mirror of https://github.com/chylex/Discord-History-Tracker.git synced 2024-10-22 14:42:49 +02:00

150 lines
4.9 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Server.Data;
using DHT.Server.Data.Filters;
using DHT.Utils.Logging;
namespace DHT.Server.Database.Export;
static class ViewerJsonExport {
private static readonly Log Log = Log.ForType(typeof(ViewerJsonExport));
public static async Task GetMetadata(Stream stream, IDatabaseFile db, MessageFilter? filter = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {
var perf = Log.Start();
var includedChannels = new List<Channel>();
var includedServerIds = new HashSet<ulong>();
var channelIdFilter = filter?.ChannelIds;
await foreach (var channel in db.Channels.Get(cancellationToken)) {
if (channelIdFilter == null || channelIdFilter.Contains(channel.Id)) {
var users = await GenerateUserList(db, cancellationToken);
var servers = await GenerateServerList(db, includedServerIds, cancellationToken);
var channels = GenerateChannelList(includedChannels);
var meta = new ViewerJson.JsonMeta {
Users = users,
Servers = servers,
Channels = channels
perf.Step("Collect database data");
await JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(stream, meta, ViewerJsonMetadataContext.Default.JsonMeta, cancellationToken);
perf.Step("Serialize to JSON");
public static async Task GetMessages(Stream stream, IDatabaseFile db, MessageFilter? filter = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {
var perf = Log.Start();
ReadOnlyMemory<byte> newLine = "\n"u8.ToArray();
await foreach(var message in GenerateMessageList(db, filter, cancellationToken)) {
await JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(stream, message, ViewerJsonMessageContext.Default.JsonMessage, cancellationToken);
await stream.WriteAsync(newLine, cancellationToken);
perf.Step("Generate and serialize messages to JSON");
private static async Task<Dictionary<Snowflake, ViewerJson.JsonUser>> GenerateUserList(IDatabaseFile db, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
var users = new Dictionary<Snowflake, ViewerJson.JsonUser>();
await foreach (var user in db.Users.Get(cancellationToken)) {
users[user.Id] = new ViewerJson.JsonUser {
Name = user.Name,
DisplayName = user.DisplayName,
Avatar = user.AvatarUrl,
return users;
private static async Task<Dictionary<Snowflake, ViewerJson.JsonServer>> GenerateServerList(IDatabaseFile db, HashSet<ulong> serverIds, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
var servers = new Dictionary<Snowflake, ViewerJson.JsonServer>();
await foreach (var server in db.Servers.Get(cancellationToken)) {
if (!serverIds.Contains(server.Id)) {
servers[server.Id] = new ViewerJson.JsonServer {
Name = server.Name,
Type = ServerTypes.ToJsonViewerString(server.Type)
return servers;
private static Dictionary<Snowflake, ViewerJson.JsonChannel> GenerateChannelList(List<Channel> includedChannels) {
var channels = new Dictionary<Snowflake, ViewerJson.JsonChannel>();
foreach (var channel in includedChannels) {
channels[channel.Id] = new ViewerJson.JsonChannel {
Server = channel.Server,
Name = channel.Name,
Parent = channel.ParentId?.ToString(),
Position = channel.Position,
Topic = channel.Topic,
Nsfw = channel.Nsfw
return channels;
private static async IAsyncEnumerable<ViewerJson.JsonMessage> GenerateMessageList(IDatabaseFile db, MessageFilter? filter, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
await foreach (var message in db.Messages.Get(filter, cancellationToken)) {
yield return new ViewerJson.JsonMessage {
Id = message.Id,
C = message.Channel,
U = message.Sender,
T = message.Timestamp,
M = string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Text) ? null : message.Text,
Te = message.EditTimestamp,
R = message.RepliedToId?.ToString(),
A = message.Attachments.IsEmpty ? null : message.Attachments.Select(static attachment => {
var a = new ViewerJson.JsonMessageAttachment {
Url = attachment.DownloadUrl,
Name = Uri.TryCreate(attachment.NormalizedUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out var uri) ? Path.GetFileName(uri.LocalPath) : attachment.NormalizedUrl
if (attachment is { Width: not null, Height: not null }) {
a.Width = attachment.Width;
a.Height = attachment.Height;
return a;
E = message.Embeds.IsEmpty ? null : message.Embeds.Select(static embed => embed.Json).ToArray(),
Re = message.Reactions.IsEmpty ? null : message.Reactions.Select(static reaction => new ViewerJson.JsonMessageReaction {
Id = reaction.EmojiId?.ToString(),
N = reaction.EmojiName,
A = reaction.EmojiFlags.HasFlag(EmojiFlags.Animated),
C = reaction.Count