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Author SHA1 Message Date
chylex dfa6de8405
Add 2015 - Day 3 - Part 2 2022-02-22 06:09:40 +01:00
chylex 80820fa0c0
Add 2015 - Day 3 - Part 1 2022-02-22 05:01:34 +01:00
7 changed files with 603 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
<configuration default="false" name="2015 - Day 03" type="CMakeRunConfiguration" factoryName="Application" REDIRECT_INPUT="false" ELEVATE="false" USE_EXTERNAL_CONSOLE="false" WORKING_DIR="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/2015/03" PASS_PARENT_ENVS_2="true" PROJECT_NAME="AOC" TARGET_NAME="AOC_2015_03" CONFIG_NAME="Debug" RUN_TARGET_PROJECT_NAME="AOC" RUN_TARGET_NAME="AOC_2015_03">
<method v="2">
<option name="com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.CidrBuildBeforeRunTaskProvider$BuildBeforeRunTask" enabled="true" />

2015/03/CMakeLists.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
set(PROJECT_NAME AOC_2015_03)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} main.asm part1.asm part2.asm ../utils/main.c ../utils/file.h ../utils/benchmark.h)

2015/03/input/1.txt Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

2015/03/main.asm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
bits 64
default rel
section .text
extern part1
extern part2
global entryPoint
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push rcx
call part1
pop rcx
call part2

2015/03/part1.asm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
bits 64
default rel
section .text
extern print
extern malloc
extern free
global part1
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push rbx
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
sub rsp, 32
call findCoordinateRanges
call allocateGridArray
call zeroGridArray
call deliverPresents
mov rcx, r13
call free
lea rcx, [ print_houses_with_at_least_one_present ]
mov rdx, r12
call print
add rsp, 32
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop rbx
; TMP | rbx = value of current character of input string
; IN | rcx = pointer to current character of input string
; TMP | r8 = x coordinate
; TMP | r9 = y coordinate
; OUT | r10 = minimum x
; OUT | r11 = minimum y
; OUT | r12 = maximum x
; OUT | r13 = maximum y
; TMP | r14 = next x offset
; TMP | r15 = next y offset
push rcx ; remember the beginning of the input string
xor r8, r8
xor r9, r9
xor r10, r10
xor r11, r11
xor r12, r12
xor r13, r13
xor r14, r14
xor r15, r15
movzx rbx, byte [ rcx ] ; read current character
inc rcx ; move to next character
cmp bl, '^'
je .goUp
cmp bl, 'v'
je .goDown
cmp bl, '<'
je .goLeft
cmp bl, '>'
je .goRight
pop rcx ; for any other character, reset rcx to the beginning of the input string...
ret ; and return from the procedure
xor r14, r14
mov r15, -1
jmp .updateCoordinates
xor r14, r14
mov r15, 1
jmp .updateCoordinates
mov r14, -1
xor r15, r15
jmp .updateCoordinates
mov r14, 1
xor r15, r15
; fall through
add r8, r14 ; add x offset to the x coordinate
add r9, r15 ; add y offset to the y coordinate
cmp r10, r8 ; compare the minimum x with the current x coordinate
cmovg r10, r8 ; if the minimum is greater than x, set it to x
cmp r11, r9 ; compare the minimum y with the current y coordinate
cmovg r11, r9 ; if the minimum is greater than y, set it to y
