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synced 2025-01-10 07:42:49 +01:00
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Server.Data;
using DHT.Server.Data.Aggregations;
using DHT.Server.Data.Filters;
using DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Utils;
using DHT.Server.Download;
using DHT.Utils.Collections;
using DHT.Utils.Logging;
using DHT.Utils.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite;
namespace DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite;
public sealed class SqliteDatabaseFile : IDatabaseFile {
private const int DefaultPoolSize = 5;
public static async Task<SqliteDatabaseFile?> OpenOrCreate(string path, ISchemaUpgradeCallbacks schemaUpgradeCallbacks, TaskScheduler computeTaskResultScheduler) {
var connectionString = new SqliteConnectionStringBuilder {
DataSource = path,
Mode = SqliteOpenMode.ReadWriteCreate,
var pool = new SqliteConnectionPool(connectionString, DefaultPoolSize);
bool wasOpened;
try {
using var conn = pool.Take();
wasOpened = await new Schema(conn).Setup(schemaUpgradeCallbacks);
} catch (Exception) {
if (wasOpened) {
return new SqliteDatabaseFile(path, pool, computeTaskResultScheduler);
else {
return null;
public string Path { get; }
public DatabaseStatistics Statistics { get; }
private readonly Log log;
private readonly SqliteConnectionPool pool;
private readonly AsyncValueComputer<long>.Single totalMessagesComputer;
private readonly AsyncValueComputer<long>.Single totalAttachmentsComputer;
private readonly AsyncValueComputer<long>.Single totalDownloadsComputer;
private SqliteDatabaseFile(string path, SqliteConnectionPool pool, TaskScheduler computeTaskResultScheduler) {
this.log = Log.ForType(typeof(SqliteDatabaseFile), System.IO.Path.GetFileName(path));
this.pool = pool;
this.totalMessagesComputer = AsyncValueComputer<long>.WithResultProcessor(UpdateMessageStatistics, computeTaskResultScheduler).WithOutdatedResults().BuildWithComputer(ComputeMessageStatistics);
this.totalAttachmentsComputer = AsyncValueComputer<long>.WithResultProcessor(UpdateAttachmentStatistics, computeTaskResultScheduler).WithOutdatedResults().BuildWithComputer(ComputeAttachmentStatistics);
this.totalDownloadsComputer = AsyncValueComputer<long>.WithResultProcessor(UpdateDownloadStatistics, computeTaskResultScheduler).WithOutdatedResults().BuildWithComputer(ComputeDownloadStatistics);
this.Path = path;
this.Statistics = new DatabaseStatistics();
using (var conn = pool.Take()) {
public void Dispose() {
public DatabaseStatisticsSnapshot SnapshotStatistics() {
return new DatabaseStatisticsSnapshot {
TotalServers = Statistics.TotalServers,
TotalChannels = Statistics.TotalChannels,
TotalUsers = Statistics.TotalUsers,
TotalMessages = ComputeMessageStatistics(),
public void AddServer(Data.Server server) {
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Upsert("servers", new[] {
("id", SqliteType.Integer),
("name", SqliteType.Text),
("type", SqliteType.Text),
cmd.Set(":id", server.Id);
cmd.Set(":name", server.Name);
cmd.Set(":type", ServerTypes.ToString(server.Type));
public List<Data.Server> GetAllServers() {
var perf = log.Start();
var list = new List<Data.Server>();
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT id, name, type FROM servers");
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read()) {
list.Add(new Data.Server {
Id = reader.GetUint64(0),
Name = reader.GetString(1),
Type = ServerTypes.FromString(reader.GetString(2)),
return list;
public void AddChannel(Channel channel) {
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Upsert("channels", new[] {
("id", SqliteType.Integer),
("server", SqliteType.Integer),
("name", SqliteType.Text),
("parent_id", SqliteType.Integer),
("position", SqliteType.Integer),
("topic", SqliteType.Text),
("nsfw", SqliteType.Integer),
cmd.Set(":id", channel.Id);
cmd.Set(":server", channel.Server);
cmd.Set(":name", channel.Name);
cmd.Set(":parent_id", channel.ParentId);
cmd.Set(":position", channel.Position);
cmd.Set(":topic", channel.Topic);
cmd.Set(":nsfw", channel.Nsfw);
public List<Channel> GetAllChannels() {
var list = new List<Channel>();
