Brackets"
override fun getDisplayName() = "Colored Brackets"
override fun getId(): String = ID
override fun getId(): String = ID
companion object {
companion object {
val ID = "preferences.rainbow.brackets"
const val ID = "preferences.rainbow.brackets"
@ -10,54 +10,52 @@ import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable
@State(name = "RainbowSettings", storages = [(Storage("rainbow_brackets.xml"))])
@State(name = "RainbowSettings", storages = [(Storage("rainbow_brackets.xml"))])
class RainbowSettings : PersistentStateComponent<RainbowSettings> {
class RainbowSettings : PersistentStateComponent<RainbowSettings> {
* default value
* default value
var isRainbowEnabled = true
var isRainbowEnabled = true
var isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets = true
var isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets = true
var isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets = true
var isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets = true
var isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets = true
var isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets = true
var isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets = true
var isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets = true
var isShowRainbowIndentGuides = true
var isShowRainbowIndentGuides = true
var isDoNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent = false
var isDoNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent = false
var isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel = false
var isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel = false
var version = "Unknown"
var isRainbowifyHTMLInsideJS = true
var isRainbowifyHTMLInsideJS = true
var isRainbowifyKotlinLabel = true
var isRainbowifyKotlinLabel = true
var isRainbowifyKotlinFunctionLiteralBracesAndArrow = true
var isRainbowifyKotlinFunctionLiteralBracesAndArrow = true
var isOverrideMatchedBraceAttributes = true
var isOverrideMatchedBraceAttributes = true
var pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects = false
var pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects = false
var applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets = false
var applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets = false
var cycleCountOnAllBrackets = false
var cycleCountOnAllBrackets = false
var numberOfColors = 5
var numberOfColors = 5
var disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode = true
var disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode = true
var useColorGenerator = false
var useColorGenerator = false
var customColorGeneratorOption: String? = null
var customColorGeneratorOption: String? = null
var showNotificationOnUpdate = true
var rainbowifyTagNameInXML = false
var rainbowifyTagNameInXML = false
var doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString = false
var doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString = false
var doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles = true
var doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles = true
var bigFilesLinesThreshold = 1000
var bigFilesLinesThreshold = 1000
var languageBlacklist: Set<String> = setOf("hocon", "mxml")
var languageBlacklist: Set<String> = setOf("hocon", "mxml")
var suppressDisabledCheck = false
var suppressDisabledCheck = false
var suppressBigFileCheck = false
var suppressBigFileCheck = false
var suppressBlackListCheck = false
var suppressBlackListCheck = false
var rainbowifyPythonKeywords = false
var rainbowifyPythonKeywords = false
override fun getState() = this
override fun getState() = this
override fun loadState(state: RainbowSettings) {
override fun loadState(state: RainbowSettings) {
copyBean(state, this)
copyBean(state, this)
companion object {
companion object {
val instance: RainbowSettings
val instance: RainbowSettings
get() = ApplicationManager.getApplication().getService(
get() = ApplicationManager.getApplication().getService(
@ -2,7 +2,11 @@ package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings.form
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.RainbowHighlighter
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.RainbowHighlighter
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings.RainbowSettings
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings.RainbowSettings
import com.intellij.application.options.colors.*
import com.intellij.application.options.colors.ColorAndFontOptions
import com.intellij.application.options.colors.ColorAndFontSettingsListener
import com.intellij.application.options.colors.OptionsPanel
import com.intellij.application.options.colors.SchemesPanel
import com.intellij.application.options.colors.TextAttributesDescription
import com.intellij.ide.util.PropertiesComponent
import com.intellij.ide.util.PropertiesComponent
import com.intellij.ui.ColorPanel
import com.intellij.ui.ColorPanel
import com.intellij.ui.components.JBCheckBox
import com.intellij.ui.components.JBCheckBox
@ -20,243 +24,247 @@ import javax.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
class RainbowOptionsPanel(
class RainbowOptionsPanel(
private val options: ColorAndFontOptions,
private val options: ColorAndFontOptions,
private val schemesProvider: SchemesPanel,
private val schemesProvider: SchemesPanel,
private val category: String
private val category: String,
) : OptionsPanel {
) : OptionsPanel {
private lateinit var rootPanel: JPanel
private lateinit var rootPanel: JPanel
private lateinit var optionsTree: Tree
private lateinit var optionsTree: Tree
private lateinit var rainbow: JBCheckBox
private lateinit var rainbow: JBCheckBox
private lateinit var colorLabel1: JLabel
private lateinit var colorLabel1: JLabel
private lateinit var colorLabel2: JLabel
private lateinit var colorLabel2: JLabel
private lateinit var colorLabel3: JLabel
private lateinit var colorLabel3: JLabel
private lateinit var colorLabel4: JLabel
private lateinit var colorLabel4: JLabel
private lateinit var colorLabel5: JLabel
private lateinit var colorLabel5: JLabel
private val colorLabels: Array<JLabel>
private val colorLabels: Array<JLabel>
private lateinit var color1: ColorPanel
private lateinit var color1: ColorPanel
private lateinit var color2: ColorPanel
private lateinit var color2: ColorPanel
private lateinit var color3: ColorPanel
private lateinit var color3: ColorPanel
private lateinit var color4: ColorPanel
private lateinit var color4: ColorPanel
private lateinit var color5: ColorPanel
private lateinit var color5: ColorPanel
private val colors: Array<ColorPanel>
private val colors: Array<ColorPanel>
private lateinit var gradientLabel: JLabel
private lateinit var gradientLabel: JLabel
private val properties: PropertiesComponent = PropertiesComponent.getInstance()
private val properties: PropertiesComponent = PropertiesComponent.getInstance()
private val eventDispatcher: EventDispatcher<ColorAndFontSettingsListener> =
private val eventDispatcher: EventDispatcher<ColorAndFontSettingsListener> =
init {
init {
colors = arrayOf(color1, color2, color3, color4, color5)
colors = arrayOf(color1, color2, color3, color4, color5)
colorLabels = arrayOf(colorLabel1, colorLabel2, colorLabel3, colorLabel4, colorLabel5)
colorLabels = arrayOf(colorLabel1, colorLabel2, colorLabel3, colorLabel4, colorLabel5)
val actionListener = ActionListener {
val actionListener = ActionListener {
for (c in colors) {
for (c in colors) {
options.addListener(object : ColorAndFontSettingsListener.Abstract() {
options.addListener(object : ColorAndFontSettingsListener.Abstract() {
override fun settingsChanged() {
override fun settingsChanged() {
if (!schemesProvider.areSchemesLoaded()) return
if (!schemesProvider.areSchemesLoaded()) return
if (optionsTree.selectedValue != null) {
if (optionsTree.selectedValue != null) {
// update options after global state change
// update options after global state change
optionsTree.apply {
optionsTree.apply {
isRootVisible = false
isRootVisible = false
model = DefaultTreeModel(DefaultMutableTreeTableNode())
model = DefaultTreeModel(DefaultMutableTreeTableNode())
selectionModel.selectionMode = TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION
selectionModel.selectionMode = TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION
addTreeSelectionListener {
addTreeSelectionListener {
if (schemesProvider.areSchemesLoaded()) {
if (schemesProvider.areSchemesLoaded()) {
override fun getPanel(): JPanel = rootPanel
override fun getPanel(): JPanel = rootPanel
override fun addListener(listener: ColorAndFontSettingsListener) {
override fun addListener(listener: ColorAndFontSettingsListener) {
override fun updateOptionsList() {
override fun updateOptionsList() {
private data class DescriptionsNode(val rainbowName: String, val descriptions: List<TextAttributesDescription>) {
private data class DescriptionsNode(val rainbowName: String, val descriptions: List<TextAttributesDescription>) {
override fun toString(): String = rainbowName
override fun toString(): String = rainbowName
private fun fillOptionsList() {
private fun fillOptionsList() {
val nodes = options.currentDescriptions.asSequence()
val nodes = options.currentDescriptions.asSequence()
.filter { it is TextAttributesDescription && == category }
.filter { it is TextAttributesDescription && == category }
.map {
.map {
val description = it as TextAttributesDescription
val description = it as TextAttributesDescription
val rainbowName = description.toString().split(":")[0]
val rainbowName = description.toString().split(":")[0]
rainbowName to description
rainbowName to description
.groupBy { it.first }
.groupBy { it.first }
.map { (rainbowName, descriptions) ->
.map { (rainbowName, descriptions) ->
descriptions.asSequence().map { it.second }.toList().sortedBy { it.toString() }))
val root = DefaultMutableTreeNode()
descriptions.asSequence().map { it.second }.toList().sortedBy { it.toString() })
for (node in nodes) {
val root = DefaultMutableTreeNode()
for (node in nodes) {
(optionsTree.model as DefaultTreeModel).setRoot(root)
(optionsTree.model as DefaultTreeModel).setRoot(root)
private fun processListValueChanged() {
private fun processListValueChanged() {
var descriptionsNode = optionsTree.selectedDescriptions
var descriptionsNode = optionsTree.selectedDescriptions
if (descriptionsNode == null) {
if (descriptionsNode == null) {
properties.getValue(SELECTED_COLOR_OPTION_PROPERTY)?.let { preselected ->
properties.getValue(SELECTED_COLOR_OPTION_PROPERTY)?.let { preselected ->
descriptionsNode = optionsTree.selectedDescriptions
descriptionsNode = optionsTree.selectedDescriptions
descriptionsNode?.run {
descriptionsNode?.run {
properties.setValue(SELECTED_COLOR_OPTION_PROPERTY, rainbowName)
properties.setValue(SELECTED_COLOR_OPTION_PROPERTY, rainbowName)
reset(rainbowName, descriptions)
reset(rainbowName, descriptions)
} ?: resetDefault()
} ?: resetDefault()
private fun resetDefault() {
private fun resetDefault() {
rainbow.isEnabled = false
rainbow.isEnabled = false
rainbow.isSelected = false
rainbow.isSelected = false
gradientLabel.text = "Assign each brackets its own color from the spectrum below:"
gradientLabel.text = "Assign each brackets its own color from the spectrum below:"
for (i in 0 until minRange()) {
for (i in 0 until minRange()) {
colors[i].isEnabled = false
colors[i].isEnabled = false
colors[i].selectedColor = null
colors[i].selectedColor = null
colorLabels[i].isEnabled = false
colorLabels[i].isEnabled = false
private fun reset(rainbowName: String, descriptions: List<TextAttributesDescription>) {
private fun reset(rainbowName: String, descriptions: List<TextAttributesDescription>) {
val rainbowOn = RainbowHighlighter.isRainbowEnabled(rainbowName)
val rainbowOn = RainbowHighlighter.isRainbowEnabled(rainbowName)
rainbow.isEnabled = true
rainbow.isEnabled = true
rainbow.isSelected = rainbowOn
rainbow.isSelected = rainbowOn
gradientLabel.text = "Assign each ${rainbowName.toLowerCase()} its own color from the spectrum below:"
gradientLabel.text = "Assign each ${rainbowName.lowercase()} its own color from the spectrum below:"
for (i in 0 until minRange()) {
for (i in 0 until minRange()) {
colors[i].isEnabled = rainbowOn
colors[i].isEnabled = rainbowOn
colorLabels[i].isEnabled = rainbowOn
colorLabels[i].isEnabled = rainbowOn
colors[i].selectedColor = descriptions.indexOfOrNull(i)?.rainbowColor
colors[i].selectedColor = descriptions.indexOfOrNull(i)?.rainbowColor
descriptions.indexOfOrNull(i)?.let { eventDispatcher.multicaster.selectedOptionChanged(it) }
descriptions.indexOfOrNull(i)?.let { eventDispatcher.multicaster.selectedOptionChanged(it) }
override fun applyChangesToScheme() {
override fun applyChangesToScheme() {
val scheme = options.selectedScheme
val scheme = options.selectedScheme
val (rainbowName, descriptions) = optionsTree.selectedDescriptions ?: return
val (rainbowName, descriptions) = optionsTree.selectedDescriptions ?: return
when (rainbowName) {
when (rainbowName) {
RainbowHighlighter.NAME_SQUIGGLY_BRACKETS -> {
RainbowHighlighter.setRainbowEnabled(rainbowName, rainbow.isSelected)
-> {
RainbowHighlighter.setRainbowEnabled(rainbowName, rainbow.isSelected)
for (i in 0 until minRange()) {
for (i in 0 until minRange()) {
colors[i].selectedColor?.let { color ->
colors[i].selectedColor?.let { color ->
descriptions[i].rainbowColor = color
descriptions[i].rainbowColor = color
private fun minRange() = minOf(RainbowSettings.instance.numberOfColors, 5)
private fun minRange() = minOf(RainbowSettings.instance.numberOfColors, 5)
override fun processListOptions(): MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(
override fun processListOptions(): MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(
override fun showOption(option: String): Runnable? = Runnable {
override fun showOption(option: String) = Runnable {
override fun selectOption(typeToSelect: String) {
override fun selectOption(typeToSelect: String) {
companion object {
companion object {
private var TextAttributesDescription.rainbowColor: Color?