cmp r12, r8 ; compare the maximum x with the current x coordinate
cmovl r12, r8 ; if the maximum is lesser than x, set it to x
cmp r13, r9 ; compare the maximum y with the current y coordinate
cmovl r13, r9 ; if the maximum is lesser than y, set it to y
jmp .nextChar
; TMP | rax = reserved for math
; IN | rcx = pointer to current character of input string
; OUT | r8 = width of the grid
; OUT | r9 = height of the grid
; IN | r10 = minimum x
; OUT | r10 = x coordinate where Santa starts
; IN | r11 = minimum y
; OUT | r11 = y coordinate where Santa starts
; IN | r12 = maximum x
; IN | r13 = maximum y
; OUT | r13 = pointer to beginning of grid array (2 bytes per cell)
; OUT | r14 = total size of the grid array in bytes
mov r8, r12 ; r8 = maximum x
sub r8, r10 ; r8 -= minimum x
inc r8 ; r8 += 1
mov r9, r13 ; r9 = maximum y
sub r9, r11 ; r9 -= minimum y
inc r9 ; r9 += 1
mov rax, r8
mul r9 ; rax = total width times total height, i.e. total grid area
add rax, rax ; rax = rax * 2 to store up to 2 bytes per grid cell
neg r10 ; Santa's new center on the x axis is the negated value of minimum x
neg r11 ; Santa's new center on the y axis is the negated value of minimum y
push rcx
push r8
push r9
push r10
push r11
push rax ; grid array size will be popped into r14 later
sub rsp, 8
mov rcx, rax
call malloc ; allocate grid array and store a pointer to the beginning in rax
mov r13, rax ; move grid pointer to r13
add rsp, 8
pop r14
pop r11
pop r10
pop r9
pop r8
pop rcx
; TMP | rax = pointer to current position in the grid array
; IN | r13 = pointer to beginning of grid array (2 bytes per cell)
; IN | r14 = total size of the grid array in bytes
; TMP | r15 = remaining bytes to clear
mov rax, r13
mov r15, r14
cmp r15, 0
jle .done
mov byte [ rax ], 0
inc rax
dec r15
jmp .loop
; TMP | rax = offset in the grid array
; TMP | rbx = value of current character of input string
; IN | rcx = pointer to current character of input string
; IN | r8 = width of the grid
; IN | r9 = height of the grid
; IN | r10 = x coordinate, initially set to where Santa starts
; IN | r11 = y coordinate, initially set to where Santa starts
; OUT | r12 = amount of houses that received at least one present
; IN | r13 = pointer to beginning of grid array (2 bytes per cell)
; TMP | r14 = next x offset
; TMP | r15 = next y offset
xor r12, r12
jmp .deliverPresent ; deliver first present to house at Santa's current location
movzx rbx, byte [ rcx ] ; read current character
inc rcx ; move to next character
cmp bl, '^'
je .goUp
cmp bl, 'v'
je .goDown
cmp bl, '<'
je .goLeft
cmp bl, '>'
je .goRight
ret ; for any other character, return from the procedure
xor r14, r14
mov r15, -1
jmp .moveAndDeliverPresent
xor r14, r14
mov r15, 1
jmp .moveAndDeliverPresent
mov r14, -1
xor r15, r15
jmp .moveAndDeliverPresent
mov r14, 1
xor r15, r15
; fall through
add r10, r14 ; add x offset to the x coordinate
add r11, r15 ; add y offset to the y coordinate
mov rax, r11 ; rax = y
mul r8 ; y * grid width
add rax, r10 ; y * grid width + x
add rax, rax ; double the offset because every cell is 2 bytes
inc word [ r13 + rax ]
cmp word [ r13 + rax ], 1
je .firstPresentForHouse
jmp .nextChar
inc r12
jmp .nextChar
section .data
print_houses_with_at_least_one_present: db `Total houses with at least one present: %d\n`, 0