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT id, server, name, parent_id, position, topic, nsfw FROM channels");
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read()) {
list.Add(new Channel {
Id = reader.GetUint64(0),
Server = reader.GetUint64(1),
Name = reader.GetString(2),
ParentId = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? null : reader.GetUint64(3),
Position = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? null : reader.GetInt32(4),
Topic = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? null : reader.GetString(5),
Nsfw = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? null : reader.GetBoolean(6),
return list;
public void AddUsers(User[] users) {
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var tx = conn.BeginTransaction();
using var cmd = conn.Upsert("users", new[] {
("id", SqliteType.Integer),
("name", SqliteType.Text),
("avatar_url", SqliteType.Text),
("discriminator", SqliteType.Text),
foreach (var user in users) {
cmd.Set(":id", user.Id);
cmd.Set(":name", user.Name);
cmd.Set(":avatar_url", user.AvatarUrl);
cmd.Set(":discriminator", user.Discriminator);
public List<User> GetAllUsers() {
var perf = log.Start();
var list = new List<User>();
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT id, name, avatar_url, discriminator FROM users");
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read()) {
list.Add(new User {
Id = reader.GetUint64(0),
Name = reader.GetString(1),
AvatarUrl = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? null : reader.GetString(2),
Discriminator = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? null : reader.GetString(3),
return list;
public void AddMessages(Message[] messages) {
static SqliteCommand DeleteByMessageId(ISqliteConnection conn, string tableName) {
return conn.Delete(tableName, ("message_id", SqliteType.Integer));
static void ExecuteDeleteByMessageId(SqliteCommand cmd, object id) {
cmd.Set(":message_id", id);
bool addedAttachments = false;
using (var conn = pool.Take()) {
using var tx = conn.BeginTransaction();
using var messageCmd = conn.Upsert("messages", new[] {
("message_id", SqliteType.Integer),
("sender_id", SqliteType.Integer),
("channel_id", SqliteType.Integer),
("text", SqliteType.Text),
("timestamp", SqliteType.Integer),
using var deleteEditTimestampCmd = DeleteByMessageId(conn, "edit_timestamps");
using var deleteRepliedToCmd = DeleteByMessageId(conn, "replied_to");
using var deleteAttachmentsCmd = DeleteByMessageId(conn, "attachments");
using var deleteEmbedsCmd = DeleteByMessageId(conn, "embeds");
using var deleteReactionsCmd = DeleteByMessageId(conn, "reactions");
using var editTimestampCmd = conn.Insert("edit_timestamps", new [] {
("message_id", SqliteType.Integer),
("edit_timestamp", SqliteType.Integer),
using var repliedToCmd = conn.Insert("replied_to", new [] {
("message_id", SqliteType.Integer),
("replied_to_id", SqliteType.Integer),
using var attachmentCmd = conn.Insert("attachments", new[] {
("message_id", SqliteType.Integer),
("attachment_id", SqliteType.Integer),
("name", SqliteType.Text),
("type", SqliteType.Text),
("normalized_url", SqliteType.Text),
("download_url", SqliteType.Text),
("size", SqliteType.Integer),
("width", SqliteType.Integer),
("height", SqliteType.Integer),
using var embedCmd = conn.Insert("embeds", new[] {
("message_id", SqliteType.Integer),
("json", SqliteType.Text),
using var reactionCmd = conn.Insert("reactions", new[] {
("message_id", SqliteType.Integer),
("emoji_id", SqliteType.Integer),
("emoji_name", SqliteType.Text),
("emoji_flags", SqliteType.Integer),
("count", SqliteType.Integer),
foreach (var message in messages) {
object messageId = message.Id;
messageCmd.Set(":message_id", messageId);
messageCmd.Set(":sender_id", message.Sender);
messageCmd.Set(":channel_id", message.Channel);
messageCmd.Set(":text", message.Text);
messageCmd.Set(":timestamp", message.Timestamp);
ExecuteDeleteByMessageId(deleteEditTimestampCmd, messageId);
ExecuteDeleteByMessageId(deleteRepliedToCmd, messageId);
ExecuteDeleteByMessageId(deleteAttachmentsCmd, messageId);
ExecuteDeleteByMessageId(deleteEmbedsCmd, messageId);
ExecuteDeleteByMessageId(deleteReactionsCmd, messageId);
