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// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.UnitTests.Helpers;
/// <summary>
/// A helper class to validate scenarios related to <see cref="TaskScheduler"/>.
/// </summary>
internal static class TaskSchedulerTestHelper
/// <summary>
/// A custom <see cref="Delegate"/> for callbacks to <see cref="IsExceptionBubbledUpToUnobservedTaskExceptionAsync(TestCallback)"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="throwAction">An <see cref="Action"/> instance that throws a test exception to track.</param>
/// <param name="completeAction">An <see cref="Action"/> that signals whenever the test has completed.</param>
public delegate void TestCallback(Action throwAction, Action completeAction);
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether a given test exception is correctly bubbled up to <see cref="TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">The <see cref="TestCallback"/> instance to use to run the test.</param>
/// <returns>Whether or not the test exception was correctly bubbled up to <see cref="TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException"/>.</returns>
public static async Task<bool> IsExceptionBubbledUpToUnobservedTaskExceptionAsync(TestCallback callback)
TaskCompletionSource<object?> tcs = new(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
bool exceptionFound = false;
void TaskScheduler_UnobservedTaskException(object? sender, UnobservedTaskExceptionEventArgs e)
foreach (Exception exception in e.Exception!.InnerExceptions)
if (exception is TestException testException &&
testException.Message == guid)
exceptionFound = true;
EventHandler<UnobservedTaskExceptionEventArgs> handler = TaskScheduler_UnobservedTaskException;
TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException += handler;
// Enqueue a continuation that will throw and ignore the returned task. This has
// to be a separate method to ensure the returned task isn't kept alive for longer.
() => throw new TestException(guid),
() => tcs.SetResult(null));
// Await for the continuation to actually run
_ = await tcs.Task;
// Wait for some additional time to ensure the exception is propagated. This is a bit counterintuitive, but the delay is
// not actually for the event to be raised, but to ensure the task that is throwing has had time to be scheduled and fail.
// The event is raised only when the exception wrapper inside that task is collected and its finalizer has run (that's where
// the logic to raise the event is executed), which is why we're then calling GC.Collect() and GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers().
// That is, we can't use a task completion source from that event, because that event is only guaranteed to actually be raised
// when the finalizer for that task run, which is why we're calling the GC after the delay here.
await Task.Delay(200);
TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException -= handler;
return exceptionFound;
/// <summary>
/// A custom exception to support <see cref="IsExceptionBubbledUpToUnobservedTaskExceptionAsync(TestCallback)"/>.
/// </summary>
private sealed class TestException : Exception
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="TestException"/> instance with the specified parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">The exception message.</param>
public TestException(string message)
: base(message)