
74 lines
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<name>Inspection Lens</name>
<vendor url="">chylex</vendor>
Shows errors, warnings, and other inspection highlights inline.
After installing the plugin, inspection descriptions will appear after the ends of lines, and the lines will be highlighted with a background color.
Shown inspection severities are <b>Errors</b>, <b>Warnings</b>, <b>Weak Warnings</b>, <b>Server Problems</b>, <b>Grammar Errors</b>, <b>Typos</b>, and other inspections from plugins or future IntelliJ versions that have a high enough severity level.
Each severity has a different color, with support for both light and dark themes.
Note: The plugin is not customizable outside the ability to disable/enable the plugin without restarting the IDE.
If the defaults don't work for you, I recommend trying the <a href="">Inline Error</a> plugin which can be customized, building your own version of Inspection Lens, or proposing your change in the <a href="">issue tracker</a>.
Inspired by <a href="">Error Lens</a> for VS Code, and <a href="">Inline Error</a> for IntelliJ Platform.
<b>Version 1.3.3</b>
<li>Partially reverted fix for inspections that include HTML in their description due to breaking inspections with angled brackets.</li>
<li>Fixed plugin not working when installed on JetBrains Gateway Client.</li>
<b>Version 1.3.2</b>
<li>Fixed inspections randomly not disappearing.</li>
<b>Version 1.3.1</b>
<li>Updated minimum version to IntelliJ 2023.3 due to breaking API changes.</li>
<b>Version 1.3.0</b>
<li>Added background colors to lines containing inspections. (<a href="">PR #15</a> by <a href="">synopss</a>)</li>
<b>Version 1.2.0</b>
<li>Support for IntelliJ 2023.2 EAP.</li>
<li>Added distinct colors for typos and Grazie inspections.</li>
<b>Version 1.1.2</b>
<li>Added plugin icon.</li>
<li>Updated minimum version to IntelliJ 2023.1 due to deprecated APIs.</li>
<b>Version 1.1.1</b>
<li>Multiple inspections at the same place in the document are now ordered by severity.</li>
<li>Improved performance of processing inspections which do not contain HTML.</li>
<b>Version 1.1.0</b>
<li>Fixed showing inspections that include HTML in their description. (<a href="">PR #3</a> by <a href="">KostkaBrukowa</a>)</li>
<li>Fixed exception when asynchronous inspections run on a non-EDT thread.</li>
<b>Version 1.0.0</b>
<li>Initial version with support for IntelliJ 2022.2 and newer.</li>
<depends optional="true" config-file="compatibility/InspectionLens-Grazie.xml">tanvd.grazi</depends>
<listener class="com.chylex.intellij.inspectionlens.InspectionLensPluginListener" topic="com.intellij.ide.plugins.DynamicPluginListener" />
<listener class="com.chylex.intellij.inspectionlens.InspectionLensFileOpenedListener" topic="com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileOpenedSyncListener" />