if (message.EditTimestamp is {} timestamp) {
editTimestampCmd.Set(":message_id", messageId);
editTimestampCmd.Set(":edit_timestamp", timestamp);
if (message.RepliedToId is {} repliedToId) {
repliedToCmd.Set(":message_id", messageId);
repliedToCmd.Set(":replied_to_id", repliedToId);
if (!message.Attachments.IsEmpty) {
addedAttachments = true;
foreach (var attachment in message.Attachments) {
attachmentCmd.Set(":message_id", messageId);
attachmentCmd.Set(":attachment_id", attachment.Id);
attachmentCmd.Set(":name", attachment.Name);
attachmentCmd.Set(":type", attachment.Type);
attachmentCmd.Set(":normalized_url", attachment.NormalizedUrl);
attachmentCmd.Set(":download_url", attachment.DownloadUrl);
attachmentCmd.Set(":size", attachment.Size);
attachmentCmd.Set(":width", attachment.Width);
attachmentCmd.Set(":height", attachment.Height);
if (!message.Embeds.IsEmpty) {
foreach (var embed in message.Embeds) {
embedCmd.Set(":message_id", messageId);
embedCmd.Set(":json", embed.Json);
if (!message.Reactions.IsEmpty) {
foreach (var reaction in message.Reactions) {
reactionCmd.Set(":message_id", messageId);
reactionCmd.Set(":emoji_id", reaction.EmojiId);
reactionCmd.Set(":emoji_name", reaction.EmojiName);
reactionCmd.Set(":emoji_flags", (int) reaction.EmojiFlags);
reactionCmd.Set(":count", reaction.Count);
if (addedAttachments) {
public int CountMessages(MessageFilter? filter = null) {
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages" + filter.GenerateWhereClause());
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
return reader.Read() ? reader.GetInt32(0) : 0;
public List<Message> GetMessages(MessageFilter? filter = null, bool includeText = true) {
var perf = log.Start();
var list = new List<Message>();
var attachments = GetAllAttachments();
var embeds = GetAllEmbeds();
var reactions = GetAllReactions();
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command($"""
SELECT m.message_id, m.sender_id, m.channel_id, {(includeText ? "m.text" : "NULL")}, m.timestamp, et.edit_timestamp, rt.replied_to_id
FROM messages m
LEFT JOIN edit_timestamps et ON m.message_id = et.message_id
LEFT JOIN replied_to rt ON m.message_id = rt.message_id
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read()) {
ulong id = reader.GetUint64(0);
list.Add(new Message {
Id = id,
Sender = reader.GetUint64(1),
Channel = reader.GetUint64(2),
Text = includeText ? reader.GetString(3) : string.Empty,
Timestamp = reader.GetInt64(4),
EditTimestamp = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? null : reader.GetInt64(5),
RepliedToId = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? null : reader.GetUint64(6),
Attachments = attachments.GetListOrNull(id)?.ToImmutableArray() ?? ImmutableArray<Attachment>.Empty,
Embeds = embeds.GetListOrNull(id)?.ToImmutableArray() ?? ImmutableArray<Embed>.Empty,
Reactions = reactions.GetListOrNull(id)?.ToImmutableArray() ?? ImmutableArray<Reaction>.Empty,
return list;
public HashSet<ulong> GetMessageIds(MessageFilter? filter = null) {
var perf = log.Start();
var ids = new HashSet<ulong>();
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT message_id FROM messages" + filter.GenerateWhereClause());
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read()) {
return ids;
public void RemoveMessages(MessageFilter filter, FilterRemovalMode mode) {
var perf = log.Start();
DeleteFromTable("messages", filter.GenerateWhereClause(invert: mode == FilterRemovalMode.KeepMatching));
public int CountAttachments(AttachmentFilter? filter = null) {
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT normalized_url) FROM attachments a" + filter.GenerateWhereClause("a"));
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
return reader.Read() ? reader.GetInt32(0) : 0;
public void AddDownload(Data.Download download) {
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Upsert("downloads", new[] {
("normalized_url", SqliteType.Text),
("download_url", SqliteType.Text),
("status", SqliteType.Integer),
("size", SqliteType.Integer),
("blob", SqliteType.Blob),
cmd.Set(":normalized_url", download.NormalizedUrl);
cmd.Set(":download_url", download.DownloadUrl);
cmd.Set(":status", (int) download.Status);