private var TextAttributesDescription.rainbowColor: Color?
get() = externalForeground
get() = externalForeground
set(value) {
set(value) {
externalForeground = value
externalForeground = value
private val Tree.selectedValue: Any?
private val Tree.selectedValue: Any?
get() = (lastSelectedPathComponent as? DefaultMutableTreeNode)?.userObject
get() = (lastSelectedPathComponent as? DefaultMutableTreeNode)?.userObject
private val Tree.selectedDescriptions: DescriptionsNode?
private val Tree.selectedDescriptions: DescriptionsNode?
get() = selectedValue as? DescriptionsNode
get() = selectedValue as? DescriptionsNode
private fun Tree.findOption(nodeObject: Any, matcher: (Any) -> Boolean): TreePath? {
private fun Tree.findOption(nodeObject: Any, matcher: (Any) -> Boolean): TreePath? {
val model = model as DefaultTreeModel
val model = model as DefaultTreeModel
for (i in 0 until model.getChildCount(nodeObject)) {
for (i in 0 until model.getChildCount(nodeObject)) {
val childObject = model.getChild(nodeObject, i)
val childObject = model.getChild(nodeObject, i)
if (childObject is DefaultMutableTreeNode) {
if (childObject is DefaultMutableTreeNode) {
val data = childObject.userObject
val data = childObject.userObject
if (matcher(data)) {
if (matcher(data)) {
return TreePath(model.getPathToRoot(childObject))
return TreePath(model.getPathToRoot(childObject))
val pathInChild = findOption(childObject, matcher)
val pathInChild = findOption(childObject, matcher)
if (pathInChild != null) return pathInChild
if (pathInChild != null) return pathInChild
return null
return null
private fun Tree.selectOptionByRainbowName(rainbowName: String) {
private fun Tree.selectOptionByRainbowName(rainbowName: String) {
selectPath(findOption(model.root) { data ->
selectPath(findOption(model.root) { data ->
data is DescriptionsNode
data is DescriptionsNode
&& rainbowName.isNotBlank()
&& rainbowName.isNotBlank()
&& data.rainbowName.contains(rainbowName, ignoreCase = true)
&& data.rainbowName.contains(rainbowName, ignoreCase = true)
private fun Tree.selectOptionByType(attributeType: String) {
private fun Tree.selectOptionByType(attributeType: String) {
selectPath(findOption(model.root) { data ->
selectPath(findOption(model.root) { data ->
data is DescriptionsNode && data.descriptions.any { it.type == attributeType }
data is DescriptionsNode && data.descriptions.any { it.type == attributeType }
private fun Tree.selectPath(path: TreePath?) {
private fun Tree.selectPath(path: TreePath?) {
if (path != null) {
if (path != null) {
selectionPath = path
selectionPath = path
private fun <E> List<E>.indexOfOrNull(idx: Int): E? = if (idx < this.size) this[idx] else null
private fun <E> List<E>.indexOfOrNull(idx: Int): E? = if (idx < this.size) this[idx] else null
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<grid row="0" column="0" row-span="1" col-span="1" vsize-policy="3" hsize-policy="3" anchor="0" fill="3" indent="0" use-parent-layout="false"/>
<grid row="0" column="0" row-span="1" col-span="1" vsize-policy="3" hsize-policy="3" anchor="0" fill="3" indent="0" use-parent-layout="false"/>
<border type="etched" title="Rainbow Brackets"/>
<border type="none"/>
<component id="2d399" class="javax.swing.JCheckBox" binding="enableRainbow">
<component id="2d399" class="javax.swing.JCheckBox" binding="enableRainbow">
@ -7,131 +7,132 @@ import javax.swing.JPanel
import javax.swing.JTextField
import javax.swing.JTextField
class RainbowSettingsForm {
class RainbowSettingsForm {
private var panel: JPanel? = null
private var panel: JPanel? = null
private var appearancePanel: JPanel? = null
private var enableRainbow: JCheckBox? = null
private var appearancePanel: JPanel? = null
private var enableRainbowRoundBrackets: JCheckBox? = null
private var enableRainbow: JCheckBox? = null
private var enableRainbowSquigglyBrackets: JCheckBox? = null
private var enableRainbowRoundBrackets: JCheckBox? = null
private var enableRainbowSquareBrackets: JCheckBox? = null
private var enableRainbowSquigglyBrackets: JCheckBox? = null
private var enableRainbowAngleBrackets: JCheckBox? = null
private var enableRainbowSquareBrackets: JCheckBox? = null
private var showRainbowIndentGuides: JCheckBox? = null
private var enableRainbowAngleBrackets: JCheckBox? = null
private var doNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent: JCheckBox? = null
private var showRainbowIndentGuides: JCheckBox? = null
private var isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel: JCheckBox? = null
private var doNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent: JCheckBox? = null
private var pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects: JCheckBox? = null
private var isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel: JCheckBox? = null
private var applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets: JCheckBox? = null
private var pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects: JCheckBox? = null
private var cycleCountOnAllBrackets: JCheckBox? = null
private var applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets: JCheckBox? = null
private var cycleCountOnAllBrackets: JCheckBox? = null
private var numberOfColors: JTextField? = null
private var numberOfColors: JTextField? = null
private var languageBlacklist: JTextField? = null
private var languageBlacklist: JTextField? = null
private var disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode: JCheckBox? = null
private var disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode: JCheckBox? = null
private var useColorGenerator: JCheckBox? = null
private var useColorGenerator: JCheckBox? = null
private var rainbowifyTagNameInXML: JCheckBox? = null
private var rainbowifyTagNameInXML: JCheckBox? = null
private var doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString: JCheckBox? = null
private var doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString: JCheckBox? = null
private var doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles: JCheckBox? = null
private var doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles: JCheckBox? = null
private var bigFilesLinesThreshold: JTextField? = null
private var bigFilesLinesThreshold: JTextField? = null
private var rainbowifyPythonKeywords: JCheckBox? = null
private var rainbowifyPythonKeywords: JCheckBox? = null
private val settings: RainbowSettings = RainbowSettings.instance
private val settings: RainbowSettings = RainbowSettings.instance
fun component(): JComponent? = panel
fun component(): JComponent? = panel
fun isRainbowEnabled() = enableRainbow?.isSelected
fun isRainbowEnabled() = enableRainbow?.isSelected
fun isRainbowRoundBracketsEnabled() = enableRainbowRoundBrackets?.isSelected
fun isRainbowRoundBracketsEnabled() = enableRainbowRoundBrackets?.isSelected
fun isRainbowSquigglyBracketsEnabled() = enableRainbowSquigglyBrackets?.isSelected
fun isRainbowSquigglyBracketsEnabled() = enableRainbowSquigglyBrackets?.isSelected
fun isRainbowSquareBracketsEnabled() = enableRainbowSquareBrackets?.isSelected
fun isRainbowSquareBracketsEnabled() = enableRainbowSquareBrackets?.isSelected
fun isRainbowAngleBracketsEnabled() = enableRainbowAngleBrackets?.isSelected
fun isRainbowAngleBracketsEnabled() = enableRainbowAngleBrackets?.isSelected
fun isShowRainbowIndentGuides() = showRainbowIndentGuides?.isSelected
fun isShowRainbowIndentGuides() = showRainbowIndentGuides?.isSelected
fun isDoNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent() = doNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent?.isSelected
fun isDoNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent() = doNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent?.isSelected
fun isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel() = isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel?.isSelected
fun isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel() = isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel?.isSelected
fun pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects() = pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects?.isSelected
fun pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects() = pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects?.isSelected
fun applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets() = applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets?.isSelected
fun applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets() = applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets?.isSelected
fun cycleCountOnAllBrackets() = cycleCountOnAllBrackets?.isSelected
fun cycleCountOnAllBrackets() = cycleCountOnAllBrackets?.isSelected
fun numberOfColors() = numberOfColors?.text?.toIntOrNull()
fun numberOfColors() = numberOfColors?.text?.toIntOrNull()
fun languageBlacklist() =
fun languageBlacklist() =
languageBlacklist?.text?.split(",")?.map { it.trim() }?.filterNot { it.isEmpty() }?.toSet()
languageBlacklist?.text?.split(",")?.map { it.trim() }?.filterNot { it.isEmpty() }?.toSet()
fun disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode() = disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode?.isSelected
fun disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode() = disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode?.isSelected
fun useColorGenerator() = useColorGenerator?.isSelected
fun useColorGenerator() = useColorGenerator?.isSelected
fun rainbowifyTagNameInXML() = rainbowifyTagNameInXML?.isSelected
fun rainbowifyTagNameInXML() = rainbowifyTagNameInXML?.isSelected
fun doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString() = doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString?.isSelected
fun doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString() = doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString?.isSelected
fun doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles() = doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles?.isSelected
fun doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles() = doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles?.isSelected
fun bigFilesLinesThreshold() = bigFilesLinesThreshold?.text?.toIntOrNull()
fun bigFilesLinesThreshold() = bigFilesLinesThreshold?.text?.toIntOrNull()
fun rainbowifyPythonKeywords() = rainbowifyPythonKeywords?.isSelected
fun rainbowifyPythonKeywords() = rainbowifyPythonKeywords?.isSelected
val isModified: Boolean
val isModified: Boolean
get() = (isRainbowEnabled() != settings.isRainbowEnabled
get() = (isRainbowEnabled() != settings.isRainbowEnabled
|| isRainbowAngleBracketsEnabled() != settings.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets
|| isRainbowAngleBracketsEnabled() != settings.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets
|| isRainbowRoundBracketsEnabled() != settings.isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets
|| isRainbowRoundBracketsEnabled() != settings.isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets
|| isRainbowSquigglyBracketsEnabled() != settings.isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets
|| isRainbowSquigglyBracketsEnabled() != settings.isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets
|| isRainbowSquareBracketsEnabled() != settings.isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets
|| isRainbowSquareBracketsEnabled() != settings.isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets
|| isShowRainbowIndentGuides() != settings.isShowRainbowIndentGuides
|| isShowRainbowIndentGuides() != settings.isShowRainbowIndentGuides
|| isDoNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent() != settings.isDoNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent
|| isDoNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent() != settings.isDoNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent
|| isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel() != settings.isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel
|| isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel() != settings.isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel
|| pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects() != settings.pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects
|| pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects() != settings.pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects
|| applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets() != settings.applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets
|| applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets() != settings.applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets
|| cycleCountOnAllBrackets() != settings.cycleCountOnAllBrackets
|| cycleCountOnAllBrackets() != settings.cycleCountOnAllBrackets
|| numberOfColors() != settings.numberOfColors
|| numberOfColors() != settings.numberOfColors
|| disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode() != settings.disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode
|| disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode() != settings.disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode
|| useColorGenerator() != settings.useColorGenerator
|| useColorGenerator() != settings.useColorGenerator
|| rainbowifyTagNameInXML() != settings.rainbowifyTagNameInXML
|| rainbowifyTagNameInXML() != settings.rainbowifyTagNameInXML
|| doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString() != settings.doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString
|| doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString() != settings.doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString
|| doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles() != settings.doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles
|| doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles() != settings.doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles
|| bigFilesLinesThreshold() != settings.bigFilesLinesThreshold
|| bigFilesLinesThreshold() != settings.bigFilesLinesThreshold
|| languageBlacklist() != settings.languageBlacklist
|| languageBlacklist() != settings.languageBlacklist
|| rainbowifyPythonKeywords() != settings.rainbowifyPythonKeywords
|| rainbowifyPythonKeywords() != settings.rainbowifyPythonKeywords
init {
init {
doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles?.addActionListener({e -> bigFilesLinesThreshold?.setEnabled(doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles() ?: false)})
doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles?.addActionListener { _ -> bigFilesLinesThreshold?.setEnabled(doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles() ?: false) }
fun loadSettings() {
fun loadSettings() {
enableRainbow?.isSelected = settings.isRainbowEnabled
enableRainbow?.isSelected = settings.isRainbowEnabled
enableRainbowRoundBrackets?.isSelected = settings.isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets
enableRainbowRoundBrackets?.isSelected = settings.isEnableRainbowRoundBrackets
enableRainbowAngleBrackets?.isSelected = settings.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets
enableRainbowAngleBrackets?.isSelected = settings.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets
enableRainbowSquigglyBrackets?.isSelected = settings.isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets
enableRainbowSquigglyBrackets?.isSelected = settings.isEnableRainbowSquigglyBrackets
enableRainbowSquareBrackets?.isSelected = settings.isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets
enableRainbowSquareBrackets?.isSelected = settings.isEnableRainbowSquareBrackets
showRainbowIndentGuides?.isSelected = settings.isShowRainbowIndentGuides
showRainbowIndentGuides?.isSelected = settings.isShowRainbowIndentGuides
doNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent?.isSelected = settings.isDoNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent
doNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent?.isSelected = settings.isDoNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent
isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel?.isSelected = settings.isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel
isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel?.isSelected = settings.isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel
pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects?.isSelected = settings.pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects
pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects?.isSelected = settings.pressAnyKeyToRemoveTheHighlightingEffects
applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets?.isSelected = settings.applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets
applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets?.isSelected = settings.applyColorsOfRoundForAllBrackets
cycleCountOnAllBrackets?.isSelected = settings.cycleCountOnAllBrackets
cycleCountOnAllBrackets?.isSelected = settings.cycleCountOnAllBrackets
numberOfColors?.text = settings.numberOfColors.toString()
numberOfColors?.text = settings.numberOfColors.toString()
disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode?.isSelected = settings.disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode
disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode?.isSelected = settings.disableRainbowIndentsInZenMode
useColorGenerator?.isSelected = settings.useColorGenerator
useColorGenerator?.isSelected = settings.useColorGenerator
rainbowifyTagNameInXML?.isSelected = settings.rainbowifyTagNameInXML
rainbowifyTagNameInXML?.isSelected = settings.rainbowifyTagNameInXML
doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString?.isSelected = settings.doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString
doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString?.isSelected = settings.doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString
doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles?.isSelected = settings.doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles
doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles?.isSelected = settings.doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles
bigFilesLinesThreshold?.text = settings.bigFilesLinesThreshold.toString()
bigFilesLinesThreshold?.text = settings.bigFilesLinesThreshold.toString()
languageBlacklist?.text = settings.languageBlacklist.joinToString(",")
languageBlacklist?.text = settings.languageBlacklist.joinToString(",")
rainbowifyPythonKeywords?.isSelected = settings.rainbowifyPythonKeywords
rainbowifyPythonKeywords?.isSelected = settings.rainbowifyPythonKeywords
@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2017 Patrick Scheibe
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings.RainbowSettings
import com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.ErrorContext.Companion.fromThrowable
import com.intellij.AbstractBundle
import com.intellij.diagnostic.*
import com.intellij.ide.DataManager
import com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManagerCore
import com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginUtil
import com.intellij.idea.IdeaLogger
import com.intellij.notification.NotificationGroupManager
import com.intellij.notification.NotificationListener
import com.intellij.notification.NotificationType
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.CommonDataKeys
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationNamesInfo
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ex.ApplicationInfoEx
import com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationInfoImpl
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.ErrorReportSubmitter
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.IdeaLoggingEvent
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.SubmittedReportInfo
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.SubmittedReportInfo.SubmissionStatus
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.EmptyProgressIndicator
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressManager
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.Task
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project
import com.intellij.openapi.util.SystemInfo
import com.intellij.util.Consumer
import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.Issue
import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.Label
import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.RepositoryId
import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.client.GitHubClient
import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.service.IssueService
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable
import org.jetbrains.annotations.PropertyKey
import java.awt.Component
import java.util.*
private object AnonymousFeedback {
private const val gitRepoUser = "izhangzhihao"
//private const val gitRepoUser = "intellij-rainbow-brackets"
private const val gitRepo = "intellij-rainbow-brackets"
//private const val gitRepo = "bug"
private const val issueLabel = "Auto generated"
* Makes a connection to GitHub. Checks if there is an issue that is a duplicate and based on this, creates either a
* new issue or comments on the duplicate (if the user provided additional information).
* @param environmentDetails Information collected by [getKeyValuePairs]
* @return The report info that is then used in [GitHubErrorReporter] to show the user a balloon with the link
* of the created issue.
internal fun sendFeedback(environmentDetails: MutableMap<String, String>): SubmittedReportInfo {
try {
val gitAccessToken = something
val client = GitHubClient()
val repoID = RepositoryId(gitRepoUser, gitRepo)
val issueService = IssueService(client)
var newGibHubIssue = createNewGibHubIssue(environmentDetails)
val duplicate = findFirstDuplicate(newGibHubIssue.title, issueService, repoID)
var isNewIssue = true
if (duplicate != null) {
issueService.createComment(repoID, duplicate.number, newGibHubIssue.body)
newGibHubIssue = duplicate
isNewIssue = false
} else newGibHubIssue = issueService.createIssue(repoID, newGibHubIssue)
return SubmittedReportInfo(newGibHubIssue.htmlUrl, ErrorReportBundle.message(
if (isNewIssue) "git.issue.text" else "git.issue.duplicate.text", newGibHubIssue.htmlUrl, newGibHubIssue.number.toLong()),
if (isNewIssue) SubmissionStatus.NEW_ISSUE else SubmissionStatus.DUPLICATE)
} catch (e: Exception) {
return SubmittedReportInfo(null,
private fun findFirstDuplicate(title: String, service: IssueService, repo: RepositoryId): Issue? {
val openIssue = hashMapOf(IssueService.FILTER_STATE to IssueService.STATE_OPEN)
val closedIssue = hashMapOf(IssueService.FILTER_STATE to IssueService.STATE_CLOSED)
return service.pageIssues(repo, openIssue).flatten().firstOrNull { it.title == title }
?: service.pageIssues(repo, closedIssue).flatten().firstOrNull { it.title == title }
private fun createNewGibHubIssue(details: MutableMap<String, String>) = Issue().apply {
val errorMessage = details.remove("error.message")?.takeIf(String::isNotBlank) ?: "Unspecified error"
title = ErrorReportBundle.message("git.issue.title", errorMessage)
body = generateGitHubIssueBody(details)
labels = listOf(Label().apply { name = issueLabel })
private fun generateGitHubIssueBody(details: MutableMap<String, String>): String {
val errorDescription = details.remove("error.description").orEmpty()
val stackTrace = details.remove("error.stacktrace")?.takeIf(String::isNotBlank) ?: "invalid stacktrace"
val result = StringBuilder()
if (errorDescription.isNotEmpty()) {
for ((key, value) in details) {
result.append("- ")
result.append(": ")
result.append("- StackTrace:\n")
return result.toString()
private const val st = "YjgwZGRiY2U2YTNlYTAzM2UyZGU" + "yNDcyNWEyZjE3MGQ2YThmMjc0MQ=="
private val something: String by lazy { String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(st)) }
class GitHubErrorReporter : ErrorReportSubmitter() {
override fun getReportActionText() = ErrorReportBundle.message("")
override fun submit(events: Array<out IdeaLoggingEvent>?, info: @Nullable String?, parent: @NotNull Component, consumer: @NotNull Consumer<in SubmittedReportInfo>): Boolean {
return doSubmit(events!![0], parent, consumer, fromThrowable(events[0].throwable), info)
private fun doSubmit(
event: IdeaLoggingEvent,
parent: Component,
callback: Consumer<in SubmittedReportInfo>,
errorContext: ErrorContext,
description: String?): Boolean {
val dataContext = DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext(parent)
description?.let { errorContext.description = description }
errorContext.message = event.message
event.throwable?.let { throwable ->
PluginUtil.getInstance().findPluginId(throwable)?.let { pluginId ->
PluginManagerCore.getPlugin(pluginId)?.let { ideaPluginDescriptor ->
if (!ideaPluginDescriptor.isBundled) {
errorContext.pluginName =
errorContext.pluginVersion = ideaPluginDescriptor.version
( as? LogMessage)?.let { errorContext.attachments = it.includedAttachments }
val project = CommonDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(dataContext)
val reportValues = getKeyValuePairs(
ApplicationInfoImpl.getShadowInstance() as ApplicationInfoImpl,
val notifyingCallback = CallbackWithNotification(callback, project)
val task = AnonymousFeedbackTask(project, ErrorReportBundle.message(
"report.error.progress.dialog.text"), true, reportValues, notifyingCallback)
if (project == null) else ProgressManager.getInstance().run(task)
return true
internal class CallbackWithNotification(
private val consumer: Consumer<in SubmittedReportInfo>,
private val project: Project?) : Consumer<SubmittedReportInfo> {
override fun consume(reportInfo: SubmittedReportInfo) {
val GROUP = NotificationGroupManager.getInstance().getNotificationGroup("Error Report")
if (reportInfo.status == SubmissionStatus.FAILED) GROUP.createNotification(DiagnosticBundle.message(""),
reportInfo.linkText, NotificationType.ERROR).setImportant(false).notify(project)
