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using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Avalonia.Controls;
using DHT.Desktop.Dialogs.Message;
using DHT.Desktop.Dialogs.Progress;
using DHT.Server;
using DHT.Server.Data;
using DHT.Server.Service;
namespace DHT.Desktop.Main.Pages;
sealed class DebugPageModel {
public string GenerateChannels { get; set; } = "0";
public string GenerateUsers { get; set; } = "0";
public string GenerateMessages { get; set; } = "0";
private readonly Window window;
private readonly State state;
public DebugPageModel() : this(null!, State.Dummy) {}
public DebugPageModel(Window window, State state) {
this.window = window;
this.state = state;
public async void OnClickAddRandomDataToDatabase() {
if (!int.TryParse(GenerateChannels, out int channels) || channels < 1) {
await Dialog.ShowOk(window, "Generate Random Data", "Amount of channels must be at least 1!");
if (!int.TryParse(GenerateUsers, out int users) || users < 1) {
await Dialog.ShowOk(window, "Generate Random Data", "Amount of users must be at least 1!");
if (!int.TryParse(GenerateMessages, out int messages) || messages < 1) {
await Dialog.ShowOk(window, "Generate Random Data", "Amount of messages must be at least 1!");
await ProgressDialog.Show(window, "Generating Random Data", async (_, callback) => await GenerateRandomData(channels, users, messages, callback));
private const int BatchSize = 500;
private async Task GenerateRandomData(int channelCount, int userCount, int messageCount, IProgressCallback callback) {
int batchCount = (messageCount + BatchSize - 1) / BatchSize;
await callback.Update("Adding messages in batches of " + BatchSize, finishedItems: 0, batchCount);
var rand = new Random();
var server = new DHT.Server.Data.Server {
Id = RandomId(rand),
Name = RandomName("s"),
Type = ServerType.Server,
Channel[] channels = Enumerable.Range(start: 0, channelCount).Select(i => new Channel {
Id = RandomId(rand),
Server = server.Id,
Name = RandomName("c"),
ParentId = null,
Position = i,
Topic = RandomText(rand, maxWords: 10),
Nsfw = rand.Next(4) == 0,
User[] users = Enumerable.Range(start: 0, userCount).Select(_ => new User {
Id = RandomId(rand),
Name = RandomName("u"),
DisplayName = RandomName("u"),
AvatarUrl = null,
Discriminator = rand.Next(minValue: 0, maxValue: 9999).ToString(),
await state.Db.Users.Add(users);
await state.Db.Servers.Add([server]);
await state.Db.Channels.Add(channels);
DateTimeOffset now = DateTimeOffset.Now;
int batchIndex = 0;
while (messageCount > 0) {
int hourOffset = batchIndex;
Message[] messages = Enumerable.Range(start: 0, Math.Min(messageCount, BatchSize)).Select(i => {
DateTimeOffset time = now.AddHours(hourOffset).AddMinutes(i * 60.0 / BatchSize);
DateTimeOffset? edit = rand.Next(100) == 0 ? time.AddSeconds(rand.Next(minValue: 1, maxValue: 60)) : null;
long timeMillis = time.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();
long? editMillis = edit?.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();
return new Message {
Id = (ulong) timeMillis,
Sender = RandomBiasedIndex(rand, users).Id,
Channel = RandomBiasedIndex(rand, channels).Id,
Text = RandomText(rand, maxWords: 100),
Timestamp = timeMillis,
EditTimestamp = editMillis,
RepliedToId = null,
Attachments = ImmutableList<Attachment>.Empty,
Embeds = ImmutableList<Embed>.Empty,
Reactions = ImmutableList<Reaction>.Empty,
await state.Db.Messages.Add(messages);
messageCount -= BatchSize;
await callback.Update("Adding messages in batches of " + BatchSize, ++batchIndex, batchCount);
private static ulong RandomId(Random rand) {
ulong h = unchecked((ulong) rand.Next());
ulong l = unchecked((ulong) rand.Next());
return (h << 32) | l;
private static string RandomName(string prefix) {
return prefix + "-" + ServerUtils.GenerateRandomToken(5);
private static T RandomBiasedIndex<T>(Random rand, T[] options) {
return options[(int) Math.Floor(options.Length * rand.NextDouble() * rand.NextDouble())];
private static readonly string[] RandomWords = [
"apple", "apricot", "artichoke", "arugula", "asparagus", "avocado",
"banana", "bean", "beechnut", "beet", "blackberry", "blackcurrant", "blueberry", "boysenberry", "bramble", "broccoli",
"cabbage", "cacao", "cantaloupe", "caper", "carambola", "carrot", "cauliflower", "celery", "chard", "cherry", "chokeberry", "citron", "clementine", "coconut", "corn", "crabapple", "cranberry", "cucumber", "currant",
"daikon", "date", "dewberry", "durian",
"edamame", "eggplant", "elderberry", "endive",
"garlic", "ginger", "gooseberry", "grape", "grapefruit", "guava",
"honeysuckle", "horseradish", "huckleberry",
"jackfruit", "jicama",
"kale", "kiwi", "kohlrabi", "kumquat",
"leek", "lemon", "lentil", "lettuce", "lime",
"mandarin", "mango", "mushroom", "myrtle",
"nectarine", "nut",
"olive", "okra", "onion", "orange",
"papaya", "parsnip", "pawpaw", "peach", "pear", "pea", "pepper", "persimmon", "pineapple", "plum", "plantain", "pomegranate", "pomelo", "potato", "prune", "pumpkin",
"quandong", "quinoa",
"radicchio", "radish", "raisin", "raspberry", "redcurrant", "rhubarb", "rutabaga",
"spinach", "strawberry", "squash",
"tamarind", "tangerine", "tomatillo", "tomato", "turnip",
"watercress", "watermelon",
private static string RandomText(Random rand, int maxWords) {
int wordCount = 1 + (int) Math.Floor(maxWords * Math.Pow(rand.NextDouble(), y: 3));
return string.Join(separator: ' ', Enumerable.Range(start: 0, wordCount).Select(_ => RandomWords[rand.Next(RandomWords.Length)]));
namespace DHT.Desktop.Main.Pages;
sealed class DebugPageModel {
public string GenerateChannels { get; set; } = "0";
public string GenerateUsers { get; set; } = "0";
public string GenerateMessages { get; set; } = "0";
public void OnClickAddRandomDataToDatabase() {}