cmd.Set(":size", download.Size);
cmd.Set(":blob", download.Data);
public List<Data.Download> GetDownloadsWithoutData() {
var list = new List<Data.Download>();
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT normalized_url, download_url, status, size FROM downloads");
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read()) {
string normalizedUrl = reader.GetString(0);
string downloadUrl = reader.GetString(1);
var status = (DownloadStatus) reader.GetInt32(2);
ulong size = reader.GetUint64(3);
list.Add(new Data.Download(normalizedUrl, downloadUrl, status, size));
return list;
public Data.Download GetDownloadWithData(Data.Download download) {
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT blob FROM downloads WHERE normalized_url = :url");
cmd.AddAndSet(":url", SqliteType.Text, download.NormalizedUrl);
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.Read() && !reader.IsDBNull(0)) {
return download.WithData((byte[]) reader["blob"]);
else {
return download;
public DownloadedAttachment? GetDownloadedAttachment(string normalizedUrl) {
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command("""
SELECT a.type, d.blob FROM downloads d
LEFT JOIN attachments a ON d.normalized_url = a.normalized_url
WHERE d.normalized_url = :normalized_url AND d.status = :success AND d.blob IS NOT NULL
cmd.AddAndSet(":normalized_url", SqliteType.Text, normalizedUrl);
cmd.AddAndSet(":success", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Success);
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (!reader.Read()) {
return null;
return new DownloadedAttachment {
Type = reader.IsDBNull(0) ? null : reader.GetString(0),
Data = (byte[]) reader["blob"],
public void EnqueueDownloadItems(AttachmentFilter? filter = null) {
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command($"""
INSERT INTO downloads (normalized_url, download_url, status, size)
SELECT a.normalized_url, a.download_url, :enqueued, MAX(a.size)
FROM attachments a
GROUP BY a.normalized_url
cmd.AddAndSet(":enqueued", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Enqueued);
public List<DownloadItem> GetEnqueuedDownloadItems(int count) {
var list = new List<DownloadItem>();
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT normalized_url, download_url, size FROM downloads WHERE status = :enqueued LIMIT :limit");
cmd.AddAndSet(":enqueued", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Enqueued);
cmd.AddAndSet(":limit", SqliteType.Integer, Math.Max(0, count));
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read()) {
list.Add(new DownloadItem {
NormalizedUrl = reader.GetString(0),
DownloadUrl = reader.GetString(1),
Size = reader.GetUint64(2),
return list;
public void RemoveDownloadItems(DownloadItemFilter? filter, FilterRemovalMode mode) {
DeleteFromTable("downloads", filter.GenerateWhereClause(invert: mode == FilterRemovalMode.KeepMatching));
public DownloadStatusStatistics GetDownloadStatusStatistics() {
static void LoadUndownloadedStatistics(ISqliteConnection conn, DownloadStatusStatistics result) {
using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT IFNULL(COUNT(size), 0), IFNULL(SUM(size), 0) FROM (SELECT MAX(a.size) size FROM attachments a WHERE a.normalized_url NOT IN (SELECT d.normalized_url FROM downloads d) GROUP BY a.normalized_url)");
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.Read()) {
result.SkippedCount = reader.GetInt32(0);
result.SkippedSize = reader.GetUint64(1);
static void LoadSuccessStatistics(ISqliteConnection conn, DownloadStatusStatistics result) {
using var cmd = conn.Command("""
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status = :enqueued THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status = :enqueued THEN size ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status = :success THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status = :success THEN size ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status != :enqueued AND status != :success THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status != :enqueued AND status != :success THEN size ELSE 0 END), 0)
FROM downloads
cmd.AddAndSet(":enqueued", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Enqueued);
