mirror of https://github.com/chylex/Discord-History-Tracker.git synced 2024-10-22 05:42:49 +02:00

102 lines
4.5 KiB

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Server.Data;
using DHT.Server.Data.Filters;
using DHT.Server.Database;
using DHT.Server.Download;
using DHT.Utils.Collections;
using DHT.Utils.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
namespace DHT.Server.Endpoints;
sealed class TrackMessagesEndpoint(IDatabaseFile db) : BaseEndpoint(db) {
private const string HasNewMessages = "1";
private const string NoNewMessages = "0";
protected override async Task Respond(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
var root = await ReadJson(request);
if (root.ValueKind != JsonValueKind.Array) {
throw new HttpException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Expected root element to be an array.");
var addedMessageIds = new HashSet<ulong>();
var messages = new Message[root.GetArrayLength()];
int i = 0;
foreach (JsonElement ele in root.EnumerateArray()) {
var message = ReadMessage(ele, "message");
messages[i++] = message;
var addedMessageFilter = new MessageFilter { MessageIds = addedMessageIds };
bool anyNewMessages = await Db.Messages.Count(addedMessageFilter, CancellationToken.None) < addedMessageIds.Count;
await Db.Messages.Add(messages);
await response.WriteTextAsync(anyNewMessages ? HasNewMessages : NoNewMessages, cancellationToken);
private static Message ReadMessage(JsonElement json, string path) => new () {
Id = json.RequireSnowflake("id", path),
Sender = json.RequireSnowflake("sender", path),
Channel = json.RequireSnowflake("channel", path),
Text = json.RequireString("text", path),
Timestamp = json.RequireLong("timestamp", path),
EditTimestamp = json.HasKey("editTimestamp") ? json.RequireLong("editTimestamp", path) : null,
RepliedToId = json.HasKey("repliedToId") ? json.RequireSnowflake("repliedToId", path) : null,
Attachments = json.HasKey("attachments") ? ReadAttachments(json.RequireArray("attachments", path + ".attachments"), path + ".attachments[]").ToImmutableList() : ImmutableList<Attachment>.Empty,
Embeds = json.HasKey("embeds") ? ReadEmbeds(json.RequireArray("embeds", path + ".embeds"), path + ".embeds[]").ToImmutableList() : ImmutableList<Embed>.Empty,
Reactions = json.HasKey("reactions") ? ReadReactions(json.RequireArray("reactions", path + ".reactions"), path + ".reactions[]").ToImmutableList() : ImmutableList<Reaction>.Empty,
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "ConvertToLambdaExpression")]
private static IEnumerable<Attachment> ReadAttachments(JsonElement.ArrayEnumerator array, string path) => array.Select(ele => {
var downloadUrl = ele.RequireString("url", path);
return new Attachment {
Id = ele.RequireSnowflake("id", path),
Name = ele.RequireString("name", path),
Type = ele.HasKey("type") ? ele.RequireString("type", path) : null,
NormalizedUrl = DiscordCdn.NormalizeUrl(downloadUrl),
DownloadUrl = downloadUrl,
Size = (ulong) ele.RequireLong("size", path),
Width = ele.HasKey("width") ? ele.RequireInt("width", path) : null,
Height = ele.HasKey("height") ? ele.RequireInt("height", path) : null,
}).DistinctByKeyStable(static attachment => {
// Some Discord messages have duplicate attachments with the same id for unknown reasons.
return attachment.Id;
private static IEnumerable<Embed> ReadEmbeds(JsonElement.ArrayEnumerator array, string path) => array.Select(ele => new Embed {
Json = ele.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.String ? ele.ToString() : throw new HttpException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Expected key '" + path + "' to be a string.")
private static IEnumerable<Reaction> ReadReactions(JsonElement.ArrayEnumerator array, string path) => array.Select(ele => {
var reaction = new Reaction {
EmojiId = ele.HasKey("id") ? ele.RequireSnowflake("id", path) : null,
EmojiName = ele.HasKey("name") ? ele.RequireString("name", path) : null,
EmojiFlags = ReadEmojiFlag(ele, "isAnimated", path, EmojiFlags.Animated),
Count = ele.RequireInt("count", path),
if (reaction.EmojiId == null && reaction.EmojiName == null) {
throw new HttpException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Expected key '" + path + ".id' and/or '" + path + ".name' to be present.");
return reaction;
private static EmojiFlags ReadEmojiFlag(JsonElement ele, string key, string path, EmojiFlags flag) {
return ele.HasKey(key) && ele.RequireBool(key, path) ? flag : EmojiFlags.None;