else GROUP.createNotification(DiagnosticBundle.message(""), reportInfo.linkText,
* Messages and strings used by the error reporter
private object ErrorReportBundle {
private const val BUNDLE = ""
private val bundle: ResourceBundle by lazy { ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE) }
internal fun message(@PropertyKey(resourceBundle = BUNDLE) key: String, vararg params: Any) =
AbstractBundle.message(bundle, key, *params)
private class AnonymousFeedbackTask(
project: Project?, title: String, canBeCancelled: Boolean,
private val params: MutableMap<String, String>,
private val callback: Consumer<SubmittedReportInfo>) : Task.Backgroundable(project, title, canBeCancelled, DEAF) {
override fun run(indicator: ProgressIndicator) {
* Collects information about the running IDEA and the error
private fun getKeyValuePairs(
errorContext: ErrorContext,
appInfo: ApplicationInfoEx,
namesInfo: ApplicationNamesInfo): MutableMap<String, String> {
val params = mutableMapOf(
"error.description" to errorContext.description,
"Plugin Name" to errorContext.pluginName,
"Plugin Version" to RainbowSettings.instance.version,
"OS Name" to SystemInfo.OS_NAME,
"OS Version" to SystemInfo.OS_VERSION,
"Java Version" to SystemInfo.JAVA_VERSION,
"App Name" to namesInfo.productName,
"App Full Name" to namesInfo.fullProductName,
"Is Snapshot" to java.lang.Boolean.toString(,
"App Build" to,
"error.message" to errorContext.errorClass,
"error.stacktrace" to "\n```\n" + errorContext.stackTrace + "\n```\n")
for (attachment in errorContext.attachments) {
params["attachment.${}"] = attachment.path
params["attachment.${}.value"] = "\n```\n" + attachment.displayText + "\n```\n"
return params
@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ import java.awt.Color
fun Color.alphaBlend(background: Color, alpha: Float): Color {
fun Color.alphaBlend(background: Color, alpha: Float): Color {
require(alpha in 0.0..1.0) { "alpha(0.0 <= alpha <= 1.0): $alpha" }
require(alpha in 0.0..1.0) { "alpha(0.0 <= alpha <= 1.0): $alpha" }
val r = (1 - alpha) * + alpha * red
val r = (1 - alpha) * + alpha * red
val g = (1 - alpha) * + alpha * green
val g = (1 - alpha) * + alpha * green
val b = (1 - alpha) * + alpha * blue
val b = (1 - alpha) * + alpha * blue
return Color(r.toInt(), g.toInt(), b.toInt())
return Color(r.toInt(), g.toInt(), b.toInt())
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Attachment
import com.intellij.util.ExceptionUtil
data class ErrorContext(val stackTrace: String) {
var message: String? = null
var errorClass: String = ""
var description: String = ""
var pluginName: String = ""
var pluginVersion: String = "Unknown"
var attachments: List<Attachment> = emptyList()
companion object {
fun fromThrowable(throwable: Throwable): ErrorContext {
val throwableText = ExceptionUtil.getThrowableText(throwable)
val errorContext = ErrorContext(throwableText)
errorContext.message = throwable.message
val firstLine = throwableText.lines()[0]
errorContext.errorClass = firstLine.substringBeforeLast(':')
return errorContext
@ -3,53 +3,53 @@ package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
fun <A, R> ((A) -> R).memoize(): (A) -> R = object : (A) -> R {
fun <A, R> ((A) -> R).memoize(): (A) -> R = object : (A) -> R {
private val m = MemoizedHandler<((A) -> R), MemoizeKey1<A, R>, R>(this@memoize)
private val m = MemoizedHandler<((A) -> R), MemoizeKey1<A, R>, R>(this@memoize)
override fun invoke(a: A) = m(MemoizeKey1(a))
override fun invoke(a: A) = m(MemoizeKey1(a))
fun <A, B, R> ((A, B) -> R).memoize(): (A, B) -> R = object : (A, B) -> R {
fun <A, B, R> ((A, B) -> R).memoize(): (A, B) -> R = object : (A, B) -> R {
private val m = MemoizedHandler<((A, B) -> R), MemoizeKey2<A, B, R>, R>(this@memoize)
private val m = MemoizedHandler<((A, B) -> R), MemoizeKey2<A, B, R>, R>(this@memoize)
override fun invoke(a: A, b: B) = m(MemoizeKey2(a, b))
override fun invoke(a: A, b: B) = m(MemoizeKey2(a, b))
fun <A, B, C, R> ((A, B, C) -> R).memoize(): (A, B, C) -> R = object : (A, B, C) -> R {
fun <A, B, C, R> ((A, B, C) -> R).memoize(): (A, B, C) -> R = object : (A, B, C) -> R {
private val m = MemoizedHandler<((A, B, C) -> R), MemoizeKey3<A, B, C, R>, R>(this@memoize)
private val m = MemoizedHandler<((A, B, C) -> R), MemoizeKey3<A, B, C, R>, R>(this@memoize)
override fun invoke(a: A, b: B, c: C) = m(MemoizeKey3(a, b, c))
override fun invoke(a: A, b: B, c: C) = m(MemoizeKey3(a, b, c))
private interface MemoizedCall<in F, out R> {
private interface MemoizedCall<in F, out R> {
operator fun invoke(f: F): R
operator fun invoke(f: F): R
private class MemoizedHandler<F, in K : MemoizedCall<F, R>, out R>(val f: F) {
private class MemoizedHandler<F, in K : MemoizedCall<F, R>, out R>(val f: F) {
private val m = Platform.newConcurrentMap<K, R>()
private val m = Platform.newConcurrentMap<K, R>()
operator fun invoke(k: K): R = m[k] ?: run { m.putSafely(k, k(f)) }
operator fun invoke(k: K): R = m[k] ?: run { m.putSafely(k, k(f)) }
private data class MemoizeKey1<out A, R>(val a: A) : MemoizedCall<(A) -> R, R> {
private data class MemoizeKey1<out A, R>(val a: A) : MemoizedCall<(A) -> R, R> {
override fun invoke(f: (A) -> R) = f(a)
override fun invoke(f: (A) -> R) = f(a)
private data class MemoizeKey2<out A, out B, R>(val a: A, val b: B) : MemoizedCall<(A, B) -> R, R> {
private data class MemoizeKey2<out A, out B, R>(val a: A, val b: B) : MemoizedCall<(A, B) -> R, R> {
override fun invoke(f: (A, B) -> R) = f(a, b)
override fun invoke(f: (A, B) -> R) = f(a, b)
private data class MemoizeKey3<out A, out B, out C, R>(val a: A, val b: B, val c: C) : MemoizedCall<(A, B, C) -> R, R> {
private data class MemoizeKey3<out A, out B, out C, R>(val a: A, val b: B, val c: C) : MemoizedCall<(A, B, C) -> R, R> {
override fun invoke(f: (A, B, C) -> R) = f(a, b, c)
override fun invoke(f: (A, B, C) -> R) = f(a, b, c)
object Platform {
object Platform {
interface ConcurrentMap<K, V> : MutableMap<K, V> {
interface ConcurrentMap<K, V> : MutableMap<K, V> {
fun putSafely(k: K, v: V): V
fun putSafely(k: K, v: V): V
fun <K, V> newConcurrentMap(): ConcurrentMap<K, V> {
fun <K, V> newConcurrentMap(): ConcurrentMap<K, V> {
val map by lazy { ConcurrentHashMap<K, V>() }
val map by lazy { ConcurrentHashMap<K, V>() }
return object : ConcurrentMap<K, V>, MutableMap<K, V> by map {
return object : ConcurrentMap<K, V>, MutableMap<K, V> by map {
override fun putSafely(k: K, v: V): V =
override fun putSafely(k: K, v: V): V =
map.putIfAbsent(k, v) ?: v
map.putIfAbsent(k, v) ?: v
@ -1,21 +1,8 @@
package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util
package com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.LocalFileSystem
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile
import com.intellij.psi.PsiDirectory
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
import com.intellij.psi.PsiManager
import com.intellij.psi.PsiManager
fun File.toPsiFile(project: Project): PsiFile? = toVirtualFile()?.toPsiFile(project)
fun File.toVirtualFile(): VirtualFile? = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByIoFile(this)
fun File.toPsiDirectory(project: Project): PsiDirectory? {
return toVirtualFile()?.let { vfile -> PsiManager.getInstance(project).findDirectory(vfile) }
fun VirtualFile.toPsiFile(project: Project): PsiFile? = PsiManager.getInstance(project).findFile(this)
fun VirtualFile.toPsiFile(project: Project): PsiFile? = PsiManager.getInstance(project).findFile(this)
fun VirtualFile.toPsiDirectory(project: Project): PsiDirectory? = PsiManager.getInstance(project).findDirectory(this)
@ -9,19 +9,21 @@ val PsiElement.startOffset: Int get() = textRange.startOffset
val PsiElement.endOffset: Int get() = textRange.endOffset
val PsiElement.endOffset: Int get() = textRange.endOffset
tailrec fun PsiElement.findPrevSibling(condition: (PsiElement) -> Boolean): PsiElement? {
tailrec fun PsiElement.findPrevSibling(condition: (PsiElement) -> Boolean): PsiElement? {
val prevSibling = prevSibling ?: return null
val prevSibling = prevSibling ?: return null
return if (condition(prevSibling)) {
return if (condition(prevSibling)) {
} else {
else {
tailrec fun PsiElement.findNextSibling(condition: (PsiElement) -> Boolean): PsiElement? {
tailrec fun PsiElement.findNextSibling(condition: (PsiElement) -> Boolean): PsiElement? {
val nextSibling = nextSibling ?: return null
val nextSibling = nextSibling ?: return null
return if (condition(nextSibling)) {
return if (condition(nextSibling)) {
} else {
else {
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.TextAttributes
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.isAccessible
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.isAccessible
fun create(name: String, textAttributes: TextAttributes): TextAttributesKey {
fun create(name: String, textAttributes: TextAttributes): TextAttributesKey {
val cons = TextAttributesKey::class.constructors.first { it.parameters.size == 3 }
val cons = TextAttributesKey::class.constructors.first { it.parameters.size == 3 }
cons.isAccessible = true
cons.isAccessible = true
return, textAttributes, null)
return, textAttributes, null)
@ -7,120 +7,128 @@ import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.LeafPsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.LeafPsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.GT
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.LPARENTH
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.LPARENTH
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.LT
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.RPARENTH
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.lexer.CSharpTokenType.RPARENTH
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.psi.CSharpDummyNode
import com.jetbrains.rider.ideaInterop.fileTypes.csharp.psi.CSharpDummyNode
class CSharpRainbowVisitor : RainbowHighlightVisitor() {
class CSharpRainbowVisitor : RainbowHighlightVisitor() {
override fun suitableForFile(file: PsiFile)
override fun suitableForFile(file: PsiFile)
: Boolean = super.suitableForFile(file) &&
: Boolean = super.suitableForFile(file) &&
RainbowSettings.instance.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets &&
RainbowSettings.instance.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets &&
( == "C#" ||
( == "C#" ||
file.viewProvider.allFiles.any { == "C#" }
file.viewProvider.allFiles.any { == "C#" }
override fun clone(): HighlightVisitor = CSharpRainbowVisitor()
override fun clone(): HighlightVisitor = CSharpRainbowVisitor()
override fun visit(element: PsiElement) {
override fun visit(element: PsiElement) {
val type = (element as? LeafPsiElement)?.elementType ?: return
val type = (element as? LeafPsiElement)?.elementType ?: return
val pair = map[type]
val pair = map[type]
if (pair != null) {
if (pair != null) {
val level = element.getBracketLevel(pair, type)
val level = element.getBracketLevel(pair, type)
if (RainbowSettings.instance.isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel) {
if (RainbowSettings.instance.isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel) {
if (level >= 1) {
if (level >= 1) {
rainbowPairs(element, pair, level)
rainbowPairs(element, pair, level)
} else {
if (level >= 0) {
else {
rainbowPairs(element, pair, level)
if (level >= 0) {
rainbowPairs(element, pair, level)
private fun rainbowPairs(element: LeafPsiElement, pair: BracePair, level: Int) {
private fun rainbowPairs(element: LeafPsiElement, pair: BracePair, level: Int) {
val startElement = element.takeIf { it.elementType == pair.leftBraceType }
val startElement = element.takeIf { it.elementType == pair.leftBraceType }
val endElement = element.takeIf { it.elementType == pair.rightBraceType }
val endElement = element.takeIf { it.elementType == pair.rightBraceType }
element.setHighlightInfo(element.parent, level, startElement, endElement)
element.setHighlightInfo(element.parent, level, startElement, endElement)
companion object {
companion object {
val map = mapOf(
val map = mapOf(
//LT to BracePair(LT, GT, true),
//LT to BracePair(LT, GT, true),
//GT to BracePair(LT, GT, true),
//GT to BracePair(LT, GT, true),
private fun LeafPsiElement.getBracketLevel(pair: BracePair, type: IElementType): Int = iterateBracketParents(this, pair, -1, type)
private fun LeafPsiElement.getBracketLevel(pair: BracePair, type: IElementType): Int = iterateBracketParents(this, pair, -1, type)
private tailrec fun iterateBracketParents(element: PsiElement?, pair: BracePair, count: Int, type: IElementType): Int {
private tailrec fun iterateBracketParents(element: PsiElement?, pair: BracePair, count: Int, type: IElementType): Int {
if (element == null || element is PsiFile) {
if (element == null || element is PsiFile) {
return count
return count
var nextCount = count
var nextCount = count
if (element is LeafPsiElement && type == pair.leftBraceType && element.elementType == pair.rightBraceType) {
if (element is LeafPsiElement && type == pair.leftBraceType && element.elementType == pair.rightBraceType) {
