
388 lines
14 KiB

// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace CommunityToolkit.HighPerformance.Helpers.Internals;
/// <summary>
/// Helpers to process sequences of values by reference.
/// </summary>
internal static partial class SpanHelper
/// <summary>
/// Counts the number of occurrences of a given value into a target search space.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="r0">A <typeparamref name="T"/> reference to the start of the search space.</param>
/// <param name="length">The number of items in the search space.</param>
/// <param name="value">The <typeparamref name="T"/> value to look for.</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of value to look for.</typeparam>
/// <returns>The number of occurrences of <paramref name="value"/> in the search space</returns>
public static nint Count<T>(ref T r0, nint length, T value)
where T : IEquatable<T>
if (!Vector.IsHardwareAccelerated)
return CountSequential(ref r0, length, value);
// Special vectorized version when using a supported type
if (typeof(T) == typeof(byte) ||
typeof(T) == typeof(sbyte) ||
typeof(T) == typeof(bool))
ref sbyte r1 = ref Unsafe.As<T, sbyte>(ref r0);
sbyte target = Unsafe.As<T, sbyte>(ref value);
return CountSimd(ref r1, length, target);
if (typeof(T) == typeof(char) ||
typeof(T) == typeof(ushort) ||
typeof(T) == typeof(short))
ref short r1 = ref Unsafe.As<T, short>(ref r0);
short target = Unsafe.As<T, short>(ref value);
return CountSimd(ref r1, length, target);
if (typeof(T) == typeof(int) ||
typeof(T) == typeof(uint))
ref int r1 = ref Unsafe.As<T, int>(ref r0);
int target = Unsafe.As<T, int>(ref value);
return CountSimd(ref r1, length, target);
if (typeof(T) == typeof(long) ||
typeof(T) == typeof(ulong))
ref long r1 = ref Unsafe.As<T, long>(ref r0);
long target = Unsafe.As<T, long>(ref value);
return CountSimd(ref r1, length, target);
if (typeof(T) == typeof(nint) ||
typeof(T) == typeof(nuint))
ref nint r1 = ref Unsafe.As<T, nint>(ref r0);
nint target = Unsafe.As<T, nint>(ref value);
return CountSimd(ref r1, length, target);
return CountSequential(ref r0, length, value);
/// <summary>
/// Implements <see cref="Count{T}"/> with a sequential search.
/// </summary>
private static nint CountSequential<T>(ref T r0, nint length, T value)
where T : IEquatable<T>
nint result = 0;
nint offset = 0;
// Main loop with 8 unrolled iterations
while (length >= 8)
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 0).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 1).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 2).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 3).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 4).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 5).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 6).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 7).Equals(value).ToByte();
length -= 8;
offset += 8;
if (length >= 4)
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 0).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 1).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 2).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 3).Equals(value).ToByte();
length -= 4;
offset += 4;
// Iterate over the remaining values and count those that match
while (length > 0)
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset).Equals(value).ToByte();
length -= 1;
offset += 1;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Implements <see cref="Count{T}"/> with a vectorized search.
/// </summary>
private static nint CountSimd<T>(ref T r0, nint length, T value)
where T : unmanaged, IEquatable<T>
nint result = 0;
nint offset = 0;
// Skip the initialization overhead if there are not enough items
if (length >= Vector<T>.Count)
Vector<T> vc = new(value);
// Calculate the maximum sequential area that can be processed in
// one pass without the risk of numeric overflow in the dot product
// to sum the partial results. We also backup the current offset to
// be able to track how many items have been processed, which lets
// us avoid updating a third counter (length) in the loop body.
nint max = GetUpperBound<T>();
nint chunkLength = length <= max ? length : max;
nint initialOffset = offset;
Vector<T> partials = Vector<T>.Zero;
// Unrolled vectorized loop, with 8 unrolled iterations. We only run this when the
// current type T is at least 2 bytes in size, otherwise the average chunk length
// would always be too small to be able to trigger the unrolled loop, and the overall
// performance would just be slightly worse due to the additional conditional branches.