2015/03/part2.asm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
bits 64
default rel
section .text
extern print
extern malloc
extern free
global part2
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push rbx
push rsi
push rdi
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
sub rsp, 32
call findCoordinateRanges
call allocateGridArray
call zeroGridArray
call deliverPresents
mov rcx, r13
call free
lea rcx, [ print_houses_with_at_least_one_present ]
mov rdx, r12
call print
add rsp, 32
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop rdi
pop rsi
pop rbx
; TMP | rbx = value of current character of input string
; IN | rcx = pointer to current character of input string
; TMP | r8 = x coordinate
; TMP | r9 = y coordinate
; OUT | r10 = minimum x
; OUT | r11 = minimum y
; OUT | r12 = maximum x
; OUT | r13 = maximum y
; TMP | r14 = next x offset
; TMP | r15 = next y offset
; TMP | rsi = x coordinate of the other type of Santa
; TMP | rdi = y coordinate of the other type of Santa
push rcx ; remember the beginning of the input string
xor r8, r8
xor r9, r9
xor r10, r10
xor r11, r11
xor r12, r12
xor r13, r13
xor r14, r14
xor r15, r15
xor rsi, rsi
xor rdi, rdi
movzx rbx, byte [ rcx ] ; read current character
inc rcx ; move to next character
cmp bl, '^'
je .goUp
cmp bl, 'v'
je .goDown
cmp bl, '<'
je .goLeft
cmp bl, '>'
je .goRight
pop rcx ; for any other character, reset rcx to the beginning of the input string...
ret ; and return from the procedure
xor r14, r14
mov r15, -1
jmp .updateCoordinates
xor r14, r14
mov r15, 1
jmp .updateCoordinates
mov r14, -1
xor r15, r15
jmp .updateCoordinates
mov r14, 1
xor r15, r15
; fall through
xchg r8, rsi ; exchange x coordinate of Flesh-Santa and Robo-Santa
xchg r9, rdi ; exchange y coordinate of Flesh-Santa and Robo-Santa
add r8, r14 ; add x offset to the x coordinate
add r9, r15 ; add y offset to the y coordinate
cmp r10, r8 ; compare the minimum x with the current x coordinate
cmovg r10, r8 ; if the minimum is greater than x, set it to x
cmp r11, r9 ; compare the minimum y with the current y coordinate
cmovg r11, r9 ; if the minimum is greater than y, set it to y
cmp r12, r8 ; compare the maximum x with the current x coordinate
cmovl r12, r8 ; if the maximum is lesser than x, set it to x
cmp r13, r9 ; compare the maximum y with the current y coordinate
cmovl r13, r9 ; if the maximum is lesser than y, set it to y
jmp .nextChar
; TMP | rax = reserved for math
; IN | rcx = pointer to current character of input string
; OUT | r8 = width of the grid
; OUT | r9 = height of the grid
; IN | r10 = minimum x
; OUT | r10 = x coordinate where Santa starts
; IN | r11 = minimum y
; OUT | r11 = y coordinate where Santa starts
; IN | r12 = maximum x
; IN | r13 = maximum y
; OUT | r13 = pointer to beginning of grid array (2 bytes per cell)
; OUT | r14 = total size of the grid array in bytes
mov r8, r12 ; r8 = maximum x
sub r8, r10 ; r8 -= minimum x
inc r8 ; r8 += 1
mov r9, r13 ; r9 = maximum y
sub r9, r11 ; r9 -= minimum y
inc r9 ; r9 += 1
mov rax, r8
mul r9 ; rax = total width times total height, i.e. total grid area
add rax, rax ; rax = rax * 2 to store up to 2 bytes per grid cell
neg r10 ; Santa's new center on the x axis is the negated value of minimum x
neg r11 ; Santa's new center on the y axis is the negated value of minimum y
push rcx
push r8
push r9
push r10
push r11
push rax ; grid array size will be popped into r14 later
sub rsp, 8
mov rcx, rax
call malloc ; allocate grid array and store a pointer to the beginning in rax
mov r13, rax ; move grid pointer to r13
add rsp, 8
pop r14
pop r11
pop r10
pop r9
pop r8
pop rcx
; TMP | rax = pointer to current position in the grid array
; IN | r13 = pointer to beginning of grid array (2 bytes per cell)
; IN | r14 = total size of the grid array in bytes
; TMP | r15 = remaining bytes to clear
mov rax, r13
mov r15, r14
cmp r15, 0
jle .done
mov byte [ rax ], 0
inc rax
dec r15
jmp .loop
; TMP | rax = offset in the grid array
; TMP | rbx = value of current character of input string
; IN | rcx = pointer to current character of input string
; IN | r8 = width of the grid
; IN | r9 = height of the grid
; IN | r10 = x coordinate, initially set to where Santa starts
; IN | r11 = y coordinate, initially set to where Santa starts
; OUT | r12 = amount of houses that received at least one present
; IN | r13 = pointer to beginning of grid array (2 bytes per cell)
; TMP | r14 = next x offset
; TMP | r15 = next y offset
; TMP | rsi = x coordinate of the other type of Santa
; TMP | rdi = y coordinate of the other type of Santa
xor r12, r12
mov rsi, r10
mov rdi, r11
jmp .deliverPresent ; deliver first present to house at Santa's current location
movzx rbx, byte [ rcx ] ; read current character
inc rcx ; move to next character
cmp bl, '^'
je .goUp
cmp bl, 'v'
je .goDown
cmp bl, '<'
je .goLeft
cmp bl, '>'
je .goRight
ret ; for any other character, return from the procedure
xor r14, r14
mov r15, -1
jmp .moveAndDeliverPresent
xor r14, r14
mov r15, 1
jmp .moveAndDeliverPresent
mov r14, -1
xor r15, r15
jmp .moveAndDeliverPresent
mov r14, 1
xor r15, r15
; fall through
xchg r10, rsi ; exchange x coordinate of Flesh-Santa and Robo-Santa
xchg r11, rdi ; exchange y coordinate of Flesh-Santa and Robo-Santa
add r10, r14 ; add x offset to the x coordinate
add r11, r15 ; add y offset to the y coordinate
mov rax, r11 ; rax = y
mul r8 ; y * grid width
add rax, r10 ; y * grid width + x
add rax, rax ; double the offset because every cell is 2 bytes
inc word [ r13 + rax ]
cmp word [ r13 + rax ], 1
je .firstPresentForHouse
jmp .nextChar
inc r12
jmp .nextChar
section .data
print_houses_with_at_least_one_present: db `Total houses with at least one present with Robo-Santa: %d\n`, 0

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@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ set(CAN_USE_ASSEMBLER TRUE)