if (element is LeafPsiElement && type == pair.rightBraceType && element.elementType == pair.leftBraceType) {
if (element is LeafPsiElement && type == pair.rightBraceType && element.elementType == pair.leftBraceType) {
if (element is LeafPsiElement && element.elementType == type) {
if (element is LeafPsiElement && element.elementType == type) {
return if (type == pair.leftBraceType) {
return if (type == pair.leftBraceType) {
val prev = element.prevSibling
val prev = element.prevSibling
if (prev == null) {
if (prev == null) {
iterateBracketParents(element.parent.prevSibling.iterForPreDummyNode()?.lastChild, pair, nextCount, type)
iterateBracketParents(element.parent.prevSibling.iterForPreDummyNode()?.lastChild, pair, nextCount, type)
} else {
iterateBracketParents(prev, pair, nextCount, type)
else {
iterateBracketParents(prev, pair, nextCount, type)
} else {
val next = element.nextSibling
if (next == null) {
else {
iterateBracketParents(element.parent.nextSibling.iterForNextDummyNode()?.firstChild, pair, nextCount, type)
val next = element.nextSibling
} else {
if (next == null) {
iterateBracketParents(next, pair, nextCount, type)
iterateBracketParents(element.parent.nextSibling.iterForNextDummyNode()?.firstChild, pair, nextCount, type)
else {
iterateBracketParents(next, pair, nextCount, type)
private tailrec fun PsiElement?.iterForNextDummyNode(): PsiElement? {
private tailrec fun PsiElement?.iterForNextDummyNode(): PsiElement? {
return if (this == null) {
return if (this == null) {
} else if (this is CSharpDummyNode) {
else if (this is CSharpDummyNode) {
} else {
if (this.nextSibling == null) {
else {
} else {
if (this.nextSibling == null) {
else {
private tailrec fun PsiElement?.iterForPreDummyNode(): PsiElement? {
private tailrec fun PsiElement?.iterForPreDummyNode(): PsiElement? {
return if (this == null) {
return if (this == null) {
} else if (this is CSharpDummyNode) {
else if (this is CSharpDummyNode) {
} else {
if (this.prevSibling == null) {
else {
} else {
if (this.prevSibling == null) {
else {
@ -13,159 +13,169 @@ import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType
class DefaultRainbowVisitor : RainbowHighlightVisitor() {
class DefaultRainbowVisitor : RainbowHighlightVisitor() {
override fun clone(): HighlightVisitor = DefaultRainbowVisitor()
override fun clone(): HighlightVisitor = DefaultRainbowVisitor()
override fun visit(element: PsiElement) {
override fun visit(element: PsiElement) {
val type = (element as? LeafPsiElement)?.elementType ?: return
val type = (element as? LeafPsiElement)?.elementType ?: return
val matching = filterPairs(type, element) ?: return
val matching = filterPairs(type, element) ?: return
val pair =
val pair =
if (matching.size == 1) {
if (matching.size == 1) {
} else {
matching.find { element.isValidBracket(it) }
else {
} ?: return
matching.find { element.isValidBracket(it) }
} ?: return
val level = element.getBracketLevel(pair)
val level = element.getBracketLevel(pair)
if (RainbowSettings.instance.isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel) {
if (RainbowSettings.instance.isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel) {
if (level >= 1) {
if (level >= 1) {
rainbowPairs(element, pair, level)
rainbowPairs(element, pair, level)
} else {
if (level >= 0) {
else {
rainbowPairs(element, pair, level)
if (level >= 0) {
rainbowPairs(element, pair, level)
private fun rainbowPairs(element: LeafPsiElement, pair: BracePair, level: Int) {
private fun rainbowPairs(element: LeafPsiElement, pair: BracePair, level: Int) {
val startElement = element.takeIf { it.elementType == pair.leftBraceType }
val startElement = element.takeIf { it.elementType == pair.leftBraceType }
val endElement = element.takeIf { it.elementType == pair.rightBraceType }
val endElement = element.takeIf { it.elementType == pair.rightBraceType }
element.setHighlightInfo(element.parent, level, startElement, endElement)
element.setHighlightInfo(element.parent, level, startElement, endElement)
companion object {
companion object {
private fun LeafPsiElement.getBracketLevel(pair: BracePair): Int = iterateBracketParents(parent, pair, -1)
private fun LeafPsiElement.getBracketLevel(pair: BracePair): Int = iterateBracketParents(parent, pair, -1)
private tailrec fun iterateBracketParents(element: PsiElement?, pair: BracePair, count: Int): Int {
private tailrec fun iterateBracketParents(element: PsiElement?, pair: BracePair, count: Int): Int {
if (element == null || element is PsiFile) {
if (element == null || element is PsiFile) {
return count
return count
var nextCount = count
var nextCount = count
if (!RainbowSettings.instance.cycleCountOnAllBrackets) {
if (!RainbowSettings.instance.cycleCountOnAllBrackets) {
if (element.haveBrackets({ it.elementType() == pair.leftBraceType },
if (element.haveBrackets(
{ it.elementType() == pair.rightBraceType })
{ it.elementType() == pair.leftBraceType },
) {
{ it.elementType() == pair.rightBraceType })
) {
} else {
if (element.haveBrackets({ element.language.braceTypeSet.contains(it.elementType()) },
{ element.language.braceTypeSet.contains(it.elementType()) })
else {
) {
if (element.haveBrackets(
{ element.language.braceTypeSet.contains(it.elementType()) },
{ element.language.braceTypeSet.contains(it.elementType()) })
) {
return iterateBracketParents(element.parent, pair, nextCount)
return iterateBracketParents(element.parent, pair, nextCount)
private inline fun PsiElement.haveBrackets(
private inline fun PsiElement.haveBrackets(
checkLeft: (PsiElement) -> Boolean,
checkLeft: (PsiElement) -> Boolean,
checkRight: (PsiElement) -> Boolean
checkRight: (PsiElement) -> Boolean,
): Boolean {
): Boolean {
if (this is LeafPsiElement) {
if (this is LeafPsiElement) {
return false
return false
var findLeftBracket = false
var findLeftBracket = false
var findRightBracket = false
var findRightBracket = false
var left: PsiElement? = firstChild
var left: PsiElement? = firstChild
var right: PsiElement? = lastChild
var right: PsiElement? = lastChild
while (left != right && (!findLeftBracket || !findRightBracket)) {
while (left != right && (!findLeftBracket || !findRightBracket)) {
val needBreak = left == null || left.nextSibling == right
val needBreak = left == null || left.nextSibling == right
if (left is LeafPsiElement && checkLeft(left)) {
if (left is LeafPsiElement && checkLeft(left)) {
findLeftBracket = true
findLeftBracket = true
} else {
left = left?.nextSibling
else {
left = left?.nextSibling
if (right is LeafPsiElement && checkRight(right)) {
findRightBracket = true
if (right is LeafPsiElement && checkRight(right)) {
} else {
findRightBracket = true
right = right?.prevSibling
else {
right = right?.prevSibling
if (needBreak) {
if (needBreak) {
if (RainbowSettings.instance.doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString) {
if (RainbowSettings.instance.doNOTRainbowifyTemplateString) {
if (left?.prevSibling?.textMatches("$") == true) return false
if (left?.prevSibling?.textMatches("$") == true) return false
return findLeftBracket && findRightBracket
return findLeftBracket && findRightBracket
private fun PsiElement.elementType(): IElementType? {
private fun PsiElement.elementType(): IElementType? {
return (this as? LeafPsiElement)?.elementType
return (this as? LeafPsiElement)?.elementType
private fun LeafPsiElement.isValidBracket(pair: BracePair): Boolean {
private fun LeafPsiElement.isValidBracket(pair: BracePair): Boolean {
val pairType = when (elementType) {
val pairType = when (elementType) {
pair.leftBraceType -> pair.rightBraceType
pair.leftBraceType -> pair.rightBraceType
pair.rightBraceType -> pair.leftBraceType
pair.rightBraceType -> pair.leftBraceType
else -> return false
else -> return false
return if (pairType == pair.leftBraceType) {
return if (pairType == pair.leftBraceType) {
checkBracePair(this, parent.firstChild, pairType, PsiElement::getNextSibling)
checkBracePair(this, parent.firstChild, pairType, PsiElement::getNextSibling)
} else {
checkBracePair(this, parent.lastChild, pairType, PsiElement::getPrevSibling)
else {
checkBracePair(this, parent.lastChild, pairType, PsiElement::getPrevSibling)
private fun checkBracePair(
private fun checkBracePair(
brace: PsiElement,
brace: PsiElement,
start: PsiElement,
start: PsiElement,
type: IElementType,
type: IElementType,
next: PsiElement.() -> PsiElement?
next: PsiElement.() -> PsiElement?,
): Boolean {
): Boolean {
var element: PsiElement? = start
var element: PsiElement? = start
while (element != null && element != brace) {
while (element != null && element != brace) {
if (element is LeafPsiElement && element.elementType == type) {
if (element is LeafPsiElement && element.elementType == type) {
return true
return true
element =
element =
return false
return false
private fun filterPairs(type: IElementType, element: LeafPsiElement): List<BracePair>? {
private fun filterPairs(type: IElementType, element: LeafPsiElement): List<BracePair>? {
val pairs = element.language.bracePairs ?: return null
val pairs = element.language.bracePairs ?: return null
val filterBraceType = pairs[type.toString()]
val filterBraceType = pairs[type.toString()]
return when {
return when {
filterBraceType == null || filterBraceType.isEmpty() -> {
filterBraceType.isNullOrEmpty() -> {
element.javaClass.simpleName == "OCMacroForeignLeafElement" -> {
element.javaClass.simpleName == "OCMacroForeignLeafElement" -> {
RainbowSettings.instance.isDoNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent -> {
RainbowSettings.instance.isDoNOTRainbowifyBracketsWithoutContent -> {
.filterNot { it.leftBraceType == type && element.nextSibling?.elementType() == it.rightBraceType }
.filterNot { it.rightBraceType == type && element.prevSibling?.elementType() == it.leftBraceType }
.filterNot { it.leftBraceType == type && element.nextSibling?.elementType() == it.rightBraceType }
.filterNot { it.rightBraceType == type && element.prevSibling?.elementType() == it.leftBraceType }
else -> {
else -> {
@ -13,31 +13,31 @@ import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlTokenType
class PugRainbowVisitor : RainbowHighlightVisitor() {
class PugRainbowVisitor : RainbowHighlightVisitor() {
override fun suitableForFile(file: PsiFile)
override fun suitableForFile(file: PsiFile)
: Boolean = super.suitableForFile(file) &&
: Boolean = super.suitableForFile(file) &&
RainbowSettings.instance.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets &&
RainbowSettings.instance.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets &&
( == "Jade" ||
( == "Jade" ||
file.viewProvider.allFiles.any { == "Jade" } ||
file.viewProvider.allFiles.any { == "Jade" } ||
override fun clone(): HighlightVisitor = PugRainbowVisitor()
override fun clone(): HighlightVisitor = PugRainbowVisitor()
override fun visit(element: PsiElement) {
override fun visit(element: PsiElement) {
if (element !is XmlToken) {
if (element !is XmlToken) {
if (element.tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_TAG_NAME) {
if (element.tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_TAG_NAME) {
val parent = element.parent
val parent = element.parent
if (parent != null && parent is XmlTag) {
if (parent != null && parent is XmlTag) {
parent.level.let { element.setHighlightInfo(element.xmlParent, it, element, null) }
parent.level.let { element.setHighlightInfo(element.xmlParent, it, element, null) }
companion object {
companion object {
private val XmlTag.level: Int
private val XmlTag.level: Int
get() = iterateXmlTagParents(parent, 0)
get() = iterateXmlTagParents(parent, 0)
@ -5,83 +5,99 @@ import com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl.HighlightVisitor
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.LeafPsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.LeafPsiElement
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.*
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.BREAK_KEYWORD
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.CLASS_KEYWORD
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.CONTINUE_KEYWORD
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.DEF_KEYWORD
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.ELIF_KEYWORD
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.ELSE_KEYWORD
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.EXCEPT_KEYWORD
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.FINALLY_KEYWORD
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.FOR_KEYWORD
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.IF_KEYWORD
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.RAISE_KEYWORD
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.RETURN_KEYWORD
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.TRY_KEYWORD
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.WHILE_KEYWORD
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.WITH_KEYWORD
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes.YIELD_KEYWORD
import com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyStatement
import com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyStatement
class PythonRainbowVisitor : RainbowHighlightVisitor() {
class PythonRainbowVisitor : RainbowHighlightVisitor() {
override fun suitableForFile(file: PsiFile)
override fun suitableForFile(file: PsiFile)
: Boolean = super.suitableForFile(file) &&
: Boolean = super.suitableForFile(file) &&
RainbowSettings.instance.rainbowifyPythonKeywords &&
RainbowSettings.instance.rainbowifyPythonKeywords &&
( == "Python" ||
( == "Python" ||
file.viewProvider.allFiles.any { == "Python" }
file.viewProvider.allFiles.any { == "Python" }
override fun clone(): HighlightVisitor = PythonRainbowVisitor()
override fun clone(): HighlightVisitor = PythonRainbowVisitor()
override fun visit(element: PsiElement) {
override fun visit(element: PsiElement) {
val type = (element as? LeafPsiElement)?.elementType ?: return
val type = (element as? LeafPsiElement)?.elementType ?: return
val exists = statementKeywords.contains(type)
val exists = statementKeywords.contains(type)
if (exists) {
if (exists) {
val level = element.getBracketLevel()
val level = element.getBracketLevel()
if (RainbowSettings.instance.isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel) {
if (RainbowSettings.instance.isDoNOTRainbowifyTheFirstLevel) {
if (level >= 1) {
if (level >= 1) {
rainbowPairs(element, level)
rainbowPairs(element, level)
} else {
if (level >= 0) {
else {
rainbowPairs(element, level)
if (level >= 0) {
rainbowPairs(element, level)
private fun rainbowPairs(element: LeafPsiElement, level: Int) {
private fun rainbowPairs(element: LeafPsiElement, level: Int) {
element.setHighlightInfo(element.parent, level, element, element)
element.setHighlightInfo(element.parent, level, element, element)
companion object {
companion object {
val statementKeywords = setOf(
val statementKeywords = setOf(
private fun LeafPsiElement.getBracketLevel(): Int =
private fun LeafPsiElement.getBracketLevel(): Int =
iterateBracketParents(this, -1)
iterateBracketParents(this, -1)
private tailrec fun iterateBracketParents(
private tailrec fun iterateBracketParents(
element: PsiElement?,
element: PsiElement?,
count: Int
count: Int,
): Int {
): Int {
if (element == null || element is PsiFile) {
if (element == null || element is PsiFile) {
return count
return count
var nextCount = count
var nextCount = count
if (element is PyStatement) {
if (element is PyStatement) {
return iterateBracketParents(
return iterateBracketParents(
@ -19,96 +19,101 @@ import java.awt.Color
abstract class RainbowHighlightVisitor : HighlightVisitor {
abstract class RainbowHighlightVisitor : HighlightVisitor {
private var highlightInfoHolder: HighlightInfoHolder? = null
private var highlightInfoHolder: HighlightInfoHolder? = null
override fun suitableForFile(file: PsiFile): Boolean {
override fun suitableForFile(file: PsiFile): Boolean {
return RainbowSettings.instance.isRainbowEnabled &&
return RainbowSettings.instance.isRainbowEnabled &&
checkForBigFile(file) &&
checkForBigFile(file) &&
!RainbowSettings.instance.languageBlacklist.contains( &&
!RainbowSettings.instance.languageBlacklist.contains( &&
!RainbowSettings.instance.languageBlacklist.contains(memoizedFileExtension( &&
!RainbowSettings.instance.languageBlacklist.contains(memoizedFileExtension( &&
final override fun analyze(file: PsiFile, updateWholeFile: Boolean, holder: HighlightInfoHolder, action: Runnable): Boolean {
final override fun analyze(file: PsiFile, updateWholeFile: Boolean, holder: HighlightInfoHolder, action: Runnable): Boolean {
highlightInfoHolder = holder
highlightInfoHolder = holder
onBeforeAnalyze(file, updateWholeFile)
onBeforeAnalyze(file, updateWholeFile)
try {
try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
} finally {
} finally {
return true
return true
protected open fun onBeforeAnalyze(file: PsiFile, updateWholeFile: Boolean) = Unit
protected open fun onBeforeAnalyze(file: PsiFile, updateWholeFile: Boolean) = Unit
protected open fun onAfterAnalyze() {
protected open fun onAfterAnalyze() {
highlightInfoHolder = null
highlightInfoHolder = null
protected fun PsiElement.setHighlightInfo(parent: PsiElement?,
protected fun PsiElement.setHighlightInfo(
level: Int,
parent: PsiElement?,
startElement: PsiElement?,
level: Int,
endElement: PsiElement?) {
startElement: PsiElement?,
val holder = highlightInfoHolder ?: return
endElement: PsiElement?,
val globalScheme = EditorColorsManager.getInstance().globalScheme
) {
getHighlightInfo(globalScheme, this, level)
val holder = highlightInfoHolder ?: return
?.also {
val globalScheme = EditorColorsManager.getInstance().globalScheme
getHighlightInfo(globalScheme, this, level)
?.also {
if (startElement != null || endElement != null) {
if (startElement != null || endElement != null) {
val color: Color? = globalScheme.getAttributes(it.forcedTextAttributesKey)?.foregroundColor
val color: Color? = globalScheme.getAttributes(it.forcedTextAttributesKey)?.foregroundColor
color?.let {
color?.let {
parent?.saveRainbowInfo(level, color, startElement, endElement)
parent?.saveRainbowInfo(level, color, startElement, endElement)
private fun PsiElement.saveRainbowInfo(level: Int,
private fun PsiElement.saveRainbowInfo(
color: Color,
level: Int,
startElement: PsiElement?,
color: Color,
endElement: PsiElement?) {
startElement: PsiElement?,
val rainbowInfo = RainbowInfo.RAINBOW_INFO_KEY[this]?.also {
endElement: PsiElement?,
it.level = level
) {
it.color = color
val rainbowInfo = RainbowInfo.RAINBOW_INFO_KEY[this]?.also {
} ?: RainbowInfo(level, color).also { RainbowInfo.RAINBOW_INFO_KEY[this] = it }
it.level = level
it.color = color
} ?: RainbowInfo(level, color).also { RainbowInfo.RAINBOW_INFO_KEY[this] = it }
startElement?.let { rainbowInfo.startElement = it }
startElement?.let { rainbowInfo.startElement = it }
endElement?.let { rainbowInfo.endElement = it }
endElement?.let { rainbowInfo.endElement = it }
companion object {
companion object {
private val isIntelliJHaskellEnabled: Boolean by lazy {
private val isIntelliJHaskellEnabled: Boolean by lazy {
PluginId.getId("intellij.haskell"))?.isEnabled ?: false
)?.isEnabled ?: false
fun checkForBigFile(file: PsiFile): Boolean =
fun checkForBigFile(file: PsiFile): Boolean =
!(RainbowSettings.instance.doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles &&
!(RainbowSettings.instance.doNOTRainbowifyBigFiles &&
file.getLineCount() > RainbowSettings.instance.bigFilesLinesThreshold)
file.getLineCount() > RainbowSettings.instance.bigFilesLinesThreshold)
private fun fileIsNotHaskellOrIntelliJHaskellPluginNotEnabled(fileType: String) =
private fun fileIsNotHaskellOrIntelliJHaskellPluginNotEnabled(fileType: String) =
fileType != "Haskell" || !isIntelliJHaskellEnabled
fileType != "Haskell" || !isIntelliJHaskellEnabled
fun PsiElement.getLineCount(): Int {
fun PsiElement.getLineCount(): Int {
try {
try {
val doc = containingFile?.let { PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).getDocument(it) }
val doc = containingFile?.let { PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).getDocument(it) }
if (doc != null) {
if (doc != null) {
val spaceRange = textRange ?: TextRange.EMPTY_RANGE
val spaceRange = textRange ?: TextRange.EMPTY_RANGE
if (spaceRange.endOffset <= doc.textLength && spaceRange.startOffset < spaceRange.endOffset) {
if (spaceRange.endOffset <= doc.textLength && spaceRange.startOffset < spaceRange.endOffset) {
val startLine = doc.getLineNumber(spaceRange.startOffset)
val startLine = doc.getLineNumber(spaceRange.startOffset)
val endLine = doc.getLineNumber(spaceRange.endOffset - 1)
val endLine = doc.getLineNumber(spaceRange.endOffset - 1)
return endLine - startLine + 1
return endLine - startLine + 1
return StringUtil.getLineBreakCount(text ?: "") + 1
return StringUtil.getLineBreakCount(text ?: "") + 1
} catch (e: Throwable) {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
return 0
return 0
@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
class ReactJSXRainbowVisitor : XmlRainbowVisitor() {
class ReactJSXRainbowVisitor : XmlRainbowVisitor() {
override fun suitableForFile(file: PsiFile): Boolean {
override fun suitableForFile(file: PsiFile): Boolean {
return DialectDetector.isJSX(file)
return DialectDetector.isJSX(file)
override fun clone(): HighlightVisitor {
override fun clone(): HighlightVisitor {
return ReactJSXRainbowVisitor()
return ReactJSXRainbowVisitor()
@ -12,87 +12,91 @@ import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlTokenType
open class XmlRainbowVisitor : RainbowHighlightVisitor() {
open class XmlRainbowVisitor : RainbowHighlightVisitor() {
override fun suitableForFile(file: PsiFile)
override fun suitableForFile(file: PsiFile)
: Boolean = super.suitableForFile(file) &&
: Boolean = super.suitableForFile(file) &&
RainbowSettings.instance.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets &&
RainbowSettings.instance.isEnableRainbowAngleBrackets &&
(file is XmlFile || file.viewProvider.allFiles.any { it is XmlFile })
(file is XmlFile || file.viewProvider.allFiles.any { it is XmlFile })
override fun clone(): HighlightVisitor = XmlRainbowVisitor()
override fun clone(): HighlightVisitor = XmlRainbowVisitor()
override fun visit(element: PsiElement) {
override fun visit(element: PsiElement) {
if (element !is XmlToken) {
if (element !is XmlToken) {
when (val tokenType = element.tokenType) {
when (val tokenType = element.tokenType) {
XmlTokenType.XML_PI_END -> {
val startElement = element.takeIf {
-> {
tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_DOCTYPE_START || tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_PI_START
val startElement = element.takeIf {
tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_DOCTYPE_START || tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_PI_START
val endElement = element.takeIf {
tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_DOCTYPE_END || tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_PI_END
val endElement = element.takeIf {
tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_DOCTYPE_END || tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_PI_END
element.setHighlightInfo(element.xmlParent, 0, startElement, endElement)
element.setHighlightInfo(element.xmlParent, 0, startElement, endElement)
val startElement = element.takeIf { tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_START_TAG_START }
-> {
val endElement = element.takeIf {
val startElement = element.takeIf { tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_START_TAG_START }
tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_TAG_END || tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_EMPTY_ELEMENT_END
val endElement = element.takeIf {
tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_TAG_END || tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_EMPTY_ELEMENT_END
element.level?.let { element.setHighlightInfo(element.xmlParent, it, startElement, endElement) }
element.level?.let { element.setHighlightInfo(element.xmlParent, it, startElement, endElement) }
XmlTokenType.XML_CDATA_END -> {
val startElement = element.takeIf { tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_CDATA_START }
-> {
val endElement = element.takeIf { tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_CDATA_END }
val startElement = element.takeIf { tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_CDATA_START }
element.level?.let { element.setHighlightInfo(element.parent, it + 1, startElement, endElement) }
val endElement = element.takeIf { tokenType == XmlTokenType.XML_CDATA_END }
element.level?.let { element.setHighlightInfo(element.parent, it + 1, startElement, endElement) }
XmlTokenType.XML_NAME -> {
if (RainbowSettings.instance.rainbowifyTagNameInXML) {
-> {
val prevSibling = element.prevSibling
if (RainbowSettings.instance.rainbowifyTagNameInXML) {
if (prevSibling != null && prevSibling is XmlToken) {
val prevSibling = element.prevSibling
prevSibling.level?.let { element.setHighlightInfo(element.xmlParent, it, element, null) }
if (prevSibling != null && prevSibling is XmlToken) {
prevSibling.level?.let { element.setHighlightInfo(element.xmlParent, it, element, null) }
companion object {
companion object {
val PsiElement.xmlParent: PsiElement?
val PsiElement.xmlParent: PsiElement?
get() {
get() {
var pElement = parent
var pElement = parent
while (pElement != null && pElement !is XmlTag && pElement !is PsiFile) {
while (pElement != null && pElement !is XmlTag && pElement !is PsiFile) {
pElement = pElement.parent
pElement = pElement.parent
return pElement
return pElement
tailrec fun iterateXmlTagParents(element: PsiElement?, count: Int): Int {
tailrec fun iterateXmlTagParents(element: PsiElement?, count: Int): Int {
if (element == null || element is PsiFile) {
if (element == null || element is PsiFile) {
return count
return count
var nextCount = count
var nextCount = count
if (element is XmlTag) {
if (element is XmlTag) {
return iterateXmlTagParents(element.parent, nextCount)
return iterateXmlTagParents(element.parent, nextCount)
private val XmlToken.level: Int?
private val XmlToken.level: Int?