cmd.AddAndSet(":success", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Success);
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.Read()) {
result.EnqueuedCount = reader.GetInt32(0);
result.EnqueuedSize = reader.GetUint64(1);
result.SuccessfulCount = reader.GetInt32(2);
result.SuccessfulSize = reader.GetUint64(3);
result.FailedCount = reader.GetInt32(4);
result.FailedSize = reader.GetUint64(5);
var result = new DownloadStatusStatistics();
using var conn = pool.Take();
LoadUndownloadedStatistics(conn, result);
LoadSuccessStatistics(conn, result);
return result;
private MultiDictionary<ulong, Attachment> GetAllAttachments() {
var dict = new MultiDictionary<ulong, Attachment>();
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT message_id, attachment_id, name, type, normalized_url, download_url, size, width, height FROM attachments");
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read()) {
ulong messageId = reader.GetUint64(0);
dict.Add(messageId, new Attachment {
Id = reader.GetUint64(1),
Name = reader.GetString(2),
Type = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? null : reader.GetString(3),
NormalizedUrl = reader.GetString(4),
DownloadUrl = reader.GetString(5),
Size = reader.GetUint64(6),
Width = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? null : reader.GetInt32(7),
Height = reader.IsDBNull(8) ? null : reader.GetInt32(8),
return dict;
private MultiDictionary<ulong, Embed> GetAllEmbeds() {
var dict = new MultiDictionary<ulong, Embed>();
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT message_id, json FROM embeds");
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read()) {
ulong messageId = reader.GetUint64(0);
dict.Add(messageId, new Embed {
Json = reader.GetString(1),
return dict;
private MultiDictionary<ulong, Reaction> GetAllReactions() {
var dict = new MultiDictionary<ulong, Reaction>();
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT message_id, emoji_id, emoji_name, emoji_flags, count FROM reactions");
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read()) {
ulong messageId = reader.GetUint64(0);
dict.Add(messageId, new Reaction {
EmojiId = reader.IsDBNull(1) ? null : reader.GetUint64(1),
EmojiName = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? null : reader.GetString(2),
EmojiFlags = (EmojiFlags) reader.GetInt16(3),
Count = reader.GetInt32(4),
return dict;
private void DeleteFromTable(string table, string whereClause) {
// Rider is being stupid...
StringBuilder build = new StringBuilder()
.Append("DELETE ")
.Append("FROM ")
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command(build.ToString());
public void Vacuum() {
using var conn = pool.Take();
using var cmd = conn.Command("VACUUM");
private void UpdateServerStatistics(ISqliteConnection conn) {
Statistics.TotalServers = conn.SelectScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM servers") as long? ?? 0;
private void UpdateChannelStatistics(ISqliteConnection conn) {
Statistics.TotalChannels = conn.SelectScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM channels") as long? ?? 0;
private void UpdateUserStatistics(ISqliteConnection conn) {
Statistics.TotalUsers = conn.SelectScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users") as long? ?? 0;
private long ComputeMessageStatistics() {
using var conn = pool.Take();
return conn.SelectScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages") as long? ?? 0L;
private void UpdateMessageStatistics(long totalMessages) {
Statistics.TotalMessages = totalMessages;
private long ComputeAttachmentStatistics() {
using var conn = pool.Take();
return conn.SelectScalar("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT normalized_url) FROM attachments") as long? ?? 0L;
private void UpdateAttachmentStatistics(long totalAttachments) {
Statistics.TotalAttachments = totalAttachments;
private long ComputeDownloadStatistics() {
using var conn = pool.Take();
return conn.SelectScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM downloads") as long? ?? 0L;
private void UpdateDownloadStatistics(long totalDownloads) {
Statistics.TotalDownloads = totalDownloads;