if (typeof(T) != typeof(sbyte))
while (chunkLength >= Vector<T>.Count * 8)
ref T ri0 = ref Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + (Vector<T>.Count * 0));
Vector<T> vi0 = Unsafe.As<T, Vector<T>>(ref ri0);
Vector<T> ve0 = Vector.Equals(vi0, vc);
partials -= ve0;
ref T ri1 = ref Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + (Vector<T>.Count * 1));
Vector<T> vi1 = Unsafe.As<T, Vector<T>>(ref ri1);
Vector<T> ve1 = Vector.Equals(vi1, vc);
partials -= ve1;
ref T ri2 = ref Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + (Vector<T>.Count * 2));
Vector<T> vi2 = Unsafe.As<T, Vector<T>>(ref ri2);
Vector<T> ve2 = Vector.Equals(vi2, vc);
partials -= ve2;
ref T ri3 = ref Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + (Vector<T>.Count * 3));
Vector<T> vi3 = Unsafe.As<T, Vector<T>>(ref ri3);
Vector<T> ve3 = Vector.Equals(vi3, vc);
partials -= ve3;
ref T ri4 = ref Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + (Vector<T>.Count * 4));
Vector<T> vi4 = Unsafe.As<T, Vector<T>>(ref ri4);
Vector<T> ve4 = Vector.Equals(vi4, vc);
partials -= ve4;
ref T ri5 = ref Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + (Vector<T>.Count * 5));
Vector<T> vi5 = Unsafe.As<T, Vector<T>>(ref ri5);
Vector<T> ve5 = Vector.Equals(vi5, vc);
partials -= ve5;
ref T ri6 = ref Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + (Vector<T>.Count * 6));
Vector<T> vi6 = Unsafe.As<T, Vector<T>>(ref ri6);
Vector<T> ve6 = Vector.Equals(vi6, vc);
partials -= ve6;
ref T ri7 = ref Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + (Vector<T>.Count * 7));
Vector<T> vi7 = Unsafe.As<T, Vector<T>>(ref ri7);
Vector<T> ve7 = Vector.Equals(vi7, vc);
partials -= ve7;
chunkLength -= Vector<T>.Count * 8;
offset += Vector<T>.Count * 8;
while (chunkLength >= Vector<T>.Count)
ref T ri = ref Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset);
// Load the current Vector<T> register, and then use
// Vector.Equals to check for matches. This API sets the
// values corresponding to matching pairs to all 1s.
// Since the input type is guaranteed to always be signed,
// this means that a value with all 1s represents -1, as
// signed numbers are represented in two's complement.
// So we can just subtract this intermediate value to the
// partial results, which effectively sums 1 for each match.
Vector<T> vi = Unsafe.As<T, Vector<T>>(ref ri);
Vector<T> ve = Vector.Equals(vi, vc);
partials -= ve;
chunkLength -= Vector<T>.Count;
offset += Vector<T>.Count;
result += CastToNativeInt(Vector.Sum(partials));
result += CastToNativeInt(Vector.Dot(partials, Vector<T>.One));
length -= offset - initialOffset;
while (length >= Vector<T>.Count);
// Optional 8 unrolled iterations. This is only done when a single SIMD
// register can contain over 8 values of the current type, as otherwise
// there could never be enough items left after the vectorized path
if (Vector<T>.Count > 8 &&
length >= 8)
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 0).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 1).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 2).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 3).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 4).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 5).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 6).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 7).Equals(value).ToByte();
length -= 8;
offset += 8;
// Optional 4 unrolled iterations
if (Vector<T>.Count > 4 &&
length >= 4)
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 0).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 1).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 2).Equals(value).ToByte();
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset + 3).Equals(value).ToByte();
length -= 4;
offset += 4;
// Iterate over the remaining values and count those that match
while (length > 0)
result += Unsafe.Add(ref r0, offset).Equals(value).ToByte();
length -= 1;
offset += 1;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the upper bound for partial sums with a given <typeparamref name="T"/> parameter.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type argument currently in use.</typeparam>
/// <returns>The native <see cref="int"/> value representing the upper bound.</returns>
private static unsafe nint GetUpperBound<T>()
where T : unmanaged
if (typeof(T) == typeof(sbyte))
return sbyte.MaxValue;
if (typeof(T) == typeof(short))
return short.MaxValue;
if (typeof(T) == typeof(int))
return int.MaxValue;
if (typeof(T) == typeof(long))
if (sizeof(nint) == sizeof(int))
return int.MaxValue;
// If we are on a 64 bit architecture and we are counting with a SIMD vector of 64
// bit values, we can use long.MaxValue as the upper bound, as a native integer will
// be able to contain such a value with no overflows. This will allow the count tight
// loop to process all the items in the target area in a single pass (except the mod).
// The (void*) cast is necessary to ensure the right constant is produced on runtimes
// before .NET 5 that don't natively support C# 9. For instance, removing that (void*)
// cast results in the value 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (-1) instead of 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
return (nint)(void*)long.MaxValue;
if (typeof(T) == typeof(nint))
return nint.MaxValue;
throw null!;
/// <summary>
/// Casts a value of a given type to a native <see cref="int"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The input type to cast.</typeparam>
/// <param name="value">The input <typeparamref name="T"/> value to cast to native <see cref="int"/>.</param>
/// <returns>The native <see cref="int"/> cast of <paramref name="value"/>.</returns>
private static nint CastToNativeInt<T>(T value)
where T : unmanaged
if (typeof(T) == typeof(sbyte))
return (byte)(sbyte)(object)value;
if (typeof(T) == typeof(short))
return (ushort)(short)(object)value;
if (typeof(T) == typeof(int))
return (nint)(uint)(int)(object)value;
if (typeof(T) == typeof(long))
return (nint)(ulong)(long)(object)value;
if (typeof(T) == typeof(nint))
return (nint)(object)value;
throw null!;