get() = iterateXmlTagParents(parent, -1).takeIf { it >= 0 }
get() = iterateXmlTagParents(parent, -1).takeIf { it >= 0 }
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<highlightVisitor implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.visitor.ReactJSXRainbowVisitor"/>
<highlightVisitor implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.visitor.ReactJSXRainbowVisitor" />
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets">
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.chylex.coloredbrackets">
<bracePairProvider language="JavaScript"
<bracePairProvider language="JavaScript"
implementationClass="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.provider.TSBracePairProvider" />
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<annotator language="C#" implementationClass="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.annotator.RainbowAnnotator"/>
<annotator language="C#" implementationClass="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.annotator.RainbowAnnotator" />
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets">
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.chylex.coloredbrackets">
<bracePairProvider language="C#"
<bracePairProvider language="C#"
implementationClass="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.provider.CSharpBracePairProvider" />
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<highlightVisitor implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.visitor.CSharpRainbowVisitor"/>
<highlightVisitor implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.visitor.CSharpRainbowVisitor" />
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets">
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.chylex.coloredbrackets">
<bracePairProvider language="Dart"
<bracePairProvider language="Dart"
implementationClass="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.provider.DartBracePairProvider" />
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets">
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.chylex.coloredbrackets">
<bracePairProvider language="GoTemplate"
<bracePairProvider language="GoTemplate"
implementationClass="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.provider.GoTemplateProvider" />
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets">
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.chylex.coloredbrackets">
<bracePairProvider language="Groovy"
<bracePairProvider language="Groovy"
implementationClass="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.provider.GroovyBracePairProvider" />
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<annotator language="Haskell" implementationClass="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.annotator.RainbowAnnotator"/>
<annotator language="Haskell" implementationClass="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.annotator.RainbowAnnotator" />
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<highlightVisitor implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.visitor.PugRainbowVisitor"/>
<highlightVisitor implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.visitor.PugRainbowVisitor" />
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets">
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.chylex.coloredbrackets">
<bracePairProvider language="kotlin"
<bracePairProvider language="kotlin"
implementationClass="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.provider.KotlinBracePairProvider" />
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<annotator language="kotlin"
<annotator language="kotlin"
implementationClass="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.annotator.KotlinLambdaExpressionArrowAnnotator" />
<annotator language="kotlin"
<annotator language="kotlin"
implementationClass="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.annotator.KotlinLabelAnnotator" />
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets">
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.chylex.coloredbrackets">
<bracePairProvider language="ObjectiveC"
<bracePairProvider language="ObjectiveC"
implementationClass="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.provider.OCBracePairProvider" />
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets">
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.chylex.coloredbrackets">
<bracePairProvider language="PHP"
<bracePairProvider language="PHP"
implementationClass="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.provider.PHPBracePairProvider" />
@ -1,809 +1,81 @@
<idea-plugin require-restart="true">
<idea-plugin require-restart="true">
<name>Rainbow Brackets</name>
<name>Colored Brackets</name>
<vendor email="" url="">izhangzhihao</vendor>
<vendor url="">chylex</vendor>
<strong>🌈Rainbow Brackets for IntelliJ based IDEs/Android Studio/HUAWEI DevEco Studio</strong>
Fork of the <a href="">Rainbow Brackets</a> plugin by <a href="">izhangzhihao</a>.
<p>This plugin is sponsored by <b>CodeStream</b></p>
<a href=>
<li>Original version the fork is based on.</li>
<img src=>
<br>Eliminate context switching and costly distractions. Create and merge PRs and perform code reviews from inside your IDE while using jump-to-definition, your keybindings, and other IDE favorites.
<a href=>Learn more</a>
<depends optional="true" config-file="kotlin-brackets.xml">org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends>
<depends optional="true" config-file="JSX.xml">JavaScript</depends>
<p>Supported languages:</p>
<depends optional="true" config-file="dart-brackets.xml">Dart</depends>
<p>Java, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, Python, Haskell, Agda, Rust, JavaScript, TypeScript, Erlang, Go, Groovy, Ruby,
<depends optional="true" config-file="groovy-brackets.xml">org.intellij.groovy</depends>
Elixir, ObjectiveC, PHP, HTML, XML, SQL, Apex language, C#, Dart, Pug/Jade, Bash, Vue.js, C# Razor Pages, GLSL(the OpenGL Shading Language), Go Template, C++, C...</p>
<!--<depends optional="true" config-file="csharp-annotator.xml">com.intellij.modules.rider</depends>-->
<depends optional="true" config-file="csharp-brackets.xml">com.intellij.modules.rider</depends>
<p>Author's choice:Rainbow Brackets + One Dark Theme + Nyan Progress Bar + Fira Code(Font)</p>
<depends optional="true" config-file="intellij-haskell-annotator.xml">intellij.haskell</depends>
<depends optional="true" config-file="sql-brackets.xml">com.intellij.database</depends>
<depends optional="true" config-file="oc-brackets.xml">com.intellij.modules.clion</depends>
<img src=""
<depends optional="true" config-file="sh-brackets.xml"></depends>
border="0" width="500" height="205" alt="with-java"/></p>
<depends optional="true" config-file="php-brackets.xml">com.jetbrains.php</depends>
<depends optional="true" config-file="go-template-brackets.xml">org.jetbrains.plugins.go-template</depends>
<img src=""
<depends optional="true" config-file="jade-rainbow-visitor.xml">com.jetbrains.plugins.jade</depends>
border="0" width="500" height="167" alt="with-material-theme-ui.png"/></p>
<depends optional="true" config-file="python-brackets.xml">com.intellij.modules.python</depends>
<img src=""
border="0" width="500" height="250" alt="with-scala"/></p>
<extensionPoint name="bracePairProvider" beanClass="com.intellij.lang.LanguageExtensionPoint" dynamic="true">
<with attribute="implementationClass"
<img src=""
implements="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.provider.BracePairProvider" />
border="0" width="500" height="191" alt="with-kotlin"/></p>
<img src=""
border="0" width="500" height="190" alt="with-Clojure.png"/></p>
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<highlightVisitor implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.visitor.DefaultRainbowVisitor" />
<img src=""
<highlightVisitor implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.visitor.XmlRainbowVisitor" />
border="0" width="500" height="112" alt="with-HTML.png"/></p>
<applicationConfigurable instance="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings.RainbowConfigurable" displayName="Colored Brackets" parentId="appearance" />
<img src=""
border="0" width="500" height="206" alt="Highlight current scope.gif"/></p>
serviceImplementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings.RainbowSettings" />
<img src=""
implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings.RainbowColorsPageFactory" />
border="0" width="500" height="206" alt="Highlight current scope.gif"/></p>
implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings.RainbowColorsPageFactory" />
<additionalTextAttributes scheme="Default" file="colorSchemes/rainbow-color-default.xml" />
<additionalTextAttributes scheme="Darcula" file="colorSchemes/rainbow-color-default-darcula.xml" />
<highlightingPassFactory implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.indents.RainbowIndentsPassFactory" />
<li>Bump dependencies.</li>
<editorNotificationProvider implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.RainbowifyBanner" />
<listener class="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.listener.RainbowColorsSchemeListener" topic="com.intellij.openapi.editor.colors.EditorColorsListener" />
<li><a href="">#2484 Add configurable threshold for number of lines for big files.</a></li>
<action class="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.action.ScopeHighlightingAction"
text="Highlight Current Scope"
description="Highlight current scope.">
<li><a href="">#2478 Scope highlighting not working with Hiberbee Theme(and other themes).</a></li>
<mouse-shortcut keymap="$default" keystroke="control button3" />
<mouse-shortcut keymap="Mac OS X" keystroke="meta button3" />
<mouse-shortcut keymap="Mac OS X 10.5+" keystroke="meta button3" />
<action class="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.action.ScopeOutsideHighlightingRestrainAction"
<li><a href="">#2465 Improved performance of `annotateUtil`.</a></li>
text="Restrain Scope Highlighting"
description="Restrain outside of current scope highlighting.">
<mouse-shortcut keymap="$default" keystroke="alt button3" />
<mouse-shortcut keymap="Mac OS X" keystroke="alt button3" />
<mouse-shortcut keymap="Mac OS X 10.5+" keystroke="alt button3" />
<li><a href="">#2408 Support Code With Me client(Doesn't even need to be installed on the client side)</a></li>
<li>Handle exceptions in `RainbowHighlightVisitor.analyze()`</a></li>
<li>Cleanup 201.* stuff</a></li>
<li>Mirror changes from</a></li>
<li>Using textMatches instead of text to avoid expensive traverses the whole PSI tree & format code</a></li>
<li>Add support for rainbowify Python keywords</li>
<li>Compatible with DataSpell</li>
<li>Handle exceptions in `RainbowHighlightVisitor.analyze()`</a></li>
<li>Cleanup 201.* stuff</a></li>
<li>Mirror changes from</a></li>
<li>Using textMatches instead of text to avoid expensive traverses the whole PSI tree & format code</a></li>
<li>Add support for rainbowify Python keywords</li>
<li>Compatible with DataSpell</li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#2280: [SQL] the END keyword is improperly detected as closing a BEGIN scope when the END actually closes a CASE.</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#1993: Change the default color schema in light theme.</a></li>
<li>Nashorn Engine removed, compatible with JDK15+, tested with OpenJDK 17-ea+24 on MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) & IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 Build #IU-212.4638.7</li>
<li>Compatible with HUAWEI DevEco Studio</li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#2037: Wrong coloring in generic `<` after comparison operator `<`.</a></li>
<li>Error report removed.</li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#1068: @keeganwitt Add language exclusions to settings (closes #1046) (#1068) </a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#1067: Don't rainbowify big files notification annoying</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#1057: Wrong coloring in lambda expressions with braces</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#497: Add `<` & `>` support for C# </a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#191: C# Razor Pages (.cshtml) Support </a></li>
<li>Deprecated API usage removed.</li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#458: Color Parentheses In Go Template</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#988: (@Grandmother) minor: fix mispell in notification message</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#973: File text mismatch</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#497: C# in Rider - only squiggly brackets are rainbowified </a></li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#897: Initial support for Pug/Jade Language</a></li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#830: New option "Do NOT rainbowify template string"</a></li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#784: Disable rainbowify on big files(>1000 lines for now)</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#851: Rainbowify tag name doesn't works in JSX</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#875: cannot create configurable component</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#799 #817: Wrong element created by ASTFactory</a></li>
<li>Make as a non-dynamic plugin, so it now requires restart.</li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#516: Add option to raibowify tag name of XML/HTML(disabled by default)</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#279: Hide update notification on any click & Disable update notification support</a></li>
<li>Feature: Rainbowify XML/HTML tag name.</li>
<li>Feature: Upgrade to kotlin 1.4.10.</li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#279: Hide update notification on any click & Disable update notification support</a></li>
<li>Feature: Rainbowify XML/HTML tag name.</li>
<li>Feature: Upgrade to kotlin 1.4.10.</li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#481: rainbow-brackets does not support bash shell properly(for BashSupport Pro and Shell Script)</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#485: Incorrect coloriziong after lambda in C#</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#242: Colorization is applied only to left parenthesis in for loop(C#) </a></li>
<li>Feature: C# support switch to new implementation.</li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#476: Cannot create class com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.provider.SqlProvider</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#480: Plugin Incompatibility: Android Studio 4.2 Alpha 8</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#445: No working on Android Studio canary 4.2</a></li>
<li>Some bug fixs and code refactorings</li>
<li>Fix NPE</li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#436: Duplicated indent guides in 2020.2 EAP</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#410: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#429: NullPointerException</a></li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#427: Colorizing angle brackets for Typescript generics</a></li>
<li>Some refactoring!</li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#420: Exceptions in random color generator</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#423: Don't rainbow php and echo tag</a></li>
<li>Fix anonymous feedback</li>
<li>Some refactoring!</li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#417: Disable Rainbow Indents in Zen mode</a></li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#227: Coloring for angle bracket for C++ code</a></li>
<li>Fix some exceptions and refactoring!</li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#214: New color generator to generate your color schema</a></li>
<li>Fix <a href="">#410: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when number of colors to less than 5</a></li>
<li>First release of 2020.1 and Java 11!</li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#235: support SQL begin end colorization</a></li>
<li>Notification improved</li>
<li>Error report improved</li>
<li>Deprecated API usage removed</li>
<li>Initial support for <a href="">dynamic plugin</a></li>
<li>First release of 2020.1 and Java 11!</li>
<li>Feature <a href="">#235: support SQL begin end colorization</a></li>
<li>Notification improved</li>
<li>Error report improved</li>
<li>Deprecated API usage removed</li>
<li>Initial support for <a href="">dynamic plugin</a></li>
<li>Final release of 2017.2 and Java 8! start from the next release, we will build against with 2020.1 and Java 11</li>
<li>Compatible with Material Theme UI Plugin</li>
<li>Fix typo</li>
<li>Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException</li>
<li>Feature #391: Support cycle color on all bracket types(new option `Cycle count on all bracket types`)</li>
<li>Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException</li>
<li>#187 Feature: Ability to increase the number of colours in the IDE</li>
<li>#247 Feature: Add a button to apply the color code to all kind of brackets</li>
<li>#374 Feature: Add support for IntelliJ-Haskell</li>
<li>Fix #54: Disable rainbow for mxml files</li>
<li>Fix typo</li>
<li>Rollback indent guides</li>
<li>Compatible color schema with the latest version of material-theme-jetbrains</li>
<li>Fix some errors</li>
<li>Improve error report</li>
<li>Fix some errors with Nginx plugin</li>
<li>Improve rainbow indent guide lines</li>
<li>Improve error report.</li>
<li>Fix #259 Runtime error in rainbow indent guide lines.</li>
<li>Fix #252 Runtime error in rainbow indent guide lines.</li>
<li>Fix #254 Nginx support is been disabled from now on.</li>
<li>Re-enable anonymous feedback</li>
<li>#164 #251 New feature: Rainbow indent guide lines(experimental), Thanks !</li>
<li>Fix #243 #180, allow users custom matched brace by setting `overrideMatchedBraceAttributes = false`</li>
<li>#65 [Scope Highlighting] now the effects will not been removed after shortcut released, users could press the key `ESC` to do this. There also have an option `Press any key to remove the highlighting effects`</li>
<li>Refactoring & Remove dead code</li>
<li>#233 Option to not rainbowify brackets of the first level</li>
<li>#234 Color is displayed with wrong order in C# code</li>
<li>Fix notification.</li>
<li>Add notification for custom your own rainbow colors.</li>
<li>More color options for squiggly brackets before cycle(#215).</li>
<li>NullPointerException in while analyse code(#216).</li>
<li>Add shiny new icon.</li>
<li>Fix support for kotlin scheme attribute "KOTLIN_FUNCTION_LITERAL_BRACES_AND_ARROW".</li>
<li>Remove deprecated API usages.</li>
<li>Added Dart to the supported languages list(#205).</li>
<li>Fix macro support of Clang(#198)</li>
<li>Remove red-variation colors from default configuration(#192)</li>
<li>Intellij-rainbow-brackets now support C# language(#6)!</li>
<li>Now you could disable rainbow brackets for specific languages, see more info <a
<li>New color settings page!!! Thanks this PR(#179) from</li>
<li>See the new settings page in Settings/Preferences > Editor > Color Scheme > Rainbow Brackets.</li>
<li>Fix wrong background color on a light theme of "MATCHED_BRACE_ATTRIBUTES"(#155).</li>
<li>Rainbow Kotlin lambda expression arrow(#142).</li>
<li>Experimental feature: Highlight Kotlin label(#143).</li>
<li>Improve configs & docs.</li>
<li>Cleanup temp code & deprecated code.</li>
<li>Remove anonymous feedback.</li>
<li>Improve anonymous feedback</li>
<li>Override kotlin plugin setting `KOTLIN_FUNCTION_LITERAL_BRACES_AND_ARROW` to empty so that we could
rainbowify multiple level lambda expressions.
<li>Fix #67: Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key version</li>
<li>Improve anonymous feedback</li>
<li>Feature #52 Flat out all text other than brackets on key (Alt + Button3) press. (via pull request#63)
<li>Feature #61 Change Highlight Current Scope Keymap to Ctrl + Button3 (Windows & Linux) or Meta+ Button3
(Mac) (via pull request#63)
<li>Add anonymous feedback support</li>
<li>Fix #60 :Exception in v5.7</li>
<li>Experimental feature: Highlight current scope when Ctrl(Windows & Linux)/Meta(Mac) key pressed (feature
#37 / pull request#59)
<li>Experimental feature: Highlight current scope when Ctrl(Windows & Linux)/Meta(Mac) key pressed (feature
#37 / pull request#59)
<li>Performance improvement</li>
<li>Fix #53 The closing brackets or keywords are not highlighted (Ruby & PHP)</li>
<li>Fix #53 The closing brackets or keywords are not highlighted (Ruby & PHP)</li>
<li>Improve angle bracket support for Groovy</li>
<li>#48 Performance improvement</li>
<li>#49 Fix images size</li>
<li>#39 Enable rainbow html in js</li>
<li>Finally, intellij-rainbow-brackets released version 5.0 with all RC features & bug fix</li>
<li><b>Thanks for, which helps move this plugin from `Annotator` to
<li>Check more info at <a href="">here</a>
<li>From 5.x series we didn't need specific implementations like java/scala/kotlin specific implementations
in 3.x series anymore!
<li>#13 Add test for dart support & add `DartAngleBracketProvider` for support dart angle brackets</li>
<li>#18 where to customize brackets color? See the config guide in <a
<li>Add test for #39</li>
<li>#38 Add support for JSX (React)</li>
<li>Fix #27 Settings no longer works</li>
<li>#30 Adjust color: remove red, purple from color palettes, add some material design color to color
<li>#32 Add version info in setting page</li>
<li>#31 Fix 'Enablement of round brackets enables all but angle brackets'</li>
<li>#10 #2 Add setting to disable rainbow-ify brackets without content</li>
<li>Show update notification after plugin updated</li>
<li>Add a lot of tests</li>
<li>Convert all java code to kotlin</li>
<li>And with much more features not documented in release notes.</li>
<li>NOTE: this version are build against with IU-2017.2.7, but verified by IC-2017.2</li>
<li>#10 #2 Add setting to disable rainbow-ify brackets without content</li>
<li>Show update notification after plugin updated</li>
<li>Add a lot of tests</li>
<li>Convert all java code to kotlin</li>
<li>NOTE: this version are build against with IU-2017.2.7, but verified by IC-2017.2</li>
<li>#32 Add version info in setting page</li>
<li>#31 Fix 'Enablement of round brackets enables all but angle brackets(#31)'</li>
<li>#30 Adjust color: remove red, purple from color palettes, add some material design color to color
<li>Fix #27 Settings no longer works</li>
<li>This is the first RC releases on 5.x series!</li>
<li><b>Thanks for, which helps move this plugin from `Annotator` to
<li>Check more info at</li>
<li>This RC release has fantastic compatibility with previous release(3.x series).</li>
<li>From 5.x series we didn't need specific implementations like java/scala/kotlin specific implementations
in 3.x series anymore!
<li>And with much more features not documented in release notes.</li>
<li>Add a specific implementation for PHP language</li>
<li>Version 3.0 has been released, with all RC features & bug fix</li>
<li>Fix #23 Inconsistent colors</li>
<li>Fix #21 Wrong bracket colorization based on spaces</li>
<li>Fix #19 Kotlin expression inside string bug</li>
<li>Fix #12 Symbol less ">" is considered as a bracket even without leading "<"</li>
<li>Fix #11 Same level brackets should have same color</li>
<li>And much more!</li>
<li>Add specific implement for java/kotlin/scala/javascript</li>
<li>Add example to help people add specific implementation for specific language!</li>
<li>Check out on github</li>
<li>Adjust colors for default light theme. Thanks to</li>
<li>Add specific implement for java/kotlin/scala</li>
<li>So now in java/kotlin/scala same level brackets should have same color.</li>
<li>Fix: #19:Kotlin expression inside string bug</li>
<li>Remove option for enable/disable rainbow for HTML/XML</li>
<li>Add new setting page to control what/how to colorify:</li>
<li>1. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow</li>
<li>2. Add option to Enable rainbow for any unsupported languages</li>
<li>3. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow for HTML/XML</li>
<li>4. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow for round brackets</li>
<li>5. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow for squiggly brackets</li>
<li>6. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow for square brackets</li>
<li>7. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow for angle brackets</li>
<li>Add support for salesforce apex language, thanks for</li>
<li>Fix Rust support, thanks for</li>
<li>Add support for SQL</li>
<li>Add support for HTML/XML</li>
<li>Add support for C#</li>
<li>New identifiable colors</li>
<li>Rainbowify brackets faster!</li>
<li>Support IntelliJ IDEA based IDEs version 14 and above</li>
<li>Initial release</li>
<!-- please see for description -->
<idea-version since-build="203" until-build="222.*"/>
<!-- please see
on how to target different products -->
<depends optional="true" config-file="kotlin-brackets.xml">org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends>
<depends optional="true" config-file="JSX.xml">JavaScript</depends>
<depends optional="true" config-file="dart-brackets.xml">Dart</depends>
<depends optional="true" config-file="groovy-brackets.xml">org.intellij.groovy</depends>
<!--<depends optional="true" config-file="csharp-annotator.xml">com.intellij.modules.rider</depends>-->
<depends optional="true" config-file="csharp-brackets.xml">com.intellij.modules.rider</depends>
<depends optional="true" config-file="intellij-haskell-annotator.xml">intellij.haskell</depends>
<depends optional="true" config-file="sql-brackets.xml">com.intellij.database</depends>
<depends optional="true" config-file="oc-brackets.xml">com.intellij.modules.clion</depends>
<depends optional="true" config-file="sh-brackets.xml"></depends>
<depends optional="true" config-file="php-brackets.xml">com.jetbrains.php</depends>
<depends optional="true" config-file="go-template-brackets.xml">org.jetbrains.plugins.go-template</depends>
<depends optional="true" config-file="jade-rainbow-visitor.xml">com.jetbrains.plugins.jade</depends>
<depends optional="true" config-file="python-brackets.xml">com.intellij.modules.python</depends>
<extensionPoint name="bracePairProvider" beanClass="com.intellij.lang.LanguageExtensionPoint" dynamic="true">
<with attribute="implementationClass"
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<!--test only-->
<!--<annotator language="JAVA" implementationClass="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.annotator.RainbowAnnotator"/>-->
<highlightVisitor implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.visitor.DefaultRainbowVisitor"/>
<highlightVisitor implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.visitor.XmlRainbowVisitor"/>
<applicationConfigurable instance="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.settings.RainbowConfigurable"/>
<additionalTextAttributes scheme="Default" file="colorSchemes/rainbow-color-default.xml"/>
<additionalTextAttributes scheme="Darcula" file="colorSchemes/rainbow-color-default-darcula.xml"/>
<postStartupActivity implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.RainbowUpdateNotifyActivity"/>
<!--<errorHandler implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.util.GitHubErrorReporter"/>-->
<highlightingPassFactory implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.indents.RainbowIndentsPassFactory"/>
<applicationService serviceImplementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.ApplicationServicePlaceholder" id="ApplicationServicePlaceholder"/>
<editorNotificationProvider implementation="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.RainbowifyBanner"/>
<notificationGroup id="Rainbow Brackets Notification Group" displayType="STICKY_BALLOON"/>
<listener class="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.listener.RainbowColorsSchemeListener" topic="com.intellij.openapi.editor.colors.EditorColorsListener"/>
<action class="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.action.ScopeHighlightingAction"
text="Highlight Current Scope"
description="Highlight current scope.">
<mouse-shortcut keymap="$default" keystroke="control button3"/>
<mouse-shortcut keymap="Mac OS X" keystroke="meta button3"/>
<mouse-shortcut keymap="Mac OS X 10.5+" keystroke="meta button3"/>
<action class="com.github.izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.action.ScopeOutsideHighlightingRestrainAction"
text="Restrain Scope Highlighting"
description="Restrain outside of current scope highlighting.">
<mouse-shortcut keymap="$default" keystroke="alt button3"/>
<mouse-shortcut keymap="Mac OS X" keystroke="alt button3"/>
<mouse-shortcut keymap="Mac OS X 10.5+" keystroke="alt button3"/>
@ -1 +0,0 @@
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